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3-Correctness of algorithms

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Introduction to Algorithm

(Algorithm Correctness)
Algorithm Correctness
When an algorithm is designed it should be analyzed from the following two aspects:
1. Correctness : to verify if the algorithm leads to the solution of the problem or it always
produces the expected output for the range of inputs and it eventually terminates.
2. Efficiency: to analyze the performance of the algorithm

Algorithm Correctness Verification:

To verify if the algorithm really solves the problem for which it is designed we can use two
strategies :
a) Testing
b) Correctness prove by mathematical induction
Algorithm Correctness
Testing: Try the algorithm on sample inputs
• We need tools to distinguish correct algorithms from incorrect ones
• The best way to prove that an algorithm is incorrect is to produce an instance in which it
yields an incorrect answer. Such instances are called counter examples.

Good counter examples have two important properties:-

i. Verifiability:- to demonstrate that a particular instance is a counter example to a particular
ii. Simplicity : once a counter example has been found it is worth simplifying it down to its
essence and provide the clear reason exactly why the proposed algorithm fails.
Algorithm Correctness
Test whether a + b < min(a ,b) correct or not?
Statement: a + b < min(a, b) a<0 and b<0
Let a = -2 b= -4
Then L.H.S := a + b= (-2 +-4)=-6
and R.H.S := min(-2 , -4) = -4 1:testing by example
Hence L.H.S < R.H.S. -6< -4
Now let a =2 b=4
then L.H.S := a + b= 2+4=6 The second case is counter example
R.H.S := min(a ,b) = min(2 ,4)=2 2 that shows the given statement is not

Hence L.H.S is not equal to R.H.S correct when a ,b is positive integer.

Hence we can say the statement is
correct when ( a<0 and b<0)
Question : Test whether a*b< min(a , b) is correct or not by taking counter example and find
out the required constraints to make it correct if not?
Algorithm Correctness

• Failure to find a counter example to a given algorithm does not mean “ it is oblivious
that the algorithm is correct. A proof or demonstration of correctness is needed . To
proof the correctness we can use mathematical induction is the method of choice.

• Mathematical induction is usually the right way to verify the correctness of recursive
and incremental algorithms

• For recursive algorithm we are using method of induction directly to prove the

• For iterative algorithm we are using loop variants and method of induction to prove
the correctness.
Algorithm Correctness
Correctness of recursive algorithms:-
To prove correctness of recursive algorithm:
• Prove it by induction on the size of the problem being solved
• Base of recursion is the base of induction
• Need to prove that recursive call are given subproblems that is no infinite recursion.
• Inductive step: assume that the recursive calls work correctly and use this
assumption to prove that the current call works correctly.
Question to prove
The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers in which the first two elements are 0
& 1, and each following elements are the sum of the two preceding elements:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ..., 233
Algorithm Correctness
Recursive Fibonacci number:
F0 =0 , F1= 1 and for all n >= 2 , Required to prove:
Fn = Fn-2 + Fn-1 fib(m+1) returns Fm+1
function fib(n) What does fib(m+1) returns ?
//comment returns Fn fib(m+1) returns
1. if n = = 0 then return 0; fib(m+1-1) + fib(m+1-2)
= fib(m) + fib(m-1)
2. else return(fib(n-1)+fib(n-2))
= Fm + Fm-1 by induction hypothesis
Claim: For all n >= 0, fib(n) return Fn
= Fm+1
Base : for n=0 fib(n) returns 0 F0 as claimed
Hence by applying induction we are
for n= 1 fib(n) returns 1 F1 as
claimed verified the correctness.
Induction Hypothesis :
suppose that n>= 2 and for all 0<=m <n
fib(m) returns Fm
Algorithm Correctness
Example-2 Let n=4 A[ 10, 12, 13 , 5,]
Recursive Maximum max(maximum(3),A[4})
function maximum(n)
//comment return max of A[1……n] maximum(3)--------max( maximum(2), A[3])

1. if n < =1 then return (A[1])

2. else return(max(maximum(n-1),A[n])
maximum(1)---- return A[1]

For all n >=1, maximum(n) returns max{A[1],………..A[n]}
Base: for n=1, maximum(n) returns A[1] as claimed
Induction hypothesis: suppose that n >=1 and maximum(n) returns max{A[1],…….,A[n]}
Required to prove
maximum(n+1)-----returns max{A[1],………..,A[n+1]}
Algorithm Correctness suppose that n >=1 and isum(A,n) returns sum{A[1],…….,A[n]}
n+1 -------- isum(A,n+1) -- sum(A[1],A[2]….A[n+1])
What does maximum(n+1) returns ? =sum(A[n+1],sum(A[1]…A[n])
= sum(A[n+1],A[n]…..A[1])
= max( max{A[1],……,A[n]},A[n+1]) by induction hypothesis
= max{A[1],A[2],……,A[n+1]} proved

Question:1 sum of n numbers Question :2 factorial of n

function isum(A , n) function factorial(n)
// returns sum of A[1,……,n] // return Fn
1. if n<= 1 then return A[1] 1. if (n == 0) return 1
2. else return( sum(A[n] + isum(A,n-1)) 2 else return (n * factorial(n - 1))
Algorithm Correctness
Correctness of iterative algorithms:
To prove correctness of an iterative algorithm:
• Analysis the algorithm one loop at a time . Starting at the inner loop in case of nested loops.
• For each loop find a loop invariant that remains true each time through the loop and
captures the progress made by the loop.
• Prove that the loop invariants holds.
• Use the loop invariants to prove that the algorithm terminates.
• Use the loop invariants to prove that the algorithm computes the correct result.
Algorithm Correctness
Loop Invariant with Examples:
Definition:A loop invariant is a condition [among program variables] that is necessarily true immediately before
and immediately after each iteration of a loop. A loop invariant is some predicate (condition) that holds for every
iteration of the loop. A loop invariant gives a relationship between variables. If we pick the right invariant, it will
help proving the correctness of the program with the loop.
The loop invariant must be true:
• It holds before the loop starts
• It holds after each iteration of the loop
• It holds after the loop terminates
j := 9; i=0 j=9 Find out the loop variants? Entry (before iteration): x=c and y=0
for( i=0; i<10; i++) x=c; y=0; First iteration: x=c-1 y=1-------- x+y=c
j--; While (x>0) Second iteration : x=c-2 y=2-------
{ x+y=c
Initial i=0 j=9 i+j=9 X x--; ……
1st iteration i=1 j=8 y++; …
2nd iteration i=2 j=7………… } K iteration : x=c-k y=k ---------x+y=c

After loop termination i=9 j=0

Final exection: x=0 and y=c x+y=c Loop invariant is x+y=c
Algorithm Correctness
Question: find out the loop invariant?
y=0 y0 =0 i=0 let n=4
1st iteration: y1=y0+2^0 i=i+1=1 i=0 y0=0=2^0 -1
for(i=0 ; i<=n; i++) i=1 y1=1=2^1 -1
2nd iteration : y2= y1+2^1 i=i+1=2
y+=2^i ; 3rd iteration : y3=y2+2^2 i=3 i=2 y2=3=2^2 -1
4th iteration : y4=y3+2^3 i=4 i=3 y3=7=2^3 -1
i=4 y4=15=2^4 -1

yi= 2^i -1 i=n yn =2^n -1

Algorithm Correctness
Properties of good loop invariants:-
1. Initialization: The loop invariants must be true for the first execution of the loop.
2. Maintenance: if the invariant is true before an iteration of the loop it should be true also after the iteration .
3. Termination: when the loop is terminated the invariant should tell us somethings understand the algorithm.

function sum(n)
// Input: a non negative integer n
In this example:
//output: the sum 1+2+3………+n 1. The loop invariant holds initially since sum=0 and i=0 , if no
sum:=0 element sum is zero
i:=0 i =1 sum =0+1
i=2 sum =1+2
while(i<=n) i= n sum=1+2……+n
// invariant :sum 1+2 …+i-1 2. Invariant holds before ith iteration and also after this iteration
sum := sum + i since the loop adds i to the sum and increments i by 1
3. When loop terminates sum= 1+2+……+n
return sum
Algorithm Correctness
function max(A)
//input :an array A storing n integers
//output: the largest element in A(max of A[1… n]
m=A[1]; i:=2 Consider an array A{7, 5, 3, 10, 2, 6} with 6
while i<=n do elements and we have to find maximum element
max in the array.
if A[i]>m then m:=A[i] In the above example after the 3rd iteration of
i=i+1 the loop max value is 7, which holds true for the
first 3 elements of array A. Here, the loop
return(m) invariant condition is that max is always
maximum among the first i elements of array A.
Algorithm Correctness
Example: Iterative Fibonacci Numbers
function fibo(n) Let n=5 then fib(5) should return F5=5
F2=f0+f1 j=1
//comment return Fn F3=f1+f2 j=2 n=0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. if n==0 then return 0 Fj=Fj-1 +Fj Fn=0 0 1 1 2 3 5 8
2. else a:=0; b:=1;i:=2; F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
3. while(i<=n) do j =1 j=2 j=3 j=4 j=5
4. c:= a + b; a :=b; b:=c; i=i+1; Iteration0 Iteration1 Iteration2 Iteration3 Iteration4
5. return(b) j=0 j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4

i0<=5 i1<=5 i2<=5 i3<=5

Facts about the algorithm: c1=a0+b0=1 c2=a1+b1=2 c3=a2+b2=3 c4=a3+b3=5

i0=2 a0=0 b0=1 cj+1 =aj + bj
i j+1 =ij+1 aj+1 =bj bj+1 =cj+1 a0=0 a1=b0=1 a2=b1=1 a3=b2=2 a4=b3=3

b0=1 b1=c1=1 b2=c2=2 b3=c3=3 b4=c4=5

Loop invariants
i0=2 i1=i0+1=2+1=3 i2=i1+1=3+1=4 i3=i2+1=4+1=5 i4=i3+1=5+1=6
For all natural numbers j >=0, ij = j+2
,aj=Fj and bj=Fj+1
i0=j+2 i1=j+2 i2=j+2 i3=j+2
Algorithm Correctness
Iterative Fibonacci Numbers
Claim: for all natural numbers j >= 0 ,ij = j+2 , aj = Fj and bj=Fj+1
Proof by induction on j: The base case j=0 is trivial since io=2 a0=0=F0 , and b0=1=F1
Now assume that j>=0 , ij = j+2 , aj = Fj and bj=Fj+1
Required to prove ij+1=j+3, aj+1 =Fj+1 and bj+1=Fj+2
ij+1 = ij + 1= (j +2) +1 by induction hypothesis = j+3
aj+1= bj = Fj+1
bj+1 = cj+1 = aj +bj = Fj +Fj+1 =Fj+1
Algorithm Correctness
Iterative Maximum: A[3 ,5 ,9 7, 6]
function max(A) Iteration no(j) i n A[1,2…n] Maximum m
//input :an array A storing n integers 0 1 1 A[1] m=A[1]
//output: the largest element in A(max of A[1… n] 1 2 2 A[1,2] m=max(A[1]A[2])
m=A[1]; i:=2 2 3 3 A[1,2,3] m=max(A[1],A[2],A[3])
while i<=n do 3 4 4 A[1,2,3,4] m=max(A[1],A[2],A[3],A[4])
if A[i]>m then m:=A[i] 4 5 5 A[1,2,3,4,5] m=max(A[1],A[2],A[3],A[4],A[5])
i=i+1 j>=0 mj=max{A[1],A[2]………….A[j],A[j+1]) ----loop invariant:loop
return(m) invariant condition is that max is always maximum among the first i
elements of array A.
Facts about the algorithm:
m0=A[1] mj+1=max(mj ,A[ij]) j=0 j=1 j=2 j=3 j=4
i0=2 ij+1 = ij+1 m0=A[1] i0<=5 i1<=5 i2<=5 i3<=5

Loop invariants i0=2 A[2]>m0 A[3]>m1 A[4]>m2 A[5] >m3

For all natural numbers j>=0
mj=max(A[1],A[2]……A[j+1]) m1=A[2] m2=A[3] m3=A[4] m4=A[5]
ij=j+2 i1=i0+1 i2=i1+1 i3=i2+1 i4=i3+1
Algorithm Correctness
Claim: for all natural numbers j >= 0 ,ij = j+2, mj=max{A[1],A[2],……A[j+1])
Proof by induction on j: The base case j=0 is trivial since m0=A[1] and i0=2
Now assume that j>=0 , ij = j+2 , and mj= max{A[1],A[2],…..A[j+1])
Required to prove ij+1=j+3, and mj+1 =max{A[1],A[2],…….A[j+2])
ij+1 = ij + 1= (j +2) +1 = j+3 by induction hypothesis
mj+1= max{mj,A[ij]}
= max{mj,A[j+2]} by induction hypothesis
= max{max{A[1],A[2]……A[j+1]},A[j+2]} by induction hypothesis
Algorithm Correctness
n == 0: the loop repeats 0 times: it computes fact == 1 == 0!
n == 1: the loop repeats 1 time: it computes fact =(m= 1 * 1 == 1! i1=i0+1
function factorial(n) n == 2: the loop repeats 2 times: it computes fact == (1 * 1) * 2 == 2! i2= i1+1=3
//return Fn n == 3: the loop repeats 3 times: it computes fact == (1 * 1 * 2) * 3 == 3! i=3+1=4
n == 4: the loop repeats 4 times: it computes fact == (1 * 1 * 2 * 3) * 4 == 4!
1. fact=1, i=1 ...
2. while(i<=n) the loop repeats k times : it computes fact= (1*1*2*3*4*5…..)*k=k! i=k+1
3. fact=fact* i the loop repeats k+1 times: it computes fact == (k!) * (k+1) == (k+1)!
4. i=i+1 we show that after going through the loop k times, Fk = k ! and i = k + 1 hold.
5. return(fact) This is a loop invariant and again we are going to use mathematical induction
to prove it

Proof by induction.
Basis Step: n = 1. When n = 1, that is when the loop is entered the first time, F1 = F0* 1 = 1 and i1 = i0 + 1 = 2.

Induction Hypothesis: For an arbitrary value m of n, Fm = m! and im = m + 1 hold after going through the loop m times.
Inductive Step: for (m + 1) time, Fm+1 = (m+1)! and im+1 = (m+2)

i m+1 =im+1= m+1+1=m+2

Fm+1 =m!*(m+1)=Fm *(m+1)= (m+1)!
producing F = (m + 1)! and i = (m + 1) + 1.

Thus F = k! and i = k + 1 hold for any positive integer k.

Now, when the algorithm stops, i = n + 1. Hence the loop will have been entered n times. Thus F = n! is returned. Hence the algorithm is

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