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acids bases and salts-grade 10- chapter 2

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•Properties of acids and bases •Dissociation of ions

•Indicators(synthetic and natural) •pH scale
•Reactions of acids with metals, •Importance of pH in daily life
metal carbonates, bases, metal •Family of salts
•Chlor-alkali process
•Whats common with acids and
bases? •Solvay's process
•Washing soda
•Water of crystallization
•Plaster of Paris
1. When acids are mixed with water they lead to production of
2. _________________ turn Blue litmus to red.
3. The pH range of bases is ___________________
4. Of the given NaOH and NaHCO3, the more basic one is ___________
5. Bases are ____________ in taste (Bitter/ Sour)
6. Phenolphthalein is used as a/an _______________
(neutralizer/ indicator)
Compare the Properties of
Acids Bases

•They are sour in taste. •They are bitter in taste

•They produce hydrogen ions •They produce hydroxyl ions
•They turn the blue litmus red •They turn the red litmus blue
•pH range is 0<7 •pH range is >7
What are Indicators?
Those chemicals /SUBSTANCES which are
used to indicate whether the given solution is
an acid or base are called indicators

Natural indicators

•Litmus •Turmeric
Blue litmus
Red litmus •Red cabbage extract

•Beet root extract.

Synthetic indicators

It is colourless.
In acid--- remains colourless.
In base---changes to magenta
•Methyl Orange
•It is orange in colour.
•In acids---turns reddish pink
•In bases—turns yellowish
Olfactory indicators

• The indicators which show a change in the smell in the presence of

acids or bases are called olfactory indicators.
Examples of olfactory indicators

• Onion , Vanilla essence & Clove oil

• In the presence of acid the smell does not go off.

• In the presence of the base the smell goes off.

Complete the following table

Sample Red Blue Phenol- Methyl

litmus litmus phthalein orange
(acetic acid)

(sodium hydroxide)


(sodium carbonate)
Reactions of acids with metals
Reactions of acids with metals
Reactions of acids with metal carbonates

• Breaking down of the compounds or molecules into ions in an

aqueous solution (solution in water) is called dissociation

•HCl -----→ H+ + Cl-

Analyse the conductivity of following
Solutions can be classified on the basis of
conductivity (FYI)

Electrolytes Non - Electrolytes

 Compounds that Compounds do not
dissociate into ions dissociate into ions in
in water water
can conduct electricity can not conduct
and are called electricity
and are called
Electrolytes Non- Electrolytes

Eg. All acids, bases Eg. Glucose solution,

and some salts alcohol solution
Solutions of acids, bases and some salts
conduct electricity while solutions of glucose ,
sugar and alcohol donot. Explain

 The acids, bases and some salts

dissociate (break into)to form ions in
the aqueous solutions.
 While glucose sugar and alcohol do
not dissociate into ions so they do not
conduct electricity!!
Reactions of acids with bases.

 HCl + NaOH ---→ NaCl + H2O

 Acid base salt water

 Same way try the next….

 H2SO4 + Ca(OH)2--→

 Define Neutralisation reaction:

The reactions in which acids react with bases to form salt and
water are called neutralization reaction.
List of strong & weak
acids and bases

Weak acids
Strong acids
Oxalic acid

Weak bases
Strong bases
NH3 solution


What do you mean by pH ?

• Where p = potenz (power)

• H = hydrogen ion
• Where p = potenz (power)
• H = hydrogen ion

• pH scale ranges from 0 to 14

• pH < 7 = acids
• pH >7 = bases
• pH = 7 neutral
Solve this

Seven solutions A, B,C, D,E, F and G have pH

1,2,7,9,11,13 and 14 respectively.

a. Identify the strongest acid

b. Identify which one of them is neutral.
c. Identify which of these are weakly basic.
d. Identify which of these are strongly basic.
e. Which of these will turn phenolphthalein pink?
f. Which of these will turn methyl orange pink?
1. Human blood and tears have a pH range of 7.0 to
7.8 .This shows they are slightly alkaline in

2. Organisms have normal pH range for survival. If

the pH decreases or increases from that range
then survival of the organism becomes difficult.
pH of skin

3. Human skin has a slightly acidic pH. This is necessary to

keep away from attack by microorganisms.
Cosmetics have pH adjusted to that of skin pH so that they
turn to be compatible with skin.
pH & plants
(this graph shows absorption of nutrients at various pH values of soil
pH and plants

3. Plants have a healthy growth if pH of the soil is such that it

is neither alkaline nor highly acidic because most of the
minerals are absorbed well in this range.

So if a farmer finds his soil to be acidic in nature he will treat

it with CaO which is a base so that it can neutralize the acidity of
the soil and make it suitable for plant growth.
pH and acidity

Normally hydrochloric acid

produced in the stomach helps
in digestion.

When we eat lot of food or do

not have food for long we get
acidity. This can be treated
using antacids. Antacids are
basic in nature and neutralize
the acid in the stomach giving
us relief.
pH & tooth decay
 How is pH & tooth decay related?

Some traces of the food are always be there in the

mouth. These are attacked by the bacteria which
results in production of certain acids. So the pH of
the mouth falls. These acids corrode the enamel
of the teeth. This slowly leads to cavity in teeth.

Tooth pastes are basic in nature so that they can

neutralize these acids produced in the mouth.
Just some info:
• The normal flora of humans are exceedingly complex and consist of
more than 200 species of bacteria. The makeup of the normal flora
may be influenced by various factors, including genetics, age, gender,
stress, nutrition and diet of the individual.
• It has been calculated that a human adult houses about 1012 bacteria
on the skin, 1010 in the mouth, and 1014 in the gastrointestinal tract.
The latter number is far in excess of the number of eucaryotic cells in
all the tissues and organs which comprise a human.
pH and the bee sting.
• The sting by honey bee or yellow ant or leaves of nettle plant
injects methanoic acid (formic acid) into our body which
causes pain.
• The basic solutions like Calamine lotions, baking soda paste
or tooth paste is applied on the sting. This neutralizes the
acid secreted into the skin and causes relief from the pain.
pH and cleaning

Copper vessels or articles get
tarnished in long run due to
formation of copper oxide. As
this compound is basic in
nature, they are rubbed with
lemon rind, tamarind or
ketchup which is acidic in
nature which would neutralize
the basic corrosion.
Hydronium ion

•HCl + H2O ----→ H3O+ + Cl-

What is the correct way of diluting an acid?

• Add acid to water drop by drop /in little quantities

with constant stirring. This is an exothermic
reaction. If we add in bulk the reaction will produce
lot of heat and may splash on you.
NaCl as a raw material
Draw the diagram for Chlor-alkali process
Describe the Chlor alkali process.

•In this process concentrated solution of NaCl is subjected

to electrolysis.

•This produces H2 gas at cathode.

•Cl2 gas is produced at anode.
A solution of NaOH is produced at the base of the
electrolytic chamber.

2 NaCl + 2 H2O --> H2 + Cl2 + 2 NaOH

How is Bleach

•When chlorine gas is passed through the Calcium hydroxide solution

it produces calcium oxy chloride. This is bleach.

•Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 --→ CaOCl2 + H2O

Explain the Solvay’s Process /
How is baking soda manufactured?
 Its used to manufacture NaHCO3

 NaCl + H2O + NH3 + CO2 ---→ NaHCO3 + NH4Cl

 Ammonia and carbon dioxide gases are passed turn by turn

through concentrated solution of Sodium chloride(brine)
which produces sodium hydrogen carbonate and ammonium
chloride is obtained as a by product.
Explain the action of baking soda in making
fried items.

• The baking soda on heating decomposes to produce

carbon dioxide gas that rises through the food to make
it soft.

• 2NaHCO3 ----heat-→ Na2CO3 + H20 + CO2

Explain the action of baking powder in
cakes etc…

 Baking powder is a mixture of sodium hydrogen carbonate

and tartaric acid. In the cake batter, they start reacting with
each other and release CO2 gas which rises through the
dough/batter and helps in making it soft.

 NaHCO3 + H+ --→ Sodium salt of acid + CO2 + H2O

What is Washing soda chemically
and why is it called so?

• Na2CO3 .10 H2O

• This is called washing soda the main ingredient of

List few Uses of washing soda

• Manufacturing of Glass, soap and paper.

• As a laboratory reagent.

• Used for softening water.

• In textiles and petroleum refining

Define : Water Of crystallization

 The number of water molecules associated with

one formula unit of a compound (to keep it in
crystal state) is called water of crystallization.

 So there can be two categories of salts on the

basis of above…

Hydrated Anhydrous
salts salts
Examples of salts with water of
Na2CO3. 10 H2O (washing soda)
CuSO4. 5H2O (Blue vitriol)
FeSO4. 7H2O (Green vitriol)
MgSO4 . 7H2O (Epsom salt)
What are Gypsum and Plaster of Paris Chemically?

•CaSO4. 2H2O
•Calcium sulphate dihydrate.


• CaSO 4. ½ H2O
• Calcium sulphate hemihydrate.
List the uses of Plaster of Paris

❑For supporting fractured bones

❑Used for making toys and decorative articles.
❑ making cast for statues
❑ used in dentistry
❑ used in making false ceilings
❑ used in making temporary walls.
How is plaster of Paris manufactured?

➢Gypsum is heated at 373 K.

➢When it loses water molecules it forms PLASTER OF PARIS


➢CaSO4. 2H2O ---373K -→ CaSO4. ½ H2O + 1 ½ H2O

Why is plaster of Paris stored in dry

• If Plaster of Paris is not stored in dry conditions, it

will gain moisture and solidify and will not be of
any use.

• CaSO4. ½ H2O + 1 ½ H2O --- > CaSO4. 2H2O

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