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Company Profile

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Info@taurusgroupuae.com www.taurusgroupuae.com
About us
We are Established in 2007 in India and 2013 in UAE, Taurus Group is an
Engineering, Contrac�ng and Service Provider working close liaison with
M/s minimax as an agent. We offer wide range of services from design,
supply, installa�on, maintenance, tes�ng and commissioning of fire detec-
�on and fire protec�on systems. Well-versed Engineers and technicians in
Minimax system & technology with excep�onal knowledge, experience,
and systema�c approach, we were able to develop and deliver an excellent
service for the Minimax system. These services are well supported by our
several departments from Service and Maintenance Department, Engineer-
ing Department and Business Development Department. Being an ICV cer�-
fied company with ISO 9001, 14001 & 45001, Taurus Group follows a strict
globally accepted standards in providing Fire Safety Solu�ons for develop-
ers, retailers and businesses throughout United Arab Emirates.
The services and solu�ons we provide are individually tailored to our
client’s need and take account of their objec�ve for statutory compliance,
duty of care and protec�on of their business. Regular inspec�on and review
of all Fire Safety Systems and Equipment is of paramount importance. Our
ability to back it up with comprehensive training, efficient maintenance and
thorough system know how has greatly reduced the risks among our
various clientele

Our Vision
We seek to become the leading company in the Middle East by execu�ng
projects in a safe, �mely and quality oriented manner, thus emerging as the
most preferred solu�ons provider for our clients.

We strive to be the most Nature encompasses not Global partner means a

preferred property only the immediate living company that provides a
developer by building environment but also our be�er value and trust for
be�er living enviroments global environment. its clients in the global
and exceeding customer Market.exceeding
expecta�ons. customer expecta�ons.

Human beings include not The future requires To con�nually evolve our
only our clients and thinking ahead for future unique capabili�es to
stakeholders but also the genera�ons through the strive sustainable growth
en�re human race. Global management philosophy in business and to be
partner means a company of sustainability superior constructor and
that provides a be�er service provider in all our
value and trust for its opera�on across the
clients in the global region.

Our Mission
Our mission is to remain reliable and efficient at the forefront of the United Arab Emirates construc�on industry through
our professional service, Health & Safety excellence, and Accomplished Mastery that Comes with Experience.
Management Message:
As the economy grows and evolves, the demand of having a more secure and reliable workspace and working environ-
ment is on its peak. The evolu�on of the fast-paced economy is as what we are into, with our goals to meet the
standards set and as well provide a compe��ve market without sacrificing the high standard of Service and Excellent
Customer Support and Sa�sfac�on. We at Taurus Group con�nues to seek and provide the highest quality of service.
We always set a high standard of service and making sure to have the sa�sfac�on met to our clients. With over 15 years
of proven experience, we are at pride to present to our clients and future business partners our products and services
offered. Thank you and we hope to have a wonderful business partnership with us ahead.
Hillary Tenson
Opera�ons Manager
Our Companies
We have established our presence in the following ver�cals consistently delivering high quality services.

Taurus Tech General Contracting & Maintenance

Taurus Tech General Contrac�ng & Maintenance having its office located at Abu Dhabi professionally undertakes all
kind of contrac�ng & maintenance works such as Electrical, Mechanical, Piping, Civil &Structural works inside and
outside CICPA area.

Taurus Tech Trading Sole Proprietorship L.L.C - Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Fujairah
Taurus Tech Trading Sole Proprietorship LLC having its head office at Abu Dhabi and Branch office at Fujairah is profes-
sionally well managed for impor�ng, expor�ng, wholesale, retail, installa�on, tes�ng commissioning, maintenance,
repair of safety equipment, fire ex�nguishing system, Emergency& Exit Ligh�ng System, Air Condi�oning Systems, Fire
Sealants, Coa�ngs etc. with Abu Dhabi &Fujairah Civil Defense, ADWEA, CICPA, ADNOC approvals.

Taurus Passenger Transport & Bus Rental

Taurus Passenger Transport & Bus Rental holding a large fleet serves as a leading passenger transporta�on company in
UAE inside and outside CICPA area. We also undertake car, bus, truck, rental services along with equipment rentals
with CICPA pass as per requirement

Taurus Group contributes a wide range of services with Minimax across the Middle East. We specialize in design,
supply, installa�on, maintenance, tes�ng and commissioning of the products in various loca�ons such as commercial
and industrial buildings, government offices, residen�al spaces and other public places. We also undertake all neces-
sary government and local authority approvals to ensure that our customers are completely taken care of.

Our Services include the following

Onshore & Offshore Oil & Gas Field &
Facilities Services
• Conceptual Design & Design Development
• Engineering & Drawings, Value Engineering
• Impor�ng, Expor�ng of non-hazard materials
• Wholesale of Safety and Fire Figh�ng Equipment & Devices
• Retail of Safety and Fire Figh�ng Equipment & Devices
• Installa�on, Rec�fica�on & Inspec�on of Fire Protec�on System
• Tes�ng & Commissioning of Fire Protec�on System
• Fire Protec�on System Annual Maintenance Contract
• Emergency & Exit Light layout Design
• IP phone sales and installa�on
• Public Address System installa�on
• Passenger Transporta�on
• Bus, Car, Truck, Tanker, Li�ing equipment Rental
Services with or without CNIA pass
• Transporta�on of Materials with or without CNIA pass
• Manpower Supply (Skilled & Unskilled)
• Sales, Installa�on, Maintenance of Temporary Site facili�es
such as Caravans (Including lights, Air Condi�oning, Furniture etc.),
Generators, Fuel Storage tanks, Portable Toilets, Water Storage/ tanks,
Electrical Connec�ons, Fans, Sanitary Accessories, Kitchen Accessories etc.
• Site Development Services for Temporary Facili�es, U�li�es, Rest Area etc.
• Fuel, water supply services etc. as per requirement.
• Supply & Erec�on of Small Scaffolding
• Emergency & Exit Light Sales, Installa�on, Tes�ng,
Commissioning, Maintenance
• Sales & Applica�on of Fire Sealant, Coa�ngs
• Electrical, Piping, Mechanical & Civil Works
• Power cable Pulling equipment rental services
• Automa�on Door Access Control Systems
• Air Condi�oning Sales & Services
• Gate Barrier System Sales and Installa�on
• PABX system Installa�on
Our Specializations
Taurus Group installa�on and maintenance department is well equipped with experienced Designers, Project
Engineers and Technicians are well versed to discuss, prepare and meet your needs and requests during construc�on
and in line with the project guidelines. Our installa�on crew are efficient and well trained to several technologies
applied to meet the standards set. Taurus Group ‘s field in charges are experienced engineers who are well prepared
to meet your requests during construc�on according to project guidelines. We are versa�le and well verse in different
kinds of systems such as

Fire Extinguishers Gas Based System Supply Maintenance

Portable Fire Co2 System Clean A wide range of Safety is our main
Ex�nguishers Agent System selec�ons is on your concern. Our maintenance
Automa�c Fire (Fm200), Argon reach as we provide all team performs complete
Ex�nguishers Inert Gas System. kinds of products for Fire system renova�on, repair,
Detec�on and Fire and maintenance for all
Protec�on systems. Big fire protec�on and fire
and small, we have it all. detec�on systems

Water Based System Fire Suppression System Installation Design

Stand Pipe System Wet Chemical System Our installa�on crews Base on your needs and
(Wet and Dry Stand Foam Ex�nguishing are efficient, orderly and requirements, we offer a
Pipe) Sprinkler System System coopera�ve on the job wide variety of services
(Wet, Dry) Deluge site. We are staffed so and put together the most
System, Water Spray that we can maintain top efficient and most effec-
System, Fire Hydrant performance and adhere �ve solu�ons for Fire
to deadlines while Detec�on and Fire
providing the highest Protec�on systems.
quality product. Our
specialized MPM Master
Project Managers can
work to complete large
and complex projects.

Testing & Commissioning At its finest, Taurus Group is on the race and one of the top distributors

We ensure that our system and and supplier of all kinds of Fire Detec�on systems and products such as:
equipment undergo a systema�c • Addressable Fire Alarm System
process of checking to a�ain balance • Conven�onal Fire Alarm System
protec�on with reliability and to have • Voice Evacua�on System
the confidence that it operates • Emergency Light System
correctly when required. • VESDA System
Power stations and power distributions
Taurus Group also processes all the capabili�es and resources in construc�ng power sta�ons which can include gener-
ators, transformers and auxiliary equipment according to customer's specifica�ons and interna�onal standards. Our
teams goes the extra step to build medium and low voltage distribu�on with sta�ons complete with transmission
lines set up that conform to interna�onal safety regula�ons.

Fire Fighting systems

Have become highly specialized given the interna�onal regula�ons and the different harsh environments where
Taurus Group operates. We definitely use the most up-to-date systems to ensure that the stringent safety require-
ments are met.

Building & Commercial Projects

Taurus Group has specialized teams that work in commercial and residen�al projects. The company provides com-
plete circuit installa�ons with the proper switchboard and auxiliary equipment according to client needs. These
include ligh�ng systems, power generators, UPS systems etc.

Low current systems

Need complex studies simple prac�cal maintenance. Taurus Group puts special a�en�on to achieve major networks
such as fire alarm, emergency ligh�ng, CCTV, Access control, Structure cabling etc.

Our special team is well trained with a background of 11 year experience in the field of HVAC such as chillers plants,
central cooling, kitchen hoods, fire / smoke extrac�on etc...

Core Work:
We undertake design, fabrica�on, and erec�on of steel structure, beams, and roofs for all type of construc�on
purposes. Our dedicated, skill full and well-trained teamwork based on our specially composed strategies to ensure
success along with customer sa�sfac�on, we offer highly commendable services.
We are construc�on partners who are a passionate about what we do and our partners success. We are commi�ed
to delivering you a fully integrated team and process that will ensure op�mal performance throughout the lifecycle of
your project. We balance the short-term mandates of comple�ng your project on �me and within the budget with the
long-term impacts of environmental sustainability and economic development
Fire is one of the most underes�mated of all risks. A fire can break out
anywhere – the important thing is how fast it can be detected and ex�n-
guished. For over 120 years, Minimax has been one of the leading brands in
fire protec�on. The expert teams of Minimax implement suitable fire protec-
�on solu�ons from a single source for all sectors, objects and applica�ons.
In the automo�ve industry, power sta�ons, logis�cs warehouses, data centres,
office and administra�ve buildings or on ships – wherever there is a risk of fire,
Minimax has a range of individual solu�ons to ensure op�mal protec�on for
people, buildings, machinery and the environment. As an interna�onally
ac�ve provider of integrated solu�ons, Minimax offers a singularly broad
range of tried and tested as well as innova�ve fire protec�on systems that
meet the most stringent demands in every detail and combine to form a
par�cularly effec�ve and economic overall solu�on.
Our product quality and quality of service solu�ons is tested regularly – for us,
a ma�er of course; for our clients and many approval bodies, the guarantee for
safe fire protec�on solu�ons which comply with all applicable regula�ons.
Intensive development work carried out in our own fire protec�on research
centre ensures that the company will con�nue to develop trend-se�ng, inno-
va�ve solu�ons well into the future. A comprehensive service – from training
through maintenance and all the way to fault management – completes the
Minimax offer.
A�er the world-wide recogni�on of the Minimax products as a fire protec�on
solu�on, Minimax entered into the UAE market in liaison with Taurus Tech
Trading Sole Proprietorship LLC as a an exclusive agent.
Corporate Organisation
Our team brings together many specialists to solve your needs. Their integrated technical knowledge and field
experience provide you with a total service during budge�ng, design and construc�on throughout the life of your
opera�on. That service goal characterizes all aspects of LLC including a commitment to providing superior

Anish Mathew
Integrated Management System Policy
Taurus Group is commi�ed to provide world class products and integrated solu�ons
related to Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Installa�on, Maintenance, Tes�ng
and Commissioning of Firefigh�ng equipment, Fire Doors, Life safety & security
systems including Fire detec�on, Alarm, Suppression, Emergency and Exit ligh�ng
and ELV systems.

This is a�ained through fulfilment of needs and expecta�ons of relevant interested


Taurus Group is commi�ed to implement and uphold an effec�ve quality, health,

safety and environment management system in line with ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and
ISO 14001 Interna�onal Standards. All necessary efforts are taken to achieve
utmost customer sa�sfac�on level by providing best in class products, sustainability
in conduc�ng business by preven�on of pollu�on, preven�on of injury & ill health,
elimina�ng OH&S hazards and reduce OH&S risks to a level as low as reasonably
possible within the context of the organiza�on.
Taurus Group is commi�ed to comply with all applicable legal & other requirements
rela�ng to its quality, health, safety and environment management system.
Taurus Group is commi�ed to consulta�on and par�cipa�on of its employees in
developing, planning, implementa�on, performance evalua�on and con�nual
improvement of its integrated management system.
Taurus Group con�nually improve the effec�veness of quality, health, safety and
environment management system by establishing, reviewing and accomplishing its
objec�ves. The top management ensures this policy is communicated, understood,
implemented and maintained throughout our organisa�on and also made available
to other relevant interested par�es.

Our Project Portfolio

Key Organizational Values
We at Taurus remain true to our founding values of providing
Quality, honcst and hard work. We endeavour to adhcrc to the
highest ethical standards in the industry. We have been accept-
ed by the construc�on industry as a trustworthy business by
being consistently associated with integrity, high standards and
quality of service and personal a�en�on to clients. As a result
of this reputa�on, Taurus has the honour and privilege of
leading some of the highest profile projects in United Arab
We recognize that our primary asset Is our people, and that a truly successful company needs to be a rewarding work
environment for its staff. Our organiza�on is structured and managed to provide ample opportunity and encourage-
ment for our team to reach their op�mum poten�al. We believe that mutual respect forms the base of our success.
Las�ng rela�ons are the lifeblood of business in our industry. At all �mes, we strive for solu�ons that best achieve our
client's needs and goals. Our staffs ability and commitment to finding these solu�ons is what dis-�nguishes us. We
provide consistent personal and individual a�en�on to all our clients.
Taurus Group provides construc�on services for all kinds of buildings by using the latest equipment's and machiner-
ies with skilled personnel of technician's laborers and engineers who have experiences in this field, in addi�on to the
latest equipment's and machineries to keep abreast with the rapid development in the country. Such resources
enable the company to quickly mobilize into any area, and meet the varying requirements of the schedules of its
Taurus Group company commi�ed to con�nuous improvement to ensure we deliver the highest standards of service
at all �mes. We ensure personnel proficiencies through product and system training, including any latest develop-
ments in the market place through our dedicated training facili�es as we con�nue to develop.
Economic growth throughout the world this century has brought new industrial technology, increased compe-��on
and hazardous working environments. This in turn has resulted in �ghter regula�ons and new worldwide legisla�on
being brought into force to protect lives, environment and property. The objec�ve of Taurus Group is to provide and
maintain op�mal solu�ons for all fire & security risks.
We at Taurus Group take pride in our reputa�on technical exper�se and business excellence. We are proud to be
associated with some of the leading companies in the region and to have provided totally integrated fire, security
and telecommunica�ons solu�ons to some of the most pres�gious or important developments in UAE over the
Passenger Transport & Bus Rental
Abiding by our truth statement, Taurus Group serves as a leading
passenger transporta�on services company in Abu Dhabi, with
services extended to Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah and UAE. We
are profes-sional, fully insured and a licensed transporta�on compa-
ny. We offer a wide range of passenger transport services including
rental services, guest transport, picnic and school trips, transporta-
�on of seniors, pick up and drop services and so on, through our
buses, vans, cars and minibus. We hold CNIA passes for all our
Whatever be your budget, we have the most comfortable op�on for
you that will be the perfect solu�on for your requirement. We also
provide amazing luxurious bus rental services to transport our guest
with immense comfort. With our brand new fleet of vehicles, we
offer reliable short term and long term transporta�on services,
which give you memories and road journeys that can be cherished
for a life �me.
Transporta�on with our well qualified chauffeurs. We also offer
self-driven vehicles on rental basis for your convenience.
Safety and comfort of our passengers is our forefront considera�on.
Hence our customer friendly personal-ized services offer you the
most sa�sfying experience at much affordable price packages.
General Transport
A business is never complete without the delivery of products to its
customers. Transporta�on services play a major role in rendering the
fruits of technology to the hands of the public.
Our categories of general transporta�on vehicles are numerous, to cater
the needs of diverse service requirements. Whatever is your necessity,
we got the right vehicle for the right purpose, to make life easier for you.
We have set up a completely automated system of opera�on in all our
heavy vehicles, which includes GPS tracker, speed control system,
electronic monitoring system and other technical equipment through
which we have a live coverage of our vehicles throughout their opera-
�on. Our 24/7 manned control room opera-tors have a live updated
database of the complete details about each and every vehicle, where it
is presently located, its present running speed etc. Our 24/7 customer
service helps you to be in touch with us regarding any queries, sugges-
�ons or informa�on.
All our trucks and vehicles are well maintained. We hold the CNIA pass
for all our heavy duty vehicles. We also conduct regular workshops for
our drivers to keep them well educated regarding our services and
Being one of the largest and highly recognized transporta�on services
company in UAE, Taurus group has been serving as the strategic partner
for several government firms in Abu Dhabi and UAE. With our years of
experience in transporta�on industry and successful opera�on, we
ensure 100% safe transport of your goods through our unbeatable
service and on-�me delivery.

List of Project
" We attribute our superior
service to an unconditional
commitment to our
core set of values.
Dedicated to providing
Follow our location real quality service and
equipment to meet your
expectations every day."



Abu Dhabi | Dubai | Fujairah

Head Office:
Taurus Tech Trading Sole Propriptorship LLC
Plot No. 153, Mussafah M/33
Abu Dhabi, P.O. Box : 778380
United Arab Emirates
Phone : 00971 2 5582800
Fax : 00971 2 5582770

Minimax Office:
Minimax FSI DWC - LLC
Business Center Dubai World Central Buliding A4
Office 216, Second floor
P.O. Box 390667 Dubai - U.A.E.

‫اﻟﻘﻴﻤﺔ اﻟﻤﺤﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﻤﻀﺎﻓﺔ‬


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