Etude de cas Partie
Etude de cas Partie
Etude de cas Partie
Question 1 :
POLITICAL: Subsidies O
New Infrastructures O
Others: government, steadiness, tax and O
social policies, protection sociale,
economical policy …
Industrialisation of production
Pouvoir de O
négociations des
Pouvoir de l’état
- In the beginning, only a small industrial firm based on knives and forks, but the new
CEO diversify their products which was a good idea, now they have to keep this
“French quality” and develop more on the R&D;
- The company is in competition on its market with three actors:
- Their concern is to anticipate consumption evolutions and to bring up innovation on
the market
- Focus on his image
- And rewards he differentiated in the high end segment
2.2 Using appendix 3 analyze the financial structure of GOLDENFORK.
You are requested to analyze those documents and conclude about the positive points and the
current HR concerns which should be dealt with regarding the present status of the firm.
Please try to analyze completely the elements and don’t forget to mention the social climate.
- A lot of employees aged more that 55y (364 in 2009/2019 and 357 in 2011)
- Gender parity not respected (more than half of whole employees are women ( 682 out
of 1008)
- Saving time with training as they will be trained from the beginning with the firm’s
way of thinking and working
- 0 resignment/ lay offs employee decision, it shows a good motivation and loyalty
- Good points: creation of the Marketing School, create a pool of talent, a low and
stable rate of absenteeism, a low rate of maternity leave even if the fact that more
than half of employees are women, but explained by the seniority and the average age
of employees
- A good induction path, with a booklet and a Godfather/mother to guide and help new
4.1 HR strategy
Analyze the HR strategy using a Balanced scorecard analysis (you are expected to present the
various schemes in the format you want: photograph of hand made Balanced Scorecard Sketches
or using the powerpoint formats provided during the course).
Balanced Scorecard :
4.3 Recruiting
In appendix 5 you see that Goldenfork developed a marketing school to attract and train young
people. What is the interest for Goldenfork? Why is it important?
Creating a marketing school is only advantageous to Goldenfork. Indeed as they have a majority of
aged employees, they have to anticipate and attract, train and retain new talents, so the first
purpose of this school is to create his own talent pool. It will be time and money saving in terms of
training after, and students will be operational directly
The three skills components important are knowledge, know how to be (behavior) and know how to
do (experience).
You decide to recruit young employees. Describe in every detail the complete recruitment process
you would use including the detail of your recruitment announcement and explaining where you
decide to communicate and why.
The recruitment process is quite good at the company, not too much steps, first will be to retain our
students, so before end of school year, we will have a job fair with all our senior student in a way to
recruit them to anticipate the retirements departure that are supposed to come, I will try to have a
better gender diversity, and recruit more men
GOLDENFORK wants to motivate their employees they intend to use their remuneration policy.
How would you measure performance for salespeople?
Provide an incentive policy for Goldenfork with the various instruments you can use in France.
Performance for salespeople can be measured through their objectives, did they reach their
To motive salespeople, HR department can set up a policy based on 2 remunerations. One fix and
another variable remuneration component, with several bonuses and allowances:
- Seniority bonus
- Performance bonus
- Christmas bonus
- Exceptional bonus for collective achievement
The specificity of those bonuses is that they are constant in value and paid to every employee.
Adding also non-cash benefits which are by now often mandatory, such as participation to transport
cost, social security,etc.
But performance goes through also motivation and loyalty, and those criteria can be built through a
good working environment, (self) accomplishment, responsibility, rewards like salaries, advantages
(as we saw), professional growth, professional evolution and consideration
They a have a basic use of this tool. But as a big company with international exposure etc, the
HRIS system could be used for so much more such as :
- Internal promotion
- Pool of talent
- Internal communication
- HR marketing
- To aware employees of their market share (new market added or on the contrary
aware employees when there is a crisis such as Covid19 and what are the
- News concerning the Marketing School, in a way to have a follow-up on students
- A tool of HRP in a way to anticipate retirements departures and student who will soon
finish to recruit them.