Distributed Database Management Systems For Information Management and Access
Distributed Database Management Systems For Information Management and Access
Distributed Database Management Systems For Information Management and Access
Distributed database technology is one of the most important developments of the past decades. The maturation of database management systems (DBMS) technology has coincided with significant developments in distributed computing results the emergence of Distributed Database Management Systems (DDBMS). Distributed database is a logical database that is physically divided among computers at several sites on a network. A distributed database management system is a database management system capable of supporting and manipulating distributed databases. The distributed database management systems have started to become the dominant management tools for highly intensive applications. The basic motivations for distributed databases are improved performance, increased availability, shareability, expandability and access facility. Computers in a network communicate through messages. Accessing the data using messages over network is slower than the accessing data on disk. In general to access the data rapidly in a distributed databases we must attempt to minimize the numbers of messages. Distributed database management system manages applications based on data access from different sources at multiple locations. As institutions implement networked information strategies which call for sharing and licensing access to information resources in the networked environment. Access management have emerged as major issues, which threaten to impede progress.
Information Access
Information access to the west is much quicker and less dangerous than those days. Todays information highway system had been available to the prospectors of the gold rush. All the data in the enterprise are useless unless they are accessible to the relevant users and processes that can become into knowledge.
2nd International CALIBER-2004, New Delhi, 11-13 February, 2004 INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad
The distributed database system allows databases to be spread over a network of multiple processors and supports access to those databases by any application running on the network. It also allows distribution of data and applications for faster response time and distributed control and provides communication services across processor nodes.
A distributed database is defined as a collection of simple, logically interrelated databases distributed over a computer network. A distributed database management system is then defined as the software system permits the management of the distributed databases and makes this distribution transparency to the users. Distributed database system is to referred as a combination of distributed databases and distributed database management system. The two important terms in these definitions are logically interrelated databases distributed over a computer network.
A Distributed database management system can be Homogeneous (same local DBMS at each site) or Heterogeneous (different local DBMS). Heterogeneous DBMSs are more complex and more difficult to manage. The DDBMS share the characteristics of location transparency, replication transparency, and fragmentation transparency. Location transparency is the characteristic that states that users do not need to be aware of the location of data in a distributed database. Replications let users at different sites use and update copies of a database and then share their updates with other users. Replication transparency refers to the characteristic that a DDBMS should update various copies of data behind the scenes; users should be unaware of the steps. A Distributed Database Management Systems supports data fragmentation is the DDBMS can divide and manage a logical object, such as records in a table, among the various locations under its control. If users are unaware of fragmentation, the DDBMS has fragmentation transparency.
Functions of a DDBMS
Application interface Validation to analyze data requests Transformation to determine requests components Query-optimization to find the best access strategy Mapping to determine the data location I/O interface to read or write data Formatting to prepare the data for presentation Security to provide data privacy Backup and recovery DB administration Concurrency control Transaction management
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C.J.Date has formulated 12 rules for Distributed databases. The rules are as follows: 1. Local autonomy - No site should depend on another site to perform its functions. 2. No reliance on a central site - A DDBMS should not need to rely on one site more than any other site. 3. Continuous operation - Performing any function should not shut down the entire distributed database. 4. Location transparency - Users should feel as if the entire database is stored at their location. 5. Fragmentation transparency - Users should feel as if they are using a single central database. 6. Replication transparency - Users should not be aware of any data replication. 7. Distributed query processing - A DDBMS must process queries as rapidly as possible even though the data is distributed. 8. Distributed transaction management - A DDBMS must effectively manage transaction updates at multiple sites. 9. Hardware independence - A DDBMS must be able to run on different types of hardware. 10. Operating system independence - A DDBMS must be able to run on different operating systems. 11. Network independence - A DDBMS must be able to run on different types of networks. 12. DBMS independence - A DDBMS must be heterogeneous.
In spite of the problems and its complexity, the users that will mostly benefit from the distributed DBMSs.
Advances in information technology have changed the entire gamut of Library and Information service today. It is time to develop new means of information access and resource sharing with the help of fast growing computer and telecommunication technologies. The libraries serve three roles in learning. They serve practical role in sharing expensive sources both physical and human resource and cultural role in preserving and organizing facts and ideas. Third the libraries serve social and intellectual role by bringing together people and ideas. The Libraries also serve as centers of interdisciplinary places shared by learners from all disciplines. Digital libraries extend such interdisciplinary approach by making diverse information resources available beyond physical space shared by a group of learners. However explosion of data and increased cost of information, force the libraries to work together, and technological advancements acts as platform for accessing and sharing the diversified information. The Library and Information Science profession is preparing for adapting itself to the new environment created by information technology. High performance networks have become key ingredients of competitive scientific research. Research projects especially interdisciplinary ones often require high-speed access to massive data archive and analysis facilities.
1. Principles of Database systems by M.T.Ozsu, P.Valduriez. 2. The Push/Pull Effect - Can Distributed, Database Technology Meet The Challenges of New, Applications? Database Programming & Design by M. T. Ozsu. 3. http://www.engr.smu.edu 4. http://www.edtech.uis.edu 5. Proceedings of National Seminar on Information Access, Management and Exchange in the technological age, May 2002. 6. Distributed database systems Bell D
About Author
Mrs. N. Geetha is Assistant Librarian at Anna University, Chennai-600 025, India. She holds Masters in Zoology, LIS and undergone training in British Council Library, Chennai. E-mail : geethkowsalya@hotmail.com, aulib@annauniv.edu