MPKV Adv Oct 2011
MPKV Adv Oct 2011
MPKV Adv Oct 2011
MAHATMA PHULE KRISHI VIDYAPEETH RAHURI, DIST-AHMEDNAGAR.(MAHARASHTRA) ( Pin Code- 413 722) Phone No.02426-243216 No. Admn/A-2/Advt.-11/02-11/ 2387/of 2011, ADVERTISEMENT Applications in the prescribed form, given in the advertisement, are invited, from the eligible candidates for recruitment of the posts as indicated below on or before 20.11. 2011.
Sr. No. Name of post, pay scale and discipline 2 Faculty of Agriculture Associate Professor Pay Scale (Rs. 3740067000 + AGP Rs. 9000) Agronomy Agricultural Botany Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry Agricultural Entomology Total posts SC ST VJA 3 4 5 6 Category DT/NT NT- NT- NTB C D 7 8 9 Remark SBC OBC Open
1 (A)
1. 2. 3.
1+2(P) 1 2 (P)
1(P) -1(P)
-1 --
1+1(P) -1(P)
Out of two Posts one post is reserved for PHP (PS/LV) category
5. 6.
7. 8.
Plant Pathology Animal Science & Dairy Science Agril. Extension English Total (A) Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Associate Professor Pay Scale (Rs. 3740067000 + AGP Rs. 9000) Irrigation & Drainage Engineering Physics Total (B) G.Total (A+B)
3 1+1(P)
1* 1**
1 --
1* --
2 1 11+ 5 (P)
1 -2
--2+ 2 (P)
1 1 3+ 3 (P)
1 2 13+ 5 (P)
-1 3
--2+ 2 (P)
1 1 4+ 3 (P)
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Category DT/NT NT- NT- NTB C D 7 8 9 Remark SBC OBC Open
Sr. No.
1 (C)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Name of post, pay scale and discipline 2 Faculty of Agriculture Assistant Professor Pay Scale (Rs. 1560039100 + AGP 6000) Agronomy BioChemistry Agricultural Botany Agricultural Entomology
Total posts
4 1 6 3+1(P)
----2** 1* 2** 1
--1 --
--1 --
--1 --
5. 6.
4 3
1* --
1 --
2 -Out of three posts one post is reserved for PHP (PD) Category Out of 6 posts one post is reserved for PHP (PD) Category Out of 2 posts one post is reserved for PHP (PD) Category
Agricultural Extension
9. 10.
1** 1 10
1* -3
-1(P) 8+2(P)
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering Assistant Professor Pay Scale (Rs. 1560039100 + AGP 6000) Agricultural Process Engineering Soil Water Conservation Engineering Farm Power and Machinery
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Category DT/NT NT- NT- NTB C D 7 -8 -9 -Remark SBC OBC Open
Sr. No.
1 4.
Total posts
3 1
4 --
5 --
6 --
10 --
11 --
12 1
5. 6.
(E) 1.
Civil Engineering Physics Total (D) G.Total (C+D) Other Officers Assistant Registrar / Assistant Comptroller Pay Scale. 9300-34800 + Grade Pay 4600/Total (E) Grand Total (A to D)
1 1 7 39+3 (P)
--1 11
--1 4
--1 3
---3+ 1 (P)
1 1 4 12+2 (P)
1(P) 5 +3 (P)
4+ 1(P)
16+ 5 (P)
* Second time Advertisement ** Third time Advertisement. NOTE:(1) Abbreviations SC = Scheduled Caste ST = Scheduled Tribes DT-NT= Denotified Tribes/Nomadic Tribes SBC = Special Backward Class OBC = Other Backward Class P = Probable Vacancy
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5. The Experience of Senior Research Fellow will not be considered 6. As per Govt. Circular dated 03.07.2004 the experience of Clock hours basis, periodical / part time job, on stipend, visiting Professor / contributory lecturer, service without pay and worked as In-charge Officer and holding additional charge will not be considered Note 1. For the Post at Sr. No. (A) (2) Agril. Botany :- The candidates having experience in plant Bio-technology / Plant Molecular Genetics / Plant Molecular Biology will be preferred. 2. For the post at Sr. No. A (6) Animal Science and Dairy Science:- The candidates having academic qualifications and experience in Animal Breeding will be preferred.
1. Master's degree with First Class in a relevant subject from an Indian Agricultural
University (SAU / CAU), or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University. A relaxation of Second Class will be provided to the candidates of reserved categories applying for the reserved posts.
2. Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the
National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC / ASRB / CSIR or similar test accredited by the UGC like SLET/SET.
4. NET / SLET / SET shall also not be required for such Masters Programmes in
disciplines for which NET / SLET / SET is not conducted. The candidate applied for the post of Assistant Professor or its equivalents posts should submit details of NET / SLET / SET passing certificate and attach the attested copy of the said certificate.
Note 1. For the post at Sr. No. C (3) (Agril. Botany) :- The candidate having experience in Plant Biotechnology/Plant Molecular Genetics /Plant Molecular Biology will be preferred. 2. For the post at Sr. No. C (9) (Veterinary Science):- The candidate having academic qualification and experience in Veterinary Microbiology / Gynaecology will be preferred. 3. For the posts at Sr. No. D (1 to 6) (Agril. Engineering) :- The candidate having additional qualification and experience in computer science and computer applications will be preferred.
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Post at Sr. No. (E) Other Officers: (1) Assistant Registrar / Assistant Comptroller: (a) Bachelors degree in any faculty of statutory University at least in IInd Class. Preference will be given to the highly qualified candidate(s). (b) 10 years experience of the office work of Government / Renowned SemiGovernment Organization / Recognized Universities / Recognized Industrial / Educational Institutes / Local Bodies, out of which 3 years experience in the cadre of Office Superintendent or its equivalent posts is essential. (c) Knowledge of Computer Operation is essential, for which three months training certificate of computer knowledge from the Government recognized institute is essential.
Reservation for PHP 3 % reservation for the persons with disabilities will be consider in the respective categories as per circular No SRV-1097 / CR-31 / 98 / XVI / dated 16.3.1999 of General administration Department of Maharashtra Government in the cadre of Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. Age Limit: a) The existing rules of the state Govt. in respect of age limit will be applicable for the advertised posts. The Maximum age limit will be 33 years for the candidates from open category and 38 years for the candidates from reserved categories. The Age as on the last date of receiving application shall not be below 18 years. b) The Maximum age limit is relaxable by five years in the respect of Meritorious Sportsmen. c) The Maximum age limit for the Persons with disabilities is 45 years. d) The age limit is not applicable to the persons who are already in-service on regular establishment of this University / Central Government / State Government / Semi-Government / Other recognized State Agriculture Universities.
HOW TO APPLY:Application in the prescribed format along with the statement of bio-data duly filled-in, in all respect and the copies of educational qualifications, experience, date of birth, Caste and Non-Creamy Layer Certificate (DT / NT, OBC, SBC and Open Female), School Leaving Certificate, reprints of research publications etc. duly attested by the competent authority should reach to the Registrar, M.P.K.V., Rahuri on or before 20.11.2011 positively. The application should be in the computerized format on 9" x 14" size paper. The candidates who are already in service of this University / State Government/ Central Government / Semi-Government / Other recognized Universities should apply through proper channel along with NOC from the present employer and they should submit advance copy of application to the Registrar on or before 20.11.2011and the application should reach to the Registrar through proper channel on or before 30.11.2011.
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Candidate(s) should indicate name of the discipline to which he / she desires to apply. Separate application for each post with separate fee should be submitted, failing which the application shall be rejected. Closing date for receipt of applications in MPKV, Rhauri is 20.11.2011. (For application posted from abroad and in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshdweep, Nicobar Island, Lakshdweep, Minicoy and aminidevi Islands, States / Union Territories in the North. Eastern Region, Ladakh Division of J & K State Sikkim, Pangi, Sub-division of Chamba. Lahul and spiti Districts of Himachal Pradesh, the last date for receipt of application will be 25.11.2011.
Application FeeNon-refundable application fee for each advertised post is Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand Only) for candidates from open category and Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five hundred only) for candidates from reserved category from Maharashtra state and applying for reserved post only. The application fee should be paid by the candidates separately for each post for which he / she is applied. The candidate of reserved category having applied for open post should pay the processing fee prescribed for open candidates. Application fee shall be paid by "Account Payee Demand Draft" drawn in favour of "The Comptroller, Mahtma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri", on the "State Bank of India, Branch, MPKV, Rahuri" (Code No.101). Candidate should write his / her name & address on backside of Demand Draft. The Demand Draft must be enclosed with the application. The processing fee shall not be refunded in any case. The candidates with disabilities are exempted from the payment of processing fee.
General Conditions and Instructions (1) The candidates if appointed will have to acquire requisite knowledge of computer application and to produce certificate as required under government resolution dated 19th March, 2003 within a period of two year. Sportsman, Persons with Disabilities and female reservation will be followed as per government rules. The candidate(s) belonging to the category of DT / NT (A / B / C / D), SBC, OBC and open female candidates should produce Non-Creamy Layer Certificate issued on or after 1st April, 2011 by the competent authority will be considered only. As per Government Notification dated 28-3-2005, applicant is required to execute an undertaking that he / she does not have more than two living children after 28th March, 2005 in the form A. The candidates belonging to reserved categories should be as notified by the Government of Maharashtra from time-to-time. If the suitable candidate is not found from DT / NT category for which the post is advertised, the post will be filled-in from DT / NT A / B / C / D category by internal transfer as per Govt. Resolution No. BCC-1097 / PK-63 / 97 / 16-B, dated 18.10.1997. Number of posts advertised may be increase / decrease, depending upon the vacancies available at the time of interview. Incomplete application(s) and application(s) received after due date will not be considered. The candidates should possess the required educational qualifications, age and experience as on 20.11.2011.. The candidate(s) belonging to the reserved categories should produce caste certificate and caste validity certificate issued by the competent authority in prescribed format. The appointment of the selected candidates in respective reserved category shall be made only after the receipt of Caste Validity Certificate.
(2) (3)
(5) (6)
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(11) (12)
Mere eligibility of candidate(s) shall not vest in any right for calling for interview. University reserves its rights to call or not to call for the interview. University reserves all the rights to fill or not to fill-in any of the vacancies advertised. So also University reserves its right to give or not to give an appointment to the candidates though recommended by the Selection Committee. The persons working outside of this University should produce No Objection Certificate from their present employer at the time of interview. The University shall not be responsible for any postal delay. The prescribed essential qualification are minimum and possessing of same does entitled candidates to be called for interview. The candidates who qualify on screening of applications as per Score Cards, system adopted by the ICAR / UGC for assessing relative merit of candidates on the basis of educational qualifications, experience, research work, publications, awards etc., will only be called for interview. As advised to fill Annexure of the application form carefully and every column of application should be filled up accurately because marks will be awarded on the basis of information supplied by them in each column. The Proforma of Academic Performance Indicators shown in Annexure B be filled in carefully by the candidate and enclose with application from without fail, otherwise application form will be rejected The candidate should himself / herself confirm his / her eligibility for the post applied for, before submission of application. No correspondence, whatsoever, in this regard shall be entertained. The short notes / abstract of research paper will not be considered In case, the numbers of applications received in response to this advertisement are large, the University may restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit by adopting appropriate method. For further details and an application form, please visit our web-site / The candidates those who are applied in response to the advertisement dated 23.2.2010 published earlier are requested to apply again with processing fee, if they fulfill the required qualifications as per this advertisement. The processing fee paid as per previous advertisement will be refunded by this University in due course time. The candidate of reserved category applying for open post should possess / fulfill required qualification, experience, age limit etc., prescribed for open candidates. If female candidates are not available, the post will be filled in from the male candidate of the respective category. You should provide all the relevant original documents at the time of an interview. The candidates applied for the post of Associate Professor or its equivalent posts should submit self assessment report in the Proforma prescribed by this University under UGC regulation on minimum qualifications for appointment of teachers and other academic staff in Universities and Colleges and measures for the maintenance of standards in Higher Education, 2010, appended in AnnexureB. The minimum API Score requirement for the post of Associate Professor and its equivalent is 75 points in the Category I (i.e. in Category I-A or I-B or I-C), 15 points in the Category II and 300 (Three Hundred) points in the category III of APIs. The Selection Committee Criteria / Weightage will be as follows : (a) Academic Background (20%) (b) Research performance based on API score and quality of publications (40%) (c) Assessment of Domain knowledge and teaching skills (20%) (d) Interview performance (20%) Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.
(18) (19)
(20) (21)
B. H. Palwe Registrar
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To, The Registrar, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, (Pin Code- 413 722), Dist: Ahmednagar (M.S.)
Sub : Application for the post of (In Bold Letters)_________________________ Ref : Advertisement No.____________________________________________ 1. Full Name (In Block Letters):______________________________________________ (Surname) (First name) (Middle name) 2. Address for correspondence:_______________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone Number:- _________________ Fax:- _________________________ E- mail:- __________________________ Mobile No.____________________ Day Month Year
3. Date of Birth:-
5. Gender
:- Male/Female_______________________
6. Caste and Category of the applicant:- ________________________________ SC/ST/DT/NT/SBC/OBC/Open 7. Category of the post to which applied :-__________________________________ 8. Persons with disabilities:Partially Sighted/Low Vision Partially Deaf If yes, category of disability with % of disability 9. Educational Qualifications: (Details with attested copies of mark-sheet and certificates of all the qualifications acquired starting from Graduate degree). Sr.No Name of the University Subjects/ Class/Grade/ Year of Subject of Examination / Board / Discipline Percentage passing Specialization. Institute 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Experience including present post:Name of Post Pay Office/Division held scale Work experience
Please state whether the service Duties performed is Central/State /Semi Government/University. in brief
From To Total Y M
Y= Year
M= Month
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11. List of publications (Research, Technical, :___________________________ Extension) in the specific format of reputed Journals along with attested xerox copies or reprints.
(The papers sent for publication are accepted for publication or papers / abstracts Published in seminars / Symposium, will not be consider for eligibility purpose.)
12. Academic achievements, Rewards, Extra : _____________________________ Curricular activities etc. (Separate sheet be attached if required) 13. No. of living children and date of birth: ___________________________ of last child. (Necessary undertaking in the prescribed format A should be enclosed with the application.) 14. D.D.No_____________ Bank _____________________ date____________ Rs.___________________________________________________________ towards payment of processing fee is enclosed herewith. I do here by solemnly declare that, all the particulars furnished in this application are true and correct. I clearly understand that any false and incorrect statement contained herein will render me liable to appropriate action as may be decided by the University.
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That I have filled my application for the post of I have ..(Number) living children as on today, out of which, number of children born after 28th March, 2005 is .(mention date(s) of birth, if applicable). I am aware that if total number of living children are more than two due to the children born after 28 th March, 2005, I am liable to be disqualified for the same post.
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Application for the post of ______________________________________________ Name of the candidate (in full) and address for correspondence Date of birth and age as on 20.11.2011 Caste & Category Qualifications
Date of advertisement _______________________ Total No. of experience Papers Year Month Published Any other information ( in brief)
Degree_________ Class__________ CGPA___________ ___________ % Name of University ________________ Year of passing ________________
Scientific Technical.Extension. -
Place :Date :-
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Self-Assessment for the Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) PART-A: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name (in Block Letters) : 2. Fathers Name/Mothers Name/Husbands Name : 3. Department : 4. Current Designation and Grade Pay : 5. Date of last promotion : 6. Address for correspondence (with Pin code) : 7. Permanent Address (With Pin code) : Telephone No. E-Mail: 8. Name of acquired any degree or fresh academic qualifications during the last four year: 9. Academic staff College Orientation/Refresher Course attended during the last four year: Name of the Course/Summer School Place Duration Sponsoring Agency
PART-B : ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS (Please see detailed instructions of this PBAS proforma before filling out this section) CATEGORY I-A: TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION RELATED ACTIVITIES Brief explanation: Based on the teachers self assessment, API scores required for (a) teaching related activities: (b) domain knowledge: (c) participation in examination and evaluation: (d) contribution to innovative teaching, new courses etc are as detailed in Table 1a. The minimum API score required by teachers from this category is 75. Table 1a. API scores for Teaching, Learning and Evaluation related Activities S.N. Nature of Activity Maximum Score 1 Lectures, seminars, tutorials, Practicals, contact hours undertaken 50 as percentage of lectures allocated* 2 Lectures or other teaching duties in excess of the UGC norms 10 3 Preparation and imparting knowledge/instruction as per 20 curriculum: syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students. 4 Use of participatory and innovative teaching-learning 20 methodologies: updating of subject content, course improvement etc. 5 Examination duties (invigilation: question paper setting, 25 evaluation/assessment of answer scripts) as per allotment. 125 Total score 75 Minimum API score required Note: * Lecture and tutorials allocation to add up to the UGC norm for particular category of teacher. University minimum cut-off 80%, for 1 and 5 above, below which no score may be assigned in these sub-categories.
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Instruction for filling up of the PBAS Proforma of Category I-A Proforma is to be filled out for the recently completed for the four years with Ph.D./ Six years without Ph.D. or five years M.Tech./M.Phil academic year. The proforma is to be filled as per these tables and self-assessment scores given. For each category, maximum score that can be given or carried is indicated as follow. The self-assessment scores are further to be based on the indicators/activities given below. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation Related Performance
(i) Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals, contact hours undertaken
Indicators/Activities Lectures/Practical / Tutorials/Contract classes taken should be based on verifiable record. No. score should be assigned of a teacher has taken less than 80% assigned classes. Universities may give allowance for periods of leave; Maximum score if there is 100% achievement Max.Score Max Score : 50
(iii) Preparation and imparting knowledge/instruction as per curriculum; syllabus enrichment by providing additional resources to students
Indicators/Activities Imparting of knowledge/instruction vis a vis with the prescribed material (Text book/Manual etc) and methodology of the curriculum (100% compliance=20 points) as below. Text book/ Reference book (with ISSN No) 20 points Text book/Reference book (without ISSN No ) 10 points Manual 10 ponts Max.Score Max Score: 20
(iv) Use of Participatory and Innovative Teaching-Learning Methodologies, Updating of Subject Content, Course Improvement etc.
Indicators/Activities Updating of Course, design of curriculum, (5 points per course) Preparation of resource material, fresh reading materials, Laboratory manuals etc-10 points each. Use of Innovative teaching-learning methodologies; use of ICT: Updated subject a. ICT Based Teaching material : 10 points each b. Interactive Courses : 5 points each c. Participatory Learning modules: 4 points each Developing and imparting Remedial/Bridge Course and Counseling modules (each activity : 5 points Developing and imparting soft skill/communication skill/personality development courses/modules (each activity : 5 points) Developing and imparting specialized teaching-learning programmes (each activity : 5 points) It should be certified by the Head of Section at College level, Head of Departments at University level. Organizing and conduction of popularization programme/training courses in computer assisted teaching/web based learning and e-library skills to students. (a) Workshop/Training course : 10 points each (b) Popularization program : 5 points each. Maximum Aggregate Limit Max.Score 10 10 10
10 10 10
10 10
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CATEGORY I-B : RESEARCH RELEATED ACTIVITIES API score required for (a) Initiation, formulation and execution of research project; (b) assistance in research assignments (c) research findings/deliverables; (d) innovative techniques (e) preparation of reports are as detailed in Table 1b. The minimum API score required by researcher from this category is 75.
Table 1b.API scores for research related activities
S.N. 1 2 3 Nature of Activity Initiation, formulation and execution of research project, which is duly approved by competent authority Assistant in research project (PI/CCPI/CO-CCPI) Patent/variety release/ Design/Prototypes of Machine/ development of implements or machinery /recommendation / product development / feed / gear/craft/technology. The information should be submitted as per the format prescribed by the Director of Research office. Innovative research work carried out with use of advanced technology or equipments Preparation of research reports, attendance in research meetings, presentation of research report Total score Minimum API score required Maximum Score 50 10 20
4 5
20 25 125 75
(iii) Patent/ variety release / Design / Prototypes of Machinery recommendation / development of implements or machinery / product development/Feed/Gear/craft/technology. The information should be submitted as per the formats prescribed by the Directorate of Research.
Indicators/Activities Ten marks per patent/variety release/ Design/Prototypes of Machine. Five marks per activity those who helped in patent/variety released/ Design/Prototypes of Machinery. 5 points each for those who involved in development of implements or machinery /product development/Feed Technology developed/ recommendation 2 marks each for those who helped in development of implements or machinery / product development/Feed/Technology developed/ recommendation Max.Score 20
(iv) Innovative research work carried out with use of advanced technology or equipments
Indicators/Activities Per innovative work ten marks (to be judged by Head department/Head Institute) Max.Score 20
(v) Preparation of research reports, attendance in research meeting, presentation of research report
Indicators/Activities Preparation of research report, attendance in research meeting, presentation of research report for each activity 2.5 marks Max.Score 25
CATEGORY I-C : EXTENSION RELATED ACTIVITIES API scores required for (a) Extension activities organized: (b) innovative extension work; (c) preparations and imparting knowledge; (d) use of innovative techniques; (e) participation in programmes are as detailed in Table 1c. The minimum API score required by extension worker form this category is 75.
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125 75
(i) Extension activities organized for the dissemination of technologist such as demonstration, trainings group meetings lectures , farmers rallies.
Indicators/Activities Extension education activities should be based on verifiable records (No score should be assigned if a scientist has taken less than 80 % assigned activities.) Max.Score 50
Indicators/Activities If the scientist has organized/carried innovative extension work in addition to the assigned activities then two points should be allotted for each innovative extension work. Imparting knowledge/instructions by developing study materials and methodology for curriculum delivery. - Use of innovative extension teaching methods, use of ICT ICT based teaching material Interactive courses Participatory learning material Developing and imparting courses/counseling modules. Developing and imparting soft skills Organization and conducting of training programme
Preparation and imparting of knowledge/instructions to the clientele (preparation of notes, handouts, publications for used of farmers/extension workers)
Max.Score 20
Indicators/Activities Informative notes, printed handouts, folders charts, posters, booklets, etc. 2.5 point each
Use of innovative extension teaching methodologist (ICTs and Audio visual aids)
Max.Score 20
Indicators/Activities Development of home based literature, interactive teaching CDs, Audio CDs, Video Clips. Electronic display boards etc. 5 point each
Participation in extension programmes as per allotment (training, mass media, farmers rallies, exhibitions, meetings etc.)
Indicators/Activities Max.Score 25
Training, Mass media, farmers rallies, exhibitions, meetings etc 2 point each
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Technical Officers, DDRs, Farm Superindents, Incharge Central Workshop, etc.
Assessment of these officers shall be done on the basis of annual confidential reports, infrastructures created, receipts generated, etc, as applicable. Total scores : 125 Minimum API score required : 75 The assessment of the above mentioned officers should be certified by the respective Directors/ Chief Scientists (Seed)/ Associate Deans at College levels and Head of Department of Horticulture in respective Farm Superintendent of Horticulture. CATEGORY II : CO-CURRICULAR EXTENSION AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT RELATED ACTIVITIES Brief Explanation: Based on the teachers self assessment, category II API scores are prescribed for co-curricular and extension activities and professional development related contributions. The minimum API score required from this category is 15
Table 2. API Scores fore Co-curricular, Extension and professional development related activities
S.N. 1 Nature of Activity Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities (such as extension work through NSS/NCC/and other channels, cultural activities, subject related events advertisement and counseling). It should be certified by Professor of respective college or NSS Co-ordinator. Contribution to Corporate life and management of the department and institutions through participation in academic and administrative committees and responsibilities Professionals development activities (Such as participations in seminars, conference, short term, training courses, talks lecturers, memberships of association, dissemination and general articles, not covered in category III below) Minimum API score required Maximum Score 20
Category II : Co-curricular, Extension and Profession Related Activities and Participation in the corporate life of the institution (i) Co-curricular Related Activities
Indicators/Activities Max.Score 10
Institutional C0-curricular activities for students such as field studies/educational tours, RAWE, industry-implant training, Experiential learning and placement activities (5 points each). Positions held/Leadership role played in organization linked with Extension Work and Programme officers, National service Scheme (NSS), NCC officer or any other similar activity (each activity 10 points). Participation in NCC, NSS activity- 2 points each Students and Staff related Socio-cultural and Sports Programme, campus Publications (college level 2 points, university level 5 points) It should be certified by Student Welfare Officer on recommendation of Associate Dean. Community work such as values, of National Integration, secularism, democracy, socialism, humanism, peace, scientific temper; flood or drought relief, small family norms etc. (5 point each) It should be certified by Controlling Officer. Maximum Aggregate Limit
Contribution to corporate life in University/colleges through meetings popular lectures, subject related events, articles in college magazine and souvenirs (2 points each) The Applicant should submit necessary proof. Institutional Governance responsibilities like, Chairman/Vice Chairman/member of student council, Chairman/member secretary of Statutory bodies, Rector, College farm incharge, Associate Deans/ Representative (ADR), IQAC Coordinator (10 points each) Monitor, Instrumentation cell etc. 5 points each It should be certified In-charge Plant Training /RAWE Coordinator / Chairman. Participation in committees concerned with any aspect of department or institutional Management such as admission committee, campus development, library committee, member of various college & university level committees (5 points each) Responsibility for, or participation in committees for Students welfare, counseling and Discipline (5 point each)
Max.Score 10
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10 15
Organization of Conference, Training: International (10 points); national/regional (5 points each) Maximum Aggregate Limit
Membership in profession related committee at state and national level a. At national level: 3 points each b. At state level: 2 points each Participation in subject associations, conference, workshops, seminars without paper presentation (Each activity: 1 point) Participation in short term training courses less than one week duration in educational technology, curriculum development, professional development, Examination reforms, Institutional governance (Each activity : 5 points) It should be certified by the Dean Faculty of Agriculture/ Director of Research. Membership/participation in Bodies/Committees on Research/Extension/ Education and National Development-5 points each Publication of articles in newpapers, magazines or other publications (not covered in category III); TV talks, radio talks etc. (1 point each) Maximum Aggregate Limit
Max.Score 10
10 10
10 10 15
CATEGORY III: RESEARCH AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTION Brief explanation Based on the teachers self-assessment, API scores are prescribed for research and academic contributions. The minimum API score requirement from this category is 300 (Three Hundred).
S.N. APIs Faculties of Agriculture/Agril. Engg./Fisheries/Forestry Research Papers publishedreferred Journals periodicals having ISBN/ISSN numbers Conference proceedings as full papers, etc. (Abstracts not to be included) Max. points for University and college teacher position 15/publication
Research papers published in NASA rating more than five15 Marks. Without ISSN No. 10 Marks. Conference Proceeding & Other5 Marks. Research publications (books, chapters in books, other than referred journal articles with ISSN No.
Text or reference Books published by International publishers with an established peer review system Subject books by National level publishers/State and Central Govt. Publications with ISBN/ISSN numbers Subject books by other local publishers with ISBN/ISSN numbers Chapters contributed to edited knowledge based volumes published by International Publishers (With ISSN No) Chapters in knowledge based volumes by Indian/National level publishers with ISBN/ISSN numbers and with numbers of national and international directories (With ISSN No) (a) Major projects amount mobilized with grants above 30.0 lakhs (b) Major Projects amount mobilized with grants above Rs.5.0 lakhs up to Rs.30.00 lakhs (c) Minor projects (amount mobilized with grants above Rs.50,000 up to Rs.5 lakh) Amount mobilized with minimum of Rs.Fifty thousand only
50/each author and 10/chapter in edited books 25/ each author and 3/chapter in edited books 15/ each author and 3/chapter in edited books 10/Chapter
RESEARCH PROJECTS Sponsored Projects carried out/ongoing. Should be certified on the basis of University Resolution/ the letter of concerned authority.
20 each project
15 each project
III (C) ii
Consultancy Projects carried out/ongoing. Verified on the basis of letter of the Director of Research or the concerned authority. Revolving fund
Revolving Fund 35 % above the target Revolving Fund 25 % above the target Revolving Fund 10 % above the target
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Product/chemicals/equipment/machine, etc. testing Completed project report (Acceptance from funding agency) Patent/Technology transfer/product/process/Recommendations 5 points each 20 each major project and 10 each minor project 15/each for State level/ 30/each national level Output or patent/50/each For International level 03 each candidate 03 each candidate 2 points each candidate 07 each candidate
III (E) ii
Ph.D. Thesis submitted Major Advisor 03 each candidate Ph.D. Co-major Advisor 07 points Ph.D. Member Advisory Committee 05 each candidate TRAINING COURSES AND CONFERENCE/SEMINARS/WORKSHOP SUMMER SCHOOL/ WINTER SCHOOL/CAS TRAINING PAPERS-10 each along with proof Refresher Courses, (a) Not less than two weeks duration 20 each Methodology Workshops, Training, Teaching-LearningEvaluation Technology Programme, Soft skills development programmes, Faculty Development Programmes (Max.30 points) (b) Two week duration 10 each Papers in Conferrences/Seminars/ Participation and presentation of research Workshop etc. * papers (oral/poster) in (a) International conference 10 each (b) National 7.5 each (c) Regional/State level 5 each (d) Local-University/College level 3 each Invited lectures or (a) International 10 each presentations, invited / Lead (b) National level 5 each Papers for conference/ symposia
If a paper presented in conference/seminar is published in the from of proceedings, the points would accrue for publication (III)(a) and not under presentation (III e (ii). Note : The API for joint publications will be equal among all authors.