Cardiovascular system1
Cardiovascular system1
Cardiovascular system1
- Blood vessels (flow blood from the heart to cells and back to the heart).
mitral valve
aortic valve
Heart Sounds
When the stethoscope is placed on the chest wall over the heart, two
sounds are normally heard during each cardiac cycle (1st & 2nd heart
sounds). Heart sounds are associated with closure of the valves with
their associated vibration of the flaps of the valves and the
surrounding blood under the influence of the sudden pressure
changes that develop across the valve. That is, heart sound does not
produced by the opening of the valve because this opening is a slow
developing process that makes no noise.
Heart murmurs
They are abnormal sounds, can be produced by blood flowing rapidly in
the usual direction but through an abnormally narrowed valve (stenosis),
by blood flowing backward through a damaged, leaky valve
(incompetent, regurgitant valve) or by blood flowing between the two
atria or two ventricles through a small hole: ASD (atrial septal defect),
VSD (ventricular septal defect).