RW3_Ch 15_ IFR(answers)
RW3_Ch 15_ IFR(answers)
RW3_Ch 15_ IFR(answers)
14. Observe the given figure below and breeding?
identify thecropping pattern. (a) Inbreeding
(b) Random breeding
(c) Controlled breeding
(d) Artificial breeding
Ans : (d) Artificial breeding
Fill in the blanks
1.Chenopodium, convolvulus, amaranthus
are common ..........
Ans : Weeds
2.Manure and fertilizers are the main sources
(a) Mixed of .......... supplied to crops.
(b) Inter cropping Ans : Nutrients
(c) Crop rotation 3.The growing of different crops on a piece of
(d) Intra cropping land in preplanned succession is called ..........
Ans : (b) Inter cropping Ans : Crop rotation
15.Which of the following correctly defines
mariculture? Assertion and reasoning
(a) Capturing fish from natural resources like 1. Assertion : Inter cropping prevents pests.
river, sea etc. Reason : Plant pests can be controlled
(b) Culturing of fish and aquatic food in biologically by
reservoirs, estuaries, etc. their natural parasites and pathogens.
(c) Culturing of finned fishes (mullet), Ans : (b) Both assertion and reason are true
shellfish (prawn), mussels, oysters etc. as but reason is not the correct explanation of
well as seaweed in marine water. assertion.
(d) Culturing of fishes in marine water. 2.Assertion : Fungicides act against fungal
Ans : (c) Culturing of finned fishes (mullet), pathogens.
shellfish (prawn), mussels, oysters etc. as Reason : Fungicides are not harmful to
well as seaweed in marine water. human beings.
16.Which type of crops are tea, coffee, Ans : (c) Assertion is true but reason is false
rubber and coconut? 3. Usage of manure is advantageous for our
(a) Sugar crops environment.
(b) Root crops Reason : Manure contains chemical
(c) Oil seed crops substances like nitrogen, phosphorus and
(d) Plantation crops potassium.
Ans : (d) Plantation crops Ans : (c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
17. What does ‘Livestock’ refers to? 4. Assertion : To replenish the lost nutrients
(a) Pet animals in the soil, quick acting, handy nutrients are
(b) Poultry and pet animals applied in the form of fertilizers.
(c) Domestic animals which are kept for use Reason : Chemical fertilizer contains the
or profit necessary plant nutrients.
(d) None of the above Ans : (a) Both assertion and reason are true
Ans : (c) Domestic animals which are kept for and reason is the correct explanation of
use or Profit assertion.
18.Which one of following is more
advantageous for cattle
One Mark questions: Physiological processes can be affected by
1. What are genetically modified crops? deficiency of any nutrient in plants including
Ans : reproduction, growth and susceptibility to
A gene with required characters can diseases.
introduce into a crop for its improvement is 8. Is breeding and rearing of Bombay duck
called genetically modified crop. part of poultry farming or a part of
2.“Shorter the duration of the crop from pisciculture?
sowing to harvesting, the more economical is Ans :
the variety.” Give reason for this. It is a part of pisciculture as Bombay duck is
Ans : fish not a duck.
Farmers can grow more crops in a year due 9. Give technical term for milk producing
to short duration of crop growth, and reduce females and farm labour animals.
the cost of crop production. Ans :
3. State the difference between compost and Milk-producing females are called milch
vermi- compost. animals (dairy animals), while the ones used
Ans : for farm labour are called draught animals.
The compost is obtained by decomposition of 10. In what way broilers, feed is different
organic waste like animal excreta, plant from layers?
waste, etc. naturally due to decomposition Ans :
by bacteria. Broilers, feed is protein rich with adequate
Vermi-compost : Red-worms are added to fat. The level of vitamins A and K is kept high
organic matter in the process of in the poultry feeds.
decomposition to obtain compost to fasten.
This will fasten the process. Three Marks Questions:
4.State one importance of photoperiod in 1. What are the major group of
activities involved for improving of
Ans :
Photoperiod in agriculture provide adequate crop yields?
light for flowering.
5.Name the two vitamins which are added in Ans :
the poultry feed. (i) Crop variety improvement
Ans : (ii) Crop production improvement
Vitamins A and K. (iii) Crop protection improvement
6.Name two factors responsible for wastage
2.What are the different
of grains during storage.
Ans : ways/methods of hybridisation?
Factors responsible for such losses are : Ans :
Biotic : insects, rodents, fungi, mites and Hybridisation can be :
bacteria, (i) Intervarietal – between different
Abiotic : inappropriate moisture and varieties of crops
temperatures in the place of storage.
(ii) Interspecific – between two species
7. How does deficiency of nutrients affect the
of same genus
crop? (iii) Intergeneric – between two
Ans : different genera
3.What are the main characters and for grain storage.
required in a crop during its 6.Why Apis mellifera is adopted for
improvement practices? domestication to produce honey?
Ans : Ans :
The useful characters that are required The Italian species of honey bee, i.e.
in a crop during its improvement : Apis mellifera is adopted for its many
(i) Disease resistance good qualities. They :
(ii) Response to fertilizer (i) sting less
(iii) Product quality (ii) have good honey collection
(iv) High yield capacity
4.State the difference between macro- (iii) produce with less swarming
nutrients and micro-nutrients. (iv) have ability to protect itself from
Ans : enemy
Macro-nutrients Micro-nutrients (v) stay in beehives for a long time
7.How do insect pests attack the plant
1. These are These are and affect it?
required by required by Ans :
crops in larger crops in very small Insect pests attack the plants and
amount. quantity. reduces yield in three ways :
2. Six macro- Seven micro- (i) They cut the root, stem and leaf.
nutrient : nutrients (ii) They suck the cell sap from various
nitrogen, : iron, manganese, parts of the
phosphorus, boron, zinc, plant.
potassium, copper, (iii) They bore into stem and fruits.
calcium, molybdenum and 8.What factors may be responsible for
magnesium, chlorine. losses of grains during storage? Also
sulphur mention any two preventive measures
to control loss of grains during storage.
Ans :
Factors responsible for losses are :
5.What is organic farming? Biotic : Insects, rodents, fungi, mites
Ans : and bacteria.
Farming method in which no chemical Abiotic : Inappropriate moisture and
fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides are temperatures in the place of storage.
used. Instead of using chemical, Cleaning of the produce before
farmer uses all organic matter for storage, proper drying of the produce
growth of crops. first in sunlight and then in shade, and
Example : Manure, neem leaves as fumigation are preventive measures to
pesticides control loss of grains during storage.
9.List any six factors for which variety Ans :
improvement in crops is done. Sending crop to sugar factory "
Ans : Irrigation " Harvesting " Sowing "
(i) Higher yield, Preparation of soil " Ploughing the
(ii) Improved quality, field " Manuring Preparation of soil "
(iii) Biotic and abiotic resistance, Ploughing the field " Manuring
(iv) Change in maturity duration, " Sowing " Irrigation " Harvesting "
(v) Wider adaptability, Sending crop to sugar factory.
(vi) Desirable characteristics. 13.A group of Science Club students
10.What is the advantage of crop made a compost pit in the school, they
rotation? collected all bio-degradable waste
Ans : from the school canteen and used it to
Rotation of crops helps in saving on prepare the compost.
nitrogenous fertilizers, because (a) Name, two waste that can be used
leguminous plants grown during for the compost and two wastes
the rotation of crops can fix obtained from canteen which
atmospheric nitrogen in cannot be used for the compost
the soil with the help of nitrogen fixing making.
bacteria. (b) What is the other important
11. A group of gardening club students component required for making the
prepared a kitchen garden in the compost?
school campus and did organic Ans :
farming to grow the vegetables. Then (a) Two waste used for compost are
the students presented their group vegetable peels and fruit peels. Two
work in the assembly to spread waste materials that cannot be used as
the awareness and make students compost are polythene bags and
understand the importance of organic plastic items.
products. (b) Bacteria and fungi present in soil
(a) What is horticulture? are the other important component
(b) What is green manure? for making compost.
Ans : Five Marks Questions:
(a) Hotriculture is the commercial 1.Explain different types of fisheries.
production of vegetables and fruits. Ans :
(b) The green plants like sun hemp are The different types of fisheries are
turned intothe soil which enriches the marine fisheries; inland fisheries,
soil with nitrogen and phosphorus and capture fishing, mariculture and
is called green manure. aquaculture.
12.Arrange the following boxes in (i) Marine fisheries : Marine fishes are
proper order to make a flow chart of caught using
sugarcane crop production.
fishing nets. Sometimes, weedicides are also
(ii) Mariculture : Marine .fishes are sprayed to kills weeds.
cultured in seawater. Weeds can be controlled by different
(iii) Inland fisheries : The fisheries done methods :
in freshwater resources like canals, (a) Weedicides : These are the
ponds, reservoirs and rivers. chemicals sprayed on the weeds to kill
(iv) Capture fishing : It is done in sea- them. Excessive use is poisonous and
water, estuaries and lagoons. causes environmental pollution.
(v) Aquaculture : Culture of fish done (b) Mechanical removal : In this
in different water bodies is called method weeds are uprooted by
aquaculture. removing manually or by machines.
2.What are the practices used for dairy (c) Preventive methods : Proper seed
industry? bed preparation, timely sowing of
Ans : crops, intercropping and crop
The practices used for dairy industry to rotation helps in weed control.
get the optimum yield are :
(i) Shelter : The shelter should be
clean, spacious and airy.
(ii) Feeding : Proper food at proper
time is essential for dairy animals.
(iii) Rearing of animals : Providing
them proper health care and
protection from pathogens, diseases
and proper vaccination.
(iv) Breeding : The crossing of different
variety of milch animals to obtain a
breed that can produce more yield of
3.What are weeds? How can we
control them? Give different methods
of weed control.
Ans :
Unwanted plants which grow along
with crops are called weeds. Weeds
compete with crops for natural
resources; like sunlight, water and
nutrients. Thus, weeds hamper the
growth of crops. Weeds are usually
removed manually by hands and by
sickles. This process is called weeding.