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Essential Questions?
•What are the major beliefs of
•How was Islam spread?
•What contributions have
Muslims made to the world?
Islam means
“submission to
the One God”.
A Muslim is one
who is obedient
to God’s will &
lives according to
God’s laws.
The Messenger
• Mohammad was chosen by God
to deliver His Message of Peace.
• He is the last & greatest
The word of Allah was
revealed to
Mohammad in the
desert by the angel
Gabrielle visits
•Allah is the Muslim name
for the One & Only God.
•Allah has 99 names, such
as: the Gracious, the
Merciful, the Creator, the
All-Knowing, the All-Wise,
Origins of Islam
• Circa 570 CE – Mohammad born
• 610 CE – the Revelation
• 622 CE – Hegira (Hijrah) to Medina
• 632 CE – Death of the Prophet
• 632-661 CE – Age of the Rightly
Guided Caliphs
Five Pillars Of Islam
• The Five Pillars are specific regulations
and ethical requirements for all Muslims.

Pray Fasting Charity

5x Hajj

1. Confession of Faith
• “There is no god except God. Muhammad
is the messenger of God.”
• Affirms two basic teachings of Islam:
– Monotheism
– Uniqueness of Muhammad as prophet
• Stating this confession freely and with
conviction officially makes a person
2. Daily Prayer
Faithful Muslims
pray five times
each day facing
Mecca, Islam’s
holiest city.
–Fajr (dawn prayer)
–Dhuhr (noon prayer)
–Asr (afternoon prayer)
–Maghrib (sunset prayer)
–Isha’a (night prayer)

• Prayer involves a ritual washing of hands
and face and prostration in the direction of
Mecca. Most prayers are performed on a
special rug
•One who
calls the
faithful to
from a
Muezzins often
call the faithful
to prayer from
minarets –
finger-like spires
reaching to the
alongside a
Public Prayer
• Public prayers are usually conducted on
Fridays in the mosque, the Muslim house
of worship.
• These prayers are directed by an imam, a
leader designated to conduct worships
and deliver sermons.
3. Fasting
• Fasting takes place during Ramadan, the
ninth month of the Muslim year.
• Each day from dawn until sunset, Muslims are
to avoid eating, drinking, smoking, and sex.
• Some are exempt, such as for the sick, those
making journeys, and breast‐feeding mothers.
• Fasting nurtures an awareness of morality and
offers insight to Muslims into the situations of
those who are less fortunate
4. Almsgiving
- Giving to those in need – in
other words being charitable

-Should always be done

5. Pilgrimage
Every faithful Muslim is
required to make at least
one pilgrimage (Hajj) to
Mecca in their lifetime, if
physically capable & have
the financial means.
• Anyone who dies while on the journey is considered a
martyr (witness to the faith).

• Muslims believe that Allah forgives the sins of those who

make the journey with reverence.

• The communal ideal of the Umma is emphasized as all

Muslims gather in equality to celebrate their common
• Once in Mecca, several rituals take place
over about fifteen days during a specific
– Muslims circle the Ka’ba, a stone
cubical structure in the courtyard of the
Great Mosque of Mecca.
– The Ka’ba, supposedly built by
Abraham, is the geographical center of
• Muslims wear a plain,
white two-piece
garment on hajj to
show equality before
Allah while visiting the
The Koran (Quran)
Holy book of
Islam, the
Koran, is God’s
message as
revealed to
from the angel
•earthly center of Islam and source of sacred presence and
foundational teaching

•direct words of Allah to Muhammad

•originally written in Arabic

•divided into 114 chapters called suras

•means “reading” or “recitation” - originally meant to be spoken

Role of the Prophets

•Muhammad is the final prophet who reveals the

fullness of the message of Allah.

•Muhammad is the “Seal of the Prophets.”

•The Sunna is the collective teaching and action of the

life of Muhammad.

•All other prophets (Abraham, Moses, Jesus) only

revealed God’s message partially.
People of the Book
Because Islam accepts the
Old & New Testaments as
God’s word, Muslims refer
to the Jews & Christians as
“People of the Book”.
Jesus in Islam

• While Muhammad is merely human

without supernatural qualities, Islam does
regard Jesus as one of two humans
conceived by God (along with Adam).
• Jesus is a prophet who guided Israel with
the Gospel message, but he was never
killed and instead was raised alive to God.
• Jesus is mentioned 25 times in the Qur’an.
Human Nature and Destiny
• Human nature is good, but humans are prone to
forgetfulness, which led to the Fall of Man.

• The good are rewarded in Paradise and the evil are

condemned to Hell, described in the Qur’an.

• Allah will judge all at the Day of Judgment, which will be

preceded by the coming of the Mahdi, a savior who will
restore Islam and earthly order.

• Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem to usher in the end

of the ages.
View of the Human Body
• The body belongs ultimately to God and must be
kept clean through washing.
• Clothing should be neither overly seductive nor
overly luxurious, but there is nothing wrong with
fashionable, attractive clothing.
• Diet is regulated (pork and alcohol forbidden).
• Sex is only celebrated in the context of marriage.
Pre‐marital sex, extra‐marital sex, prostitution,
and lustful thoughts are prohibited.
• .

Views toward Women

• The Qur’an regards men and women as equal but with

different roles in society.
• Divorce, polygamy, and the wearing of the veil are three
points of contention in modern society.
– According to Shari’a, either a husband or a wife may
initiate a divorce. (Historically, three repudiations of “I
divorce you” were needed by a man though.)
– Polygamy is technically allowed by the Qur’an, but
limits are set and it is very rare today in most regions.
– Attitudes toward Muslim women’s dress vary from
culture to culture.

Although for many in the West, the hijab is
a symbol of female oppression, to Muslims
it as a symbol of modesty
Mecca (Makkah)
Mecca is the holiest city in
Islam. This is the home of
the Ka’aba & Mohammad, as
well as the destination for
devout Muslims fulfilling
their pilgrimage.
Medina (Madinah)
•Medina is regarded as
the “city of the Prophet”
b’c it is here that
Mohammad “flees” to
after escaping his foes in
• Shari’a means “straight path”…
• Written by Islamic scholars who
studied intently the words of the Koran,
it is a collection of commentaries on
holy law.
• In the Shari’a scholars tried to
understand & interpret Mohammad
message when specific guidance was
not given by the Prophet.
Rank Countries That Follow Sharia Law

1 Afghanistan
2 Iran
3 Iraq
4 Maurtania
5 Pakistan
6 Saudi Arabia
7 Sudan
8 Yemen
• Today administration of Islamic law
is determined by individual
• Each country has its own experts
on Islamic law called ulemas.
• Ulema advise those in power, often
turning to tradition to help answer
today’s complexities.
• The word literally means “struggle”,
“fight” or “strive” in the path of
• One could look at this as the struggle
between good & evil w/in one’s heart
• Referred to as the “sixth pillar”, Jihad
has often been misinterpreted to
mean “holy war”…
the end…

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