torbin 1
torbin 1
torbin 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061, USA (
1 © 2021 by ASME
applications. There are numerous low-energy marine devices Wave Propagation
that could potentially be powered by ocean wave energy, such as Mean Water Surface
navigation signs, illumination, sensors, survival kits, and
electronics charging [15][16]. The U.S. Department of Energy Power Takeoff Hinge
(DOE) highlights the importance of small-scale ocean wave
energy in the Powering the Blue Economy report [16]. The DOE Mooring modeled
has sponsored development of small-sized wave energy devices Seabed
as a linear spring
through design competitions including the Waves to Water
competition focusing on wave-powered desalination and the FIGURE 1: CONCEPT DIAGRAM FOR TWO-BODY
Ocean Observing competition focusing on wave-powered ATTENUATOR
devices for monitoring ocean conditions [17][18].
Power maximization and natural frequency tuning for a
small-sized attenuator are more challenging than for large-sized
devices. Many wave energy converters target a wave period of
5-12 seconds based on real ocean conditions [9][12][13][14], but
it is difficult to achieve a resonant period high enough to be in
that range with small-sized devices. Large-sized devices can use
large overall dimensions and physical or added mass to adjust Folded
the natural frequency and increase the power [9][12][13][14].
However, using such large dimensions and mass is not possible Tuning Body 1 Body 2
with small-sized attenuators because of portability constraints. Plate 1
An innovative method for frequency tuning of small-sized
attenuators is presented in this study through use of a thin tuning
plate attached to each body. PTO Hinge
The objective of this study is to develop a method of power Tuning
maximization for a small-sized, two-body attenuator through Plate 2
resonance tuning and numerical simulation. The study first
optimizes the geometry of the wave energy converter with a
frequency domain method to match the natural frequency of the
system with that of the incoming wave. The hydrodynamic
coefficients are calculated with ANSYS AQWA. The study then
adopts time domain simulation, using open-source tool WEC- Unfolded
Sim to optimize the PTO damping coefficient and power
generation. The time domain simulation enables us to more FIGURE 2: POSSIBLE SYSTEM DISASSEMBLY FOR
realistically consider the influences of drag damping, various TRANSPORT
cross-section shapes, and mooring stiffness. Conclusions are
drawn in Section 4. 2.2 System Governing Equations
In order to tune the two-body device to achieve resonance
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS by matching the device natural frequency to the wave frequency,
2.1 Design and Working Principle the equations of motion of the system were first derived. The
In this study, the device under consideration is a small-sized, equations defined in this section (Section 2.2) were used for
easily portable, two-body attenuator with a power takeoff around dimensional optimization through natural frequency tuning
the hinge between the two bodies, as shown in Figure 1. The size while the equations and models shown in Section 2.4 were used
is such that the device could be easily transported in the back of to determine the time domain results. The two-degree-of-
a car or other vehicle and carried by one or two people to be freedom (2DOF) system simplifies the device so that each body
deployed in the ocean. The two main bodies could be has one DOF in rotation around the hinge point (fixed), resulting
disconnected and the thin plates folded to ease transportation, as in a 2DOF overall system, as illustrated in Figure 3. The 3DOF
shown in Figure 2. Without the tuning plate, the length of each system allows the hinge to move in the heave direction with a
main body is 0.5 m, so the overall length of the device without mooring stiffness, as shown in Figure 4.
the plates will be about 1 m.
2 © 2021 by ASME
Mean water surface
Buoyancy center Gravity center 𝑅𝑚 = 𝑚𝑔𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 − 𝜌𝑔𝑉𝜃 𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
= 𝑚𝑔𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 − 𝜌𝑔(𝑉0 + 𝑘1 𝜃 + 𝑘2 𝜃 2 + ⋯ )𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 (4)
By taking the derivative of Equation 4 with respect to 𝜃, we
have Equation 5, i.e., the stiffness equals to the rate of the change
Submerged volume Hinge (fixed)
of moment 𝑅𝑚 at 𝜃 = 0. It is shown that the individual body
FIGURE 3: 2DOF MOTION SCHEMATIC OF THE stiffness is a function of the body’s rate of change in volume with
respect to 𝜃 , as shown in Equation 6. By calculating 𝑘1
numerically, for example with a computer-aided design
Mean water surface
Buoyancy center Gravity center Z software, we are able to determine the rotational hydrostatic
stiffness of the two bodies of an arbitrary shape.
l −𝑘 = |𝜃=0
hinge 𝜕𝜃
Submerged volume
Mooring Stiffness = −𝑚𝑔𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃 − 𝜌𝑔(𝑘1 + 2𝑘2 𝜃 + ⋯ )𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 + 𝜌𝑔(𝑉0 +
𝑘1 𝜃 + 𝑘2 𝜃 2 + ⋯ )𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃|𝜃=0 = −𝜌𝑔𝑘1 𝑙 (5)
𝜕𝜃 𝜃=0
Equation 7 gives the undamped natural frequency for one of
Taking the sum of the moments for the system around the
the bodies. In the case of the attenuator, as a hydrodynamic
hinge point, equations are derived that are applicable to both the
system, the spring stiffness can be replaced by the body’s
2DOF and 3DOF systems. The overall equation of motion for
hydrostatic stiffness and the mass becomes the sum of the inertia
the system is given by Equation 1, where J is the rotational
due to the body’s dry material JM and inertia due to added mass
inertia matrix with respect to the PTO hinge, A(ω) is the added
when submerged JA. The natural period can be calculated using
rotational inertia with respect to the PTO at frequency ω, C(ω)
Equation 8.
is the PTO damping matrix, K is the hydrostatic stiffness matrix,
M is the excitation moment vector, and 𝜃, 𝜃̇ , and 𝜃̈ are the 𝜔𝑛 = √𝐽
angular displacement, velocity, and acceleration respectively. 𝑀 +𝐽𝐴
The expanded matrices are shown in Equation 2. 𝑇𝑛 = 𝜔
3 © 2021 by ASME
After tuning the device using traditional geometry proved
inadequate, a new geometry feature was added to make tuning
0.5 m possible. By adding a thin, submerged flat plate to the existing
shape, it was possible to greatly increase the added mass without
significantly increasing the hydrostatic stiffness. The body
dimensions could be kept at the target values and the plate length
varied to tune the body to the wave frequency, as shown in
Figure 6. Using the tuning plate, the natural periods for the three
MWS different body shapes were tuned to approximately 6 s, as shown
0.2 m Draft in Table 2.
0.5 m 0.1 m
4 © 2021 by ASME
wave spectrum. Average power was calculated from the
Rectangular Draft=0.1m instantaneous PTO power after the simulation reached steady
MWS state. A wave period of T=6 s and wave height of H=0.5 m was
Elliptical used for each case. Assuming that the two-body attenuator would
be deployed close to shore, a water depth of 5 m was used. In
order to study the effects of drag, four different drag coefficients
Quadrilateral of Cd=0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 were used in calculation 𝐹𝑣 . These four drag
coefficients were determined to be in the reasonable range for
FIGURE 7: BODY CROSS SECTIONS USED FOR ANALYSIS the WEC type and body shapes based on literature such as Ref.
[21] and [22].
2.4 Time Domain Power Absorption Simulation Rigid Body Blocks
Power absorption modelling was performed using WEC-
Sim, an open-source code created in MATLAB/Simulink by the
National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) for wave energy
converter simulation [11]. A time-domain numerical model was
created in WEC-Sim to solve the system dynamics. Initially, the
simplified 2DOF model was used followed by the more realistic
3DOF model. In the WEC-Sim software, the dynamic response Rotational constraint Rotational PTO
is calculated by solving the equation of motion for each body restricts motion to captures power
around its center of gravity using Equation 9, where M is the rotation around a fixed from relative
mass matrix, 𝑋̈ is the (translational and rotational) acceleration hinge point motion
vector of the body, Fexc(t) is the wave excitation force and torque
vector, Frad(t) is the force and torque vector resulting from wave
radiation, Fpto(t) is the PTO force and torque vector, Fv(t) is the
damping force and torque vector, FB(t) is the net buoyancy FIGURE 8: SIMULINK MODEL OF THE 2DOF SYSTEM
restoring force and torque vector, and Fm(t) is the force and
torque vector resulting from mooring connection [20]. Equation To obtain the max power and optimal damping for each
9 was used to determine the time-domain results while the cross section and Cd, WEC-Sim’s multiple condition run (MCR)
equations in Section 2.2 were only used for dimensional feature was used to run a series of cases with different rotational
optimization. damping values. For each cross section, each Cd was simulated
with rotational damping from 0-500 Nsm/rad with a step of 10
Nsm/rad, or in other words, 50 cases for each Cd.
𝑀𝑋̈ = 𝐹𝑒𝑥𝑐 (𝑡) + 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑑 (𝑡) + 𝐹𝑝𝑡𝑜 (𝑡) + Wave energy flux, Jp, is the mean power per wave front
𝐹𝑣 (𝑡) + 𝐹𝐵 (𝑡) + 𝐹𝑚 (𝑡) width available in the wave. It can be calculated using Equation
(9) 11, where ρ is the water density, g is acceleration due to gravity,
T is wave height, and H is wave period [23]. Capture width (CW)
Figure 8 shows the Simulink model of the 2-body attenuator is the amount of wave crest width that is completely captured and
for the 2DOF model. The two rigid bodies are constrained to absorbed by the WEC. It is calculated according to Equation 12
rotate around a fixed center point using a rotational constraint. by taking the ratio of average absorbed wave power Pavg to wave
Heaving motion is not included in the 2DOF model, as if the energy flux J. As a non-dimensional way to quantify the
center point is attached to a fixed structure. The rotational PTO hydrodynamic efficiency, the capture width ratio CWR was
captures power based on the relative rotational velocity between calculated using Equation 13 by dividing the capture width (CW)
the two bodies according to Equation 10 where c is the PTO by the device characteristic dimension L [24]. In the case of the
rotational damping and 𝜃̇𝑟𝑒𝑙 is the relative rotational velocity. two-body attenuator, the characteristic dimension is the device
PTO damping is assumed to be constant with respect to the submerged width of 0.5 m, which is perpendicular to the
relative rotational velocity between the two bodies. incoming wave front.
𝜌𝑔2 𝑇𝐻 2
𝑃 = 𝑐𝜃̇𝑟𝑒𝑙
(10) 𝐽𝑝 = (11)
In each 2DOF simulation case, there was a ramp time of 150 𝐶𝑊 = 𝑃𝑎𝑣𝑔 /𝐽𝑝 (12)
s and time step of 0.05 s. The solver ode4 was used with the fixed
time step. Regular wave simulations used a duration of 500 s 𝐶𝑊𝑅 = 𝐶𝑊/𝐿 (13)
while irregular wave simulations used a duration of 750 s to
provide additional simulation data for taking the average power After simulations were performed with the 2DOF model, a
because power fluctuates more under irregular waves due to the 3DOF model that accounts for the WEC heave motion was used.
5 © 2021 by ASME
The 3DOF model is shown in Figure 9. To allow the device to optimal damping, maximum power, and capture width ratio. Out
heave up and down, a non-hydro body was connected to the of all the shapes and drag coefficients, maximum power occurred
seabed using a translational constraint. The non-hydro body has with rotational damping of 80-160 Nsm/rad. The rectangular
no hydrodynamic interaction in the model and is only used to shape with Cd 0.5 had the largest max power of the different
enable the heave motion. Two rotational PTOs are connected shapes and drag coefficients: 37.33 W with CWR of 10.15% for
between the side bodies and non-hydro body, allowing the side regular waves and 11.03 W with 3.00% CWR for irregular
bodies to pitch around the non-hydro body. For each case, the waves. There is not a significant difference in power absorption
two PTO damping values were set equal. To simulate a single between the shapes for a given drag coefficient. The small
mooring line attached to the WEC center point, a mooring difference is logical because submerged body widths are equal
stiffness acting in the heave direction was added to the non-hydro for each shape, so for the same drag coefficient, excitation forces
body. Power absorption was calculated using Equation 10 based and power absorbed are expected to be similar.
on the relative velocity of the two side bodies.
Rotational Regular Wave Irregular Wave
C_opt P_max C_opt P_max
PTOs allow Cd (Nsm/rad) (W) CWR (Nsm/rad) (W) CWR
rigid bodies 0.5 80 37.33 10.15% 80 11.03 3.00%
to pitch 1.0 110 30.28 8.23% 110 9.02 2.45%
1.5 130 26.07 7.09% 130 7.89 2.15%
2.0 150 23.16 6.29% 150 7.13 1.94%
a baseline mooring stiffness of 5277.2 N/m, the same for all three 35 Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2
(a) (b)
stiffness values with respect to the hydrostatic stiffness were
used. Regular waves were used for the mooring stiffness study. SECTION
Like the drag study, rotational damping was varied from 0-500
Nsm/rad with a step of 10 Nsm/rad.
6 © 2021 by ASME
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Elliptical
Cross Section, Regular Wave, 2DOF)
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Elliptical
Cross Section, Irregular Wave, 2DOF) One possible comparison is to choose an approximate drag
40 12 coefficient for each shape out of the four Cd values used for the
study, such as Cd=1 for the elliptical shape, Cd=1.5 for the
35 Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2
quadrilateral, and Cd=2 for the rectangular [22]. Figure 15 shows
this comparison. Using approximate drag coefficients, the
elliptical shape would have the highest power absorption of
(a) (b)
FIGURE 11: 2DOF POWER RESULTS, ELLIPTICAL CROSS Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (3 Cross
SECTION Sections, Regular Wave, 2DOF)
30 Elliptical, Cd 1
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping Average Power vs. Rotational Damping
(Quadrilateral Cross Section, Regular Wave, 2DOF) (Quadrilateral Cross Section, Irregular Wave, 2DOF) 25 Quadrilateral, Cd 1.5
30 15
20 6 10
4 5
5 Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2 0
0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad) Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (3 Cross
(a) (b) Sections, Irregular Wave, 2DOF)
7 © 2021 by ASME
As with the 2DOF study, an approximate drag coefficient
Elliptical can be used to compare the 3DOF drag study results, as shown
Regular Wave Irregular Wave in Figure 19. Based on this comparison, the elliptical shape
C_opt C_opt would have the highest power absorption of 22.52 W with 6.12%
(Nsm/ P_max (Nsm/ P_max
Cd rad) (W) CWR rad) (W) CWR
CWR at 210 Nsm/rad optimal damping for regular waves and
0.5 180 28.65 7.79% 150 7.60 2.07% 6.18 W with 1.68% CWR at 230 Nsm/rad optimal damping for
1.0 210 22.52 6.12% 230 6.18 1.68% irregular waves. This comparison agrees with the 2DOF
1.5 250 19.00 5.16% 310 5.51 1.50% comparison with approximate drag coefficients, which also
2.0 280 16.68 4.53% 390 5.10 1.39% showed the elliptical shape to have the highest power.
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Rectangular Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Rectangular Elliptical, Cd 1
Cross Section, Regular Wave, 3DOF, k_m=k_h) Cross Section, Irregular Wave, 3DOF, k_m=k_h) 0
35 9 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
Average Power (W)
Average Power (W)
6 Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (3 Cross
20 5
Sections, Irregular Wave, 3DOF, k_m=k_h)
3 7
5 1 Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2 6
Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2
0 0
Average Power (W)
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 5
Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad) Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
(a) (b)
(b) Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
15 4
Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2 1 Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2 3.3 Three DOF Mooring Study Results
The 3DOF mooring stiffness results for the three different
0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
(a) (b)
stiffness power results. For low mooring stiffness values like the
kmooring=khydrostatic*0.1 case, there is no significant difference in
power between the three shapes. With higher mooring stiffnesses
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Quadrilateral Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Quadrilateral such as kmooring=khydrostatic and larger, the elliptical shape had the
highest power absorption when using the approximate drag
Cross Section, Regular Wave, 3DOF, k_m=k_h) Cross Section, Irregular Wave, 3DOF, k_m=k_h)
35 9
coefficients. The mooring stiffness study demonstrated that
increased mooring stiffness can be used to increase relative
Average Power (W)
Average Power (W)
25 6
The mooring stiffness study can be applied to different WEC
Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2 1
Cd 0.5 Cd 1 Cd 1.5 Cd 2
types, geometries, and sizes.
0 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500
Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad) Rotational Damping (Nsm/rad)
(a) (b)
8 © 2021 by ASME
Rectangular (Cd 2) 4. CONCLUSION
C_opt P_max
When tuning the natural frequency of the small-scale device
k_m (N/m) (Nsm/rad) (W) CWR
k_m=k_h*0.1 190 2.07 0.56%
to the wave frequency, a major challenge was the small material
k_m=k_h 260 18.81 5.11% and added inertias (or masses) relative to the hydrostatic
k_m=k_h*10 340 40.52 11.01% stiffness. To overcome this issue, we propose to use a thin,
km=k_h*100 360 44.72 12.15% submerged plate to increase added mass without greatly
increasing stiffness. Three typical cross section shapes of the
Elliptical (Cd 1) same overall dimension constraint were compared: rectangular,
C_opt P_max elliptical, and quadrilateral. When variation in drag between the
k_m (N/m) (Nsm/rad) (W) CWR three shapes was not considered, there was not a significant
k_m=k_h*0.1 180 1.97 0.54%
difference in power absorption between the shapes. If an
k_m=k_h 210 22.52 6.12%
k_m=k_h*10 270 49.07 13.34% approximate drag coefficient was assigned to each shape, then
km=k_h*100 280 54.22 14.74% the elliptical shape had the highest power. Using the approximate
drag coefficient comparison for the 2DOF model, the elliptical
Quadrilateral (Cd 1.5) shape had a max power of 27.09 W with 7.36% CWR for regular
C_opt P_max waves and a max power of 8.32 W with 2.26% CWR for irregular
k_m (N/m) (Nsm/rad) (W) CWR waves. Using the approximate drag coefficient comparison for
k_m=k_h*0.1 200 2.15 0.58% the 3DOF model, the elliptical cross section had a max power of
k_m=k_h 260 18.94 5.15%
22.52 W with 6.12% CWR for regular waves and 6.18 W with
k_m=k_h*10 340 40.64 11.05%
km=k_h*100 350 44.82 12.18% 1.68% CWR for irregular waves. The mooring stiffness study
showed that increasing mooring stiffness can be used to increase
Average Power vs. Rotational Damping (Rectangular power by increasing relative motion between the bodies. For low
Cross Section, Regular Wave, 3DOF, Cd 2) mooring stiffness values, there was not a significant difference
k_m=k_h*0.1 k_m=k_h
in the results between the different shapes, but the elliptical
50 k_m=k_h*10 k_m=k_h*100 shape had the highest power for larger mooring stiffness values
Average Power (W)
The material in this paper is based on work supported by the
US Environmental Protection Agency under Grant No. EPA
0 100 200 300 400 500 83991001-0.
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