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Dspam Pop3 Proxy Clamav

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pop3filter can be downloaded from http://pop3filter.sourceforge.net/.

The easiest way to set up pop3filter is to have it call DSPAM using the
--stdout command, at which point DSPAM will check the message and return
it with X-DSPAM headers identifying the message as spam or innocent. To
do this, follow these steps:

1. Compile and install pop3filter

2. Compile and install DSPAM on the same machine

You may optionally wish to the spamSubject and spamAction=tag preferences

so that a tag will be prepended to the subject header of messages
suspected to be spam.

3. Configure pop3filter to run as follows:

pop3filter --fork [mail server IP] 110 110 "/usr/local/bin/dspam --user \

\$POP3_USERNAME --stdout --deliver=innocent,spam "

a full blown example would look like:

pop3filter --fork 110 110 "/usr/local/bin/dspam --user \

\$POP3_USERNAME --stdout --deliver=innocent,spam"

The POP3_USERNAME variable will be automatically replaced with the username

provided by the client at connect time.

ClamAV can be installed using YUM or from Source

ClamAV installation using YUM

yum install clamav
# or
yum update clamav

ClamAV manual installation

groupadd -g 2004 clamav
useradd -u 2004 -g 2004 -d /var/empty -c "ClamAV Server" -s /sbin/nologin -G
clamav clamav

Downloading, compiling and starting Clamav

cd /tmp
wget http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/clamav/clamav-0.88.tar.gz
make install
cp /tmp/clamav-0.88/contrib/init/RedHat/clamd /etc/rc.d/init.d/
chkconfig --add clamd
chkconfig --level 3 clamd on
/etc/rc.d/init.d/clamd start

vi /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf

Make sure the following entries are uncommented and present

TCPSocket 3310
User clamav

groupadd -g 2002 dspam

cd /var/work/source
wget http://www.nuclearelephant.com/projects/dspam/sources/dspam-3.6.4.tar.gz
cd ../compile
tar -zxf ../source/dspam-3.4.2.tar.gz
cd dspam-3.4.2/
vi ../configure/dspam
./configure \
--with-storage-driver=mysql_drv \
--with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql \
--with-mysql-libraries=/usr/lib/mysql \
--enable-preferences-extension \
--enable-virtual-users \
--enable-debug --enable-clamav --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu

chmod 755 ../configure/dspam

make && make install
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/dspam/

cd /var/work/compile/dspam-3.4.2/src/tools.mysql_drv/
mysql -e "create database dspam"
mysql -e "grant all on dspam.* to dspam@localhost identified by 'yourpassword'"
mysql dspam < mysql_objects-4.1.sql

#You can use any of the following lines based on whether u want dspam to add non-
exixtant users automaically in to the system or whether you would add users using
the mysql backend
#This script will require you to manually add users
mysql dspam < virtual_user_aliases.sql

# If you want users to be created automatically ,use this script

# mysql dspam < virtual_users.sql
cp purge-4.1.sql /usr/local/share/dspam/

(To keep your database nice and clean you will want to run this command nightly)

# crontab -e
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/mysql -udspam -pDSPAMSQLPASS dspam <

Dspam Training

touch /usr/local/var/dspam/group
vi /usr/local/var/dspam/group

cd /tmp
wget http://dspam.sourceforge.net/sources/extras/dspam_sa_trainer.tar.gz
Download the public corpus from http://spamassassin.apache.org/publiccorpus/.
It is recommended you grab all of the 20030228 archives except for
easy_ham_2 (to help balance the corpus) and the 2002 spam archive.
Extract and untar each archive in /tmp/spam directory.

tar zxvf dspam_sa_trainer.tar.gz

cd /tmp/spam
/tmp/dspam_sa_trainer/publiccorpus.pl global_group

Troubleshooting History page display issues

vi /var/www/antispam.stpimumbai.net/cgi-bin/configure.pl
Modify as follows

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