Table of Contents
TOPIC1 LIVINGTHINGS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................... 3
Estimating plant and animal populations
Energy flow in an ecosystem
Nutrient Cycles
TOPIC 2 PLANT STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION .......................................................................................... 14
Transport systems in plants
TOPIC 3 : VERTEBRATES AND INVERTEBRATES ........................................................................................ 32
TOPIC 4 THE HUMAN DIGETIVE SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 38
Types of digestion
Digestive Enzymes
The human alimentary canal
TOPIC 5 THE HUMAN CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 47
Components of the circulatory system
Problems associated with the circulatory system
TOPIC 6: THE HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 56
The male reproductive system
The Female reproductive system
The menstrual cycle
Cell division
TOPIC 7: GENETICS..................................................................................................................................... 69
In order to determine the population of large A transect is a path along which one counts
slow moving animals for instance human and records occurrences of the species
beings or small populations of scattered under study.
plants, a direct counting method for There are two types of transect and these
example census or physical counting is used. are:
Line transect
However, census or direct counting cannot Belt transect
be feasible in establishing population of (i). Line transect method
organisms which are too numerous or too This method involves the use of a straight
mobile, rather the following techniques are line cutting across an area in which the
used to estimate population of such organisms to be sampled are found. A
organisms. transect line can be made using a nylon rope
marked and numbered at 0.5m or 1 m
interval, all the way along its length. A line Then the number of organism in 1𝑚2 =
transect is carried out by unrolling the 100 ×1
= 10
transect line along the gradient identified.
The position of the transect line is very This method is suitable for estimating
important and it depends on the direction of population of trees such as those in forest
the environmental gradient you wish to
or woodland.
study. The species touching the line are
recorded along the whole length of the line.
Alternatively, the presence or absence of c) Mark, Release ,Recapture Technique -
This is a method commonly used in ecology
species at each marked point is recorded.
to estimate population size of very active or
The results obtained from a number of such mobile animals such as birds, grasshoppers,
transects made through the study area, are fish, etc. As the name implies, it involves
then combined to obtain the distribution capturing a portion of organisms for
pattern and relative density of the different example grasshopper then mark them and
plant species. From the results, it is easy to then release them back to their habitat to
tell the dominant species or rare species. All mix freely with the unmarked ones. Later
another portion comprising both marked
in all, this method can be used to estimate
and unmarked organisms is captured and
the distribution pattern and relative the number of marked organisms within this
population density of different species in an sample is counted. A formula is then used to
area. calculate the estimated population in the
selected areas as shown below.
(ii). Belt transect Estimated number of organisms =
This method involves the use of two parallel No,of animals in 1st capture ×Total no of animals in 2nd capt
lines or a narrow strip, one meter apart. The No. of marked animals in second capture
Living things remove materials from the Many microorganisms are also more active
environment for growth and other when there is plenty of oxygen – aerobic
processes. These materials are returned to conditions. The decay process releases
the environment either in waste materials or substances which plants need to grow. In a
when living things die and decay. Materials stable community, the processes which
decay because they are broken down remove materials are balanced by
(digested) by microorganisms processes which return materials. The
(decomposers). Microorganisms digest materials are constantly cycled. The figure
materials faster in warm, moist conditions. below summarizes the recycling of
materials in an ecosystem.
2 Epidermal layers
External structure of a leaf
Generally, the external parts of a leaf include There are two layers of epidermal cells, namely:
leaf blade (lamina), leaf stalk (petiole), main the upper epidermis and the lower epidermis.
vein (mid rib), leaf veins, apex and leaf The epidermal cells and the cuticle together
margin. The figure below shows some of the form a water proof barrier that protects
external parts of a leaf. delicate tissues inside the leaf by slowing down
water loss through transpiration. Since
epidermal cells do not contain chloroplasts, they
allow light to pass through them to reach the
mesophyll layers.
3 Mesophyll layers
it is found on the upper part of the leaf. It hand, the oxygen produced during
contains palisade cells which are the main photosynthesis leaves the leaf through these
site of photosynthesis. As a matter of fact, stomata. Each stomata is surrounded by two
The palisade mesophyll layers are adapted bean shaped cells called guard cells.
for photosynthesis in the following ways:
(i) They contain numerous chloroplasts.
(ii) They are arranged in a single layer so
that sunlight can pass through them
without passing through other palisade
(iii) Their cylindrical shape enables them to
be packed together thereby creating a
large surface area for absorption of
(iv) They are found on the upper part of the
leaf hence light does not pass long
Spongy Mesophyll
4 Stomata(Singular
The guard cells have a potential of opening and
These are pores on the surface of the leaf closing the stomata thereby regulating the rate
especially in the lower epidermis. They are used of water loss through transpiration. In fact ,when
for transpiration as well as gaseous exchange . the guard cells gain water, they bend into a half
carbon dioxide enters the leaf through these moon shape thereby opening the stomata and
pores passing through the air spaces of the when they lose water, they become more limp
spongy mesophyll to the palisade mesophyll and straightens hence the stoma closes . Guard
where it is used for photosynthesis. On the other cells are different from the epidermal cells in
5 Veins
hereditary information. In
addition, it produces information
required to manufacture
proteins. However, this structure
is absent in some cells for
example red blood cells, xylem
cells, as well as unicellular
organisms. The nucleolus found
in this structure is made up of
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) which is responsible
1. Nucleus – it controls the activities of a cell for synthesis of ribosomes.
for example cell division. It also carries 2. Cell membrane – this is a thin layer made of
proteins and fats. It is semi
The above diagram shows a mesophyll to pass through. It also protects and
cell as seen under the electron supports the cell.
microscope. The cell comprises of
protoplasm which include all the cell 4. Mitochondrion- this is a sausage shaped
contents apart from the vacuoles. organelle responsible for respiration. Its
inner surface is highly folded thereby
permeable, thus it allows other increasing surface area on which the
substances to pass through depending chemical processes take place.
on their sizes. It separates cells from one
another and also aids in the protection
and support of the cell. 5. Vacuole – mainly found in in plant cells and
3. Cell wall – this organelle is found in plant contains a solution called cell sap which
cells only. It is made up of carbohydrate dissolves sugar substances and salts. It gives
called cellulose and it is fully permeable. It shape to plant cells through its outward
allows water and other dissolved substances pressure.
6. Ribosomes – these are attached to rough the chloroplast is filled with a fluid and is
endoplasmic reticulum and they are sites for called stroma. The stroma contains enzymes
protein synthesis. However, some involved in photosynthesis.
ribosomes are suspended freely in the
A LEAF AS AN ORGAN FOR surface will receive most sunlight and this
PHOTOSYNTHESIS. will be available to the chloroplasts without
being absorbed by many intervening cell
The process of photosynthesis in green plants walls. The elongated shape of many palisade
takes place to a large extent in leaves. This is due cells may confer the same advantage.
to the fact that the leaves have several The branching network of veins provides a
structures that enable them to carry out this ready water supply to the photosynthesizing
process efficiently. However, it should be noted cells.
that photosynthesis is not limited to these leaves
alone, rather, it also takes place in other green
parts of the plant for instance some parts of the
stem, shoots etc.
This refers to a process by which green
In the leaves, the process of photosynthesis plants manufacture their own food using
takes place in the chloroplasts which are found simple inorganic substances in the presence
in palisade mesophyll cells. The following figures of sunlight. During the process of
show the external and internal structures of a photosynthesis, plants combine simple
leaf. inorganic substances namely water and
carbon dioxide using energy derived from
sunlight to make their food in form of
ADAPTATIONS OF A LEAF FOR glucose. This means that photosynthesis is a
type of autotrophic nutrition. The water
Leaves are adapted to photosynthesis in the used for photosynthesis is absorbed from
following ways; the soil by the root system. On the other
hand, the carbon dioxide diffuses into plants
Their broad, flat shape offers a large surface
from the atmosphere through the stomata.
area for absorption of sunlight and carbon
The sunlight energy is absorbed by the
green pigment known as chlorophyll which is
Most leaves bare thin, hence, the distance
across which carbon dioxide has to diffuse to found in plant cells. Apart from glucose,
reach the mesophyll cells from the stomata oxygen is also produced during this process.
are very short. However, the oxygen is given off as a by
The large intercellular spaces in the product.
mesophyll provide easy passage through
which carbon dioxide can diffuse. The process of photosynthesis can be
Numerous stomata on one or both surfaces summarized as follows;
allow the exchange of carbon dioxide and
oxygen with the atmosphere . (i) Word Equation
In palisade cells the chloroplasts are more
numerous than in the spongy mesophyll cell.
The palisade cells being on the upper
The process of photosynthesis requires the d. Water- it provides hydrogen required for
following factors for its occurrence; the formation of glucose.
into adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The ATP The carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
is a compound by which energy can be diffuses into the leaf through the stomata up
stored and easily accessed by every living to the chloroplasts of the leaf cell , during
thing. this stage hydrogen reduces carbon dioxide
to form glucose using energy from ATP.
However even though it is called dark stage,
it does not occur during the night but the
fact is that it does not require sunlight.
The glucose which is produced during The glucose compound comprises hydrogen,
photosynthesis is used in different ways carbon and oxygen atoms which are assimilated
during the process of photosynthesis. However,
some of them include;
this process of photosynthesis also requires
(a) It is used for respiration thereby enabling other elements which are derived from the soil.
the plant to reduce energy required for Some of them include
its everyday activities for example cell Potassium - controls opening and
division , growth , active transport etc. closing of stomata. It also controls the
(b) it is stored in organs like roots , stems rate of photosynthesis and respiration
and leaves for future in form of starch. Magnesium - for formation of
(c) it is used for formation of lipids chlorophyll
(d) it is used for the formation of lipids Iron - facilitates the process of
(e) it is used for the formation of cellulose chrolophyll formation
which is an integral part of cell walls Nitrogen and sulphur – for formation of
amino acids (proteins)
(f) it combines with mineral elements like
Phosphorus – for energy changes and
nitrogen to form proteins
formation of amino acids, nucleic acids,
(g) it is also used to form lignin which ATP, etc
hardens the plant cell Calcium – for making chemicals which
(h) it combines with nitrogen and other cement cell walls and formation of some
minerals to form amino acids and enzymes
The rate of photosynthesis is affected by the Fresh leaves , Mortar, Pestal, Beakers,
following factors Ethanol or Acetone, Filter paper, Razor
Temperature - when temperature is
high, the rate of photosynthesis is also Procedure
high. Similarly, when the temperature is
low, the rate of photosynthesis is also 1) cut the fresh green leaves using the
low. However, the rate of razor blade and put them in the mortar.
photosynthesis decreases when 2) Add small amount of ethanol and
temperature goes beyond 40 C.o /acetone and grind the small pieces
Light intensity – as light intensity thoroughly.
increases, the rate of photosynthesis 3) Squeeze the green extracts into a beaker
also increases until the plant carry out 4) Cut the filter paper into a rectangular
photosynthesis to the maximum level. shape and mark on one side
Carbon dioxide – the concentration of 5) Put a drop of the green extract on the
carbon dioxide also determines the rate green spot and immediately put it on
of photosynthesis as Co2 is the raw the beaker with ethanol.
material for this process. *Ensure that the green extracts does
Water – the speed at which not come in contact with ethanol in
photosynthesis occur also depends on the beaker.
the availability of water. RESULTS
PIGMENTS IN THE LEAVES The ethanol will rise through the filter paper and
There are three types of pigments found in plant separates the pigments. In fact, the initial green
leaves and other parts. These are colour will separate into yellow, orange and
a) Chlorophyll - green in color
b) Carotene – orange in colour CONCLUSSION
c) Xanthophylls – yellow in colour Green leaves contain three types of pigments
These three pigments co exist. The orange IMPORTANCE OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS
carotene is responsible for orange colour of
carrot. The yellow color of xanthophylls is The process of photosynthesis is very important
responsible for the yellow color in many flowers as it results into
and fruits. The green color of chlorophyll is
a) Food production
responsible for green colour of leaves and other
b) Oxygen production
parts of the plants.
c) Reduction of carbon dioxide
EXPERIMENT TO SHOW THAT GREEN LEAVES d) Various plant products eg medicines and
CONTAIN THTREE TYPES OF PIGMENTS industrial products like timber.
TRANSPORT SYTEMS IN PLANTS lignin. As the vessels get order, lignin is laid
down on the original cell wall. This makes
Plants like other living organisms need food
them stronger but less flexible. Finally the
which they use for growth and maintenance.
xylem vessel s can become filled with lignin
Unlike animals which depend on already
forming the woody centre of tree trunk or
made food, plants manufacture their foods
stem. Movement in xylem is restricted to
in their leaves using carbon dioxide and
one direction only, thus from the roots to up
water. However, the distance from the roots
to the stem and leaves.
where water and mineral absorption takes
place to the photosynthesis sites is very THE PHLOEM TUBES.
great and similarly, the distance from the
sites of photosynthesis to some parts of the These are structures in plants responsible for
plant where the manufactured food is to be transportation of manufactured food from
used for various activities is again very great. the site of photosynthesis to all parts of the
This necessitates the presence of transport plant body. They are made up of sieve tube
systems to ferry different substances in cells and companion cells. The sieve tube
plants body. The movement of substances elements are living individual cells arranged
from the regions where they are produced to end to end so that they form long tubes. The
the region where they are used or stored in cross walls between these cells have tiny
plants is called translocation. holes called sieve pores. the sieve tube
contains cytoplasm, however they lack
The transport system in plants is made up of nuclei. On the other hand, the companion
two tissues namely; the xylem vessels and cells are found alongside the sieve tube.
the phloem tubes. They contain both cytoplasm and nuclei.
They are thought to serve their adjacent
sieve elements.
Xylem vessels are tissues in plants which
Both the sieve tube cells and companion are
run from the roots up to the stem and every
not lignified hence they are soft and do not
leaf of the plant. They are responsible for
live long as they may be crushed easily by
transportation of water and minerals from
the growth of other cells.
roots to leaves and other parts where
photosynthesis takes place. They consist of
dead cylindrical cells which lost their cross
walls and fit together like a series of pipe.
They lack cytoplasm and nucleus. Their
elements are shorter, fatter and more
specialized for transport. The cell walls of
xylem vessels are thickened and hardened
by a tough water proof substance called
separates the xylem and phloem tube and
Support for woody Little or no further more it provide new cells to these
plants support two tubes as the cambium is a region of
active cell division.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide move in Cut 3 stripes of fresh potatoes each of mass
and out of the plant leaves. 3g and length of 7cm and test the flexibility
Plant roots take up minerals from the of each stripe by trying to bend it. Collect 3
soil. test tubes and label them. Pour sugar
Gaseous exchange in the lungs of solution in one test tube and distilled water
some large animals. in another then put the stripes in each test
Excretion of waste substances in tube. Leave the apparatus for 20 minutes
animals. and test the flexibility, mass and length of
Digested food enter in the blood each stripe and record. Observe the changes
stream from the gut. in the flexibility, mass and length of strips.
Unicellular animals take in oxygen
Osmosis in body cells.
and get rid of carbon dioxide.
Since cells are surrounded by a membrane
which is semi permeable, it is inevitable that
This refers to the movement of water from osmosis takes place in these cells. The figure
region of high concentration to the region of below summarizes the osmosis in plant cells.
low concentration across semi permeable
Leave it for some days and observe the This refers to the loss of water in form of
results. water vapour from the leaves and other
aerial organs through the stomata. Small
amount of water is lost to the atmosphere
through the stem which has tiny poles called
lenticles. The movement of water within the
plant is called transpiration stream while the
movement of dissolved substances within
the plant is called translocation
transpiration is high. This is due to the fact plant and the assumption is that the rate of
that when humidity is high the absorption is equal to the rate of
concentration of water molecules in the transpiration hence the potometer is used to
atmosphere decreases, thereby decreasing measure the rate of transpiration.
the diffusion gradient and when humidity is
To measure the rate of transpiration in a
low the concentration of water vapour in the
shoot; firstly, cut the shoot under water then
atmosphere decreases thereby increasing
follow the following steps.
the diffusion gradient.
1. Insert the shoot through the hole in the
WIND SPEED- on a windy day the rate of
cork of the photometer.
transpiration is higher than on the calm day.
2. Open the tap of the reservoir to fill the
This is because in a strong wind ,a layer of
graduated capillary tube with water.
humid air that surrounds the leaf becomes
Close the tube when the water is full. As
very thin.
the shoot transpires it absorbs water
LIGHT INTENSITY from the potometer to replace that is
lost during transpiration. This causes the
In a bright sunlight a plant may open its
water column in the capillary tube to
stomata to supply plenty of carbon dioxide
move from one side A to another B.
for photosynthesis. Therefore, more water
3. Record the time taken for end of water
can evaporate from the leaves. Thus, the
column from A to B. a reading is taken
rate of transpiration increases as light
from the air bubble which moves with
intensity increases.
the water column
WATER SUPPLY- if water is in the short
supply , the plant will close its stomata. This
will cut out the rate of photosynthesis.
Hence, the rate of transpiration decreases
when water supply decreases.
Invertebrates Vertebrates
Invertebrates are the most abundant animals on Vertebrates are larger animals and less
earth. They are generally small in size, they numerous compared to the invertebrates. They
include animals like: insects, annelids, include animals like: fish, amphibians, reptiles,
crustaceans, arachnids, Mollusca among others. birds and mammals
The fish has fins; the fins help in controlling The fish also has other features that enable them
movements of fish in water. There are several to move in water. They have air filled sacs called
types of fins some of these fins are found singly swim bladder for buoyancy. Tail fin is long to
(unpaired) and others are found in pairs (paired). increase tail power to displace more water. They
Fish use fins as structures of locomotion. have strong tail muscles to create more force in
brought about by the side to side action of the to generate lift and also insulate the
tail and is caused by alternate contraction of bird, helping it to stay warm and
powerful muscles arranged down the side of the regulates its body temperature.
There are four main types of feathers. These are;
Birds can run, swim but most of them fly. flight, contour, down and filoprumes.
relative to each other can occur only at a moved from side to side and also up
joint. and down.
soluble molecules by the action of chemicals they cannot function properly. It should also
called enzymes. be noted that when the temperature is very
low, the enzymes become inactive. The
An enzyme is a protein that works as a
graph below summarises the effect of
biological catalyst. A catalyst is a substance
temperature on enzymatic reactions.
that can alter the rate of chemical reaction
without itself being altered. Thus enzymes
speed up chemical reaction in the alimentary Enzymes are pH dependent.
canal without themselves being used up or
changed. All enzymes are proteins.
enables other molecules to fit into Digestive enzymes are categorized according
the enzyme. to the food substances which they act upon.
. The main types of these digestive enzymes
include proteases which act on protein foods
However, it should be noted that not all
and examples include pepsin, renin, trypsin,
enzymes are digestive enzymes, some
and peptidase; lipase which act catalyses the
enzymes catalyzes other metabolic
breakdown of lipids into fatty acids and
processes in the body for instance thrombin
glycerol and finally carbohydrase (amylase)
is used in blood clotting, carbonic anhydrase
which act on carbohydrates and examples
is used for conversion of carbon dioxide into
include salivary amylase (ptyalin), pancreatic
carbonic acid during respiration.
amylase, maltase, sucrose and lactase.
Name of enzyme Digestive juice Site for Where the Food acted Product
containing the production enzymes upon
enzyme of juice acts
chemical digestion of proteins starts in the amount of chime into the duodenum, the
stomach due to the presence of proteases first part of the small intestines.
like pepsin and rennin.
with PH within 7-8. It contains trypsin, Absorption is the process by which the small
lipase, pancreatic amylase and salts. The soluble molecules of food enter the blood
trypsin catalyses the hydrolysis of and lymph from the lumen of alimentary
proteins to peptides while the lipase canal. It mainly takes place in the ileum. the
catalyses the hydrolysis of lipids to fatty ileum is adapted to this function in the
acids and glycerol. The pancreatic following ways
amylase catalyses the hydrolysis of
a) It is the longest part of the alimentary
starch to maltose while the salts
canal, ensuring that most of the soluble
neutralizes the acidic chime from
food is absorbed, thus providing a large
stomach to creatre optimum pH for the
surface area for absorption.
action of lipase, trypsin and pancreatic
b) It has inner surface highly folded into
finger like structures called villi. This
ii. Jejunum- this is the middle part of the
produces a very large surface area for
small intestines.
absorption of the end products of
iii. Ileum-this is the longest part of the small
intestines which is about 6m long. The
lining of the ileum contains glands which
Structure of a Villus
produces intestinal juice containing the
following enzymes.
a) Lipase- responsible for chemical
digestion of lipids into fatty acids and
b) Maltose-responsible for chemical
digestion of maltose into glucose.
c) Lactase-responsible for chemical
digestion of lactose into glucose and
d) Sucrose-catalyses the hydrolysis of
sucrose to glucose and fructose.
e) Peptidase-catalyses the hydrolysis of c) The ileum has dense network of blood
peptides into amino acids. It also capillaries called lacteals to pick up
contain the mucus which prevent the molecules produced by digestion and
enzymes which digest proteins from transport them away from the
digesting the walls of intestines. alimentary canal.
Digestion is completed in the ileum by
the enzymes listed above. Furthermore the ileum is also adapted for
completion of digestion by having good PH
ABSORPTION IN THE ILEUM and production of different enzymes and
The liver is the second largest organ, reddish to form another amino acid. During this process,
brown in colour which lies just before the the liver makes amino acids that are deficient in
diaphragm in the body. It has several functions. the diet. It does this by transferring amino
The following are the functions of the liver in groups from one available amino acid to an
digestion; organic molecule like a sugar or an acid to form
the required amino acid. For instance glutamic
acid can be made by removing an amino group
A. PRODUCTION OF BILE from alamine and combining it with an organic
sugar. Alamine → Amino group + Organic acid
The liver produces bile by breaking down red
→ Glutamic acid
blood cells into green and yellow pigments. Bile
is passed to the duodenum through the bile duct.
Bile is a greenish contains bile salts like
sodium bicarbonate and bile pigments. Bile salts
play a big role in digestion fats. They split up fat The liver controls the amount of lipids in the
in the digestive system into tiny fat droplets in a blood. One of the lipids that the liver controls is
process called emulsification. cholesterol which also makes. Cholesterol is
necessary for the formation of membranes. It
has a very low solubility in body fluids.
The first function of the liver in related to Excess cholesterol may form deposits in the
digestion is this that it acts as a storage organ. As arteries leading to heart attack and stroke in
a matter of fact, the liver stores a lot of severe cases. Gallstones may be formed as a
substances like iron, potassium, vitamins like result of accumulation of excess insoluble
Vitamin A,B,C,D, E and K cholesterol in the gall bladder.
Amino acids are the end products of protein
Under the influence of insulin, the liver converts
digestion. Because excess amino acids cannot be
excess glucose and amino acids to glycogen for
stored in the body, they are broken down in the
storage when are above their normal content.
liver in a process called deamination. From each
Glycogen I an insoluble carbohydrate. Under the
amino acids, the amino group (𝑁𝐻2 ) is changed
influence of glucagon, it converts the stored
to ammonia (𝑁𝐻3 ). The rest of the amino acid
glycogen to glucose when blood sugar levels are
molecule is changed o glycogen or fat for
below normal.
storage. The ammonia produced from the amino
group is very quickly converted to a less toxic
substance, which is usually urea.
Food nutrients are chemical substances that
This refers to the transfer of an amino group
are found in food and have a specific
from one amino acid to another substance so as
function. As a matter of fact, there are six (iii) Galactose – single sugar found in
food nutrients namely carbohydrates, milk
proteins, fats/lipids, vitamins, minerals and
foods that are consumed. Some protein ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is much greater
giving foods contains all ten essential amino than that of carbohydrates which is 2:1. For
acids for example animal proteins while example a beef fat molecule is 𝐶57 𝐻110 𝑂7.
others do not contain all the essential amino Fats and oils are important sources of
acids for example most plant proteins. energy; in fact, they contain relatively more
energy than carbohydrates. Fats are solid at
In view of this, the former are called first
room temperature while oils are liquid at
class proteins or proteins of high biological
room temperature. Generally, lipids
value (HBV) while the latter are called
molecules are made up of two basic
second class proteins or proteins of low
elements which are, glycerol and fat acids.
biological value (LBV). The main functions of
Lipids are broken down into glycerol and
proteins include
fatty acids during digestion in a process
Growth of new cells called hydrolysis.
Replacement of dead cells and lost
Repair of dead cells due to accidents All lipids are insoluble in water but
or illness soluble in organic solvents for
Provision of energy when there are example ethanol.
not enough fats or carbohydrates in Fats are solid at room temperature
the diet but melt easily with high
temperatures while oils are liquid at
When the proteins are digested, the end
room temperature
products are amino acids. However, excess
amino acids are not stored in the body; FUNCTIONS OF LIPIDS
rather, they are broken down by the liver
(a) They provide energy to the body
into amine group and carboxyl group in a
(b) Some lipids are used in formation of
process called deamination. The carboxyl
cell membrane
group which is made up of carbon, hydrogen
(c) Fats stored under the skin are used
and oxygen is converted into glycogen which
for insulation
is stored in the liver for future use, while the
(d) They are used for oxidation
amine group which is made up of
nitrogeneous compounds is excreted after it
is converted into ammonia then urea. Vitamins are organic substances
C. LIPIDS needed in small amounts in the diet.
Vitamin C is found in fresh fruit and
The most common lipids are fats and oils. vegetables. It is needed to make the
Like carbohydrates, they are made up of protein collagen, which is essential
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. However, the for the formation of skin. A shortage
- Action of phagocytes
- Action of antibodies
c) Regulation of
-body temperature
-water levels
-nutrient levels in the body
The ventricles on other hand are responsible The bicuspid and tricuspid valves open to
for the pumping of blood. Hence they have fill the ventricles
thick walls so that they can exert enough At the same time, the semi lunar valves
pressure on the blood when they contract. close to prevent blood from flowing back
However, the left ventricles are thicker than into the ventricles
the right ventricles as the left ventricles
pump blood over a long distance. In fact the The pressure exerted during systole is called
right ventricles, pump blood from the heart systolic pressure while that exerted during
to the lungs while the left ventricles pump diastole is called diastolic pressure. The rate
blood from the heart to all parts of the body. of heart beat or pulse rate varies with age,
size, health and physical activity. A typical
HOW DOES THE HEART WORKS? resting pulse for an adult is 84 beats per
minute for females and 70 beats per minute
This is quite complex because several things
for males. This increase to 200 beats per
happen at the same time. Each heart beat
minute during physical exercise.
involves a series of events occurring in
different parts of the heart and occurs in two
major phases known as systole and diastole.
There are three types of blood vessels
During systole the following things occur at a namely
Ventricles muscle contract at a time, Veins
thereby reducing volume of the Capillaries
The increase of blood pressure in the
ventricles closes tricuspid and These are blood vessels that carry
bicuspid valves, preventing blood oxygenated blood away from the heart to
from flowing back into the auricles. the body tissue where they are used for
The semi lunar valves open and blood respiration. They have thick walls and
enter aorta and pulmonary artery. narrow lumen (cavities) which enable them
to withstand pressure exerted by the
pumping force of blood. Arteries have no
During diastole, the following things occur at valves along their length. The largest artery
a time is called aorta and it divides into many
arteries which further divide into several
The ventricle muscles relax, thereby
increasing the volume of the ventricles
Blood is made up of liquid and solid haemoglobin . They are made in the bone
substances. The solid part of blood marrows of flat bones and at the end of long
comprises blood cells and platelets while the
bones. RBCs are elastic , which means that
liquid part of blood is made up of plasma.
they can squeeze through capillaries which
have a diameter smaller than of red blood
It is a straw coloured liquid which transports cells. The cytoplasm of RBC is full of
dissolved substances and blood cells. Almost
haemoglobin , which is a protein which
90% of blood plasma is water which serves
as the solvent for the other 10% of dissolved contains iron and has high affirnity for
substances which include. oxygen. haemoglobin readily combines with
Mineral ions oxygen in oxygen in high oxygen
End products of digestion like glucose , concentration region like lungs forming a
amino acids, fatty acids and glycerols bright red compound called
Water products like uric acid and carbon OXYHAEMOGLOBIN. Oxygen is carried by
Blood proteins for example fibrinogen, respiring, releasing oxygen for use by
prothrombin, antigens and antibodies respiring cells. Red blood cells live for about
120 days in the circulation there after it is
broken down by the liver into iron and other
There are two main types of blood cells. toxic substances. The iron is stored in the
These include; Red blood cells and white liver for future use while the toxic
blood cells substances are converted into bile pigment
before and they are then excreted.
These cells do not have nuclei. They are STRUCTURE OF THE RED BLOOD CELLS
about 0.008mm in diameter and have a
biconcave disc shape which increases the
volume of each cell in order to
accommodate more red pigments called
blood. These antibodies attack invading fibers which traps blood cells there by
foreign organisms forming a blood clot. The blood clot is
important because it prevents further loss
(ii) The T-Lymphocytes
of blood and also prevents the entry of
These lymphocytes are further categorized foreign particles into the body.
into two groups namely the helper T cells
If blood clot forms inside the blood vessel it
and the killer T cells. The helper T cells
can cause a heart attack or stroke. During
produce chemical substances which provide
blood transfusion, the blood is prevented
communication among the cells of the
from clotting by adding an anticoagulant
immune system. The killer T cells produce
called sodium citrate. Sucking insects of
chemical substances which kill directly the
blood like mosquitoes also produce
foreign organisms. White blood cells have a
anticoagulants which prevent the blood
very short life span. HIV Attacks the helper T
from clotting.
cells hence AIDS patients have damaged
immune system which make them prone to THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM
different infections.
As blood enters capillaries from the
PLATELETS arterioles, it enters with high pressure which
is created by the pumping action of the heart
These are fragments formed by the
and reduction in the lumen from arteries to
disintegration of large cells in the bone
capillaries. This pressure forces a fluid out of
marrow. Like WBC, platelets are irregular in
the capillary between the cells that make up
shape and have no nuclei. Their main
the cell wall of the capillaries. This fluid is
function is to help in blood clotting. Blood
called tissue fluid and it contains plasma
clotting simply means hardening of the
without fibrinogen and red blood cells and
wound at the site of cut. For this process to
white blood cells can squeeze through the
occur, the following substances are
small gaps in the capillary wall and integrates
required; platelets, prothrombin,
with the fluid. This means that the blood
fibrinogen, calcium ions and vitamin K.
remaining behind in the capillary lumen
When blood vessel is cut, blood comes out.
becomes concentrated. As a result, the fluid
When platelets come in contact with
starts to move back into the capillary
atmospheric air, they disintegrate producing
towards the venous ends of the capillary
an enzyme called prothrombokinase or
where the blood pressure is lower. Water
prombroplastin. This enzyme converts
moves back into capillaries by osmosis. This
passive enzymes prothrombin into an active
tissue fluid bathes the cells in the tissue
enzyme called thrombin. In the presence of
surrounding the capillaries. However, not all
calcium ions and vitamins, thrombin
the tissue fluid is reabsorbed back into the
converts the soluble fibrinogen into an
capillaries because the pressure of fluid in
insoluble fibrin. Fibrin form a meshwork of
the capillary is too high. This fluid turns to PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE
the blood by another route called the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
lymphatic system. Some tissue fluid drains
A number of diseases can affect blood
into another set of vessels called lymph
vessels. Blocking of blood vessels by blood
capillaries to form lymph. Lymph capillaries
clots can cause major problems with the
gradually join up to form large lymph. There
circulation of the blood. Some of these
is no pumping action in the lymphatic problems are
system. Lymph moves along the lymph
vessels because of the following factors Heart failure
This a condition whereby the cardiac
i. The presence of valves in the lymph muscles are unable to pump enough
vessels which prevents the backflow blood for the requirements of the body.
As such, blood vessels narrow to keep
of lymph
blood pressure up and divert blood away
ii. Movement of the skeletal muscles from less important tissues and organs
iii. The lymph in the other part of the to maintain flow to the most vital
body like arms and the head is moved organs, the heart and the brain. During
along the vessel by gravity. this time the patient does not know that
he has a heart failure problem. When
Along the lymph vessels, there are lymph the heart can no longer adapt to the
nodes which have tiny spaces in which lymph problem the symptoms like fatigue and
is filtered before it goes to the blood stream. shortness of breath may occur. This is
due to the fact that the body depends on
Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and
the pumping action to deliver oxygen
traps phagocytes which engulf and digest and nutrient to body cells. When the
foreign particles in the lymph. The largest cells are nourished properly, the body
lymph node is the spleen and other lymph can function normally. With heart
nodes are located in many areas like the failure, the weakened heart cannot
groin, neck and armpits. Lymphatic vessels supply the cells with enough blood. This
has an impact on the routine activities
from all parts of the body join together to
like walking, running and doing other
form two large lymphatic vessels which drain physical exercises.
their contents into subclavian veins. Lymph Cardiac arrest
is also found in the pleural cavity and This is the sudden loss of heart
pericardial cavity where it functionality in a person. it occurs when
the heart stops pumping blood around
(a) Supplies oxygen to the organs it the body. It is a sudden or abrupt loss of
surrounds heart function in a person. The person
(b) Supplies food to organs it surrounds may have or may have no history of
or encloses heart diseases.
(c) Acts as a lubricant preventing friction Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart’s
between surfaces electrical system malfunctions. Death
results when the heart suddenly stops
working completely. It occurs when the artery is affected, the heart lacks enough
heart’s lower chambers suddenly start oxygen that can lead to a heart attack. A
beating chaotically without pumping condition known as coronary
blood. Death occurs within minutes after thrombosis.
the heart stops.
This is a process by which new organisms are The organs of the male reproductive system
formed from the already existing ones. The are specialized for the following functions:
newly formed organism are called off
To produce sperms.
springs while the old ones are called
To discharge and transport sperm.
parents. This process is very important as it
To produce and secrete male sex
ensures maintenance of species in an
ecosystem and also give rise to new hormones.
organisms. The male reproductive system includes
TYPES OF REPRODUCTION internal and external structures.
There are two types of reproduction. These Structure of the Male Reproductive
are; System
This refers to the process by which offsprings
are formed by a single parent. An organism
can produce asexually by
external structure of the male reproductive The scrotum is the loose pouch-like sac of
parts are the penis and scrotum. skin which hangs behind the penis. It
contains the testicles also called testes) as
The Penis
well as many nerves and blood vessels. The
The penis is the male organ for sexual scrotum has a protective function and act as
intercourse. It has three parts namely the a climate control system for the testes. For
root which attaches to the walls of normal sperm development, the testis must
abdomen, the body or shaft and the glans, be at a temperature slightly cooler than the
which is the cone-shaped end of a penis. The body temperature. Special muscles in the
glans which is also called the head of the wall of scrotum allow it to contract and relax,
penis, is covered with loose layer of a skin moving the testicles closer to the body for
called foreskin. The skin is sometimes warmth and protection or farther away from
removed in a procedure called circumcision. the body to cool the temperature.
Inside the penis, there is a tube that
transport urine and semen. This tube is
called urethra. The penis also contains a
number of sensitive nerve endings. Testes - The testes are oval organs about the
size of the large olives that lie in the scrotum
The body of penis is cylindrical in shape and
secured at either end by a structure called
consists of three internal chambers. These
the spermatic cord. Normally, a man is
chambers are made up of special sponge-like
supposed to have two testes. The testes are
erectile tissue. This tissue contains
responsible for formation of testosterone,
thousands of large spaces that fill with blood
the primary male sex hormone and for
when the man is sexually aroused. As the
generating sperm. Within the testes are the
penis is filled with blood, it becomes rigid
coiled masses of tubes called seminiferous
and erect which allow penetration during
tubes. These tubes are responsible for
sexual intercourse. The skin of the penis is
producing the sperm cells through the
loose and elastic to accommodate changes
process called spermatogenesis.
in penis during erection.
Epididymis - This is a long, coiled tube that
Semen, a fluid containing sperms, is expelled
rest on the back side of each testicle. it
(ejaculated) through the end of the penis
functions in the transport and storage of
when man reaches sexual climax(orgasm).
sperm cells that are produced in the testes.
When the penis is erect, the flow of urine is
The job of epididymis is also to bring the
blocked from the urethra, allowing only
sperm to maturity, since the sperm that
semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.
emerge from the testes are immature and
The Scrotum incapable of fertilization. During sexual
arousal, contraction force the sperms into Prostate gland- this is the walnut –sized
vas deferens structure that is located below the urinary
bladder in front of the rectum. The prostate
Vas deferens- This is the long, muscular tube
gland contributes additional fluid to the
that travels from the epididymis into the
ejaculate. Prostate fluid also helps to nourish
pelvic cavity, to just behind the bladder. It
the sperm. The urethra which carries the
transports mature sperms to urethra in
ejaculate to be expelled during orgasm, runs
preparation for ejaculation.
through the center of the prostate gland.
Ejaculatory ducts - these are formed by the
Cowper’s gland -also known as
fusion of the vas deferens and the seminal
bulbourethral glands are pea sized structure
vesicles, the ejaculatory ducts empty into
located on the sides of the urethra just
the urethra
below the prostate gland. This gland
Urethra- this is a tube that caries urine from produces a clear slippery fluid that empty
the bladder to the outside of the body. In directly into the urethra. This fluid serves to
males it has an additional function of lubricate the urethra and neutralize any
ejaculating semen when man reaches acidity that may be present due to residual
orgasm. When the penis is erect during sex, drops of urine in the urethra.
the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra,
The sperm
allowing only semen to be ejaculated during
orgasm. Sperms are the male gametes; thus they are
reproductive cells of men. Basically, each
sperm is made up of the head, neck and tail.
There are three main glands that secrete
The structure of a sperm
useful substances during the process of
ejaculation. These three glands are; the
seminal vesicles, the prostate gland and the
cowpers gland.
The head: The sperm has a head which called ejaculation. During this process, the
contains nucleus and acrosome. The sperms are propelled from the epididymis
nucleus is the structure that fuses with through the vas deferens which is muscular.
the female gamete during fertilization. In The seminal vesicles secrete a thick yellow
fact, carries hereditary information. On alkaline substance which nourishes the
the other hand, the acrosome is the sac sperms and activate them by secreting
containing enzymes which dissolves the enzymes. They also provide a medium in
egg membrane for easy penetration of which sperms swim. The prostate gland
sperm. helps to push semen out powerfully during
The neck (middle piece) contains a lot of ejaculation. Further, the cowpers gland
mitochondria which provide energy for neautrises any activity left by urine and
activity of the sperm. provide a more suitable environment for the
The tail (flagellum) helps the sperm to passage of sperms.
The penis is normally soft because it contains
ADAPTATION OF A SPERM FOR MOBILITY little blood. During periods of sexual activity
the blood vessels in the penis are filled with
They have tail that propel them blood hence the penis expand and becomes
They have a lot of mitochondria in the firm and erect, thereby being capable of
middle piece hence a lot of energy is ejaculating sperms. The secretion from the
produced for movement. accessory glands and sperms together form
They have streamlined bodies that a substance called semen.
minimizes drag during motion.
The female reproductive system has much
The male gonads consist of highly coiled more complex structure and so are its
tubes called seminiferous tubules. Sperms functions. Sperms are delivered into the
are formed in these tubules. The testes are vagina that get transported through the
held outside the abdominal cavity in fold skin uterus, and finally they penetrate the egg for
called scrotum. Actually the temperature in fertilization .fallopian tube is the site of
the scrotum is 20 𝐶 lower than the normal fertilization and is the one of the most
body temperature. This forms the best important of all internal reproductive
temperature for the sperm production. components. The external components of
From the seminiferous tubules of testis, the female reproductive system help in
sperms pass into coiled tube of the achieving orgasm and secretion of fluid that
epididymis. This stores sperms and enable lubricates the vagina. The external organs
them to gain motility and ability to fertilize. that arouses stimulation are often compared
The sperms are released in the process
almost nine months i.e. from conception to with the follicle phase. During this follicle
birth. phase, the gonadotrophin hormone is
released by the hypothalamus. This
hormone stimulate pituitary gland to secret
The cervix- also known as neck of the uterus. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)that
It separates the uterus from the vagina. causes a graafian follicle to develop in the
Furthermore, it is always closed except ovary. They also stimulate the follicle cells
during birth and menstrual periods. surrounding developing egg to stimulate
another hormone called oestrogen. As
graafian follicle grows, more oestrogen is
produced. High concentration of oestrogen
The vagina - this is a tubular tract leading
stimulate the pituitary gland to stimulate
from the uterus to the exterior of the body.
another hormone called Lieutinizing
It receives male copulatory organ and male
Hormone. This hormone bring about
gametes contained in garments during
ovulation(releasing of the ovum into the
sexual intercourse. it also acts as a birth
oviduct)and causes graafian follicle to
canal during delivery. It is lubricated by
change into corpus luteum. The corpus
vaginal fluid which prevents friction during
luteum produces a hormone called
sexual intercourse and birth.
progesterone which causes the thickening
of uterus wall in prepation for implantation.
It further inhibits production of FSH and
reduces oestrogen levels. if fertilization fails
They are non motile. ,corpus luteum degenerate leading to low
They are relatively large as compared to concentration of progesterone and this
sperms. inhibits production of LH from the pituitary
They store food in their yolk which is gland. This in turn causes the corpus to stop
used to nourish the embryo after secreting progesterone and hence start
fertilization. stimulating follicle stimulating hormone
(FSH) again. The immediate effect oestrogen
is to bring about healing and repair of the
THE ROLE OF HORMONES ON MENSTRUAL uterine wall, following menstruation and the
CYCLE AND HORMONES cycle is repeated. if fertilization has
occurred, the corpus continues producing
The first sign in puberty in girls is
progesterone and little amount of oestrogen
menstruation, which refers to a discharge of
continue developing the uterine wall and
blood from the reproductive system via
also preventing menstruation. The
vagina. This process repeat itself every 28
progesterone prevents further follicles from
days during the fertility age of a woman and
developing by inhibiting the production of
it is called menstrual cycle. The cycle begin
completely. the Siamese twins will be joined the uterus where it prevents implantation of
together and share other vital organ. the embryo
This refers to the deliberate prevention of These are tiny capsules which contain
conception [pregnancy] while sexual chemicals which inhibits ovulation. They are
intercourse is still taking place. it is also inserted under the skin and they can be
called birth control. effective for almost five years. When the
couple want to conceive, this can be
removed and fertilization can be possible.
These are divided into natural and artificial
A thin rubber sheath which is placed on the
erect penis or in the vagina before sexual
[a] RHYTHM OR CALENDAR METHOD intercourse. It traps sperms thereby
preventing them from fertilizing the ova.
This involves having sexual intercourse Further it prevents contraction of STIs.
during safe periods. It is based on the fact
that during the menstrual cycle, there is a THE DIAPHRAGM
fertile period of which ovulation is likely to
This is a thin rubber laced in the vagina
take place. Sexual intercourse is avoided
before intercourse, covering the cervix there
during this time to prevent pregnancy.
by preventing entry of the sperms into the
(b) Withdraw Method uterus. It is removed 8 hours after
This is a contraceptive method where a by a
man removes his penis just before he STERILIZATION
releases sperms during sexual intercourse.
This encompasses all the methods that
II. ARTIFICIAL METHODS prevent pregnancy permanently. Examples
include vasecetomy which involves a
SPERMICIDES surgical operation in which man’s sperm
duct are cut or tied. This implies that the
These are chemicals smeared on the male
man will be releasing semen without
reproductive organ to kill sperms
sperms. The testes are not affected, hence
INTRA UTERINE DEVICE sexual desires, feelings and ejaculations will
continue as before. Another example is
It is a small metal or plastic strip bent into a
tubaligation. This method involves the
loop or coil and it inserted and retained in
cutting and tying of the woman’s oviduct.
The ovaries are not affected, hence sexual thereby ensuring increase of the number of
desires and menstruation continues as cells in an organism. This increase of the
before but the sperms can not fertilize the number of cells and the increase in size of
egg. the cells result s into growth. In an organism,
cell division occurs rapidly during the early
stages of growth and development in order
Chromosomes are thread like structures to produce new cells and tissues. Later,
found in the nucleus and containing a linear when the cells become specialized, the
sequence of genes. They are made up of power of cell division is lost and only a
protein called HISTONES which support the limited number of unspecialized retain this
complex DEOXY RIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA) power of division for example in meristems
strands where the genes are located. Genes like root tips, shoot tips, young leaves, bases
are structures that carry actual information of internodes, cambium and all malphighian
for a character in an organism. This implies layer in the skin which produce new
that genes are responsible for inheritance; epidermis.
or in short, they are units of inheritance.
DNA contains all the information necessary
Basically, there are two types of cell division.
to produce all the enzymes which direct all
These includes,
the metabolic reactions in the body of any
organism such as protein synthesis, i. Mitosis
respiration, photosynthesis in plants and ii. Meosis
production of all chemicals in the cells.
phase vcomes to an end when the ova. During this cell division , the number of
chromatids reach the poles. chromosomes is reduced by half, hence is
called reductive division. The reduced
number is called haploid number (n)
Two new cells
are formed with
the same The first four stages of meosis are similar to
number of those of mitosis. However, after telophase
chromosomes stage, the cell indulges in metaphase ii, then
as the original anaphase ii and finally telophase ii, during
cell. Nuclear anaphase ii, the chromatids separates and
membrane and go to opposite poles, the two cell star
nucleolus are splitting. During the telophase ii, four
formed in each daughter cells are produced each containing
daughter cell. half the number of chromosomes as of the
Spindle parent cell.
(disappear). The cytoplasm divides into two
thereby producing two separate daughter
Then the cell returns to interphase (resting Two daughter cells Four daughter cells
condition) whereby the chromatids seem to are formed are formed
disappear as they uncoil and replicate to
produce full chromosomes again. Daughter cells have The number of
equal number of chromosomes of
MEOSIS (REDUCTIVE DIVISION) this is a type chromosomes to the daughter cell is
of cell division by which cells divide and to their parents half to that of the
form four daughter cells. In occurs mainly in parent
reproductive organs for example testes,
ovary, anther and stigma. This process is Occur in body cells Occur in
very significant as it result into formation of reproductive cells
reproductive cells for example sperms and
called intra specific variation while This can also be shown by a punnet square
observable differences among organisms of as shown in the figure below.
different species are called inter specific
variation. Intra specific variations can be
continuous (intermediate variables present)
or discontinuous (intermediate variables
absent). Generally, organisms of the same
species can vary due to
- Genetic factors
- Environment
The earliest recorded investigations on
THE GENETIC CROSS DIAGRAM heredity was conducted by Gregory Mendel,
an Australian monk. In his experiments,
The way off springs acquire genes from their
Mendel grew garden peas. The garden peas
parents can be shown using across diagram.
were selected for this purpose due to the
A cross diagram comprises the genotype of
presence of several traits such as purple or
the parents, gametes which are produced
white colored flowers, tall or dwarf plants,
after meiosis and off springs which are
green or yellow pods, brown or white seeds,
produced after fertilization. For example, if a
peas with wrinkled or smooth seed coats and
gene (B) for a black skin in human is
peas with green or yellow cotyledon.
dominant over the gene(b) for brown skin
Secondly, the peas were selected for this
the cross of two monohybrids of this trait
purpose due to their ability to self-pollinate.
can be shown using the cross diagram below
In his experiment, Mendel cultivated tall
peas and then allowed to self pollinate. In
so doing, Mendel obtained pure breeds of
this trait. These pure breeds were allowed to
self-pollinate again and another generation
called first filial generation (F1 generation)
was obtained. In simple terms, filial means
offsprings. He followed the same procedure
and obtained the pure breeds for the trait of
dwarf. He then manually crossed a pure
breed tall plant and a pure breed short
plants (dwarf). This procedure is called
hybridization or cross breeding. All off
springs from this cross were tall as shown in