CLIT 2095 final research paper topics
CLIT 2095 final research paper topics
CLIT 2095 final research paper topics
must treat at least two works from the course. The works you
choose for your research paper ideally should not be the same
as the work (s) you chose for your practical criticism (or there
should not be significant overlap). If you wrote on a graphic
novel for your practical criticism, you might choose from
different kinds of text for your research paper (ie.
autobiographies, novels, film, poetry etc.). Do not reproduce
your tutorial presentation. Any overlaps must be a leaping off
point to further explorations. This paper may incorporate
secondary criticism in the form of a traditional research paper
with a bibliography but it doesn’t have to. It may also take the
form of a personal response to the texts which expands upon
the practical criticism skills honed in the previous paper. This
is a course about paying close attention to how imaginative
works craft themselves as works of fiction and you are
encouraged to stay close to the texts in your analysis and to
include lots of direct citation. These will be assessed alongside
your practical criticisms so please do not be tempted to
duplicate material. Again, a reminder that if I suspect the
paper is the product of AI/ChatGPT, this will seriously affect
your grade. Your own voice and your own critical originality is
being assessed.