Rationale: Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the most common endocrine malignancy. However, the simultaneous occurrence
of PTC and Hodgkin Lymphoma (HL) was rarely reported.
Patient concerns: We present a case of simultaneous BRAFV600E-positive PTC and HL in a 17-year-old female.
Diagnosis: She was referred to our clinic with a painless lump in her left neck. A highly suspicious thyroid nodule and multiple
enlarged lymph nodes in the neck were found by ultrasonography examination. The suspicious nodule was diagnosed as PTC by fine
needle aspiration cytology.
Interventions: A total thyroidectomy with bilateral lymph node dissection was performed and the microscopic examination
revealed a 2-cm PTC with BRAFV600E mutation and HL (mixed cellularity) in the bilateral lymph nodes. PTC was postoperatively
considered as T1bN0M0. Levothyroxine (125 mg/d) was administered to the patient for thyrotropin suppression therapy. Then the
patient was referred to the Department of Hematology to receive 4 cycles of ABVD followed by 30 Gy involved-site radiotherapy and
radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy for thyroid cancer.
Outcomes: After two cycles of ABVD, multiple enlarged lymph nodes showed a significant response to the chemotherapy in the
Lessons: Simultaneous HL and BRAF -positive PTC is extremely rare. Biopsy of the suspicious lymph nodes should be
performed to confirm malignancy metastasizing from PTC or other lesions. Similarly, in HL patients with suspicious thyroid nodule,
ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodule should be performed to exclude thyroid malignancy.
Abbreviations: FDG-PET = [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, ABVD = doxorubicin/bleomycin/
vinblastine/dacarbazine, CT = computed tomography, EORTC = the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer,
ESMO = European Society for Medical Oncology, FNAC = fine needle aspiration cytology, HL = Hodgkin lymphoma, LYSA =
Lymphoma Study Association, PTC = papillary thyroid cancer, RAI = radioactive iodine, TERT = telomerase reverse transcriptase,
TSH = thyrotropin.
Keywords: BRAF mutation, Hodgkin lymphoma, papillary thyroid cancer, treatment
Liu et al. Medicine (2019) 98:3 Medicine
Figure 1. FNA and histological slides of papillary thyroid cancer. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of FNA (magnification of main image, 200; magnification of the
smaller image, 400), illustrating the papillary structures and intranuclear cytoplasmic pseudoinclusions (arrow). (B) Representative histological images of
hematoxylin-eosin staining of sections from papillary thyroid cancer. FNA = fine needle aspiration.
Liu et al. Medicine (2019) 98:3
Figure 2. Histological and immunohistochemical analysis of the lymph node of the patient. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin staining of the tumor tissue (magnification of
main image, 200; magnification of the smaller image, 400). Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells were observed in a cellular background rich in lymphocytes,
histiocytes, and eosinophils. Tumor cells were (B) CD30-positive, (C) CD15-positive, and (D) TTF-1 negative. The smaller image shows the magnified image of
the area.
disease-free survival by destroying residual disease or persistent BRAFV600E mutation plays an important role in the develop-
disease in intermediate/high-risk level differentiated thyroid cancer ment of thyroid cancer.[16] In our case, BRAF mutation was
patients,[10] whereas chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the positive in PTC. The malignant cells in HL have its unique micro-
mainstays of HL treatment.[9] With current treatment advance- environment and are characterized by a highly altered genomic
ments, approximately 90% of all patients diagnosed with HL landscape.[17] Different molecular pathways may play a role in
achieved an excellent disease control.[3] The initial treatment of HL the transforming events in HRS cells. However, the potential
will be optimal when a patient was diagnosed with the HL and molecular link between thyroid cancer and HL is yet unknown.
PTC. First, PTC is a most indolent form of thyroid cancer[1]; Further studies are necessary to clarify the molecular mechanism
second, enlarged lymph nodes involved by HL will diminish or of synchronous occurrence of 2 malignancies.
disappear after HL treatment and thus will be helpful to
preoperatively make a better surgery strategy for PTC to improve 4. Conclusion
the completeness of surgery and decrease the injury and wound
Simultaneous HL and BRAFV600E-positive PTC is extremely rare,
complication of regional lymph node dissection. For our patients,
which may pose significant diagnostic and treatment challenges.
in fact, there was no need for the cervical lymph nodes dissection
To date, although there is no standardized approach, we suggest
because the lymph nodes will respond to chemoradiotherapy.
“lymphoma first approach,” and total thyroidectomy and RAI
Hence, we agreed that the “lymphoma first approach” was
therapy for thyroid cancer are necessary to improve the long-term
recommended for the synchronized condition.[8,12] In this patient,
survival of the synchronized condition. Further studies are still
we started the chemotherapy of HL after total thyroidectomy. It is
necessary to clarify the molecular mechanism of synchronous
noted that patients received HL treatment are at increased risk of
occurrence of 2 malignancies.
secondary neoplasms, specifically thyroid cancers.[4,7] Chemo-
radiotherapy has been proposed as a cause of this increased risk,
Author contributions
especially radiation exposure of the thyroid gland increases the risk
of a secondary thyroid malignancy at the younger ages. We suggest Conceptualization: Shu Liu, Jieying Xi, Bingyin Shi, Huachao
that a total thyroidectomy and RAI therapy are necessary to Zhu.
improve long-term survival of this synchronous condition. Data curation: Shu Liu.
Liu et al. Medicine (2019) 98:3 Medicine
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