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KingAir APRIL 2015 Volume 9 / Number 4
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Kim Blonigen
2779 Aero Park Dr., Traverse City MI 49686
Phone: (316) 652-9495
E-mail: kblonigen@cox.net
J. Scott Lizenby
Dave Moore
2 18
Village Publications One Year Later – A Look Ask the Expert –
at the King Air Program Don’t Lift the Power
Luana Dueweke under the Textron Levers in Flight!
Aviation Umbrella by Tom Clements
Mike Revard by Kim Blonigen
Steve Smith
Flight of the
John Shoemaker
Maintenance Tip – “Waikiki Beech”
King Air Magazine
by Edward H. Phillips
2779 Aero Park Drive More on Windshields
Traverse City, MI 49686
Phone: 1-800-773-7798 by Dean Benedict
Fax: (231) 946-9588
E-mail: johns@villagepress.com
Betsy Beaudoin
Phone: 1-800-773-7798
14 Value Added
E-mail: betsybeaudoin@villagepress.com Aviation Issues –
Aviation Group Leaders
Deb Neuman, Mgr. Ask for Specific Contract Technically...
San Juana Fisher
P.O. Box 968 Tower Funding, While
Traverse City, MI 49685
Lawmakers Discuss Other
Options for FAA Reform
by Kim Blonigen Advertiser Index
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The King Air 50th Anniversary Flight on January 20, 2014, with
the three current models in production, flying in formation.
ast year started with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the
Beechcraft King Air’s first flight on Jan. 20, 2014, as well as recognizing
the line of turboprops as the best-selling business aircraft family in the
world with nearly 7,300 aircraft delivered and a worldwide fleet having
surpassed 60 million flight hours. Shortly thereafter, in March, the acquisition
of Beechcraft Corporation by Textron Inc. was finalized and Beechcraft, Hawker
and Cessna brands would all be housed under the Textron Aviation banner.
Since it’s been a little over a year under its new corporate umbrella, has anything
changed with the King Air, or its customer support, parts and maintenance
services? King Air magazine asked these questions of the company’s leadership
team, including Christi Tannahill, senior vice president, Turboprop Aircraft
and Interior Design, and Brad Thress, senior vice president, Customer Service.
The upgraded C90GTx with Raisbeck Engineering’s swept-blade propellers
The Aircraft and dual aft body strakes. The upgrade allows for shorter takeoff and landing
distances, better handling characteristics and enhanced passenger experience.
According to Tannahill, the King Air is still being
manufactured at the same manufacturing facility, Plant creating new King Air models. When asked if there
IV, located at what is now called Textron Aviation’s are still plans for that, Tannahill answered, “With
east campus. the acquisition of Beechcraft by Textron, you will see
additional investments in the King Air product line.
After coming out of bankruptcy in 2013, Beechcraft In fact, just last year at NBAA we announced two new
had announced it was looking at the possibility of improvements on the King Airs.”
The modification, developed with CenTex Aerospace, “Continue to watch for announcements, as we expect
Inc. of Waco, Texas, also is an aftermarket option for to make more on the King Air turboprops this year.”
in-service King Air 250 aircraft and available through
Textron Aviation’s factory-owned service centers. The Service
“These are both great examples of taking our The customer support organization at Textron Aviation
customer feedback and requests, and turning them is headed by Thress, who has an extensive background
into improvements on the products,” Tannahill said. in aviation and many years in the customer service
organization. Thress oversees the company’s customer
service network, including partnerships with authorized
service facilities. He is responsible for mobile service
Your Source for King Air Landing Gear solutions, as well as parts and service programs for jet
and propeller aircraft.
The Numbers
W hen looking at the 2014 General Aviation
Manufacturers Association’s (GAMA) year-end shipping
and billing report, the King Air faired very well for
Textron Aviation by delivering 127 King Air models,
in addition to 94 Cessna Caravans in the turboprop
category. In the jet division, 159 of Cessna’s current
jet models were delivered for the year, and of course
zero Beechcraft/Hawker jets were delivered since
production was halted when the company emerged
from bankruptcy.
probably went for two or three years without acceptable cores. They can be returned to the vendor
installing a windshield, then suddenly I completed to avoid the core charge. I had an unacceptable core
four installations in a two-month period. I noticed a month ago with one of the windshields I installed
a few changes with the King Air windshields; first was because the serial number began with 94, so we had to
pricing. The price of overhauled OEM windshields and pay the core value.
the kits to install them has fluctuated wildly.
OEM versus PMA
Five years ago, I wrote an article on windshields for
this magazine (“Windshields 101” in the 2010 March/ PPG makes the OEM windshields used in King Airs.
April issue) and they were going for close to $19K per As far as I know, the only PMA windshield is by GKN.
side from Beech. Now, Beech’s price
on the overhauled windshields has
gone down substantially, but their
pricing on the install kit has sky-
rocketed beyond belief! What used
to be a $550 item is now well over
$2,000 for eight rubber seals and 56
screws! Fortunately, there is a PMA
kit that is more reasonable, and in
my experience, the holes line up
better than the factory kit.
What is an
Acceptable Core?
The biggest new wrinkle in
the world of windshields is with
core acceptability. An overhauled
windshield uses the frame structure
from an old windshield with new
glass. But now, if the serial number
on the windshield you are replacing
begins with 95 or below (94, 93, etc.)
then your core will not be accepted
and you will have to pay the core
charge on top of the exchange price.
(775) 782-3346
So, check out your POH under altitude. If you embark on a trip
“Limitations” and you will find with the windshield heat in the
instructions to adjust the cabin “off” position (either by choice or
pressurization differential to by mistake) and you decide to turn
between 2.0 and 4.5 PSID, and it on later to combat the threat of
to descend to FL 250 or below. icing, you run the risk of thermal
You will also learn how long you shock to the windshield.
may continue flying in non-icing
conditions before replacing the Thermal shock can cause
windshield – you may be surprised delamination, it can exacerbate
at what you learn. existing delamination, and it can
cause full-on windshield failure.
Windshield Heat Of course, safety is always your
and Longevity priority, but should you find yourself
in this predicament, consider
Use your windshield heat properly whether or not it would be safe
to ensure long-lived windshields. to continue f ly ing w ithout
Pilots who run “strictly by the windshield heat. Again, safety is
book,” use windshield heat all the uppermost at all times. I cannot
time. But many King Air pilots stress that emphatically enough.
dispense with windshield heat in But thermal shock is a good thing
hot weather because they don’t to avoid where possible.
like the distortion created by the
heating grid. Delamination
As you well know, it’s quite Delamination does not necessarily
possible to start a trip in hot weather condemn a windshield. It is noted at
and encounter icing conditions at inspections and monitored to see if it
Windshield Failure –
A Non-Event
In general, the windshields in
a King Air are extremely durable
and designed to last thousands of
hours. Since they don’t fail very
often in the career of the average
owner/operator, it can be very
startling when it happens. But, as
expert King Air pilot Tom Clements
says, “A windshield failure in flight
is a non-event in a King Air.” The
procedure to follow is right there
in your POH. You might have to
move from the left seat to the right
and fly from there in order to see
better; but other than that you
should be good to go.
n March 17, several aviation group leaders but only account for about 14 percent of the FAA’s overall
sent a letter to the House Appropriations budget allotted to ATCT tower operations.
Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY),
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad The letter also points out that all federal contract
Cochran (R-MS) and other related lawmakers, requesting controllers are FAA-certified air traffic controllers who
dedicated funding for the Contract Tower Program. meet the same training and operating standards as FAA-
employed controllers, and a majority of them are former
The letter requests that under the “Operations” FAA controllers or veterans with prior military air traffic
section of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) control experience. The safety and efficiency record of
FY 2016 appropriations bill, specific wording be used the FAA Contract Tower Program has been validated
and include “not less than $153,400,000 shall be for numerous times by the DOT Inspector General, as well
the fully funded and cost-share towers in the contract as by FAA safety audits.
tower program.”
The aviation group leaders also specify that the federal
It states that the FAA Contract Tower Program has contract towers operate together with FAA-staffed
provided cost-effective and essential air traffic safety facilities throughout the country as part of a unified
services since 1982, and currently 252 smaller airports national air traffic control system, and as a result, the
in 46 states participate in the program. The 252 towers FAA Contract Tower Program: (1) enhances aviation
handle approximately 28 percent of all air traffic control safety at smaller airports that otherwise would not have
tower (ATCT) aircraft operations in the United States, a tower; (2) provides significant cost savings to the FAA
It’s apparent that the letter was sent to avoid what Airline executives at the summit pushed for a closer
happened in 2013, when the FAA threatened to close look at the international systems and key executives
149 federal contract towers in order to meet mandated of air traffic management systems touted the benefits
budget-curtailment requirements under the federal of their system. Their thoughts being that until ATC
budget sequestration. Aviation leaders were also active gets out from under the FAA, NextGen will continue
in efforts then to preserve the funding for the contract to be stalled. KA
o the best of my knowledge,
all King Air Pilot’s Operating
Handbooks (POHs) have now
been revised to include the following
statement in the Limitations section:
by Edward H. Phillips
harles Lindbergh, Wiley Post, Sir Frank Kingston- between New York, London and Paris was increasingly
Smith, Amelia Earhart − names that have earned becoming commonplace.
a special place in aviation history for their long-
distance flights. Lindbergh was first to fly solo, nonstop Onto this stage stepped a young pilot named William
from New York to Paris, France; Post flew around the “Bill” Odom. Born in Oklahoma but raised in Missouri,
world not once but twice, the second time solo; Kingston- Odom helped fight the war by ferrying bombers from
Smith blazed the first sky trail from England to Australia, America to England, and later flew transports above
and the lanky, shy woman from Kansas captured the the infamous and deadly “hump” from India to China,
hearts of America and the world with her daring flights, delivering much-needed supplies to the fighting men
the last beset by a mystery that is yet to be solved. on the ground. Bill’s record-setting achievements began
after the war when he flew a Douglas A-26 Invader,
These and many other pilots, both male and female, named “The Reynolds Bombshell,” around the world in
made headlines in the late 1920s and throughout the 78 hours, smashing the mark set in 1933 by Wiley Post
1930s as the airplane revolutionized travel between flying the famous Lockheed monoplane, “Winnie Mae.”
distant places. Even such remote regions as the frigid and One year later, Odom followed up that feat by circling
inhospitable Arctic and Antarctic had been conquered the globe flying the same A-26 solo in less than 73 hours.
by air, and the vast Pacific Ocean between America
and China had been traversed by Juan Trippe and his Confident of his cumulative abilities as an airman as
fleet of Sikorsky and Boeing “Clippers.” By 1940, there well as a navigator, by 1948 Odom was contemplating
were few potential record-setting challenges remaining a nonstop flight from Hawaii to the United States,
to long-distance fliers, and World War II had put an end
to almost all civilian flying for five years. In the wake of Introduced in 1947, the four-place Beechcraft Model 35 was not the only
the war, however, public interest in aviation remained all-metal, general aviation airplane to emerge in the postwar era, but it
high. Airline service in the United States expanded quickly established itself as the most advanced single-engine, light airplane
significantly, and air travel across the Atlantic Ocean on the market. Its combination of cabin comfort, speed and economy were
but he needed an airplane that was up to the challenge. airframe was installation of a Continental six-cylinder,
He found it in the Beechcraft Model 35. Developed E-185 engine that was standard equipment in the current
during 1944 and 1945, the all-metal Bonanza was a production Model A35. In addition, special fuel and
major step forward in postwar light airplane design and oil tanks were installed that held 288 gallons and 7.5
replaced the aging but classic, steel tube and fabric- gallons, respectively. The aft cabin seats were removed
covered Model 17 cabin biplane. and replaced with fuel cells that held 126 gallons, and
wing tip tanks each contained 62 gallons.1
The Model 35 first flew on December 22, 1945, with
Beechcraft engineering test pilot Vern Carstens at the In 1949, the record for light airplanes in the Model
controls. The airplane quickly earned an Approved 35’s weight category (aircraft weighing 2,204.7 to 3,858
Type Certificate from the federal government and initial pounds) had been held by Russian pilots Goussarov and
deliveries to customers began in 1947. By the time Odom Glebov since 1937. In September of that year, they flew
was preparing for his flight, more than 1,900 Bonanzas a Moskalev monoplane powered by a 100-hp M-11 engine
were flying not only in America, but in Europe, India an official distance of 2,061.7 miles, from Moscow to
and many other countries. The Model 35 selected for Krasnoyarsk. Odom, however, was aiming to break not
Odom’s flight bore serial number D-4 and was among only that record but also exceed the mark for nonstop
the very first Bonanzas built by the Beech Aircraft miles flown by a light airplane established in 1938 by
Corporation. During the three previous years, it had German aviators Horat Pulkowski and Lieutenant Jenett
served the company well as an experimental engineering flying an Arado AR 79. They covered a distance of more
platform and had been flown (unmanned and under than 3,917 miles from Bengasi, Libya, to Gaya, India.
radio-control) through a series of high-speed dives that
approached 300 mph, followed by high-G pullouts. In January 1949, Odom was ready to make his assault
on both records. The Model 35 was disassembled and
The Beech Aircraft Corporation sponsored both the shipped from Oakland, Calif., to Honolulu, Territory
first and second flights made by Odom. Walter and Olive of Hawaii, via a Douglas DC-4 freighter operated by
Ann Beech not only supported Bill’s plans, they also Pan American Airways. After the airplane had been
threw the weight of Beech Aircraft’s technical expertise assembled and given a series of test flights, Bill and his
behind the project. The only major change made to the trusty Bonanza were ready for takeoff. Their destination
“Roger that!”
■ Significant cabin noise and vibration reduction
From Model Communiqué # KA-2015-01 number airplanes listed. The part number of the kit
issued in March 2015: is 101-3601-0001. Each light bulb is sold separately.
The part numbers of the light bulbs are:
ATA 27 − Lower Rudder Attach Bolt Bent
Landing light bulb: 01-1030-LA, two required.
F-90; 200 Series; 300 Series, B300 Series
Taxi light bulb: 01-1030-LB, one required.
Beechcraft has received a few reports of a bent attachment
bolt at the rudder horn assembly (P/N 101-524059-1) This kit is available through Beechcraft Authorized
and the lower rudder hinge (P/N 101-524063-1). The Service Centers or may be obtained directly from Hawker
part number of this bolt is AN175-20A. This condition Beechcraft Parts and Distribution.
was found after inspection of airplanes that had been
subject to jet blast while parked or left out in heavy
winds without the rudder (control or gust) lock assembly
Service Bulletins
installed. The reports noted a “squeaking” sound when There have been no Service Bulletins issued since the
moving the rudder from stop to stop during inspection. last issue of King Air magazine.
Unfortunately, this bolt is not visible when the rudder The above information is abbreviated for space
is removed, so extra effort is required to gain access to purposes. For the entire communication,
the bolt. Bolt inspection is recommended any time the go to www.beechcraft.com.
rudder is removed.
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