Walking- Bengali
Walking- Bengali
Walking- Bengali
The problem I forsee with Singapore's medical landscape is that too much
Prevention is cheaper than cure.
emphasis is on the cure, rather than the prevention. To understand why,
we‡k¦i hveZxq gvbyl‡K `ywU fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| you need to understand doctors versus nutritionists.
GB †kªYxwefvM g~jZ my¯’Zv wbY©vqK|
wPwKrmvweÁvbx‡`i g‡Z, gvby‡li GB `ywU fvM Doctors contribute to your well-being by prescribing drugs AFTER you are
n‡”QÑ ill.
Nutritionists contribute to your well-being by telling you what you should
1. hviv my¯’ I ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’vq gviv hvq; Ges
do BEFORE you get ill.
2. hviv †Kv‡bv †iv‡M †fvMvi Kvi‡Y gviv hvq
Avgv‡`i Av‡kÑcv‡k ZvKv‡jB GB welqwU ¯úó n‡q The problem with Singaporeans (and most people around the world) is that
hvq| †ivM Avevi `y ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i| †hgbÑ no one bothers talking to the nutritionists. They will just go on with their
K. msµvgK †ivM (Infectious diseases) (†hgbÑ K‡jiv, life, leaving things to fate, and then one day, they kenna one of the listed
degenerative illnesses.
Wvqwiqv, h²v, emšÍ, BZ¨vw`) Ges L. ÿqRwbZ †ivM And then they start finding the all-mighty doctors for help. And the
(Degenerative diseases)| unfortunate ones get referred to the hospitals for "more investigations".
msµvgK †ivM evZvm, Rj, Lv`¨, ¯úk©, BZ¨vw`i And after the "investigations", they were told they kenna cancer or
gva¨‡g GK gvbyl †_‡K Ab¨ gvby‡l evwnZ nq| something, and they get devastated.
msµvgK †iv‡Mi g~j KviY †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv ai‡bi
Why do "healthy-looking" people get degenerative illnesses out of the
RxevYy| Aek¨ eZ©gvbKv‡j msµvgK †ivMmg~n‡K blue?
cÖvPxbKv‡ji †ivM wn‡m‡eB wPwýZ Kiv nq| Wake up, Singapore!
Most doctors do not understand nutrition well-enough.
Most medical schools either do not even touch on the subject, or gives
Infectious Diseases can be spread from one person to another via the air, minimal coverage. I don't blame them, doctors are the fill-time disease-
dirty water etc... The good thing is that this is now a illness of the past. The killers, part-time health-protectors.
introduction of Penicillin (now available in many forms) has become a That's why some will tell you vitamins are "expensive urine", and most
natural combatant. will tell you the motherhood statements.
(1) Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Degenerative Diseases are the new age disease. For every 3 people in (2) Exercise regularly.
Singapore that dies of a disease, 2 of them will suffer the below top 5 (3) Refrain from smoking and excessive alcohol.
diseases are (in no particular order)
Even the current 2 fruits, 2 vegetables per day campaign is not sufficient.
My mum once told me that its better to die quick, then to die slowly and
inflict monetary and emotional pain to those who love you.
Bioelectrical Impedance Limitations: It’s essential to follow a specific protocol for an accurate
result. These guidelines are usually extensive (no eating or drinking within
What it is: Bioelectrical impedance is a weak electric signal that goes 4 hours prior to the test, no exercising 12 hours before the test, etc.). If
through the body to measure body composition. A small 500-800 micro- they’re not followed, the results will be inaccurate. Inconsistency in
amp (50 kilohertz) signal measures the body's ability to conduct the hydration, body fluids and intestinal content can result in high degree of
current. variation from day to day too. This makes bioelectrical impedance less
suitable for repeated testing (like measuring small changes in body fat).
What it measures: These tests estimate a person’s body fat percentage. The test also tends to overestimate percent body fat in very lean individuals
and underestimate body fat in obese people.
How it works: A special scale or handheld device sends a weak electrical
signal through into the body. This current flows through the body, finding In addition, handheld devices only measure fat levels in the upper body
varying resistance depending on the density of the muscle, the amount of (the signal travels through one arm and out the other arm) and digital
body fat encountered, and the hydration of the tissue. The slower the signal scales only measure fat levels in the lower body (the signal travels up one
(measured in ohms), the more fat is present, because fat interferes with the leg and down the other). The result you get from each of these models
signal. The faster the signal moves, the more lean (muscle) tissue is won’t take abdominal fat storage into account either, so you’re not getting
present, because lean tissue is highly conductive due to its high water a full picture of the fat level of your entire body.
Hydrostatic (Underwater) Weighing
How it works: Based on the assumption that the density and specific It is important, for health and well-being, to not only know your body fat
gravity of lean tissue is greater than that of fat tissue (i.e. that lean tissue percentage but to also pay attention to where that fat is located. Fat around
will sink and fat tissue will float in water), hydrostatic weighing submerges the abdomen may present the greatest risk for health problems. In contrast,
a person under water. By comparing a test subject's weight out of the water fat around the hips and thighs is most common in females and seems
with their mass measured under the water and out of the water, body relatively harmless with respect to these health problems.
composition may be calculated. A person with more bone and muscle will
weigh more in water than a person with less bone and muscle, meaning So which test is the best one for you?
they have a higher bone density and lower percentage of body fat. If you are looking for an average estimate of your body fat percentage and
how you compare with the population, BMI and girth measurements are
Hydrostatic weighing uses a large tank of water, usually 1000 gallons that easy to do at home. For more accuracy and personalized results, the skin
must be maintained at a constant temperature. Equipment to measure fold test is best and can be affordable. Bioelectrical impedance can be
residual lung volume, and a scale connected to an "under-water chair" are inexpensive and easy to find, but it has many limitations. If your time and
also required. Test subjects are asked to exhale as much air as possible finances allow, hydrostatic weighing is the best option in terms of
from their lunges before they are completely immersed for 10 to 15 accuracy.
seconds for an underwater weight measurement to be taken. This
procedure is repeated 7 to 10 times, and may last 45 minutes to one hour.
Where to find it: This test is usually only available at research institutions
and universities. Typical costs vary from $10-$75 (or more) due to the
involved nature of the test.
Walking is a great way to add more activity to your day, and everyone
should try to take as many steps as possible for better health. But as you
can see, there are many reasons and ways to expand your exercise program
beyond walking alone. Remember to also include strength training and
stretching in your exercise program along with your cardio exercises. If
you have specific questions about what might be best for you, you can post
them on the Fitness and Exercise Message Boards, where SparkPeople's
coaches and members will be happy to help you design the best exercise
program to meet your goals.
Finding the treasure (called a cache) can be tricky, but the real challenge
often lies in reaching the area. To help you prepare, hikes are ranked in
difficulty on a 1 to 5 star scale. A one-star, for example, might lead to a
cache hidden just off a well-marked footpath and tucked inside a hollow
tree (reachable while pushing a stroller). Meanwhile, a five-star can require
rock-climbing equipment. That's pretty extreme and uncommon, but the
difficulty level is limited only by one's imagination. There are caches on
islands reachable by kayak or canoe and then only during a full moon.
There is even an underwater cache that requires scuba equipment.
What's in a cache?
Most caches include a logbook so you can leave the date and time of your
visit. Common items are key chains, maps, books, pictures, money,
jewelry, tickets, games and other inexpensive items. You're usually asked
to take an item and leave an item, so the contents are always changing.
Most cache containers can handle the elements but it is a good idea to
place items in a plastic bag for extra protection.
An RPE between 5 and 7 is recommended for most adults. This means that
at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat
hard" to "hard." The guidelines given for this specific workout program
reflect an intermediate intensity level.