1. in Focus-Sample Test Materials (2024)
1. in Focus-Sample Test Materials (2024)
1. in Focus-Sample Test Materials (2024)
As promised during our review, here is a summary of information about most of the tests
included in the CHED CMO 34, series of 2017. This is for you to be more familiarized with the
tests, as most (if not all) of you were not able to handle the tests physically, due to the online
delivery of instruction in the past three years. I hope this helps in your preparation.
The WAIS-IV is designed for use in educational settings for the purpose of
planning and placement for older adolescents and adults. It can also be used
to diagnose the extent to which neurological and psychiatric disorders may
affect mental functioning.
The revisions to the WAIS-IV include updated norms, an extended age range
(16-90 years), an expanded FSIQ range, improved floors and ceilings to
obtain a more accurate measure at each extreme, improved subtest and
composite reliability/precision, shortened testing time, and revised
Scales The WAIS-IV has four main scales that make up the FSIQ, and each main
scale has several subtests, including supplemental subtests that can be used
to replace one of the core subtests when necessary.
The Perceptual Reasoning Index (PRI) scale contains five subtests - Block
Design, Matrix Reasoning, and Information are core subtests, and Picture
Completion and Figure Weights are supplementary.
The Working Memory Index (WMI) scale contains three subtests - Digit
Span and Arithmetic are core subtests, and Letter-Number Sequencing is
The Processing Speed Index (PSI) scale contains three subtests - Symbol
Search and Coding are core subtests, and Cancellation is supplementary.
Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning) and five verbal (Verbal Fluid Reasoning, Verbal
Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Visual Spatial Reasoning, Verbal Working
Memory, and Verbal Knowledge).
At the start of the test, the administrator gives two routing subtests
(Nonverbal Fluid Reasoning and Verbal Knowledge). These identify the
starting level (from 1 to 6) for the remaining subtests.
Numerous scores can be produced from the test data, including composite
scores, subtest scaled scores, percentile ranking, confidence intervals, age
equivalents, and change-sensitive scores. The tests can be scored by hand or
by computer using the SB5 Scoring Pro program.
Versions The original version of the test was published in 1916. Since then, it has
gone through five revisions. The most recent version, SB5, was published in
2003 and is an update to the fourth edition, published in 1986. The SB5
updates included adding a new factor of cognitive ability, Visual Spatial
Processing, and reducing the number of subtests from 15 to 10. Additional
toys and objects to manipulate for young children, additional nonverbal
content, and new items that distinguish between high and low extremes of
functioning were added. Last, record forms and books were updated to
enhance ease of use, and norms were expanded to include elderly abilities.
Scales The scales include the Full Scale IQ, two domain scores (Nonverbal IQ and
Verbal IQ), and five Factor Indexes (Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge,
Quantitative Reasoning, Visual Spatial Processing, and Working Memory).
Reliability and Reliability/precision was calculated through various methods such as test–
Validity retest reliability, interscorer agreement, and the split-half method. Mean
reliability coefficients for Nonverbal subtests are between .85 and .89. Mean
reliability coefficients for Verbal subtests are between .84 and .89. Mean
reliability coefficients for the Full Scale IQ is .98, for Nonverbal IQ .95, for
Verbal IQ .96, and for the Abbreviated Battery IQ .91. Average reliability
coefficients for the Factor Index scores were as follows: Fluid Reasoning
.90, Knowledge .92, Quantitative Reasoning .92, Visual Spatial Processing
.92, and Working Memory .91. The SB5 technical manual (cited in the
Mental Measurements Yearbook) presents a study comparing the SB5 to the
SB4. The study found that the correlation between the Full Scale scores was
.90. Construct validity was also examined through comparison of the SB5
and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scales III, and the correlation found was
As part of the update from the NEO PI-R to the NEO-PI-3, 38 items were
replaced, and the new assessment is now suitable for middle school–age
children and adolescents. In addition, separate norms are now available for
adolescent (12-20 years) and adult (21 years and older) test takers. Clinicians
can continue using the NEO PI-R.
Scales The scales include the following five domains and six traits that define each
§ Neuroticism (Anxiety, Angry Hostility, Depression, Self-Consciousness,
Impulsiveness, Vulnerability)
§ Extraversion (Warmth, Gregariousness, Assertiveness, Activity,
Excitement-Seeking, Positive Emotions)
§ Openness (Fantasy, Aesthetics, Feelings, Actions, Ideas, Values)
§ Agreeableness (Trust, Straight-Forwardness, Altruism, Compliance,
Modesty, Tender-Mindedness)
According to Costa and McCrae (2008), there have been over 2,000
published articles and books attesting to the validity of the NEO. Construct
validity has been demonstrated by the observation that the scales on the NEO
have been shown to correlate in predictable fashion with many other well-
researched tests of personality including the MMPI, the PAI, and the Millon
Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. The scales have also shown to have predictive
evidence of validity in a wide range of applications including vocational
interests, ego development and diagnoses of personality disorders.
Studies on the Revised NEO Personality Inventory also show convergent and
discriminant evidence of (construct) validity with other personality tests such
as the Self Directed Search, Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator, and the
Personality Research Form.
The results of the MBTI provide individuals with insights into their own
personality preferences and can serve as a catalyst for improving
relationships with others. The MBTI is often used for team development,
conflict management, leadership and coaching, and career exploration. The
MBTI is most appropriate for adults and students ages 14 years or older.
Caution should be taken when using the MBTI with younger children
because research suggests that types are less developed with younger
children and individuals who are less mature.
tend to be typed with three of the four type preferences 75% to 90% of the
time (the preference on which they vary is typically one where the preference
was relatively weak). Test–retest reliability coefficients tend to range
between .73 and .83 (E–I), .69 and .87 (S–N), .56 and .82 (T–F), and .60 and
.87 (J–P). Estimates of internal consistency range between .55 and .65 (E–I),
.64 and .73 (S–N), .43 and .75 (T–F), and .58 and .84 (J–P). Although the
reliabilities are good across age and ethnic groups, reliabilities with some
groups on some scales may be somewhat lower. For children, the reliabilities
of the scales are extremely low; therefore, the MBTI should be used with
caution with children.
10. Social Introversion: social shyness, preference for solitary pursuits, and
lack of social assertiveness The MMPI-2 contains nine validity scales, each
of which contains a group of questions that provide information on the test
taker’s level of honesty and motivation during test administration.
On the original MMPI, the Lie scale, the Infrequency scale, and the
Correction scale were designed to indicate whether the respondent lied,
minimized, or exaggerated difficulties; responded randomly; or demonstrated
an unwillingness to cooperate.
Three new validity scales were added during the test’s revision. The Back-
Page Infrequency scale provides a score for a test taker’s diligence in
completing the test, the True Response Inconsistency scale is designed to
measure lack of cooperation, and the Variable Response Inconsistency scale
provides a measure of the test taker’s inconsistency.
These scales are important for interpreting test results because error can be
added to the test score when the test taker does not answer questions
truthfully or honestly.
Reliability and Because the developers of the MMPI and MMPI-2 placed questions on
Validity scales based on their ability to distinguish groups with specific diagnoses
(rather than grouping questions according to how well they measured the
same construct), the internal consistency of the MMPI-2 is low. Test–retest
reliability is higher, indicating that scores remain somewhat consistent over
time (Rojdev, Nelson, Hart, & Fercho, 1994). Because empirically based
tests are developed without regard to validity evidence based on content, no
link can be made between a domain of mental disorders and the MMPI-2.
The MMPI-2, although significantly improved over the original version, still
is presented as valid based on evidence of the original version. Some
researchers, such as Rojdev and colleagues (1994), have reported evidence of
validity. Rossi, Van den Brande, Tobac, Sloore, and Hauben (2003) have also
reported convergent evidence of validity for the MMPI-2 with the Millon
Clinical Multiaxial Inventory–III, a personality test designed to provide
diagnostic and treatment information to clinicians in the areas of personality
disorders and clinical syndromes.
The fifth edition includes 185 simple questions about daily behavior,
interests, and opinions. It takes approximately 35 to 50 minutes to complete
the assessment by hand and 25 to 35 minutes on a computer. The following
are two sample true/false questions:
When I find myself in a boring situation, I usually “tune out” and daydream
about other things.
When a bit of tact and convincing is needed to get people moving, I’m
usually the one who does it.
Versions The 16PF is available in a number of versions, including 16PF Fifth Edition
Questionnaire, 16PF Adolescent Personality Questionnaire, and 16PF
Couples Counseling Questionnaire. The test may be administered
individually or in groups. The test is available in paper-and-pencil format
and online, with a number of user guides and manuals available to assist with
administration and interpretation. The test may be scored by hand or by
Scales The 16PF has 16 scales, each of which measures one of the following:
(A) Warmth, (B) Reasoning, (C) Emotional Stability, (E) Dominance, (F)
Liveliness, (G) Rule-Consciousness, (H) Social Boldness, (I) Sensitivity, (L)
Vigilance, (M) Abstractedness, (N) Privateness, (O) Apprehensiveness, (Q1)
Openness to Change, (Q2) Self-Reliance, (Q3) Perfectionism, and (Q4)
§ Tough-Mindedness
§ Independence
§ Self-Control