Bvraju Institute of Technology, Narsapur: Code No: R14
Bvraju Institute of Technology, Narsapur: Code No: R14
Bvraju Institute of Technology, Narsapur: Code No: R14
4. (a) Draw a class diagram that depicts various relationships in UML. 5M
(b) What is the significance of importing and exporting with regard to packages? 5M
5. (a) List down the access specifiers for classes. Explain? 5M
(b) Draw a Class diagram for Railway reservation system. 5M
6. (a) Explain the steps to model flow of control by time ordering? 5M
(b) Draw and explain a Sequence Diagram that specifies the flow of control involved 5M
in initiating a simple, two- party phone call?
7. (a) Draw and explain briefly a use case diagram that depicts the context of a credit 5M
card validation system?
(b) Draw and explain the activity diagram for bank ATM system? 5M
8. (a) Explain States and Events and discuss the preparation of state chart diagram? 5M
(b) Draw a state chart diagram using sequential sub states and concurrent sub states? 5M
9. (a) Explain the steps to model executables and source code using component 5M
(b) Explain in detail about deployment diagram with an example? 5M
10. (a) List and explain the four essentials elements of pattern? 5M
(b) Differentiate Pattern and Framework. 5M
11. Explain in detail about Artifact Diagrams? 10M