Menstrual cycle BSc.M -2021
Menstrual cycle BSc.M -2021
Menstrual cycle BSc.M -2021
Fertilization cont’d
• Fertilization takes place once the egg joins with the
sperm and forms the oocyte.
• The fertilized ovum is then swept down the FP by
the action of the ciliated columnar epithelium
combined with peristalsis
• The ovum leaves the tubal opening at the cornua of
the uterus on the 3rd or 4 day as a 30-cell or 40-cell
solid mass
• The fertilized oocyte then implants into the
endometrium by 5-7 days after fertilization
Overview of fertilization and implantation
• By this time progesterone will already have had
some effect on the endometrium: it will be like a
blood –filled sponge.
• The fertilized ovum (blastocyst now burrows into the
mucosa of the uterus.
• Once implantation has taken place a zone of cells
around the outside of the blastocyst called the
trophoblastic layer starts producing hormones
Overview of fertilization and implantation
• The hormones are very similar to follicular –
stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone which
are produced by the anterior pituitary gland in a non
–pregnant woman.
• With pregnancy however, the trophoblast now takes
over from the APG to direct the corpus luteum in the
production of oestrogen and progesterone.
• The corpus luteum is now kept alive and active.
Overview of fertilization and implantation