In recognition of the successful completion of the A2LA evaluation process, accreditation is granted to
this laboratory to perform the following tests on fiber, yarn, textiles and other related end use items,
coated fabrics and trims, including both metal and plastic components:
Physical Testing:
Bending Modulus by Means of a Cantilever Beam ASTM D747
Ball Bursting Strength ASTM D6797; NFPA 1971 8.13
Blocking Resistance at Elevated Temperatures ASTM D751 Pts 84-88
Brush Pilling ASTM D3511
Dynamic Fatigue ASTM D4033-92 (Withdrawn 2001) 1
Fabric Thickness ASTM D1777 Options 1, 2, 5
Wale and Course Count of Weft Knitted Fabrics ASTM D8007
Low Temperature Bend Test ISO 4675
Mace Snagging ASTM D3939
Martindale Abrasion EN 530; ASTM D4966; ISO 12947
Martindale Pilling ASTM D4970
Mass Per Unit Area ASTM D3776
Moisture Vapor Transmission ASTM E96
Mullen Bursting Strength ASTM D3786; ISO 13938-1
Penetration Resistance of Protective Clothing to Liquids ASTM F903
Penetration Resistance of Protective Clothing to ASTM F1670
Synthetic Blood
Rain Test AATCC 35
Random Tumble Pilling ASTM D3512
Resistance to Damage by Flexing ISO 7854 (Method A)
Seam Failure in Woven Fabric ASTM D1683; NFPA 1971 8.14
Seam Slippage Woven Upholstery Fabrics ASTM D3597 Section 6.3
Slippage of Yarn in Seam ASTM D434-95 (Withdrawn 2004) 1
Small Parts Rule CPSC 16 CFR Part 1501
Spray Test AATCC 22
Strength/Elongation Grab Method ASTM D5034; NFPA 1971 8.49
Strength/Elongation Strip Method ASTM D5035
Stretch Properties of Knitted Fabric ASTM D2594
This laboratory’s scope contains withdrawn / superseded methods. As a clarifier, this indicates
that the applicable method itself has been withdrawn or is now considered “historical” and not that
the laboratory’s accreditation for the method has been withdrawn.
The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) requires that every children's product subject
to a federal consumer product safety requirement be tested by a Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC) accepted laboratory for compliance with the applicable federal children's product safety
requirements. Accreditation by A2LA does not infer acceptance by the CPSC. Please verify this
organization’s acceptance status by using the CPSC’s searchable database, located at
Mechanical Testing
This laboratory is accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005
General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This accreditation demonstrates
technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory quality management system
(refer to joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated April 2017).
President and CEO
For the Accreditation Council
Certificate Number 2180.01
Valid to August 31, 2020
For the tests to which this accreditation applies, please refer to the laboratory’s Mechanical Scope of Accreditation.