JSA 13 Backfilling
JSA 13 Backfilling
JSA 13 Backfilling
Name of Work: Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Mild Steel Vertical Storage Tanks (IFRVT &
CRVT) and Horizontal Underground Tanks, Including Tank Foundation and Allied Works for the Upcoming
Petroleum Storage Terminal at Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh,
Work Order No.- 29494330 date 20.12.2023.
Project :IOCL TOP Project, Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
JSA Approved by (Name, Designation, Sign with Date)
Name of Work: Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Mild Steel Vertical Storage Tanks (IFRVT &
CRVT) and Horizontal Underground Tanks, Including Tank Foundation and Allied Works for the Upcoming
Petroleum Storage Terminal at Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh,
Work Order No.- 29494330 date 20.12.2023.
Project :IOCL TOP Project, Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
Sr. No. Sequence of Steps Potential Hazards Control Measures Person responsible
3 Use of PPEs Non-use of PPEs may cause injury to 1. Ensure that all the relevant PPEs are used before Permit
workers commencement of work. Receiver/Contractor
4 Clearance before start of Proper clearance to be given to prevent any 1. Necessary precautions shall be taken for underground Permit
work. damage to the cables, sewer, Underground utility lines like cables, sewers, pipelines etc. and shut off Receiver/Contractor
pipelines drains and other Utilities. or disconnect if necessary.
2. Check for cable route markers and refer cable route
Proper clearance to avoid electrocution due layout etc.
to cutting of any cable 3. Approvals/ clearances from the concerned dept. shall be
obtained before commencement of the excavation job.
Name of Work: Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Mild Steel Vertical Storage Tanks (IFRVT &
CRVT) and Horizontal Underground Tanks, Including Tank Foundation and Allied Works for the Upcoming
Petroleum Storage Terminal at Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh,
Work Order No.- 29494330 date 20.12.2023.
Project :IOCL TOP Project, Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
5 Manpower Mobilization Untrained operator 1. Only inducted worker shall be deputed at the work Permit
place. Receiver/Contractor
Lack of awareness 2. Given tool box talk to all workers.
3. Work should carry under supervision.
4. Safety induction should be given to all workers.
5. Gates pass & required PPE’S Safety helmet, safety
shoes, reflective jacket, hand gloves, safety goggle etc.
Must be provided
6 Transport the excavated Slips, Trips and falls 1. Clear the walkways, work area of equipment Mark, Permit
materials identify or barricade other obstruction. Receiver/Contractor
2. Deploy only authorized drivers to operate the vehicles.
3. Wear proper personal protective equipment (Hard
hats, reflective jackets, and safety shoes.)
4. Operators and helpers are to be equipped with valid
driver’s/ Operator’s license.
5. During the rain work should be stop.
6. Only authorized drives or operators should be to
operate the machinery/Equipment.
7. Vehicle/machinery should have valid legal documents
(RC book, fitness certificate, Insurance & Pollution).
7 Back fill the excavated soil Struck by /Against Heavy Equipment, 1. Isolate the equipment while back filling the soil. Permit
flying soil, protruding objects 2. Ensure all the electrical cables should be remove
/Overhead. Receiver/Contractor
3. Switch on the reverse horn while reversing the vehicle.
4. Understand and review hand signals.
5. Vehicle area should be clear from the objectives.
8 Compacting the soil Vibration 1. Wear proper personal protective equipment (Hard Permit
hats, reflective jackets and safety shoes.) Receiver/Contractor
2. Rotate the compaction tasks to minimize the worker
exposure to equipment vibration.
3. Use compactors with vibration dampening devices.
Name of Work: Fabrication, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Mild Steel Vertical Storage Tanks (IFRVT &
CRVT) and Horizontal Underground Tanks, Including Tank Foundation and Allied Works for the Upcoming
Petroleum Storage Terminal at Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh,
Work Order No.- 29494330 date 20.12.2023.
Project :IOCL TOP Project, Hinauti, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh
Part–B:Compliance audit by the Location In-charge / DSO while the job is being executed
Sl. Recommended Observation Compliance Status Checked by Officer with sign, Remarks
No. Action /Procedures & date, and time
Control measure