1.a) What is the size of the double data type? Which conversion specifier is used? (2M)
b) What is pseudo code? (2M)
c) List out the various looping making statements used in C. (2M)
d) What is the difference between if and while statement (2M)
e) How one dimensional arrays are initialized? Give example. (2M)
f) Mention the various String Manipulation Functions in C (2M)
g) Give brief information about self referential structures. (2M)
h) Compare arrays and structures (2M)
i) List the advantages of using files. (2M)
j) Distinguish between built – in and user – defined functions. (2M)
PART–B (5X10 = 50M)
2 a. Write an algorithm and draw flowchart for finding the reverse of a given number. 5(M)
b. Write short notes on Type conversion and Type casting. 5(M)
3 a. Differentiate Top down and Bottom up approach used for problem solving. 5(M)
b. Give a brief note on space and time complexity of an Algorithm. 5(M)
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Reg: VR23
Course Code: 23ES1T02
10 a. Write a C Programm to swap two numbers using call by value and call by 5(M)
b. Explain about various types of parameter passing techniques in ‘C’ programming 5(M)
with an example.
11 a. What is the main use of function pointer in C? How do you declare a function 5(M)
pointer? Explain.
b. How array elements are passed to function arguments? Discuss with an example. 5(M)
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