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How to Set Up

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Instructions and Answers

How to use the codex How to use the tokens

How to assemble the codex - There are four tokens included in the
pack that players will need to progress
Cut out the three circles. through the Alice Escape Room. They
Place them on top of each other, from achieve a token by solving a clue.
largest to smallest. Tokens include:
Push a butterfly pin through the centre
of all three. BIG
How to use the codex - HEART
Match up the colour on the symbols
and letters with the colour on the clue. When the corresponding clue is solved,
players should be handed the token.
Match 'A' and '12' when completing
Alice's Clue. The Caterpillar’s Clue - SMALL token.
The Mock Turtle’s Clue - BIG token.
Match 'R' and '16' when completing The Queen’s Clue - HEART token.
the Mad Hatter's Clue. The Cheshire Cat’s Clue - KEY token.

Match '' and 'O' for the Queen's Clue.

How to use the hints
Match 'F' and '18' for the
Each clue includes two hints, marked ‘hint
Mock Turtle's Clue.
1’ and ‘hint 2’.
Match 'H' and '4' for the Card's Clue.
The hints should be folded in half and
placed nearby. Players can select a hint if
Match 'X' and '2' for
they need a nudge in the right direction.
the Dormouse's Clue.

Match '♥' and 'M' for

the Caterpillar's Clue.

How to use the clues

Place the REVEALING CLUE into an

envelope. Hand to players when they
solve the FINAL CLUE.

Display the 5 POSTERS on the wall.

Hide DINAH underneath

the poster of the HAT.

Spread out the remaining

clues for players to solve.
Instructions and Answers
Alice’s Clue The Caterpillar’s Clue
Players need to view this clue in a mirror to Players must complete the sudoku to reveal
gain more instructions. They must cut out the correct suits that are placed on the
the clue and fold it, so the text matches up mushroom squares. Players use the codex
and reveals the clue. to translate the symbols into letters.
Answer: 5 (I) They are handed a small token for solving
this clue.
White Rabbit’s Clue Answer: Small (token)
Players must reassemble the rabbit
tangram into a house. The completed Dormouse’s Clue
puzzle reveals the clue. Players follow the riddle to take away the
Answer: H number of teacups that are drunk. The
number of teacups leftover is the answer.
Answer: 8 (D)

Mad Hatter’s Clue

Players must place the character counters
on a flat surface in the positions included
in the example. Follow the riddle to move
the characters around the table. The final
formation will show the shape of a number.
Answer: 7 (N)
Queen’s Clue
Players use the clues to colour the boxes Card’s Clue
on the grid in red. The completed grid Players must remove the colours of the
reveals a shape. They are handed a heart roses that are mentioned in the riddle.
token for solving this clue. The leftover colours match up to a picture
Answer: Heart (token) of a rose on the wall. Players need to
unscramble the coloured letters to reveal
Mock Turtle’s Clue the clue.
Players must follow the recipe to add Answer: 3 (A)
ingredients to the soup. The leftover
ingredients correspond to posters on Final Clue
the wall. These posters reveal a number. Players have to follow the instructions in
Users must use the codex to work out the the riddle to move around the board. Each
answer. They are handed a big token for time they land on a symbol, they must use
solving this clue. the codex to translate it into a letter. The
Answer: Big (token) clue is the answer.
Answer: Open the Letter.
Cheshire Cat’s Clue
Players follow the correct path to reveal a Revealing Clue
series of jumbled up letters. Players must Players use the codex to match up the
unscramble the letters to reveal a clue. colours to the corresponding clues. Each
They are handed a key token for solving clue number should be translated into
this clue. a letter. The answer to the Alice Escape
Answer: Royal Key (token) Room is revealed.
Answer: DINAH

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