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White Tara Goddess : 518.

She is an enlightened female being whose function is to impart long life, wisdom and good fortune. If we trust it, it will protect us from
contagious diseases, fire hazards and other disasters. It is said that sentient beings receive tara's blessings as swiftly as the movement of the
wind since she is the manifestation of the wind element of all buddhas.

Green Tara Goddess : 659 / 517.

The star that delivers from dangers, that answers their prayers instantly, and takes action to favor them. Whoever has an urgent matter to solve,
turn to her with the certainty of being helped. He solves things very quickly.

Goddess Vesta (Goddess Venus) : 209.

(Helios is its masculine part).

Aeracura : 191919.
Deity of the earth. He will always give a basket full of prosperity to those who consciously give and are willing to receive.
Call her when you have financial emergencies and she will come running to your rescue.

Kuan kung : 708.

Chinese deity. This warrior is a great protector and attracts prosperity.

Black Manjushri : 2431.

Deity that protects against the evil eye, black magic, bad intentions of others and any kind of dark problems.

Lord Hánuman : 802.

Monkey god revered by Hindus, who consider him an aspect of the god Shiva. It possesses almost unlimited power and strength, to the point
that at birth it jumped into the sun when mistaken for a fruit.
COLLECTED BY LUIS MIGUEL ESTÉBANEZ www.oasibeth.com OASIBETH PLANET Channeled by Jose Gabriel Uribe (Agesta).


The Fourteen Holy Helpers : 825.

**** Beings of Light, powerful allies against pests, viruses, contagious diseases, earthquakes, and famines.
St. Genevieve de Paris, 25.
San Ladislao, 36.
San Nicolás de Tolentino, 86.
St. Joseph Moscati, 88.
Santa Rosalia, 153.

Father Mario Pantaleo : 94.

He was well known as a healing priest and for his work in favor of the poor and dispossessed of González Catán, being popularly known as
Father Mario. He also had a degree in psychology and philosophy.

St. Acacius : 524. Treats headaches.

St. Augustine of Hippo : 100.

The greatest of the church fathers and patron philosopher of those who seek God. Called doctor of Grace.

San Alejo : 520.

It can be invoked against bad neighbors, toxic people, and black magic.

St. Anthony of Padua : 858.

The one who delivers them from arbitrary condemnations, and protects them from harmful companies. It is the recoverer of lost assets.

St. Anthony the Abbot : 815.

Desert monk, illustrious father of monasticism and radical witness of the Gospel.

San Benito Abad : 26123.

"I desire that souls who see no way out of their problems, and are in despair for whatever reason, should turn to me. The spirits of darkness
tremble before me, so they can rely on my assistance. Ask me for signs and I will give them to you. I come to strengthen and defend them".

St. Bernard : 954.

He stood out in life for his marvelous mastery of oratory.

San Blas : 36.

Physician and Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia, he was known for obtaining miraculous cures through his intercession, treating throat problems.

San Cayetano.817.
Entity of Light that will guarantee your material and spiritual sustenance.

St. Charbel: 799.

Great Imitator of Christ, he is a great intercessor to find work and also to recover health.

St. Cyprian : 202.

He was considered the unofficial patron of pagans, magicians and necromancers for many centuries. He is considered one of the greatest
magicians in the world, he practiced white magic invoking God, so his acts were considered miracles.

San Cristobal : 918.

It helps in cases of toothache, epilepsy, travel, deliverance from dangers, misfortune, contagious diseases, and accidents.

San Cono: 199.

Help in games of chance.

San Cosme : 16.

The brothers (twins) Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian were considered, together with the evangelist Saint Luke, as the patron saints of doctors,
surgeons, apothecaries,... of all Christianity.

San Cristobal : 918.

Once the patron saint of muleteers, then of truck drivers, and today of all drivers in general, St. Christopher has become the common image of
many cars and trucks, signifying the awareness of responsibility of all drivers. It is like a kind of "guardian angel" that advises caution to all
those who get behind the wheel.

San Damiano : 18.

Brother of San Cosme.

Saint Denis : 7777777.

Patron saint of France. It is called when there are cases of diabolic possession or attacks by evil spirits.

St. Erasmus : 894.

Treats stomach pains and childbirth.
St. Eustace : 526.
Helps to be patient and protects in case of fire.

San Pedro: 454545 / 92.

Means: free, open, fast. The first code signifies triple manifestation, for 45 is a manifesting number.

San Francisco Solano : 1570.

He is called the thaumaturge of the new world because of the number of prodigies and miracles he performed in South America.

San Gabriel Del Rosario (Argentina) : 84.

He was noted for his dedication in assisting the sick and dying of the cholera epidemic.

St. Gregory the Thaumaturge : 926.

Called "The Second Moses" his faith was wonderful.

San Gil : 521.

This saint helps to bring hidden problems out of the subconscious.

St. Ignatius of Loyola : 614 / 565.

We can ask him to help us cultivate the power of the will. This faculty is the key to achieving our goals. St. Ignatius is a powerful protective
shield against the forces of darkness. Founder of the Society of Jesus.

San Isidro Labrador : 900.

Spanish saint, patron saint of farmers.

St. Jerome : 801.

Patron of orphans and abandoned youth.

San Joaquin : 86.

Husband of Santa Ana. These two beings can be asked for the family in general.

St. George : 118.

It protects against darkness, evil eye, skin problems, pests, paralysis and herpes.

San José : 389 / 418 / 927 / 167 / 106.

Husband of Mary and father of Jesus.

St. Joseph Sleeping : 872. especially in resolving difficult or impossible issues. It is like an invocation of St. Joseph.

Saint John the Baptist : 538.(also prophet Elijah).

He is considered the great prophet, making Jesus known as the messiah in the world of Christianity.

St. John Bosco : 116.

This magnificent saint always showed an interest in rescuing underprivileged and uneducated youth.

San Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin ( The Voice of the Eagle) : 981.

He was fortunate to be the visionary and messenger of Mother Mary in her Advocation or Aspect of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

St. Jude Thaddeus : 16700 / 45600.

Relief from the gravest tribulations and has the power to work wonders.

St. John Vianney : 883.

"Curate of Ars", patron of priests, in love with the Eucharist and teacher of penance. He received, among others, the gift of tears.

St. Lazarus : 528.

Patron of the poor and the sick, brother of Martha, Jesus' friend.

San Lorenzo : 201.

Legend has it that among the treasures of the Church entrusted to Lawrence was the Holy Grail. This martyr offers us an impressive courage to
endure suffering for your love, and a total generosity in favor of those in need.

Saint Louis King of France : 714.

All kinds of favors can be asked of this Being of Light, for he is multifaceted and responds immediately.

St. Luke's : 84.

Author of the third Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.

San Marcos de León : 36.

St. Mark the Evangelist is considered by the Christian tradition as the author of "The Gospel of St. Mark". The oldest documents that speak of
St. Mark state that he was at St. Peter's side, in Rome, as interpreter and editor of the Good News.

St. Martin de Porres : 994.

This Alma is prodigious. The dying entities of darkness have tried to damage healings done by Archangel Raphael, and this wonderful being
has prevented it. I recommend visiting his etheric retreat. Whoever does so will not come away empty-handed.
St. Martin Caballero (St. Martin of Tours) : 16.
They request it for luck, financial success, business improvement, for those looking for a new home or for any endeavor involving travel. He is
the patron saint of horsemen and long-distance truck divers.

St. Nicholas Of Bari : 46.

Famous for his holiness and for his intercession before the throne of divine grace.

John Paul II : 384.

St. Patrick : 39.

Free from curses, evil eye, black magic, energy vampires, envy, and dark forces or negative influences.

Saint Pancrazio : 1670.

Patron saint of young people looking for work. He is considered the saint of those afflicted by poverty.

St. Pantaleon : 598. Assistance to physicians and midwives.

San Pascual Bailón : 11.

San Pascual grants you everything you ask of him and is capable of working impressive miracles. In return, he demands only one thing: that
you do not forget to keep the promise you made.

Saint Peregrine : 570.

Pattern of cancer patients.

St. Pio Of Pietrelcina : 4447.

Inflamed with love for Jesus Christ, he conformed himself to Him by immolating himself for the salvation of the world.

St. Raymond Nonnatus : 424.

It helps us not to walk again on inconvenient routes in which we once experimented unsuccessfully.

San Roque : 556.

For any contagious disease, dangers, pests. This being of light is very faithful and compassionate.

Saint Syriac : 856. Helps to improve eyesight and to heal it.

Santo Domingo De Guzman : 86.

Our Lady appeared to him in the chapel. In his hand he held a rosary and taught Dominic to recite it. He told him to preach it throughout the
world, promising that many sinners would be converted and obtain abundant graces.

Santo Domingo Savio : 21300. Patron saint of students.

St. Vitus : 915. It is invoked for epilepsy and nervous problems.

San Sebastian : 306.

Santa Ana : 025333 .

(Mother of Mary) Patroness of all educators.

Santa Barbara : 506 / 34 / 587. Patroness of the dying. Storm and fire relief.
Patroness of the professions that handle explosives, her faithful ask the virgin for protection against injustice, envy and evil eyes and strength
to undertake dangerous actions and overcome enemies.

St. Bernadette : 185.

Patroness of diseases of the body, the sick, Lourdes (France), people ridiculed for their piety, the poor and shepherds.

Saint Bridget of Sweden : 725.

If you have not been able to obtain the miracle you seek, and you have not found the answer in other Beings of Light, seek it.

Santa Clara : 294.

Patron saint of television and telecommunications.

Saint Catherine of Alexandria : 805.

It helps students and lovers of philosophy.

St. Catherine Laboure : 53716.

It can bestow many blessings: Trust, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Signs, and Silence.

Santa Catalina de Bolonia : 26700.

Italian religious, mystic and artist. She is considered the patron saint of the liberal arts.

St. Catherine of Siena : 108.

Doctor of the Church and Patroness of Europe .

St. Cecilia : 903.

Patroness of music and musicians.
Saint DYMPHNA : 259.
It can be invoked in cases of depression, anxiety, neurosis, and all neurological pathology. Cases of sexual abuse such as incest and rape.

Saint Elisabetta Ravasio : 649.

St. Helena : 134.

Patroness of archaeologists and discoverer of the Vera Cruz (relic of the cross on which Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem).

Santa Filomena : 127 / 59942 / 1998 / 93.

Its power and the wonders it works are so great that it has four codes; moreover, it is beautiful.

St. Germaine Cousin : 456.

Santa Guianna Beretta Molla : 28.

" If you only knew how differently things are judged at the hour of death, how vain seem certain things to which we used to attach so much
importance in the world."

St. Hildegard Von Bingen: 1679.

She was an Abbess, monastic leader, mystic, prophetess, physician, composer and writer. predicted the coming of the antichrist and the end of
the USA.

St. Agnes : 366.

Patroness of adolescents.

Saint Jacinta Marto the little visionary of Fatima : 17.

Saint Joan of Arc : 2021.

It is celebrated in May. She was an incarnation of the ascended master Lotus.

Saint Sara Kali : 451.

Patron saint of gypsies. She frees all those whose lives have been damaged by black magic works or envy.

Santa Laura Montoya : 445.

Patroness of those who suffer discrimination.

St. Lucia : 98.

Patron saint of sight. To heal problems with vision.

Santa María De La Rábida : 1122.

Also called Virgin of the miracles.

St. Maria Faustina Kowalska : 421.

Saint Margaret of Antioch : 326.

It helps pregnant women and treats kidney problems.

Santa margarita parigot : 17 / 19.

As she was endowed with the gift of clairaudience, the master Jesus said to her: "Through the treasure of my childhood, you will overcome all
And he added: whatever you want to ask for, ask for it through the merits of my childhood, and nothing will be denied you."

Santa Marta : 828.

She was beheaded along with her husband and two sons in the time of Emperor Claudius II.

Saint Pauline Jaricot : 920.

Pauline was miraculously healed by St. Philomena from many ills. Pauline will heal the painful memories of scarcity that are in your
subconscious. She is the quintessential advocate for those in need of a secure income. If you have debts, or have been deceived in a business
deal, or have been abused in the financial field, turn to Pauline. She will give you all the support you need.

Saint Rafqa : 1201 / 945.

She is the patroness of those who feel unprotected and suffer.

Santa Rita : 52550.

Patron and advocate of impossible cases.

St. Rose Of Lima : 25.

Several gifts were attributed to Santa Rosa, among which precognition stands out. And she herself predicted his death.

St. Teresa Of Avila : 54.

Patroness of Catholic Writers and First Doctor of the Church.

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus (Therese of Lisieux) : 2 / 2020.

She has said she wants to spend her heaven doing good to the earth, and roses are her symbol. Your code can be used for all kinds of situations.
Suggests that while we are repeating the code, we visualize roses on the affected organ or situation to be treated.
Channeled by Jose Gabriel Uribe (Agesta).



Mentor for the Health area : 27915.

Mentor for the area of Nutrition and Food : 62013.
Mentor for the area of Labor : 82820.
Mentor for the area of Friendships : 52515.
Mentor for the Psychic area : 52119.
Business Mentor : 72911.
The Angels will take care of sending it.

Albert Einstein : 25630.

To receive help in the field of mathematics. It is a magnificent Guide, for those who want to develop their full potential.

Alexis Carrel : 929.

Physician and writer, author of the phrase "Dowsing can save the world". If one wants to make accurate readings with the pendulum, and be
successful in this field, he is the best Mentor you can have.

Alfred Adler : 38127.

Physician. It will help us to develop the value of Solidarity, it will manifest itself to us in dreams, and it will help us to overcome all kinds of

Anthony de Mello : 826.

He was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist known for his books and lectures on spirituality, where he used theological elements from other
religions, in addition to the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Auguste Liebeaut : 219.

French physician founder of the School of Nancy. He dedicated many years of his life to the practice of Hypnosis. His brilliant procedure was
based on suggestion. He performed numerous cures, and attended free of charge to those who visited him in his clinic.

Baba Bharata : 1099.

Once settled in America Bharata met William Atkhinson, an American writer, and between them they wrote numerous books containing the
legacy of the great Yogi Ramacharaca.

Bruce Lee: 487.

When you lack faith and none of your dreams come true. Nothing is casual in the web of existence and infinity smiles at those who believe in
the impossible.

Carl Jung : 91.

Father of analytical psychology: "Your vision will be clear only when you look into your own heart".

Charles la Fontaine : 595.

Recognized poet. Prolific author, particularly of a poetry of direction.

Charles Mc Clean : 846.

He performed countless healings and was a great master of magnetism.

Conny Mendez : 1229.

Writer, actress, painter but, above all, metaphysical teacher, Conny Méndez was well known for her work spreading transcendental philosophy
throughout the world, being the founder of the Saint Germain Sisterhood.

David Hawkins : 868.

Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy 1927-2012, he was director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, and Founder of the Path of Devotion to

Edward Bach : 21700.

Scholar in flower essences for body and mind healing.

Elisabeth Clare Prophet : 28.

She was an author, teacher, messenger and leader of The Summit Lighthouse. Like her husband, Mark L. Prophet , his calling was to be a
prophet of God, or one who delivers the Word of God.

Eileen Caddy : 980.

She was a spiritual teacher and new age author. She wrote the book "The Inner Voice", among others.

Emmet Fox : 351 / 326.

He made METAPHYSICS known in a more popular way, and succeeded in freeing everyone who studies it from its problems. He understood
the teachings of the Master Jesus like no one else in the world,
Erich Fromm : 72515.
While he was incarnated as well as a noted writer, he was an expert in the field of psychoanalysis. If one wants to learn to know himself and to
have the help of a great therapist, he will advise him in dreams, and help him to solve his own problems.

Henry Agrippa : 891.

(1486-1535.) German Physician and Diplomat, a true Wizard of Light. A scholar, a relevant figure and an extraordinary writer.
Expert in Numerology and Philosophy. Thanks to him we have the knowledge of the Planetary Geniuses.

Francisco Antonio Mesmer : 58179.

He is considered the precursor of Hypnotism. He argued that the stars, the sun, and the moon exert an influence on the human organism by
means of an energy that he called animal magnetism.

Frederick Bailes : 1214.

He was a distinguished physician, author of excellent works. In this work he narrates the miraculous way in which he himself was cured of an
"incurable" disease. "It's what you do that counts, not how you feel," has made him a respectable and deeply human author.

Guru Gobinda : 11577.

He was a warrior of sublime compassion, abolished slavery in India, a heroic leader who overcame many obstacles. This Mentor helps by
granting strength, favors those who like to write, was a scholar. His Mantras are excellent and whoever asks for his help will eliminate
negativity by means of his Cosmic Sword. Gives signals to the caller.

Dr Hamer: 854.
Creator of the controversial pseudo-medicine New Germanic Medicine, which promises a very high success rate in curing cancer, as well as
any type of disease.

Harry Houdini : 3314.

He began his career in 1882 as a trapeze artist. . With an uncanny ability to free himself from handcuffs, padlocked trunks and chains of any
kind, he left his magic library, one of the most valuable in the world, to the Library of Congress.

Helen Keller: 322.

She became with tremendous willpower a world famous speaker and author. He established the fight for the sensory impaired of the world as
his life's goal. "Do not let yourself be discouraged or cowed even if you experience loneliness, helplessness, fear, sadness, boredom. . .
Convince yourself: your life is in the best hands, God's hands."

Jim Rohn : 17.

It was the famous entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker, Jim Rohn. "Don't set your goal too low; if you don't aim too high, that's what
you'll get. "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live."

Jacques Cousteau : 420.

French (1910/1997) He made available to mankind the most unexplored place on the planet: the ocean floor. The oceanographer helped raise
awareness of the need to protect marine nature.

Jorge Manrique : 414.

Spanish poet and warrior of the 15th century. Jorge Manrique is helpful in healing the painful memories left by the "death" of our disembodied
Beloved Loved Ones, especially if the death occurred in childhood.

Joshua David Stone : 711.

He was one of the most influential spiritual teachers, leaders and forerunners of our time. He had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology.
He presented inspired ideas, such as the fight for "full spectrum integrated prism awareness".

Joseph Murphy : 55533.

He was an authority in the field of the mind, and wrote more than 30 books. Anyone who wants to develop their full potential and live a
successful life will achieve it with the help of this great Counselor.

Jose de San Martin : 703.

Hero of the American independence, liberator of Chile and Peru, the uniqueness of the heroic profile of José de San Martín is given, more than
by his external exploits, by the inner greatness of his character.

José Silva (Parapsychologist): 984.

American of Mexican origin, creator of the Silva Method of Mental Control.

Lucas Paccioli : 28.

He was considered as one of the most important in the calculation of probabilities and systematization of accounting.

Louise Lynn Hay : 908.

She cured herself of an early stage of cancer. He wrote a series of self-help books that have helped thousands of people around the world. His
most relevant book was published in 1984 "You can heal your life".

Mikao Usui : 1515.

He was the founder of a supposed system of natural harmonization called Reiki.

Maxwell Maltz : 22174.

Plastic Surgeon. Through this number they will receive your help and will be able to make changes in their "self-image", which will translate
into improved self-esteem and well-being.
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona : 1570.
She can be invoked to release all erroneous memories and heal ancestors through the practice of ho'oponopono.

Napoleon Hill : 694.

Whoever wants to include me as a counselor can do so, and I will instill in him qualities such as faith, prosperity, perseverance, will, and

Neville Goddard : 61571.

He was a noted Psychic researcher, lecturer and writer. The greatest teaching that this Spiritual Giant can offer us is everything related to
imagination. Neville can help us visualize successfully.

Newton : 827.
Isaac Newton is one of the greatest scientists in history, possibly the physicist-mathematician who left the most valuable and influential legacy.
He extended the terrestrial laws of mechanics to the entire cosmos, implying that nature is governed by universal laws. In (1687) he enunciated
the Law of Universal Gravitation and the laws of motion.

Nichiren Daishonin : 113.

Happiness Mentor. taught us a profound life teaching. He first invoked NAM-MYOHO-RENKE-KYO and inscribed his enlightenment in
GOHONZON, which enables us to reveal our inherent Buddha nature.

Nikola Tesla : 108.

He is one of the most influential figures in the history of science and technology. Tesla's dream was to get free power to everyone, and
delivered wirelessly.

Paul Clement Jagot : 73.

He was an expert in the fields of Hypnosis, Psychology, Astrology, Graphology, Applied Psychology, Magnetism, Suggestion, Occult
Sciences, Magic, and all areas related to self-mastery and self-improvement.

Paracelsus : 688.
Swiss doctor of great wisdom and high knowledge of Magic, helps to have confidence, to listen to the inner voice, to keep a safe distance from
people with bad vibes, to have solidarity with our fellow men, to eliminate pessimism and ideas of poverty.

Pythagoras : 1354.
Greek philosopher and mathematician. Message: "Dear Souls: I am knocking at the door of your hearts, to give you the possibility to
understand something of what is hidden. No one can escape the Numbers, they are Law in the Universe.

Ramacharaca : 22233.
Born in India . He devoted his entire life to the pursuit of wisdom. Over the years, he passed on his profound knowledge to his disciple Baba
Bharata. Shortly before disincarnating in Ramacharaca, he asked Baba to take the knowledge he had acquired to the West.

René Descartes : 595.

"Keep pushing, keep pushing. I made all the mistakes I could make, but I kept pushing."

Rudolf Steiner : 2570.

Steiner sought to discover a method that would enable him to grasp the hidden and higher realities.

Sigmund Freud : 826.

According to Freud's theory, painful childhood experiences are evicted from consciousness and become part of the unconscious, from where
they can powerfully influence behavior.

Swami Panchadasi : 1594.

It protects us from incarnated and disincarnated karmic enemies, against karmic revenge and against energetic vampires.

Victor Frank : 51527.

Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist. They will find meaning in their lives, their hopes will be reborn, and many psychological problems will
be solved.

Williams James : 411.

Writer, Professor, and researcher in the fields of Medicine, Philosophy, and Psychology.

William Parker: 380.

It will free us from fear, guilt, feelings of inferiority, and hatred. "This great researcher and professor says that when we pay too much attention
to a symptom, it tends to perpetuate itself.

COLLECTED BY LUIS MIGUEL ESTÉBANEZ www.oasibeth.com OASIBETH PLANET Channeled by Jose Gabriel Uribe (Agesta).


Note: There are more beings of light that belong to these planets, here I indicate those that are stellar beings.
Coming from the violet planet
Mr. Ormi-tas : 679.
Governor of the Violet Planet.
Alain-Mas : 4600000.
This being possesses a powerful energy coming from the planet Violet.
Kemi-Sarib : 1700000.
This being possesses a powerful energy coming from the planet Violet.

Asam-Ayal : 850.
This being possesses a powerful energy coming from the planet Violet.
Aurim-Usvara : 929.
This being possesses a powerful energy coming from the planet Violet.

Coming from Telos

Adama of Telos : 1576.
Ask the guides and this master to take us to telos while we sleep, and the next day recite his code, and he will reveal to us information received
during our stay there.

Telos Advisor : 456.

It is amazing how quickly he responds when we have visited him in his etheric retreat. The next day he reveals everything he taught us in Telos
during the night.

Coming from Antares

Authanis of Antares : 447.
In charge of awakening the terans in their stellar consciousness and teaching them to increase their frequency levels so that they can advance on
the path of spiritual evolution.

Coming from Pleiades

Commander Athor : 25793.

From the Pleiadian interstellar fleet in the service of Tera.

Ellionen : 1613.
Being of light, Pleiadian. The one that helps them to trust their feelings to the fullest, and offers them a clear path to self-realization.

Marcoam : 516.
Pleiadian light being. It opens the doors of the psychological prisons of those who suffered sexual abuse in childhood.

Belonging to the Galactic Federation

Commander Ashtar Sheran : 1164.

Commander of the star fleet, messenger of peace, in the past known as miguel archangel, chief of the celestial hosts. I am the ashtar
commander; I oversee the members of the galactic federation of ascended masters, known as the space-transported ascended masters, because
to serve, they travel in a spaceship throughout the creator's universe. I am the commander of the spacecraft and supervisor of the work of the
ascended masters dedicated to this service.

Commanders Ayat and Saer (of the ship Leen) : 1919.

For people who have worked hard to cancel the karmic contracts that have kept them tied to other entities and despite their energetic and honest
work, they have not been able to completely get rid of those ties. Additionally, use codes 017 and 018.

Commander Amun(female) : 771.

Commander Conrad : 856 .

It belongs to the First Ray of God's Divine Will. He is one of the closest servants of Archangel Michael.

Coming from Arcturus

The Arcturians : 736,

If you want to develop telepathy and further enhance the ears of the soul.

Commander Julian of Arcturus : 15415.

Coordinator of the angelic healing hosts of the beloved planet Arcturus, source of unconditional love and dispenser of blessings for all beings
in the galaxy.

Coming from Andromeda

Cristina, from Andromeda. : 699.

A bridge to the eternal mansions, a prodigious energy that embraces the poor and the afflicted.

Ruth of Andromeda : 5600.

I will wipe the tears from their eyes and comfort their souls. I am a faithful messenger of Mother Mary for this hour.
Coming from Ageon

Ilama Yamashi : 28.

Commander of Squadron 28 of the light consciousnesses you call "orbs". We can favorably alter the vibrations of the locations for your own
convenience. Whenever you have an important meeting or any other stressful activity, call me, and I will be there in fractions of a second to
turn the circumstances in your favor. Where faith is absent, there is no magic. I can help you to believe, and I will pass with my squadron
cleaning the spaces that you will indicate to me. I come from Ageon, the planet of silence.

Ishao Kamata : 688 / 604.

I am the one who reveals to you the secrets of numbers, colors, and the words vibration of colors. They radiate an energy.

Leen of Ageon : 571.

Listen to leen in the midst of the silence and listen to what she wants to reveal to you, she keeps magnificent secrets and speaks to your heart
without hesitation.

Wersaba : 584.
Ruler of the planet Ageon.

Amilec : 585.
Ruler of the planet Ageon.

Salima of Ageon : 3946.

the daughter of LEEN of Ageon,

Samantha of Ageon : 234.

She will open your ears when you call upon her.

Isama Kamura, Kinaya Sakwa, Lord Alpha, Dr Paul Jagot, Catalina, Saer and Ayat

Coming from Neptune

Ixapasemil : 2113.
It comes from the planet neptune. is one of the guardians of the eight moons. This being helps us to develop the gift of inner vision and

Coming from Sirius

Doctor Lorphan : 729 / 28700 / 654 / 901 / 733.

Director of the Great White Lodge in Sirius . Whoever wishes to visit his etheric retreat will be healed by him and his team of healers. His
specialty is removing darts, bullets, and etheric arrows that are thrown by psychic vampires and other negative entities.

Jaixima of Sirius : 453.

He belongs to the Galactic Healers team and works under Dr. Lorphan.

Sheila of Sirius : 55124.

Helps to eliminate remnants against the entities of darkness after the quantum leap. A loving companion who watches your every step.

Salusa de Sirio : 177.

Whoever does not know my ship, ask me for help and I will put images in your mind.

Nahumiel (of the white dolphins): 904.

It helps us to have faith in the divine plan and announces favorable winds.

Karmic board : 481 / 262.

The karmic tribunal is conformed by divine beings with much light, kindness and mercy, they are in the lower etheric realm, in a white
building, called temple of great mercy and love, to which the souls go before incarnating and when they disincarnate.
Members: Kwan Yin, Portia, Alexa, Pallas Athena, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Elohim Vista "the All Seeing Eye" Of God, Shri Magra, Lord
Lords of karma : 95138.
They meet at the Royal Teton retreat twice a year, early in the year and at the summer solstice, to review requests from unascended humanity
and grant dispensations for their assistance. traditionally, students of the ascended masters write personal petitions to the karmic board
requesting energy gifts, dispensations and sponsorship of constructive causes, projects and initiatives.Traditionally, students of the ascended
masters write personal petitions to the karmic board requesting gifts of energy, dispensations and sponsorship in constructive causes, projects
and initiatives, the letters are sealed, written and burned, the angels carry them to the Royal Teton retreat, where they are read by the lords of

The lords of time : 55555 / 365365.

We have delivered them from great evils and continue to do so. When reliable channels have announced serious situations, and these do not
happen, it is because we intervene.
The Hathor : 802.
Intergalactic civilization from another universe. They are our older brothers.

The Orbs : 75820.

They are a legion of light consciousnesses. They come from many stellar constellations, and make their presence felt in vibrations akin to their
Noah : 32574.
It is a collective of beings of light that come to the call of those who want to leave the third dimension.
Winged Collective Consciousness Of Nine: 33377.
Those of us who lovingly await your requests for help.

Voices Of The Galaxy Collective : 2680.

Saithrhu Sir : 51679.
Manu of the seventh root race. member of the karmic board.
Shasha : 823.
Member of the tuly ship. and the commander of our ship is named umbro.

Shri Magra : 2626.

He fulfilled the functions of lord of the world, he is a member of the karmic board.

Governors of oasibeth : 25600.

Ossok : 808.
To work on the liberation of the 8th ray.

Silent candlestick : 594.

This is a great and majestic being. He has before him the cosmic crystal that sees the reflection of all activities on earth. He is one of the lords
of the great central sun whose activity is independent of the Logos.
Aries : 612.
Channeled by Jose Gabriel Uribe (Agesta).


Alana queen of the parallel world : 2306.
It helps us to create images in order to access an interdimensional door to receive its energy.

Spiritual mentor Guru Govinda : 11577.

He is the bearer of the cosmic sword, the one who delivers us from negativity here and now.

Master of the parallel world : Eby : 330. It helps us to achieve clairaudience.

Master of the parallel world : Hassy : 404. It helps us to achieve clairaudience.

Master of the parallel world : Lany : 908. It helps us to achieve clairaudience.


Divine Mother : SHINING PURITY.

Our Lady of Guadalupe : ALEITYA.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart : GOLDEN MOON.


Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal : GOLDEN FLOWER.


Our Lady of Loreto : CRYSTAL STAR


Lady Kwan Yin : EYES OF HEAVEN.

Maestra María Magdalena: MANANTIAL DE AMOR.

Saint Philomena : GOLD.


Archangel Uriel : GOLD OF OFIR.

Archangel Michael : GOD IS GOOD.

Divine Infant : PRECIOUS DAWN.


Connecting with power animals : 13131313.

Birds : 52114.
Fish : 2120.

Phoenix Bird : 4412 / 513.

It is one of the most important allies in your ascension process, because it attracts Light Beings like a magnet. It also increases your hope and
helps you trust in your talents. It is a great protector that announces a new life.

Bees : 861.
Connection to Goddess Diana Understanding the feminine energy of the warrior Reincarnation Communication with the dead Helping spirits
clinging to the earth to move on to their proper place Concentration Prosperity.

Eagle : 179.
Spirit / Courage / Tenacity / It is the gift of clear vision, with which you truly see the things you look at. It is the patience to wait for the right
moment. It is living in balance with the earth and the heavens.

Armadillo : 729.
Borders, Protection, Empathy. The Armadillo wears his armor on his back, his power is part of his body. Your safety limits are a part of your
total being. Armadillo teaches us how to protect ourselves and when to leave our defenses down.

Whale : 615.
Keeper of the memory of all eternity .All knowledge associated with the voice .Psychic and telepathic abilities All aspects of the sea. Beauty of
movement .

Buffalo : 821.
Abundance / Gratitude. Earthly Creativity .Feminine Courage Abundance .Knowledge Generosity .Hospitality Sharing of work.
Abundance .Strength and challenge .Survival .Giving for the greater good .Formulating beneficial plans .

Owl : 21. // White owl : 01.

Intuition / Clairvoyance . Quiet and fast. See behind the masks. Insightful view. Messenger of secrets and omens. Change of shape. Link
between the dark, unseen world and the world of light. Comfort with one's own shade. Magic of the Moon. Freedom.

Horse : 315.
Power / Resistance. Horse medicine includes power, vigor, stamina, endurance, fidelity, freedom to run free, control of the environment,
awareness of power achieved with true cooperation, communication between species, power to expand one's potential abilities, friendship and
cooperation, travel, astral travel, guardian of travelers, warns of possible dangers, guide to overcome obstacles.

Camel : 63.
Survival, positive, achievements. The camel is a unique animal that demands respect.

Babysitter : 159.
Protection and assistance in important decisions. Help in sex issues. Intuitive and decisive movement, Adventure, Strength, Agility and
Balance. Kangaroo will help us move towards everything we need. Its power can help us shed what is no longer beneficial, and will provide us
with the stamina and energy needed to achieve our greatest desires.

Snail : 854.
Perseverance, Determination, Protection, Conscious of isolation.

Castor : 124.
The totem beaver warns of imbalance, and encourages us to set the right priorities. It orders us through the day.
Working to fulfill lifelong dreams is admirable, but not at the cost of neglecting our friends and family - that's a great message from the beaver
totem pole. The beaver will give us constancy to achieve anything. It will also give us order in our days so that we can be happy and balance
work with family.

Zebra : 384.
Those who need to integrate into a group without losing their personality. The totem of good companions, friends and groups where the bond
that unites them is strengthened.

Deer : 54.
It represents strength and community. If you hear a deer or elk mooing, it's time to ask yourself if you are willing to recognize a partner.
connection with the spirits of the forest - connection with other worlds - feminine- masculine energy
- Senses and perceptions - Renewal - Collective consciousness - Nobility - Agility

Swan : 654.
Grace, beauty, self-esteem. They are aquatic birds, closely linked to water, even nesting near it. Water is symbol of: Fluidity, intuition, dreams,
emotions, creativity. The Swan is one of the most powerful and ancient totems.
Silver cobra : 616.
Soul guide. reminder of the world of the soul. Transmutation of the soul .memories of past lives .wisdom of the Goddess.
Freedom from religious persecution.

Crocodile : 76,
Guardian of universal wisdom. Connect with your most primal instincts and the true root of universal knowledge.
Their ferocity reminds us of the struggle for survival. The crocodile knows how to use cunning and decisiveness to get its way.
Patience is the mother of science: keeping a cool head and a cool head every time we find ourselves in an extremely complicated situation will
help us to get out of it and solve it successfully. Encourage your detachment when faced with a challenge.

Hummingbird : 620.
Love and/or Joy. Ability to heal using laser-like light from the mouth. Patience during long working days.
Ability to fly to small places to heal. Joy Happiness. Love .

Condor : 27.
The wisdom of the vulture/condor includes: Death and rebirth. Prophecy. Love of the Mother Goddess Knowledge about the death of a loved
one. New vision. Purification.

Rabbit : 84.

Rabbit medicine includes moving through fear, living with cunning, receiving secret teachings and intuitive messages, thinking fast,
strengthening intuition, and paradox. Rabbit also represents humility, because it is quiet and gentle and is not conceited.
Rabbit reminds us not to be afraid. Fearful thoughts reproduce (like rabbits) and bring us the very thing we fear. Rabbit people are so afraid of
tragedies, diseases and disasters that they call upon the same fears to teach them lessons.

Raven : 204.
The raven guides those who are destined to become great shamans or magicians. Medicine men and women, who fulfill at the same time the
function of being counselors, healers and intermediaries between the physical world and the subtle worlds.
It is also the animal of those people who use mancias (tarot, runes, crystal ball...) since it gives them the power to connect with other worlds,
including the dead. From their particular fields of expression, people guided by the raven dedicate themselves to collaborate in the healing of
other souls.
The raven is in charge of showing and bringing to "light" the talents of divination, connection, mediumship, and magic of those who have it as
a power animal. The winter solstice is the most powerful day for a person with raven medicine, as it is the shortest day of the year, therefore the
darkest, and therefore a specialist for making that transition from darkness to light.

Dolphins : 701.
Communication Knowledge of the sea. Protector of sailors. Wisdom. Balance. Harmony. Communication skills.
Freedom. Trust. Understanding the power of rhythm in your life. Use of the breath to release intense emotions. Magical element of water .

White dolphins : 701.

Nobility. Balance. Joy of living. Communication skills. Understanding the power of rhythm. Game. Use of the breath to release intense

Dragon : 020.
Dragon wisdom includes: Being born of Fire. Protector. Existing between thoughts. Ability to move between worlds.
Connection to the birth of the Universe. The Red Dragon sleeps in the center of the Earth.

Elephant : 21.
Strength .royalty .connection with ancient wisdom. Eliminate obstacles and barriers. Trust Patience. Use educational opportunities.

Goose : 100.
People with the goose totem are clear communicators, defenders of the truth and guardians of the community.
Ganso reminds us to always remember our roots without forgetting the people who helped us along the way, to follow our instincts, based on
intuition in order to get where we need to be. It also reminds us that it is necessary to communicate our needs to others, no one can help us if
we do not ask for it. Protecting what is most valuable is also a lesson from Ganso, but we must be sure that what we are protecting is worthy of

Heron : 26.
Garza comes into our lives to teach us the power of precision. When we make decisions in our lives with precision, everything we do achieves
a higher level of efficiency. It teaches the value of watching and waiting until you get what you need. In other words, the heron teaches us the
value of patience. It is not passive patience, but active patience. He advises being aggressive when opportunities present themselves and not
letting them slip away.

Cat : 94.
Independence. Seeing the unseen. Protection. Love. It allows us to dream your dreams. Meditation assistance. Ability to fight when cornered .

Swallow : 134.
Swallows have a meaning of loyalty and fidelity, since swallows choose a partner who will always accompany them for life. Therefore, they
also have a meaning of love and loyalty to the family. They are animals that are faithful for life to their mate, whom they care for with
continuous courtship when they see each other.

Cricket : 734.
It brings messages from our disembodied loved ones. Omen of good luck. When you hear the crickets chirping it indicates that an opening or
reopening of your inner voice is going to happen. If you hear it in your bed at night, it announces a happy love relationship.

Crane : 84.
They bestow wisdom, sharpen intelligence and enhance self-discipline to the wearer. The totem crane protects young people, and the crane will
give them all the gifts mentioned above, which are especially necessary at that age. Symbol of calm, slenderness and longevity, it is a solar
symbol, and one of justice. An important totem in China and throughout the East, the crane is considered a bird of good omen and is known by
various names, including "the bird of happiness", "the celestial crane" or "the bird of peace".

Hawk : 30.
Falcon wisdom includes: Clairvoyance. Be alert. Distant memory. Messages from the spirit. Protection. Past life recall. Value Wisdom.
Lighting. See the bigger picture. Creativity. Truth. Experience. Wise use of opportunities.
Overcoming problems .

Ant : 28.
The wisdom of the ant includes: Patience. Vital force. Planning energy and patience needed to complete the job.

Savings. Community life. Teamwork. Storing reserves for the future .

Alpine ibex (mountain goat) : 721.

It reminds us of ourselves of the honor, self-respect, individuality and originality that we all have. The totem goat will bring out in us the
extravagant point that will make us special. The totem goat teaches us to honor our highest ideals and continue to explore our perspectives until
we achieve our highest vision.
The goat totem teaches us that with great risks always come the greatest rewards.
The goat teaches us to venture into uncharted territory, and to see life as an adventure, with curiosity and skill, and to broaden our inner and
spiritual horizons.

Jaguar : 234.
Ask him to help you see opportunities and act intelligently. Sometimes opportunities cross your path, but you don't recognize them. The Jaguar
assists you and teaches you to be aware of the powerful energies that are descending. The Spirit of the Jaguar promises you justice if you act
honestly in your daily life. The jaguar comes into your life to teach you the values of the Fifth Dimension.

Giraffe : 374.
The giraffe totem is inventiveness, ingenuity and strategy, a gift for communication, and above all a lot of foresight, open-mindedness and
perceptiveness. The totem giraffe brings these values with protection to its chosen ones, and gives them a certain elegance and grace in their

Owl : 375.
The Owl is your friend, it helps you to see the whole truth.
This animal brings you messages in dreams or in meditation, usually at night, it listens to your intuition and interprets your dreams, this truth
always gives you a greater light.

Leopard : 757.
It gives extra courage and strength in times of chaos and crisis, or so that these do not arise because the totem panther is able to neutralize the
negative forces that haunt us and protect us from them.

Leon : 350 / 89.

It represents Divine Justice, protection and triumph. Brotherhood. Letting go of tension. Strong family ties. Strength. Value.Energy. Self-
fulfillment .

Dragonfly : 104.
symbol of success, victory, happiness, strength and courage. gives us a very powerful meditation tool, as it brings the unconscious thoughts to
the conscious surface, in order to resolve them. The dragonfly empowers change, the transformation of those thoughts into powerful action.

Wolf : 8991.
Teacher who welcomes all students with the hope that perhaps one in ten will attain his wisdom. The Wolf connects with everyone but
communicates and shares the true mysteries with a few who persevere and overcome the initial stage of his journey. This is where the wolf
becomes a truly valuable teacher. Lobo represents all facets: perseverance, strength and endurance. Lobo enters our lives to let us know that we
can achieve anything. Neither pain, sadness, loss or depression are not enough of an excuse to stop trying again and live life to the fullest.

White Wolf : 664.

To face the end of our own cycle with dignity and courage. Death and rebirth. Teaching spirit. Guidance in dreams and meditations. Instinct
combined with intelligence. Social and family values. Outwitting enemies. Ability to go unnoticed. Constancy Ability to protect oneself and
one's family. Taking advantage of change .

Firefly : 86.
Communication, Lighting.

Mandrel : 515.
For psychologists in favor of the interpretation of the oneiric, the monkey is a symbol of internal dissatisfaction and disharmony of the psychic
world, due to the total opposition to everything that is related to the conventional.
For oriental astrologers it is an animal loaded with tribal meanings and, since it came in ninth place at the call of Buddha,

Butterfly : 33.
The power of the whirlwind. Reincarnation. Transformation. Transmutation. Magic.

Blackbird : 526.
Blackbird wisdom includes: Comfort in large groups. Attack from behind. Facing the buffeting winds in this world. Achievement.
Use of voice as protection. Nomadic life Intrepidness. Going against the tide.

Overall : 46.
The monkey is a symbol of intelligence, intensity and participation. The totem monkey symbolizes, joy, brings defense against aggression,
gives intelligence, indomitable nature, vivacity, energy, action, mobility. The totem monkey provides love of community and a sense of family,
honor and dominance. Also the monkey brings good luck in many cultures, seeing monkeys or having monkeys is a good omen, in money and
fortune. The Totem Monkey invites us to have a flexible personality without rigid beliefs that stifle us, and also attests to how important it is to
know how to laugh at oneself and not take things so seriously. The totem monkey gives the ability to communicate, and the dexterity and skill
to get out of any difficult situation.

Otter : 823.
If the otter totem appears in our lives, it may be time to dust off our cheerful and jovial side. Bring out the child in us.
or relate to them. Also the otter totem teaches us to accept and deal with our emotions, it can appear in men who have adopted the role of
tough, and have repressed their emotional and sweet side.
Otter totem advises us to let events unfold naturally in our lives, and not to be materialistic to the extreme of living to get things to slave for.
Otter totem returns us to our feelings and connects with our softest and purest emotions. To become an otter and move smoothly in the river of
life is the advice of the totem otter.

Pigeon: 12.
It offers much hope for the future, gives inner peace, and connects with Beings of light such as Mother Mary. The dove helps to free us from
uncomfortable relationships, increases our faith, and attracts important news to us.
The wisdom of the dove includes: Bringing peace and love.
Understanding of gentleness. Spirit messenger. Communicates between the two worlds .

Woodpecker : 3070.
Communication, Timeliness, Attention, Protection, Pace. The totem of the woodpeckers indicates to us: the importance of being creative in our
lives and how this creativity gives us the solution to the different difficulties we encounter in the course of our existence.
The importance of recognizing and valuing those who came before us.
To find balance in our actions and to be in the present moment in order to perceive all the opportunities that life offers us.
If the woodpecker visits you in your dream, it is telling you to pay attention to your life, because there is an issue that you have overlooked and
it is time to wake up and get down to work, taking action.

Thunderbird Thunderird : 736.

The Thunderbird Thunderbird is a bird of power, shamans invoke it to bring rain in times of drought, but also to obtain incredible power and
energy in times of battle.
Gaining courage, strength, health and lots of energy are the magical properties of thunderbirds.

Quetzal Bird : 389.

The powers of the quetzal are beauty, freedom, balance, radiance. His wisdom comes through enlightenment, acting without inhibitions,
spiritual knowledge, trusting one's own presence, being the center from one's own wise center, use of wealth and prosperity.

Black Panther : 789 / 524.

It symbolizes bravery, courage and power. Helps eliminate fear of the night and the unknown. The black panther offers protection against
energy vampires, and has a strong connection to the Moon. It relieves serious tribulations and is a balm for the Inner Child.
The Black Panther is a gateway to the New Energy. Through it, all that was unjustly taken from us by darkness is recovered.
She tunes the clairaudience and is closely linked to sexual energy.

Pegasus : 100100 / 00315.

The wisdom of the pegasus includes: Protector Inspiration. Astral travel connection. Limits. Humility. Excitement. Connection to the wisdom
of lightning. Ability to fly above any situation.

Dog : 61 / 685.
Understand the duality of doubt and faith. Companionship. Unquestionable loyalty. Love. Sensual knowledge of all things. Protection. Ability
to sniff out problems at a distance .

Salamanders : 2715.
Salamander wisdom includes: Facilitates the connection between land and water. Connection to the soul's memories of the first life on earth.
Change. Comfort in the dark. Ability to take cover in the face of adversity .

Salmon : 307.
Among North American Natives, the salmon stands out as an energetic totem. Salmon is a natural motivator, totem salmon is contagious
confidence. Salmon leads difficult ventures and does so with grace and ease. Knowledge, prophecy, and inspiration, coupled with the energy of
this totem make it an interesting animal if you have chosen it as a totem. You will have energy, brilliant ideas, revelations, inspirations and
enough energy to realize all your dreams.

Grasshopper : 373.
The appearance of a grasshopper indicates a time when we will experience great leaps of happiness. It teaches us to trust our inner voice and
act accordingly. The Grasshopper can be an enlightening messenger of ingenuity, inventiveness, joy and honor. Grasshoppers were thought to
be symbols of fertility, specifically the harbinger of the birth of a child. It also symbolizes prosperity, wisdom and a leap of faith.

Snake : 615.
The wisdom of the snake / viper includes: Message from the rainbow serpent. Elusiveness. Manipulate the lightning. Transmutation.
Exploration of the mysteries of life. Primitive or elemental energy. Protection from religious persecution. Goddess Energy Psychic Energy.
Creative power Immortality. It connects or forms the magical cord through which the shaman travels to the world of the soul.

Shark : 451.
Shark wisdom includes: A sea god Guardian of the family. Constant movement ability. Salvador. Protector. Connection to the knowledge of
the past. Change of shape. Lack of remorse. He is never caught off guard. Ability to defend oneself .

Tiger : 596.
The tiger is power, energy, generosity, enlightenment, but it also has the gift of unpredictability and surprise. Black Tiger: rules the winter
season and is the ruler of the water elementals.
Blue Tiger : He rules the spring season and is the ruler of the Earth elementals,
Red Tiger : rules the summer season and is the ruler of the fire elementals.
Yellow Tiger Tiger: It is the supreme ruler of all these tigers and symbolically represents the Sun.
White Tiger : 681. He rules the autumn season and is the ruler of the metal elementals.

Turtles : 089 / 101.

The wisdom of the turtle includes: Symbol of the earth. Connection to the center. Navigation skills. Patience. Self-limits. Association with the
feminine. Power to heal female diseases. Respect the boundaries of others. Develop new ideas. Psychic protection of oneself. Self-confidence.
Tenacity. Non-violent defense .

Rhinoceros : 424.
The symbolism of the rhinoceros is wisdom, freedom, stability, longevity, health, awareness, self-confidence and a lot of sensory perception.
The rhinoceros is a magical animal that bestows or reaffirms all this. If the rhinoceros is your totem it will do so faithfully as a companion to
help you on a sentimental journey in recognizing the truth with your spiritual eyes - not your physical eyes. The rhinoceros will also help you
maintain the connection to the Mother (the earth) and open you to knowledge and understanding on a new (and wonderful) level.

Unicorn : 7 / 14147.
The wisdom of the unicorn includes: Purity Innocence. Virginity. Connection to cure patterns. Connection to the spirits of the forest. Related to
the Pegasus. Connection with the fairies. They often make contact under flowering fruit trees.

Cow : 67.
It connects us with well-being and abundance. It helps us to tune in to our Divine purpose, to that which moves us.

Dairy cows : 100699.

Channeled by Jose Gabriel Uribe (Agesta).


General :
Self-Healing (Stimulates Capacity) : 464.
Accelerate healing processes at all levels : 128.
Activation of physical and sexual attractiveness: 904.Stem cells are cells found in all multicellular organisms that have the ability to divide and
differentiate into various types of specialized cells and to self-renew to produce more stem cells.
Stem Cell Activation : 881.
Activation of female pheromones: 802.
Activation of male pheromones: 801.
DNA reconnecting the twelve strands : 50. (From Dr David Stone).
This is basic to accelerate evolution and has a powerful effect on the healing and resurrection of the physical vehicle. Call upon the Ascended
Masters of your choice and the Mighty I Am Presence, and ask for the reconnection of the twelve strands of DNA in your etheric body. These
were disconnected in some past epoch of mankind. It has always been possible for us to ask them (the Masters) to reconnect them but no one
knew enough to ask."
DNA restore : 81621.
Attracting organ donors : 527.

Good health : 60.

Unborn baby : 912.
Change of organs : 447.
You can ask Archangel Raphael, who runs an organ bank and performs psychic surgeries, to replace a damaged organ. Contact this Archangel
and ask him for healing. If he tells you that he wishes to change some organs, then ask to be taken to his etheric retreat at night, and he will do
the psychic surgeries. if he tells you that he will restore the impaired organ by continuous repetition of the codes, then repeat the codes.

Become an extension of Archangel Raphael : 157.

Urgent cases of all kinds: 594 / 677 / 925 / 437.
Surgery(success) : 42716.
Surgery(recovery) : 614.
Surgery(get rid of) : 8092 / 55726.
Brain healing and strengthening : 218 / 620.
Changing eating habits : 152.
Physical body : 512.
Caring for the caregiver of the sick : 114.

Stop eating meat : 1570.

It is very important to first ask your body and soul if this is what it really wants for the process to be effective.
Stop drinking soft drinks or sodas : 8.
Rest : 61271. Benefits the physical body .
Discovering and rescuing the inner physician : 644.
Awakening awareness to be an organ and tissue donor : 02.
Stop hair loss: 81.
Detoxify and cleanse the body's organs: 79.
Desire to be healed : 111500.
Many people do not want to be healed, because the disease brings them benefits.
White Tara Goddess : 518.
She is an enlightened female being whose function is to impart long life, wisdom and good fortune. if we trust it, it will protect us from
contagious diseases, fire hazards and other disasters. it is said that sentient beings receive tara's blessings as swiftly as the movement of the
wind since she is the manifestation of the wind element of all buddhas.

Side effects of medicine : 2929.

Balancing carbohydrate cravings : 401.
Elemental of the body : 97.
He is the one who helps us to take care of the physical vehicle. guides each of us to the lifestyle and diet that is best for us.
Elimination of heavy metals from the body : 205.
Eliminate nighttime food cravings : 98.
Critical health states : 1258912.
Success in dermatological treatments : 524.
Extending the life span : 29.

Strength for patient caregivers : 69.

Intense cold as a symptom of ascension: 211.
Cold hands and feet: 521.

Identifying and changing thoughts that make us sick : 364. Immunity to any disease : 72249. (as did the close followers of Jesus).
Drug intoxication : 104.

To get rid of surgical intervention : 55726.

Sometimes a surgery can cause inconveniences in a person's life. this code invokes the angelic magic of the archangel Raphael who is qualified
to grant this kind of gifts. This Archangel heals without medication and without surgery. When the person no longer expects anything from this
being of light and is tired of asking, the archangel appears with magical solutions. that is why we must never lose hope.
Freeing drugs from side effects : 105 / 27.
Getting rid of bad doctors : 61.
Getting rid of contagious diseases : 908.
Food-related limitations : 102.
Blood cleansing : 208.
Achieving a pregnancy: 660.

Medicine adverse effects release : 533.

Medicine side effects : 2929.

Ears, remove earwax naturally : 821.

Oxygenate the cells : 37.

Enhancing the effect of drugs : 826 / 689.

Body posture, correct it: 679.
Practice prudent fasting without discomfort : 206.
Protection against ultraviolet rays : 2016.
Purifying armpits by using deodorants: 89.
Purify blood: 31.

Reduce stomach size to eat less: 39.

Firming the body after weight loss: 99.
Relaxation of stomach and abdomen: 473.
Food restrictions, alleviating the situation: 14.

Health in general : 628 / 720 / 3088.

Health and vitality of the physical body : 900.
Cellular healing: 378.
Sexuality healing : 843.
Remote cellular healing : 110834.
Sensitivity to noise. Relative relief : 1651419 / 2739 / 883.
Satisfying yourself with small proportions of food: 88.

Treatment of scars after surgery: 621.

Succeeding in medical appointments : 615.
Working with chronic diseases : 721. (offered by Our Lady of Lourdes).

Kwan Yin : 33351.

In case of healing damage. Because of this there have been a few cases in which these entities have tried to damage the healings that light
beings have performed. That is what Mother Kwan Yin's code is for, to restore and protect the healings.

Abdomen (to relax it) : 473.
Achalasia: 2812.
Acetylcholine (production) : 900.
Acne(of the skin): 879.
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident): 1413.
Lower uric acid: 2050.
Hyaluronic acid (regulating and balancing) : 100.
Acrania : 25.
Acromegaly : 61.
Adenoids: 11260.
Numbness of arms and fingers : 36.
Aphasia : 10028 / 120.
Aphonia: 1570.
Agenesis of the corpus callosum: 1179.
Alopecia, baldness: 2574.
Allergy: 572 / 1815.
Food allergy: 129.
Heat allergy : 201.
Allergy to stove heat (cooking) : 738.

Smoke allergy: 37.

Dust allergy: 68.
Sun allergy : 299,
Alzheimer's disease (sufferers): 42913.
Alzheimer's disease prevention: 5947.
Amenorrhea: 754.
Hepatic amebiasis 694.
amblyopia(lazy eye): 3894.
Tonsils and adenoids (both at the same time) : 291.
Tonsillitis: 696.
Amyloidosis: 790.
Blisters with fluid (dehydrosis) : 89976.
Amoebas: 25.
Andropause : 606.
Anemia : 1111171 / 71521.
Anemia sickle cell anemia : 3110.
Megaloblastic anemia : 727.
Pernicious anemia : 495.
Thalassemia anemia : 3110.
Aneurysm : 2978.
Aneurysm in the stomach : 82.
Year : 927.
Anorexia : 27600.
Anosognosia : 134.
Appendix (problems) : 511.
Sleep apnea : 208.
Cardiac arrhythmia : 2613.
Plugged coronary arteries : 54.
Arthritis : 551.
Amyotrophic lateral atherosclerosis : 650.
Rheumatoid arthritis : 62915.
Osteoarthritis : 621.
Wrinkles : 11112.
Ascites : 32.
Asthma : 2539.
Frontal cortical atrophy : 72164.
Spinal muscular atrophy type 2 : 31560.
Cerebellar atrophy : 096.
Vaginal atrophy : 65.
Frontal cortical atrophy : 72164.
Optic nerve atrophy : 1611.
Spinal muscular atrophy type 2 : 31560.
Increase in the amount of milk in breastfeeding women : 25700.
Increased libido : 11834.
Height gain in children : 52611.
Adult height gain : 2850.
Astigmatism : 028.
Autism : 6927.
Azoospermia : 393.

Bacteria in general : 1310.
Clostridium bacterium : 2615.
Bacterium helicobacter pylory : 906.
Bartolini (glandulars) : 1654.
Bartholinitis : 2140.
Spleen: 5993.
Spleen: splenomegaly : 62316.
Bilirubin normalization : 721.
Multinodular goiter : 8116.
Eye bags : 2190.
Right arm : 39.
Left arm : 11.
Bronchi : 180 / 329 / 506.
Bruxism : 568.
Spinal bulb (tumor) : 900.
Bursitis : 25420.
Head pain : 428 / 199.
Cadasil : 22178.
Hips: 711.
Cramps : 2733.
Kidney stones : 25809.
Calcifications of the shoulder : 943.
Baldness : 2574.
Corns(lesions) : 212.
Plantar calluses : 901.
Cancer : 1577.
Colon cancer : 29700.
Esophageal cancer : 620.
Stomach cancer : 2111.
Pharyngeal cancer : 1515.
Cancer of the thyroid gland : 1180.
Liver cancer : 25700.
Bowel cancer : 79.
Lymphoma cancer : 25.
Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer : 1021.
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma cancer : 826.
Nose cancer : 211.
Ovarian cancer : 91300.
Pancreatic cancer : 1328.
Lung cancer : 88.
Prostate cancer : 26.
Kidney cancer : 61.
Breast cancer (prevent) : 88719.
Breast cancer (breast) : 53719.
Uterine cancer : 2579.
Bladder cancer : 1577.
Thyroid cancer : 1180.
Brain cancer : 499.
Cancer of the spine : 66.
Bone cancer : 27900.
Cancer - waldenstrom's disease : 6093.
Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer : 1021.
Cancer metastasis : 690.
Cancer prevention for healthy people : 1188.
Breast cancer prevention : 88719.
Testicular cancer : 2194.
Candidiasis : 894.
Dilated ischemic cardiomyopathy : 1619.
Cartilage in joints(regenerate) : 2929.
Dandruff : 77216.
Waterfalls : 33129.
Cold and cough : 611.
Cavernomas : 2194. Cavernous angioma or cavernous malformation.
Leydig cells : 179.
Cellulite : 2911.
Blindness : 38.
Cervical : 2799.
Cerebellum atrophy of : 096.
Cesarean section recovery : 579.
Sciatica : 52037.
Scars : 900900.
Circulation (circulatory problems) : 52311.
Liver cirrhosis : 88818.
Cystitis : 044.
Cysticercosis : 221.
Intermittent claudication in the legs : 25.
Blood clots after surgery : 718.
Body collagen(restore) : 2831.
Right elbow : 7123.
Left elbow : 7124.
Painful coitus (female dyspareunia) : 808.
Cholesterol and triglycerides : 900 / 72911.
Menstrual colic : 82552.
Colitis : 81420.
Ulcerative colitis : 81421 / 18 / 573. (cuci's disease).
Irritable colon : 429.
Spine: 304.
Spine spondylolisthesis grade 2 : 616.
Spine scoliosis : 6579.
Conjunctivitis : 82115.
Induced coma : 811.
Contractures : 1820.
Seizures : 380.
Brain stem chordoma : 7021.
Heart (dilated ischemic heart disease or dilated cardiomyopathy) : 1619.
Brain stem chordoma : 7021.
Clitoris : 715.
Skull: craniosynostosis: 144521.
Skull: pharyngioma : 1199.
Skull: fracture of : 8006.
Skull: intracranial hemorrhage : 95.
Skull: Normalization of Cerebrospinal Fluid: 26.
Cranium: reduction of its dimensions : 2139.
Creatinine (regulate levels) : 201.
Cryptorchidism : 2979.
Severe spastic quadriparesis in children : 83.
Neck : 91.
Cervix : 206.
Vocal cords nodules in the : 27604.
Scalp : 2080.
Swollen body(parts of) : 578.

Color blindness : 123.
Trigger fingers : 304.
Childhood attention deficit : 52557.
Wet macular degeneration : 386.
Dry macular degeneration : 385.
Dengue : 1118.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever : 2080.
Atopic dermatitis : 123.
Dermatomyositis (affecting skeletal muscle and skin) : 6153.
Stroke : 87813.
Ocular effusion : 420.
Pleural effusion : 615.
Muscle tear : 1121.
Dehydration : 456.
Retinal detachment : 620.
Deviations of the uterus : 811.
Diabetes : 22574.
Type 2 diabetes : 150.
Diabetes during pregnancy : 901.
Diabetes-diabetic neuropathy : 2511.
Diarrhea : 557.
Teeth : 15000.
Tooth decay : 517.
Gingival teeth : 681.
Teeth gum inflammation : 52088.
Teeth dental emergencies : 445.
Teeth straightening : 615.
Teeth new birth of teeth in adults : 53123.
Teeth dental problems : 2914.
Pulpitis teeth : 1974.
Tartar removal : 102.
Tooth sensitivity : 2179.
Dysarthria : 281.
Dyscalculia : 88.
Dyshidrosis : 89976.
Dyslalia : 304.
Dyslexia : 11131.
Dysmenorrhea : 191.
Decrease consumption of salt, sugar and irritants : 5.
Cerebral dysrhythmia : 1543.
Orgasmic dysfunction (ejaculation problems): 1524.
Primary dysfunction (in men who have never had an erection) : 3724.
Primary dysfunction (in women who have never had an orgasm) : 5714.
Secondary dysfunction (in men who lose erectile capacity) : 8879.
Secondary dysfunction (in women who have lost the ability to orgasm) : 5797.
Dysgraphia : 101.
Dysorthography : 828. Difficulty to adequately.
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia : 81.
Dyspraxia : 473.
Dysprosodia : 281.
Dyspepsia : 283.
Abdominal distention : 421.
Becker's muscular dystrophy : 924.
Duchenne dystrophy : 57389.
Fuchs' dystrophy : 31613.
Heller's dystrophy : 715.
Ritonian dystrophy : 7113.
Diverticulitis : 2828 / 69.
Dixlesia : 11131.
Muscle aches : 36.
Acute toothache : 5182544.
General pain : 911.
Menstrual pain : 82550.
Neuropathic pain : 2023.
Ovarian pain : 729 / 1579.
Pain at the level of the shoulder blades : 93.
Dysania : 94.

Eczema : 294.
Eclampsia : 506.
Ecolalia : 904.
Pulmonary edema : 84.
Elasticity of muscles and tendons : 306.
Removing sun spots on face and body: 31.
Remove double chin: 76.
Eliminate body fat: 76.
Pregnancy, to solve problems that arise : 52569.
Pregnancy, become pregnant : 660.
Pregnancy, enjoy it : 1449.
Twin pregnancy : 151.
Pregnancy;meconium aspiration syndrome : 389.
Pregnancy;labor hormone oxytocin : 271.
Pregnancy;preeclampsia : 201.
Embolisms: 621.
Encephalitis : 520.
Encephalopathy: 11801.
Gums : 681.
Gum inflammation: 52088.
Endometriosis: 120.
Bechtererew's disease : 120.
Berger's disease : 34.
Chronic illness: 763.
Crohn's disease : 619.
Dupuytren's disease: 881.
Cohen's disease: 1615.
Huntington's chorea disease : 94.
Chronic ulcerative colitis (ulcerative colitis, unspecified): 573.
Gaucher disease: 1500.
Serious illness : 16.
Hashimoto's disease: 2980.
Lewy body disease: 52130.
Peyronie's disease: 133.
Rendu osler's disease : 27500.
Schamberg's disease (purpuric dermatosis): 2715.
von willebrand disease : 66.
Waldenstrom's disease: 6093.
Mental illness: 8977.
Sexually transmitted disease: 8916.
Suppurative inflammatory disease: 921.
Contagious diseases: 556 .(SAN Roque) you can use this code for any contagious disease, this being of light is very faithful and compassionate.
Contagious diseases free from: 25300 / 908.
Sexually transmitted diseases: 8916.
Mental illness: 8977.
Pulmonary emphysema: 75824.
Cooling (shivering): 812 / 212 / 66 / 21.
Aging symptoms of: 39914.
Poisoning: 198.
Epidemic: 66528.
Epilepsy: 753.
Bedsores: 86.
Scarlet fever: 1180.
Erysipelas: 61578
Chills: 212 / 66 / 21.
Scleroderma: 27600.
Scoliosis: 6579.
Escherichia coli (cure its effects) : 525.
Lateral sclerosis: 2114 / 771.
Multiple sclerosis: 52739.
Tuberous sclerosis: 1615.
Sprains: 123.
Esophagus: 52189.
Calcaneal spur: 44956.
Ankylosing spondylitis: 1511.
Stomach aneurysms : 82.
Stomach discomfort of: 62139.
Stomach ulcers: 62315 / 3726.
Strabismus: 52190.
Vaginal narrowing: 332.
Cold storms: 521.
Constipation: 1501.
Beta hemolytic streptococcus : 738.
Spodilolisthesis grade 2: 616.
Calcareous spur: 44956.
Vaginal narrowing: 332.
Stretch marks, remove them : 503.
Excess hair: 1594.
Premature ejaculation: 673.

Ejaculate (difficulty of). Orgasmic difficulty: 1524.

Falcemia: 3110.
Fantosmia (olfactory hallucination) : 106
Plantar fasciitis (damage to the foot due to excessive walking): 3336.
Chronic fatigue : 504.
Fibromas: 62711.
Fibromyalgia: 871 / 72951.
Typhoid fever: 622.
Cystic fibrosis: 1086.
Sinus fibrosis: 1570.
Pulmonary fibrosis: 62511.
Flatulence : 556.
Folliculitis : 69.
Phonics problems of, in children: 1529.
Photophobia: 1190.
Strengthen muscles: 2710.
Strengthen weak tissues: 62070.
Boils: 82913.
Hip fracture: 528.
Skull fracture: 8006.
Ankle fracture : 1190.
Non-welding fractures (synarthrosis): 1370.

Nodes: 37600.
Gangrene: 62014.
Throat: 52088.
Throat nodules: 2190.
Gases: 511.
Gastritis: 44351.
Atrophic gastritis: 804.
Gastroenteritis: 0839.
Gastroenterocolitis: 6128.
Parotid gland : 820.
Thyroid gland: 67.
Hyperthyroidism thyroid gland: 293.
Hypothyroid thyroid gland: 1966.
Thyroid gland tumor in: 27500.

Bartolini's glands: 1654.

Glands of internal secretion: 534.
Sex glands (gonads) : 333.
Glaucoma: 991.
Neovascular glaucoma: 80120.
Hits: 621.
Drop: 120.
Wegener's granulomatosis : 620.
Abdominal fat(remove): 720.
Influenza: 630.
Halitosis: 27600.
Extraoral halitosis : 476.
Cerebral hemangioma: 373.
Hepatic hemangioma : 420.
Hemochromatosis : 601.
Hemophilia: 31200.
Hemorrhages stop: 82971.
intracranial hemorrhage : 95.
intraventricular hemorrhage: 78.
Hemorrhoids: 2579.
Hepatosplenomegaly. Enlarged spleen and liver: 2190.
Genetic inheritance, eliminate negative factors: 314.
Wounds: 518.
Cervical hernia: 711.
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia : 92.
Herniated disc: 52130.
Dorsal disc herniation : 280.
Epigastric hernia: 503.
Inguinal hernia: 1525.
Lumbosacral hernia : 79.
Rectal hernia: 904.
Umbilical hernia: 2082.
Herpes: 52751.
Genital herpes: 2728.
Herpes zoster (shingles): 27500.
Hepatitis: 82976.
Hepatosplenomegaly: 2190.
Hybristophilia : 503.
Hydrocephalus: 62100.
Hydrops heal: (from the planetary genius phul)1004 / 61800.
Hydrosadenitis or verneuil's disease.
Liver: 762.
Liver cirrhosis: 88818.
Fatty liver : 25.
Liver hepatitis: 82976.
Liver nodules in: 27504.
Hyperglobulimia : 201.
Hyperglycemia : 91.
Hyperhidrosis: 58570 / 81.
Hyperopia: 825.
Endometrial hyperplasia : 7114 / 196.
Adrenal hyperplasia: 2914.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension: 54722.
White Coat Hypertension: 106.
Hyperthyroidism: 293.
Prostatic hypertrophy : 37 / 206.
Hiccups: 828.
Hearing loss: 600.
Hypocalcemia: 2120.
Hypoglycemia: 1570.
Hypogonadism: 25799 / 12611.
Hypoplasia: 65728.
Hypotonia: 1574.
Hypothyroidism: 1966.
Ideopathic hirsutism: 21504.
Frozen shoulder : 609.
Right shoulder: 2769.
Left shoulder: 6420.
Shoulder rotator cuff: 1112.
Chronic shoulder tendinosis: 72915.
Homeostasis: 315.
Fungi: 2679.
Candida auris fungus, prevention : 726.
Cortisol hormone : 54.
Appetite hormone (ghrelin) : 55.
Growth hormone(activate): 52611.
Leptin hormone (egulation of levels) : 604.
Birth hormone (pregnancy;oxytocin) : 271.
Homoplatos(back to the height : 93.
Paget's disease of bone bones : 906.
Bone dislocation : 655.
Fecal incontinence: 27315.
Urinary incontinence: 52524.
Cerebral infarction: 715 / 99.
Myocardial infarction : 56.
Cerebellar infarction : 88.
Purulent infections: 71569.
Urinary tract infections: 3334.
Infertility: 660.
Male infertility : 157.
Cellular inflammation: 29111.
Intestinal inflammation: 874225.
Inflammation of meninges: 670.
Inflammation of the epididymis : 33.
Pelvic inflammation : 36.
Secondary immunodeficiencies : 27.
Sunstroke : 56.
Insomnia: 531.(through the Archangel Uriel).
Insomnia in children: 26.
Heart failure: 670.
Hepatic insufficiency : 763.
Renal insufficiency: 213.
Insulin regulation of: 22573.
Insulin resistance to: 22573.
Small intestine : 623.
Large intestine : 1910.
Lactose intolerance: 21300.
Gluten intolerance (celiac): 22350.
Anal irritation : 926.

Bunions: 3524.

Cleft lip : 820.
Laryngitis : 654.
Laryngotracheitis : 94.
Language: 1111.
Leprosy : 36.
Brain and neurological lesions: 87031.
Spinal cord injury: 215.
Leukemia: 583.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia : 800.
Chronic lymphoblastic leukemia : 101.
Acute myeloid leukemia : 39.
Periventricular leukomalacia : 600.
Libido increase: 11834.
Lymphedema: 1193.
Hodgkin's lymphoma: 1021.
Lissencephaly children with: 1689.
Lupus: 599.
Body sores: 5794.
Mouth sores: 1199.

Maculopathy: 380.
Genetic malformations: 6234.
Breast (breasts): 857.

Breast fibrosis of: 1570.

Skin stains: 879 / 32914.
Rotator cuff : 1112.
(anatomical term given to the set of muscles and tendons that exactly provide stability to the shoulder).
Manias: 1119.
Hand - dupuytren's contracture: 881.
Right hand: 777.
Hand fingers in spring: 2115.
Left hand: 555.
Hand - carpal tunnel syndrome: 1570.
Hands (regaining strength in hands after surgery):801.
Dizziness: 759 / 764 / 615.
Mastitis : 801.
Mastocytosis : 93.

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