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Walking- Bengali

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nuvUyb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
nuvUyb Ñ Rxe‡bi
Ac‡ik e‡›`¨vcva¨vq

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨

my¯’ †`‡n `xN© Rxeb

nuvU‡eb †Kb?
nuvUvi ˆeÁvwbK c×wZ
nuvUvi Rb¨ †cvkvK wbe©vPb
nuvUvi Rb¨ cv`yKv wbe©vPb
†Kvb ai‡bi c‡_ nuvU‡eb
nuvUvi mgq wbivcËv
†c‡WvwgUvi e¨envi
nuvUvi wbq‡g ˆewPΨ Avbyb
nuvUv hLb h‡_ó bq
nuvUvi mgq A¨vW‡fÂvi
nuvU‡eb bv RwMs Ki‡eb
Mf©ve¯’vq nuvUv
nuvUv Ñ bexm‡`i Rb¨
nuvUv Ñ AwfÁ‡`i Rb¨
nuvUv Ñ †ÿ‡c †ÿ‡c
nuvUvi mgq a¨vbPP©v
†kl K_v

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
†c‡q‡Q| hZB w`b hv‡”Q, gvby‡li Gme mgm¨v
µ‡gB mgm¨vi cvnvo n‡q DV‡Q| A_P Gme mgm¨v
mgvav‡bi Rb¨ weÁvbx‡`i M‡elYvi †Kv‡bv Aš—
my¯’ †`‡n my›`i Rxeb fv‡jv ¯^v‡¯’¨i j¶Y
Kvi ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv?
gvbyl hLb †_‡K wb‡Ri ¯^v¯’¨ m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb †Kgb ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv?
n‡q‡Q, ZLb †_‡KB my¯’ Ges wb‡ivMfv‡e `xN©Kvj KLb ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv?
†eu‡P _vKvi ¯^cœ †`‡L‡Q| cÖv‰MwZnvwmKKv‡j wKfv‡e ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv?
gvbyl G‡Kev‡iB cÖK…wZi Dci wbf©ikxj wQ‡jv| cÖkœ¸‡jv Avgvi GKvi bq| Avwg Ges Avgvi g‡Zv
cÖK…wZi eyK †_‡KB gvbyl AvniY Ki‡Zv Lv`¨, A‡b‡KiB| nq‡Zv AvcbviI| Avgvi g‡Zv Avcwb ev
cwi‡aq e¯¿ Ges wPwKrmvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq Ilya| Av‡iv A‡b‡KB nq‡Zv Rvb‡Z Pvb Gme cÖ‡kœi DËi|
wKš‘ w`b e`‡j‡Q| gvbyl eb¨ iƒc †Q‡o AvaywbK wKš‘ Lye GK K_vq Gme cÖ‡kœi DËi †`Iqv mnR bq|
mv‡R mw¾Z n‡q‡Q| GB AvaywbKZv cÖK…Zc‡ÿ Z‡e K‡qKwU wel‡qi w`‡K Avwg `„wó AvKl©Y Ki‡Z
cÖK…wZ‡KB AbyKi‡Y e¨_© cÖ‡Póv| GB cvwi, hv †_‡K †h †KD-B †ei K‡i wb‡Z cvi‡eb Gme
AvaywbKZvi Kvi‡Y gvbyl µgvš^‡qB m‡i G‡m‡Q cÖ‡kœi DËi|
cÖK…wZi †Kvj †_‡K| n‡q c‡o‡Q K…wÎg RM‡Zi GK A‡bK cywówe‡`i g‡Z, wbqwgZ mylg Lv`¨ MÖnY
e›`x evwm›`v| ZvB AvaywbK we‡k¦ my¯’ I mejfv‡e Ki‡Z cvi‡j, cÖPzi cwigv‡Y ˆ`wnK cwikªg Ki‡Z cvi‡j,
†eu‡P _vKvi cÖ‡Póv µgkB n‡q D‡V‡Q GK AjxK mylg wekªvg †c‡j, cÖwZw`b cwiwgZ gvÎvq I
¯^cœ, Aaiv GK Avkv| mf¨Zvi Avw` ce© †_‡K ïiæ wbqwgZ Nyg n‡j, LvIqv fv‡jvfv‡e nRg n‡j, ˆ`wnK I
K‡i eZ©gvb Kvj ch©šÍ gvbyl Gfv‡eB †eu‡P _vKvi gvbwmK Ae¯’v fv‡jv _vK‡j Ges †`‡ni †ivM
†Póv Ki‡Q| A_P †Kv‡bvw`bB †m gyw³ cvqwb G cÖwZ‡iva Kivi ¶gZv _vK‡j ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB ¯^v¯’¨
Ae¯’v †_‡K| Z‡e gvbyl †Póv K‡i hv‡”Q wKfv‡e G fv‡jv Av‡Q e‡j a‡i †bIqv †h‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e Gme welq
Ae¯’v †_‡K gyw³ jvf Kiv hvq| ¯’vb, Kvj ev cv‡Îi Dci cÖZ¨¶ ev c‡iv¶fv‡e wbf©i
gvbyl GKw`‡b gvbyl n‡q D‡Vwb| c„w_ex‡Z K‡i| ¯^v¯’¨ fv‡jv wK-bv, Zv wKQy j¶Y †`‡L †evSv
Avwef©~Z nIqvi ci †_‡K `xN© mgq †j‡M‡Q hvq| wb‡P Gme j¶Y D‡jøL Kiv n‡jvÑ
gvby‡li gvbyl n‡q DVvi cÖ‡Póvq| Avw`gZg Ae¯’v kvixwiK Ae¯’v
†_‡K ax‡i ax‡i gvby‡li DËiY N‡U‡Q mvgvwRK, †`n I myVvg I cwicyó
Avw_©K I gvbwmK cwiw¯’wZi| wKš‘ GKB mv‡_ ¯^v¯’¨
wewfbœ ai‡bi RwUjZvI †e‡o‡Q, we‡kl K‡i gvby‡li gvsm‡ckx `„p I mej
kvixwiK I gvbwmK RwUjZv mf¨Zvi mv‡_ mv‡_ µgk †`n Z¡K cwi”Qbœ I gm„Y
e„w× †c‡q eZ©gvbKv‡j A‡bK¸Y †ewk e„w× Pzj ¯^vfvweK D¾¡j I gm„Y

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
bL gm„Y I AfOyi ai‡bi msµvgK †iv‡Mi Rb¨ G e¨e¯’v †Zv m‡e©vËg
†PvL ¯^”Q I Kvwjgvwenxb e‡jB we‡ewPZ n‡q‡Q|
†`nfw½ DbœZ, mvejxj, Kuva I ey‡Ki QvwZ
PIov, mgZj †cU
cwicvK myôz I wbqwgZ
†iPb myôz I wbqwgZ
gvbwmK Ae¯’v
†Pnvivq mcÖwZf
g‡bvfve kvšÍ
nvefve ¯^”Q›` I ¯^vfvweK
wb`ªv wbqwg I cwiwgZ
Avnv‡i myiæwP
eZ©gv‡b mviv we‡k¦ †hme †ivM gvby‡li
Rxeb‡K `ywe©ln K‡i Zzj‡Q, Zv‡`i mvaviYfv‡e
wZbwU cÖavb fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| †hgb -
K. msµvgK e¨vwa (Infectious Diseases) nv‡Zi bvwo cix¶v Kiv n‡”Q
L. AmsµvgK e¨vwa (Non-infectious Diseases) msµvgK †ivM
M. gvbwmK e¨vwa (Mental Diseases) cÖ_‡g msµvgK e¨vwa wb‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv hvK| G
Gme †iv‡Mi g‡a¨ DbœZ †`k¸‡jv‡Z AmsµvgK ai‡bi †ivM mgv‡R cÖZ¨¶ I c‡iv¶ Dfq ai‡bi cÖfve
Ges gvbwmK e¨vwaB me‡P‡q †ewk †`Lv hvq| we¯Ívi K‡i| msµvgK †ivM n‡jv †mme †ivM, hv GKB
Ab¨w`‡K AbybœZ I DbœqbKvgx †`‡k Dc‡iv³ wZb mgq GKvwaK e¨w³i g‡a¨ Qwo‡q c‡o ev msµwgZ
ai‡bi †ivM h‡_ó cwigv‡Y †`Lv hvq| wPwKrmKiv nq| emšÍ, nvg, fvBivm R¡i, †PvL DVv, cÖf„wZ
Gme †iv‡Mi wPwKrmvi Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi IlyacÎ mvaviYfv‡e cwiwPZ msµvgK e¨vwa| we‡klÁ‡`i
e¨envi K‡ib| Gme Ily‡ai A‡bK¸‡jvB Avevi wewfbœ g‡Z, Lye mn‡RB Gme msµvgK e¨vwa †_‡K gy³
ai‡bi cvk¦©cÖwZwµqvi m„wó K‡i _v‡K, hv _vKv hvq| wKš‘ wK wKfv‡e GwU m¤¢e n‡e ev n‡Z
cÖKvivšÍ‡i Ab¨ †iv‡Mi KviY n‡q `uvovq| Gme cv‡i?
fqvenZv †_‡K i¶v cvIqvi Rb¨ mviv we‡k¦ †ivM ¯^v¯’¨ we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ Abyhvqx, †h †Kv‡bv
wbivg‡qi †P‡q †ivM cÖwZ‡iva‡KB we‡kl msµvgK †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kivi Rb¨ mywbw`©ó
¸iæZ¡ †`Iqvi K_v wPšÍv Kiv n‡”Q| Prevention is better than wKQy c×wZ e¨envi Kiv hvq| G‡¶‡Î wb‡P D‡jwLZ
Cure-cÖev` evK¨wU eZ©gv‡b h‡_ó wbf©iZvi c×wZmg~n mvaviYfv‡e e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡iÑ
mv‡_B mviv we‡k¦ e¨eüZ n‡”Q| we‡kl K‡i wewfbœ K. e¨w³MZ ¯^v¯’¨ DbœwZi gva¨‡g

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
AvaywbK wPwKrmv weÁvbx‡`i aviYv Abyhvqx I cÖ‡qvM Kiv n‡”Q| Gme e¨e¯’v Aaybv †ek mnRjf¨I
AwaKvsk ev msµvgK †ivM-e¨vwaB †Kej e¨w³MZ e‡U| GKwU wkïi R‡b¥i ci †_‡K wbw`©ó wbq‡g Ges
¯^v¯’¨ cwiPh©vi gva¨‡g cÖwZ‡iva Kiv m¤¢e| Z‡e wbw`©ó mg‡q Gme cÖwZ‡iva ev ¯^v¯’¨i¶v
e¨w³MZ ¯^v¯’¨ cwiPh©v QvovI cvwievwiK I e¨e¯’v MÖnY K‡i mn‡RB wewfbœ cÖKvi msµvgK
mvgvwRK ¯^v¯’¨ cwiPh©vi welqwUI we‡kl †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kiv m¤¢e| G‡¶‡Î nvg, wWc‡_wiqv,
¸iæZ¡en| GRb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv h²v, emšÍ BZ¨vw` †iv‡Mi cÖwZ‡laK MÖnY Kiv hvq|
hvq| †hgbÑ †Kv‡bv †ivM †`Lv w`‡j mv‡_ mv‡_B wbqgvbyhvqx
1. †iv‡Mi KviY wbY©q Ges gvby‡li mv‡_ Zvi e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv we‡klfv‡e cÖ‡qvRb|
ms‡hvM m¤ú~Y©fv‡e webó K‡i †`Iqv| we‡kl AmsµvgK †ivM
K‡i †hme msµvgK †ivM evnK cÖvYxi gva¨‡g AmsµvgK e¨wamg~n mgv‡Ri e„nËi Rb‡Mvôx‡Z
m„wó nq, †mm‡ei Drm mÜvb Kiv I Zv‡`i cÖZ¨¶fv‡e bv n‡jI c‡iv¶fv‡e h‡_ó cÖfve we¯—vi
m~Pbv¯’‡jB wbg©~j Kivi cÖ‡Póv †bIqv; K‡i, KviY G‡Z AvµvšÍ e¨w³-we‡k‡li wPwKrmv I
2. cwi‡ek †_‡K AwbóKi, A¯^v¯’¨Ki I welv³ c`v_© Ab¨vb¨ Avbylw½K e¨vcv‡i A‡b‡KiB e¨w³MZ
AcmviY Kiv, hv‡Z Gme c`v‡_©i ms¯úk©RwbZ AskMÖn‡Y cÖvqkB bvbvcÖKvi wecwË I Am‡šÍvl
†Kv‡bv †ivM-e¨vwa m„wó nevi m¤¢vebv n«vm †`Lv †`q, hv mvgvwRK Akvwš— Z_v gvbwmK
cvq; †iv‡Mi m„wó ev e„w× NUvq| we‡klÁ‡`i g‡Z, D”P
3. e¨w³MZfv‡e cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki †`‡n Af¨š—ixY cÖwZ‡iva i³Pvc, eûg~Î, K¨vÝvi, A‡š¿i wewfbœ †ivM, ürwc‡Ði
kw³ M‡o †Zvjv ev Zvi cÖ‡Póv Pvjv‡bv, hv‡Z wewfbœ †ivM, gw¯Í‡®‹i †ivM eZ©gv‡b
msµvgK †ivM m„wóKvix RxevYy ev AwaKgvÎvq m„ó AmsµvgK †ivM| msµvgK wewfbœ
c`v_©mg~n †`‡ni †fZi ¯^vfvweKfv‡e e„w× e¨vwai g‡Zv hveZxq AmsµvgK †ivMI wKQyUv
†c‡Z bv cv‡i| wewfbœfv‡eB GB ai‡bi cÖwZ‡iva m‡PZbZvi gva¨‡g cÖwZ‡iva Kiv m¤¢e| G‡¶‡Î
¶gZv ev kw³ M‡o †Zvjv hvq| †hgbÑ wb‡gœv³ e¨e¯’v¸‡jv MÖnY Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i -
A. cÖavbZ cvwicvwk¦©K cwi®‹vi-cwi”QbœZv
wbwðZ K‡i, Av‡k-cv‡ki cwi‡ek h_vh_fv‡e K. Lv`¨ MÖn‡Y mZK©Zv
cwi®‹vi-cwi”Qbœ I ¯^v¯’¨m¤§Z ivLvi wewfbœ ai‡bi AmsµvgK †iv‡Mi g‡a¨ Lv`¨ MÖn‡Yi
gva¨‡g G e¨vcv‡i wbwðZ dj jvf Kiv hvq| Kvi‡Y m„wó nq, Ggb ai‡bi msL¨v Lye GKUv Kg bq|
Av. mylg I cwiwgZfv‡e Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv, Lv‡`¨i †hgb, ü`‡ivM, wewfbœ ai‡bi evZ, D”P i³Pvc, eûg~Î
¸YMZ gvb I cywói cwigvY fv‡jvfv‡e Rvbv ev gay‡gn, A‡š¿i wewfbœ †ivM BZ¨vw` cÖavb|
_vK‡j mylg I cwiwgZ Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv m¤¢eci GQvovI Rvbv-ARvbv A‡bK †ivM i‡q‡Q, hv Lv`¨
n‡Z cv‡i| MÖn‡Yi AmZ©KZvi Kvi‡Y m„wó nq| d‡j Lv`¨
MÖn‡Y hw` wKQyUv mZK© nIqv hvq, Z‡e Gme
L. ¯^v¯’¨i¶v e¨e¯’vi gva¨‡g †iv‡Mi nvZ †_‡K mn‡RB gy³ _vKv m¤¢e| G ai‡bi
eZ©gv‡b wewfbœ cÖKvi msµvgK †ivM cÖwZ‡iva
Kivi Rb¨ wewfbœ ai‡bi ¯^v¯’¨i¶v e¨e¯’v Avwe®‹vi

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
wKQy †iv‡Mi †¶‡Î Dchy³ Lv`¨ MÖn‡Yi welq GLv‡b
D‡jL Kiv n‡jvÑ
1. ü`‡iv‡Mi †¶‡Î AwZwi³ †mœnRvZxq c`v_©
MÖnY bv KivB fv‡jv|
2. D”P i³Pv‡ci †¶‡Î jeY ev jeY-mg„× Lvevi MÖnY
bv Ki‡j mn‡R †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kiv hvq|
3. ev‡Z gvLb, wN, †Z‡j fvRv Lvevi MÖnY Kiv
DwPZ bq|
4. AwZwi³ †mœnRvZxq c`v_© i‡³ †Kv‡j‡÷ij
e„w× K‡i wewfbœ †ivM m„wó K‡i| ZvB AwZwi³
cwigvY †mœnRvZxq c`v_© MÖnY bv KivB
M¨vwjwjI M¨vwjjvB
5. †Mu‡U ev‡Z wgwó, cvDi“wU, †Mvgvsm, wkg,
eiewU I g` LvIqv AbywPZ|
6. eûg~Î ev gay‡gn †iv‡M kK©ivRvZxq Lvevi e¨vqv‡gi gva¨‡g
cwinvi Kiv DwPZ| AvaywbK wPwKrmv weÁvbxiv †`‡ni †ivMnxbZvi
7. A‡š¿ wewfbœ †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kivi Rb¨ AwZwi³ Rb¨ e¨vqv‡gi Ici h‡_ó ¸iæZ¡ w`‡”Qb| †`Lv †M‡Q,
Svj ev Abyiƒc D‡ËRK c`v_© eR©b KivB DËg| cÖwZw`b ¯^vfvweK c×wZ‡Z wKQy wKQy e¨vqvg
ZvB †`‡n ¯^vfvweKfv‡e MÖnY‡hvM¨ ev mnb¶g Kiv m¤¢e n‡j Zv †`n‡K nq‡Zv e¨vqvgwe‡`i g‡Zv
Lv`¨ MÖn‡Yi gva¨‡g †`n‡K bx‡ivM ev †iv‡Mi A‡Zv `kvmB K‡i bv, Z‡e bx‡ivM ivL‡Z h‡_ó
Avµg‡Yi nvZ †_‡K mn‡RB i¶v Kiv m¤¢e| eZ©gv‡b mvnvh¨ K‡i| eZ©gvbKv‡j G ai‡bi e¨vqvg c×wZ‡K
wek¦ Ry‡oB Gfv‡e †ivM cÖwZ‡iv‡ai †Póv me©¯Í‡iB wdwRI‡_ivwc (physiotherapy) bv‡g wPwýZ Kiv nq|
we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ mnKv‡i Kiv n‡”Q| gvby‡li †`n‡K bx‡ivM ivLvi Rb¨ wdwRI‡_ivwci
cÖPjb AvaywbK bq| wn‡cv‡µwUm, M¨vwjwjI, Be‡b
wmbv, wc_v‡Mvivm cÖgyL gbxlxi mgq †_‡KB Gi
cÖPjb wQj| Z‡e weÁv‡bi DbœwZ Ges hy‡Mi
cwieZ©‡bi mv‡_ mv‡_ Gme KvwqK e¨vqvg I
c×wZi e¨vcK cwieZ©b N‡U‡Q| wewfbœ
Avbylw½K DcKiY I cÖ‡qvMwewa cÖvPxb c×wZi
¯’vb `Lj K‡i wb‡q‡Q| †hgbÑ
1. kKI‡qf Wvqv_vwg© (Shockwave Diathermy):
G‡Z we`y¨r I Pz¤^K mn‡hv‡M Zvc m„wó Kiv

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
2. Uª¨vKkb A¨vcv‡iUvm (Traction Apparatus): 2. nuvUzi ev‡Z nuvUz‡Z ax‡i ax‡i †mvRv I
G‡Z we`y¨r Ges w¯úÖs e¨envi K‡i †`‡ni fuvR Kiv ev A¨v‡¼j R‡q‡›U IRb †eu‡a e¨vqvg
wewfbœ As‡k Uvb m„wó Kiv nq| Kiv, BZ¨vw` Kiv nq|
3. Avëªv‡mvwbK †_ivwc (Ultrasonic Therapy): 3. ü`‡iv‡Mi †¶‡Î mvgvb¨ Pvc cÖ‡qv‡M ürwc‡Êi
G‡Z ˆe`y¨wZK e¨e¯’vq kÖe‡YvËi kã m„wó Kiv e¨vqvg Kiv|
nq| 4. nuvcvwbRvZxq †iv‡Mi †¶‡Î k¦vm-cÖk¦v‡mi
4. Iqv· ev_ (Wax Bath): G cÖwµqvq †gvg Mwj‡q e¨vqvg, axi I `ª“Zj‡q k¦vm MÖnY I Qvov
Zvc Drcv`b Kiv nq| BZ¨vw`|
5. eûg~Î †iv‡Mi †¶‡Î mvgvb¨ KvwqK kÖg, †`‡ni
i³cÖevn wbqš¿Y I Lv`¨ MÖn‡Y mZK©Zv,
6. †gi“`‡Êi wewfbœ †iv‡M Uª¨vKkb c×wZ
e¨envi Kiv|
7. gvsm‡cwki wewfbœ †iv‡M we‡klZ `ye©j
†cwki †¶‡Î eZ©gv‡b ˆe`y¨wZK †cwk DÏxcK
bvgK hš¿ e¨envi Kiv n‡”Q|
Iqv· ev_

5. KbUªv÷ ev_ (Contrast Bath): G c×wZ‡Z ci ci

Mig I VvÐv Zvc cÖ‡qvM K‡i e¨vqvg Kiv nq|
Gme c×wZ QvovI eZ©gv‡b Av‡iv A‡bK
AvaywbK e¨vqvg ev wdwRI‡_ivwc c×wZ
Avwe®‹…Z n‡q‡Q, hvi mvnv‡h¨ Lye mn‡RB bvbv
cÖKvi e¨vwa †_‡K †`n‡K wbe„Ë ivLv hvq| cÖPwjZ
wdwRI‡_ivwci g‡a¨ i‡q‡Q wewfbœ AmsµvgK †ivM
cÖwZ‡iv‡ai e¨e¯’v| h_v-
1. Nv‡oi evZ ev mvifvBK¨vj ¯ú‡ÛjvBwUm
†iv‡Mi Rb¨ Nvo †mvRv †i‡L nv‡Zi Zvjyi Ici
_yZwb w`‡q nvjKvfv‡e Pvc w`‡Z nq| GQvov
Kcv‡j nvZ †i‡L gv_v w`‡q mvg‡bi w`‡K Pvc
†`Iqv, gv_vi †cQ‡bi w`‡K Pvc †`Iqv, `yÕKuv‡ai
EaŸ© I wbgœ mÂvjb, BZ¨vw` e¨vqvg Ki‡Z nq|

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
Ges GRb¨ weÁvbx‡`i wPšÍv-fvebviI KgwZ †bB|
gvbwmK †ivM cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Rb¨ bvbv ai‡bi e¨e¯’v
MÖnY Kiv hvq| †hgb -
K. gvbwmK †ivM m„wói KviY kbv³KiY:
we‡klÁ‡`i AwfgZ Abyhvqx gvbwmK †ivM
cÖwZ‡iv‡ai Ab¨Zg Dcvq gvbwmK †iv‡Mi KviY
h_v_©fv‡e kbv³ Kiv| GKevi GB KvR m¤úbœ n‡j
mn‡RB †ivM cÖwZ‡iva Kiv hvq|
L. †iv‡Mi KviY †_‡K `~‡i _vKv: gvbwmK †iv‡Mi
KviY GKevi kbv³ Kiv †M‡j Zv †_‡K `~‡i _vKvi
gva¨‡gB †iv‡Mi nvZ †_‡K i¶v cvIqv m¤¢e|
M. cvwicvwk¦©KZv wbqš¿Y: gvbwmK †ivM
cÖwZ‡iv‡a cvwicvwk¦©K, mvgvwRK cwigÐj
wbqš¿‡Y ivLv DwPZ| †hme cwievi ev mgv‡R
†Kv‡bv ¸iæZi †ivM Av‡Q †mLv‡b wK‡kvi‡`i h‡_ó
mveav‡b ivLv DwPZ| wKš‘ gvbwmK †iv‡M
fyM‡Q e‡j †KD KLbI ¯^xKvi K‡ib bv| d‡j
cvwicvwk¦©K Ae¯’v wbqš¿Y KivI †ek KóKi nq|
GQvovI hLb kvixwiK I gvbwmK `ye©jZvi
gvbe‡`‡ni gvsm‡cwk mw¤§jb N‡U, ZLb Ae¯’v Av‡iv KwVb nq| G
Gme e¨vqvg QvovI wewfbœ ai‡bi †hvM-e¨vqvg e¨vcv‡i mgv‡Ri †bZ…¯’vbxq‡`i KiYxq A‡bK
†`‡ni ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’v eRvq ivLvi Rb¨ we‡klfv‡e wKQyB i‡q‡Q|
djcÖ`| †mB cÖvPxbKvj †_‡KB †hvM-e¨vqvg †`‡ni MV‡bvc‡hvMx †hŠwMK c`v_©
my¯^v¯’¨ eRvq ivLv I †`n‡K `xN©w`b bx‡ivM gvby‡li †`n Kg©¶g ivLvi Rb¨ mylg Lv`¨ weKínxb|
ivLvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvM Kiv n‡”Q| Gme e¨vqv‡gi wKš‘ mylg Lv`¨ m¤ú‡K© gvby‡li aviYv my¯úó bq|
mvnv‡h¨ †`‡ni kvixie„Ëxq Kg©KvʇKI h‡_ó †Kvb& Lv‡`¨i ¸iæZ¡ KZUzKz †m wel‡q A‡b‡KiB
wbqš¿‡Y ivLv hvq| Gi d‡j †`nI wewfbœ †ivM †Kv‡bv ¯^”Q aviYv †bB| cywóweÁvbx‡`i g‡Z, †`n
cÖwZ‡iv‡a m¶g n‡q D‡V| Z‡e cÖwkw¶Z †Kv‡bv bx‡ivM I †ivM cÖwZ‡ivax ivLvi ¯^v‡_© mK‡jiB G
we‡kl‡Ái ZË¡veavb Qvov bZzb †Kv‡bv wk¶v_©xi e¨vcv‡i my¯úó aviYv _vKv GKvšÍB cÖ‡qvRb|
GKv GKv †hvM-e¨vqvg Abykxjb Kiv G‡Kev‡iB mvaviYfv‡e gvby‡li Lv`¨ wn‡m‡e 6 ai‡bi
DwPZ bq| Dcv`vb‡KB we‡klfv‡e ¸iæZ¡ †`Iqv nq| G¸‡jv
gvbwmK †ivM mgv‡R we‡kl cÖfve we¯Ívi K‡i| n‡”QÑ
g‡bvweÁvbx‡`i aviYv gvbwmK †ivM bvbv Kvi‡Y nq

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
1) Avwgl (Protein) ivB‡evd¬¨vwfb my¯’ gyLMnŸi, wRnŸv,
2) kK©iv (Carbohydrate) (Riboflavin) †VuvU I †PvL
3) Pwe© (Fat) wb‡KvwUbvgvBW D¾j I my¯’ Z¡K
4) LwbR c`v_© (Minerals) K¨vjwmqvg mœvqy, †ckx `„p Kiv
5) Lv`¨cÖvY (Vitamin) 15. c¨v‡›Uvw_‡bU (Calcium
6) Rj (Water) pantothenate)
Gme Lv`¨ gvbe‡`‡n bvbvfv‡e wµqv K‡i| wkï 16. †Kvwjb (Colin) hK…‡Zi my¯’ wµqv
eq‡m Gme Lv‡`¨vcv`v‡bi ¸iæZ¡ †ewk n‡jI mviv cvBwiWw·b (we6) †ckx wkw_j Kiv
(Pyridoxine, B6)
Rxe‡bB G‡`i wKQy bv wKQy Dc‡hvwMZv i‡q‡Q|
wfUvwgb we12 (Vitamin i³k~b¨Zv †iva Kiv
me e‡qwm gvby‡li †¶‡ÎB Gme Lv‡`¨vcv`v‡bi 18.
¸iæZ¡ GK iKg bq| ZvB Lv‡`¨i wewfbœ Dcv`vb bZzb i³‡Kvl M‡o †Zvjv
19. dwjK A¨vwmW (Folic
m¤ú‡K© wek` Ávb _vK‡jB †Kej †m¸‡jv h_vh_fv‡e Acid)
†`‡ni Kv‡R jvMv‡bv hvq| GLv‡b Lv‡`¨i wewfbœ wfUvwgb wm (Vitamin †ivM cÖwZ‡ivaK kw³
Dcv`vb I gvbe‡`‡n †m¸‡jvi e¨envwiK ¸iæZ¡ D‡jøL C) M‡o †Zvjv
Kiv n‡jv| 21. wfUvwgb wW (Vitamin gReyZ `uvZ I nvo
Lv‡`¨i wewfbœ Dcv`vb I gvbe‡`‡n G‡`i D)
e¨envwiK ¸iæZ¡ 22. wfUvwgb B (Vitamin E) cybi“rcv`b
01. Avwgl (Protein) †Kvl Kjv ˆZwi I †givgZ wfUvwgb †K (Vitamin K) i‡³i ¯^vfvweK RgvU
02. kK©iv (Carbohydrate) Kg©PÂj kvixwiK wµqv euvav wbwðZ Kiv
03. Pwe© (Lipid) †K›`ªxf‚Z kw³ †Uªm Gwj‡g›U (Trace †`‡n wfUvwgb †kvlY I
04. K¨vjwmqvg (Calcium) my¯’ `uvZ I nvo Element) wewfbœ MÖwš’i wµqv
05. dmdivm (Phosphorous) †`‡n Zij Ask. `uvZ I nvo gvby‡li Kg©¶gZv
†mvwWqvg (Sodium) i‡³i ¯^vfvweK R‡b¥i ci GKwU wkïi me A½B mgvbfv‡e Kvh©Ki
_v‡K bv| ax‡i ax‡i †`‡ni wewfbœ A½ myMwVZ n‡Z
†K¬vivBW (Chloride) †ckxi wµqvi Rb¨, wLj aiv
_v‡K| Avevi GK ch©v‡q gvby‡li †`‡ni wewfbœ
cUvwkqvg (Potassium) gvbwmK D`vmxbZv, A‡½i Kvh©KvwiZv n«vm †c‡Z _v‡K| g~jZ R‡b¥i ci
08. g„Zz¨ ch©šÍ gvbe‡`‡ni wewfbœ A‡½i g‡a¨ GB
†ckxi `ye©jZv wbeviY
09. †jvnv (Iron) my¯’ i³ ai‡bi fvOv-Movi KvR µgk Pj‡Z _v‡K| Z‡e
Av‡qvwWb (Iodine) _vBi‡qW MÖwš’i ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB mvaviY gvby‡li g‡b GKwU cÖkœ
mylgZv memgq †`vjv †`q, Avi Zv n‡jv †`‡ni †Kvb A½ †Kvb
11. wfUvwgb G (Vitamin A) my¯’ †PvL mgq KZUzKz Kg©¶g _v‡K?
wfUvwgb we1 ( Vitamin e„w×, `„p mœvqyi Rb¨, GB cÖkœ weÁvbx‡`i cÖwZwbqZ cÖkœwe×
B1) †ewi †ewi cÖwZ‡iva K‡i‡Q| weÁvbxivI m‡Pó †_‡K‡Qb GB cÖ‡kœi GKwU

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
m‡šÍvlRbK DËi Luy‡R †ei Kivi Rb¨| bx‡ivM †`‡n eq‡m
`xN© Rxeb jv‡fi †¶‡Î gvby‡li †`‡ni wewfbœ A½ 65 eQi 15% K‡g hvq
†Kvb& mgq KZUzKz Kg©¶g _v‡K †mwU mevi eq‡m
Rvbv _vKv DwPZ| KviY eq‡mi mv‡_ mv‡_ gvby‡li 75 eQi 17% K‡g hvq
Kg©¶gZvi n«vm-e„w× N‡U| eq‡m
`xN©w`‡bi M‡elYv Ges ch©‡e¶‡Yi gva¨‡g 80 eQi 18% K‡g hvq
gvwK©b hy³iv‡óªi GK`j wPwKrmv weÁvbx GB eq‡m
cÖ‡kœi GKwU mvaviY DËi Luy‡R †ei K‡i‡Qb| Z‡e
dzmdz‡mi wµqv
GLv‡b D‡jøL Kiv evÃbxq †h, GB wel‡q GwUB
30 eQi 100% Kg© ¶gZv _v‡K
me©‡kl K_v bq| AvaywbKKv‡j weÁv‡bi wewfbœ
ai‡bi DbœwZi †cÖ¶vc‡U wPwKrmv weÁvbxiv
45 eQi 15% K‡g hvq
Zuv‡`i M‡elYv I ch©‡e¶‡Yi gvbe‡`‡ni wewfbœ
kvixie„wËK MVb I Kg©KvÐ wb‡q bvbv ai‡bi
55 eQi 22% K‡g hvq
Am½wZg~jK djvdj jvf Ki‡Qb| wb‡Pi Z_¨mg~n j¶¨
65 eQi 37% K‡g hvq
ürwc‡Ði wµqv eq‡m
30 eQi 100% Kg© ¶gZv _v‡K 75 eQi 45% K‡g hvq
eq‡m eq‡m
45 eQi 15% K‡g hvq 80 eQi 50% K‡g hvq
eq‡m eq‡m
55 eQi 17% K‡g hvq hK…‡Zi wµqv
eq‡m 30 eQi 100% Kg© ¶gZv _v‡K
65 eQi 32% K‡g hvq eq‡m
eq‡m 45 eQi 5% K‡g hvq
75 eQi 35% K‡g hvq eq‡m
eq‡m 55 eQi 22% K‡g hvq
mœvqyZ‡š¿i wµqv eq‡m
30 eQi 100% Kg© ¶gZv _v‡K 65 eQi 37% K‡g hvq
eq‡m eq‡m
45 eQi 7% K‡g hvq 75 eQi 45% K‡g hvq
eq‡m eq‡m
55 eQi 10% K‡g hvq 80 eQi 50% K‡g hvq

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
eq‡m  †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi wgwó, †KK, wgwóRvZxq
†Kvb †iv‡M wK Lv‡eb, wK Lv‡eb bv  wewfbœ ai‡bi ïK‡bv dj, ev`vg, bvi‡Kj,
my¯’ †h †Kv‡bv gvby‡li ˆ`wnK my¯’Zvi Rb¨ Lv`¨ BZ¨vw`
MÖnY Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| Avm‡j Lv`¨ Qvov gvby‡li c‡¶  wewfbœ ai‡bi †Kvgj cvbxq, †hgbÑ
†eu‡P _vKv Am¤¢e| wKš‘ ˆ`wnK Amy¯’Zvi Rb¨ †KvKv‡Kvjv, ¯úÖvBU, BZ¨vw`
†Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv Lv`¨ gvby‡li Rb¨ DcKv‡ii cwie‡Z©  †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †iW wgU, †hgbÑ Miæi gvsm,
AcKviB †W‡K Av‡b| GLb Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡”Q †Kvb& Lvwmi gvsm, BZ¨vw`
†iv‡Mi Rb¨ †Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv DwPZ bq|  wPswo, KuvKov, BZ¨vw` GjvwR© m„wóKvix
D`ivgq I Avgvkq †ivM Lv`¨
mvaviYZ †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv cÖRvwZ AYyRx‡ei
Avµg‡Y gvbe‡`‡n D`ivgq Ges Avgvkq †iv‡Mi m„wó
nq| GB †iv‡MÑ
 Dcevm Kiv G‡Kev‡iB AbywPZ
 †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi my¨c, d‡ji im, I cvbxq †ewk
K‡i MÖnY Ki‡Z n‡e
 Kv‡e©vnvB‡WªUhy³ Lv`¨ †ewk K‡i †L‡Z n‡e
 UvUKv cvwZ‡jeyi i‡mi mv‡_ gay ev ¸o ev
wPwb Ges Aí cwigv‡Y jeY wgwk‡q †L‡Z cv‡ib
†Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ
 gvsm
 wWg wWg Ñ †`‡ni Rb¨ DcKvix n‡jI A‡bK †iv‡Mi †¶‡ÎB
 `ya nRg Ki‡Z bv †c‡j LvIqv AbywPZ, Z‡e `B
LvIqv †h‡Z cv‡i
†cU duvcv, cvKvwš¿K M¨vmRwbZ †ivM
 wewfbœ ai‡bi ZwiZiKvwi, †hgbÑ Avjy, wgwó
mvaviYZ Lv`¨ nRgRwbZ RwUjZvi Kvi‡Y Gme
Kzgov, KPz, MvRi, weU, KuvPvKjv, BZ¨vw`
mgm¨v m„wó nq| ZvB Gme †iv‡Mi †¶‡Î †h wel‡q
 †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †Z‡j fvRv Lv`¨, †hgbÑ
we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ †`Iqv cÖ‡qvRb, †m¸‡jv n‡jvÑ
†cuqvRy, Pc, KvU‡jU, jywP, c‡ivUv, cywi,
 iv‡Zi Lvevi Lye †ewk fvix nIqv AbywPZ,
nvjKv Lvevi Nygv‡Z hvIqvi A‡bK Av‡M, Kgc‡¶ 2
 †Kv‡bv †Kv‡bv ai‡bi dj, †hgbÑ Kjv, AvZv,
NÈv Av‡M LvIqv DwPZ;
AvOyi, Avg, †e`vbv, AvZv, kvK Avjy, †cu‡c,
 w`‡b Aí Aí K‡i K‡qKevi †L‡Z n‡e

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
 A‡c¶vK…Z ¯’‚jKvq e¨w³‡`i Lv`¨ MÖn‡Yi †¶‡Î  g` ev †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †Kvgj cvbxq
wgZe¨qx n‡Z n‡e  Kwd ev †Kv‡Kv cvDWvihy³ †h †Kv‡b ai‡bi
 Lv‡`¨ cwiwgZ imyb e¨envi Ki‡j M¨vmRwbZ Lv`¨
mgm¨v A‡bKvs‡k n«vm cv‡e
wKWwbi mgm¨v
†Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ wewfbœ Kvi‡YB gvby‡li †`‡nB wKWwbi mgm¨v
 †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi Wvj, ev WvjRvZxq Lv`¨ m„wó n‡Z cv‡i| GB †iv‡M †hme wel‡qi w`‡K `„wó
 Avukmg„× Lv`¨, †hgbÑeuvavKwc, kvK- †`Iqv cÖ‡qvRb, †m¸‡jv n‡jvÑ
mewR, BZ¨vw`  Kg †cÖvwUb
 ev`vg, †Qvjv, BZ¨vw`  Kg jeY ev †mvwWqvghy³ Lv`¨
 wewfbœ ai‡bi gkjv  Kg cUvwkqvg
 †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi PvUwb, AvPvi, BZ¨vw`  Zij wbqwš¿Z
 †Z‡j fvRv †h †Kv‡bv Lv`¨ Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ
 nRg Kiv bv †M‡j `ya ev `yaRvZxq Lv`¨,  †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †bvbZv Lv`¨
†hgbÑ wgwó, `B, gvVv, BZ¨vw`  †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi Wvj ev webRvZxq Lv`¨
evZ ev †Mu‡U evZ †ivM  wWg
gvby‡li †`‡n evZ wewfbœ Kvi‡YB n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e  ïK‡bv dj I ev`vg
†`‡n BDwiK A¨vwm‡Wi cwigvY †ewk n‡Z †Mu‡U  †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi PvUwb ev AvPvi
evZ BZ¨vw`i g‡Zv mgm¨v m„wó n‡Z cv‡i| GB  wewfbœ ai‡bi kvK-mewR, U‡g‡Uv, Avjy,
ai‡bi †iv‡Mi †¶‡Î †hme welq we‡kl ¸iæZ¡ w`‡Z n‡e, BZ¨vw`
†m¸‡jv n‡”QÑ  wUbRvZ Lv`¨
 Dcevm Kiv hv‡e bv †gv‡UB, KviY Dcevm  Avg, Kjv, gymvw¤^, Wv‡ei Rj, BZ¨vw`
_vK‡j †`‡n BDwiK A¨vwm‡Wi cwigvY A‡bK¸Y  jeYhy³ †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi ev`vg I web
†e‡o hvq  †ewKs cvDWvihy³ Lv`¨
 `ya ev `yaRvZxq Lv`¨ hZ †ewk m¤¢e LvIqv
†Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ
 †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi webRvZxq Lv`¨, †hgbÑ
gUiïuwU, gmyi, gyM, BZ¨vw`
 cvjs kvK, dzjKwc, gvkiæg, BZ¨vw`
 Miæ, Lvwm, gyiwMi wKWwb, wjfvi
 gv‡Qi gv_v
 gvsm, wWg, wewfbœ ai‡bi wPswo cywóKi dj Kjv wKWbx †ivMx‡`i Rb¨ G‡Kev‡iB wbwl×

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
mgm¨v m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i| ZvB GB mgm¨v hv‡Z
ü`‡ivM I agbx¯’‚jZv m„wó n‡Z bv cv‡i †mB †PóvB MÖnY Kiv DwPZ| GB
mnR fvlvq, Lv‡`¨ AwZwi³ cwigv‡Y Pwe© _vK‡j mgm¨vi wbqš¿‡Y ivLvi Rb¨ wKQy wKQy Lv`¨
gvbe‡`‡n ¯’‚jZvRwbZ mgm¨v m„wó nq| ¯’~jZv MÖnY wbqš¿Y ivLv DwPZ|
wb‡RB GKwU mgm¨v n‡jI GwU gvbe‡`‡n Av‡iv
†Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ
A‡bK ai‡bi mgm¨v m„wó Ki‡Z cv‡i| ZvB
 AwZwi³ jebhy³ †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi Lv`¨
¯’~jZvRwbZ †iv‡Mi Kej †_‡K AvZ¥i¶v Kiv ev ¯’~jZv
 jeYhy³ gvLb, cwbi, BZ¨vw`
wbqš¿‡Yi Rb¨ †hme wel‡qi w`‡K `„wó †`Iqv
 wUbRvZ Lv`¨
cÖ‡qvRb, †m¸‡jv n‡”QÑ
 AvPviRvZxq Lv`¨
 gv‡Qi †Zj i‡³i †Kv‡j‡÷ij wbqš¿Y K‡i
 †KK, †cw÷ªRvZxq Lv`¨
 cÖwZw`b M‡o 25Ñ30 MÖvg K‡i KvVev`vg
 †ewKs cvDWvi ev Lvevi †mvWv †gkv‡bv
cÖavb Lv‡`¨i mv‡_ MÖnY Ki‡j, Zv †Kv‡j‡÷ij
wbqš¿Y K‡i
 ïK‡bv †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi dj
 imyb †`‡ni GjwWGj ev Lvivc †Kv‡j‡÷ij
 I‡qdvi ev Abyiƒc Lv`¨, KzwKR, BZ¨vw`
wbqš¿‡Y mvnvh¨ K‡i
hvB †nvK, GK we‡`kx wPwKrmK e‡jwQ‡jb, Man
 evi evi Aí Aí K‡i Lv`¨ LvIqvi Af¨vm Ki‡j †`‡ni looses his health to gain wealth and looses that wealth to gain that health -
GjwWGjÑGi gvÎv I †Kv‡j‡÷i‡ji gvÎv n«vm cvq but in vein A_©vr gvbyl A_© DcvR©‡bi Rb¨ ¯^v¯’¨ bó
†Kvb& ai‡bi Lv`¨ MÖnY AbywPZ K‡i Ges my¯^v¯’¨ wd‡i cvIqvi Rb¨ AwR©Z A_©
 †Z‡j fvRv †h †Kv‡bv Lv`¨, †hgbÑ Pc, KvU‡jU, e¨q K‡iÑ wKš‘ e„_vB †m †Póv|
jywP, c‡ivUv, wm½viv, KPzwi, BZ¨vw` ˆ`bw›`b ¯^v¯’¨wewa cvjb
 AvBmwµg, P‡Kv‡jU, †KK, †cw÷ª, BZ¨vw` my¯’‡`‡n my›`ifv‡e †eu‡P _vKvi cÖ‡Póv gvby‡li
wgwóRvZxq Lv`¨ `xN©w`‡bi| GB Kvi‡YB g~jZ gvbyl bvbv ai‡bi
 gvR©vwib, eb¯úwZ, gvLb, wN, cwbi, cÖwµqv D™¢ve‡b e¨vc„Z n‡q‡Q, hv‡Z my¯’fv‡e
BZ¨vw` `xN©Rxeb jvf Kiv hvq| GRb¨ cÖvPxbKvj †_‡KB
 `ya ev `yaRvZxq †h †Kv‡bv Lv`¨ gywb-Fwl, †nwKg, KweivR, cÖgy‡Liv bvbv ai‡bi
 wW‡gi Kzmyg Dcvq evZ‡j †`Iqvi †Póv K‡i‡Qb| Gme Dcvq g~jZ
 Lvwm ev Mi“i gvsm wb‡R‡`i my`xN© Rxeb PP©vi dj wn‡m‡eB
 wPswo, KuvKov, BZ¨vw` we‡ewPZ n‡q Avm‡Q| AvaywbK wPwKrmv
weÁv‡bI Ggb †Kv‡bv †hŠw³K KviY †ei Kiv m¤¢e
D”P i³Pvc nqwb, hv‡Z Gme †Póvi wei“‡× †Kv‡bv c`‡¶c †bIqv
gvbe‡`‡n wewfbœ Kvi‡YB i³Pvc Kg‡ewk n‡Z cv‡i| hvq ev `xN©w`‡bi jvwjZ Ges cÖwZcvwjZ Gme
i³Pvc hw` ¯^vfvwe‡Ki Zzjbvq †ewk †e‡o hvq, Z‡e c×wZ evwZj Kiv hvq| eis AvaywbK ˆeÁvwbK
Zv‡K D”P i³Pvc e‡j| D”P i³Pvc †`‡n bvbv ai‡bi

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
cÖwµqvq cÖvPxbKvj †_‡K cÖPwjZ A‡bK cÖwµqv
Av‡iv †ewk myw¯’Z ev ˆeÁvwbKfv‡e gvby‡li Kv‡Q
wd‡i G‡m‡Q| wb‡P GB ai‡bi wKQy cÖwµqvi K_v
ejv n‡”QÑ
1. Lye †fv‡i Nyg †_‡K DV‡Z n‡e Ges mKvj mKvj
Nygv‡Z †h‡Z n‡e| wKš‘ KZUv mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K
DVv DwPZ? G‡¶‡Î GKwU Bs‡iwR cÖev‡`i K_v
ejv hvq| G‡Z ejv n‡q‡Q, You see the Sun to rise, but do not
let the Sun to see you to rise. A_©vr, Zzwg m~h©‡K
Dw`Z n‡Z †`L‡e, wKš‘ m~h© hv‡Z †Zvgv‡K
Nyg †_‡K DV‡Z bv †`‡L| GLv‡b D‡jøL Kiv hvq
†h, cÖwZwU my¯’ I mej gvby‡li cÖwZw`b 8 Nyg Ñ mevi Rb¨B cÖ‡qvRb wbqwgZfv‡eB
NÈv K‡i Nygv‡bv cÖ‡qvRb| GwU bvix-cyiæl 2. cÖwZw`b †fv‡i D‡V mKv‡ji wbg©j evqy
Df‡qi †¶‡ÎB cÖ‡hvR¨| Ab¨w`‡K wkï‡`i cÖ‡qvRb †meb Kiv DwPZ| mKv‡j †Kv‡bv b`x ev cyKz‡ii
10 †_‡K 12 NÈv Ges e„ׇ`i cÖ‡qvRb 5 †_‡K 6 cv‡o GB KvR Kiv hvq| KviY mKv‡j b`x ev
NÈv| cÖvPxb GK cÖev‡` ejv n‡q‡Q, weavZvi †Kv‡bv Rjvk‡qi Av‡k-cv‡ki evqy A‡c¶vK…Z
†kªô wbqg n‡”Q 8 NÈvi w`b wefvRb, A_©vr wbg©j _v‡K| G cÖm‡½ D‡jøL Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i,
mvivw`‡bi 24 NÈvi g‡a¨ 8 NÈv cwikªg. 8 NÈv cÖvPxbKv‡j gywb-Fwliv mKv‡jB Nyg †_‡K D‡V
LvIqv, †Nviv‡div I g„`y wekªvg Ges evwK 8 NÈv Ôm~h© bg¯‹viÕ bv‡g GKwU †hvM e¨vqvg
wb`ªv| Gfv‡e wbqg K‡i †`b KvUv‡j kZvqy nIqvi Abykxjb Ki‡Zb| GB †hvM e¨vqvgwU g~jZ Lye
c‡_ A‡bK `~i GwM‡q hvIqv m¤¢e| GLv‡b †fv‡i Ki‡Z nq| A_©vr mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K D‡VB
cÖm½µ‡g mgªvU †b‡cvwjqbÑGi GKwU K_v whwb GB KvRwU K‡ib, Zvi `xN©Rxeb jv‡fi c_
D‡jøL Kiv hvq| wZwb GKevi K_vq K_vq A‡bKvs‡kB myMg nq| GB e¨vqv‡gi
e‡jwQ‡jb, cÖwZRb cyiæ‡li cÖ‡qvRb 6 NÈv Nyg, cÖvmw½KZv GLbI n«vm cvqwb|
cÖwZRb bvixi cÖqvRb 7 NÈv Nyg Ges cÖwZRb 3. mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K D‡V †ivR fv‡jvfv‡e nvZ-gyL-
†evKvi cÖ‡qvRb gvÎ 8 NÈv Nyg| GLb AvcwbB †PvL cÖ¶vjb Ki‡Z n‡e| iv‡Z Nygv‡Z hvevi Av‡M
wePvi Kiæb Avcbvi KZUzKz Nyg cÖ‡qvRb| ZvB †hgb `uvZ †g‡R ï‡Z hvIqv DwPZ, wVK †Zgwb
mvaviY wn‡m‡e cÖwZw`b ivZ 10.00Uvq mKv‡j fv‡jv K‡i `uvZ gvR‡Z n‡e| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e
Nygv‡Z hvIqv DwPZ Ges mKvj 6.00Uvq Nyg `uvZ bv †g‡R KL‡bvB mKv‡j †Kv‡bv wKQy
†_‡K DVv DwPZ| LvIqv DwPZ bq|
4. cÖwZw`b fv‡jvfv‡e mœvb Kiv DwPZ| R¡i bv
n‡j †Kv‡bv mœvb bv K‡i _vKv DwPZ bq|
mvaviYZ kxZj R‡j mœvb Kiv DwPZ| Z‡e

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kxZKv‡j nvjKv Dò Rj e¨envi Kiv hvq| GLv‡b ù~wZ©fve eRvq ivLv we‡klfv‡e cÖ‡qvRb| KviY
GKwU welq D‡jL Kiv cÖ‡qvRb †h, e¨vqvg ev ù~wZ©fve †`‡n I g‡b GK we‡kl ai‡bi cÖfve
†Kv‡bv cwikªg Kivi ci Ng©v³ †`‡n mœvb Kiv we¯Ívi K‡i _v‡K| Gi d‡j †`‡n Lv`¨ nR‡gi Rb¨
AbywPZ| GKBfv‡e Ng©v³ †`n KLbB d¨v‡bi wbw`©ó GbRvBgmg~‡ni wbtmiY h_vh_fv‡e
evZv‡m ïKv‡bv DwPZ bq| G‡Z †`‡n evZ ev n‡q Lv`¨ cwicvK Kivi Kv‡R mnvqZv K‡i|
weKjv½Zvi g‡Zv `xN©¯’vqx mgm¨vi m„wó n‡Z 10. †h †Kv‡bv ai‡bi †bkvRvZxq `ªe¨ †_‡K hZUv
cv‡i| m¤¢e `~‡i _vKv hvq, †mB †PóvB Kiv DwPZ|
5. Lvevi wRwbm KLbB wM‡j Lv‡eb bv| Zij Lvevi eyw× †Mvovq †auvqv †`Iqvi K_v e‡jI A‡b‡KB
Qvov Ab¨ †h †Kv‡bv k³ LveviB memgq fv‡jv K‡i a~gcvb K‡ib| wKš‘ g‡b ivLv DwPZ, GB †auvqv
wPwe‡q LvIqvi †Póv Kiv DwPZ| Lvevi MÖn‡Yi ev †bkv †`‡n mvgwqK D‡ËRbv m„wó K‡i
mgq g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, cwicv‡Ki cÖv_wgK KvRwU wKQyUv mg‡qi Rb¨ Kg©¯ú„nv m„wó Ki‡jI Zv
wKš‘ gy‡LB m¤úvw`Z nq| `xN©¯’vqx ¶wZi KviY n‡q `uvovq| a~gvwqZ ev
6. ˆ`bw›`b Lvev‡i hv‡Z †`‡ni Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq †auvqv D˜MxiYKvix †bkv †Zv wb‡Ri mv‡_ mv‡_
mKj Dcv`vbB mwVK gvÎv Ges cwigv‡Y Dcw¯’Z A‡b¨i Rb¨I h‡_ó ¶wZi KviY n‡q `uvovq|
_v‡K, †mw`‡K j¶¨ ivLv DwPZ| 11. mKv‡j Nyg †_‡K D‡VB gj Z¨vM Kiv DwPZ|
Z‡e A‡bK we‡kl‡Ái g‡Z, †ivR `yevi gjZ¨vM Kiv
7. †h †Kv‡bv Lv`¨ MÖn‡Yi ciB wKQyUv wekªvg
¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ DËg|
†bIqv DwPZ, hv‡Z Lv`¨ nRg cÖwµqv h_vh_fv‡e
Pvjy n‡Z cv‡i| wKš‘ iv‡Z Lvev‡ii ci wKQy mgq 12. cÖwZw`b w`‡bi wbw`©ó mg‡q Avnvi Kiv
nuvUv-Pjv Kiv DwPZ| K_vq Av‡Q, After dinner rest a DËg| GK GKw`b GK GKmg‡q Lv`¨ MÖnY Kiv
while, and after supper walk a mile A_©vr `ycy‡ii Lvev‡ii †gv‡UB wVK bq|
ci wKQy¶Y wekªvg Ki‡eb Ges iv‡Zi Lvev‡ii ci 13. cÖwZw`b wKQyUv e¨vqvg Kiv DwPZ| Z‡e
GK gvBj ågY Ki‡eb| Avgv‡`i †`‡ki cÖvPxb GK Lvwj nv‡Z e¨vqvg ev †hvM e¨vqvg Kiv DËg|
cÖev‡` ejv n‡q‡Q, Avnviv‡šÍ †h †`uŠ‡o hvq, KvwqK cwikªg bv K‡i ïay gvbwmK cwikªg †`‡n
g„Zz¨ Zvi cðv‡Z avq| Wvqv‡ewUm, eø&vW †cÖmvi, ü`‡iv‡Mi g‡Zv
8. Lvevi MÖnY Kivi mgq K_v-evZ©v hZUv Kg AmyL †W‡K Av‡b|
ejv hvq, †m wel‡q m‡Pó _vK‡Z n‡e| Lvev‡ii 14. gv‡S gv‡S Dcevm Kiv we‡kl Riæwi|
mgq gb cÖdzjø ivLv DwPZ| g‡b †Kv‡bv ai‡bi cÖvPxbKv‡j G‡`‡k GKv`kx, c~wY©gv ev
ivM, `ytL, †kvK, fq ev weiw³ wb‡q †L‡Z emv Agvem¨vi mgq wbwkcvjb ev Dcevm Kiv n‡Zv|
AbywPZ| G‡Z jv‡fi †P‡q ¶wZ nq A‡bK †ewk| †`‡ni Rb¨ GB ai‡bi Dcevm h‡_ó DcKvix|
9. †h †Kv‡bv cwi‡e‡k, †h †Kv‡bv Ae¯’v‡ZB g‡b 15. gvbwmK kw³ me©`v D”P ivL‡Z n‡e| g‡bi
ù~wZ©fve eRvq ivLv DwPZ| KvR Kiv, LvIqv- cÖdzjø fve †`‡n A‡bK †ivM‡KB evmv euva‡Z
`vIqv, †Ljv-a~jvmn mKj Kv‡RB memgq GKUv

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
†`q bv| ù~wZ©evR †jvK Lye mn‡R †ivMvµvšÍ (1) Coronary heart diseases
nq bv| (2) Cancer
(3) Stroke
cÖvPxbZv †hb wd‡i G‡m‡Q Avevi| AvaywbK (4) Diabetes
weÁvbx‡`i gy‡L evieviB †kvbv hv‡”Q, Back to Nature| (5) Respiratory diseases (I could be wrong on the last one)
cÖK…wZi Kv‡Q wd‡i P‡jv Avi cÖK…wZi ¯^vfvweK
K_vB n‡”Q wbivgq bq, cÖwZ‡iva| Yes, that's 66%.
Will you be one of them?

The problem I forsee with Singapore's medical landscape is that too much
Prevention is cheaper than cure.
emphasis is on the cure, rather than the prevention. To understand why,
we‡k¦i hveZxq gvbyl‡K `ywU fv‡M fvM Kiv hvq| you need to understand doctors versus nutritionists.
GB †kªYxwefvM g~jZ my¯’Zv wbY©vqK|
wPwKrmvweÁvbx‡`i g‡Z, gvby‡li GB `ywU fvM Doctors contribute to your well-being by prescribing drugs AFTER you are
n‡”QÑ ill.
Nutritionists contribute to your well-being by telling you what you should
1. hviv my¯’ I ¯^vfvweK Ae¯’vq gviv hvq; Ges
do BEFORE you get ill.
2. hviv †Kv‡bv †iv‡M †fvMvi Kvi‡Y gviv hvq
Avgv‡`i Av‡kÑcv‡k ZvKv‡jB GB welqwU ¯úó n‡q The problem with Singaporeans (and most people around the world) is that
hvq| †ivM Avevi `y ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i| †hgbÑ no one bothers talking to the nutritionists. They will just go on with their
K. msµvgK †ivM (Infectious diseases) (†hgbÑ K‡jiv, life, leaving things to fate, and then one day, they kenna one of the listed
degenerative illnesses.
Wvqwiqv, h²v, emšÍ, BZ¨vw`) Ges L. ÿqRwbZ †ivM And then they start finding the all-mighty doctors for help. And the
(Degenerative diseases)| unfortunate ones get referred to the hospitals for "more investigations".
msµvgK †ivM evZvm, Rj, Lv`¨, ¯úk©, BZ¨vw`i And after the "investigations", they were told they kenna cancer or
gva¨‡g GK gvbyl †_‡K Ab¨ gvby‡l evwnZ nq| something, and they get devastated.
msµvgK †iv‡Mi g~j KviY †Kv‡bv bv †Kv‡bv ai‡bi
Why do "healthy-looking" people get degenerative illnesses out of the
RxevYy| Aek¨ eZ©gvbKv‡j msµvgK †ivMmg~n‡K blue?
cÖvPxbKv‡ji †ivM wn‡m‡eB wPwýZ Kiv nq| Wake up, Singapore!
Most doctors do not understand nutrition well-enough.
Most medical schools either do not even touch on the subject, or gives
Infectious Diseases can be spread from one person to another via the air, minimal coverage. I don't blame them, doctors are the fill-time disease-
dirty water etc... The good thing is that this is now a illness of the past. The killers, part-time health-protectors.
introduction of Penicillin (now available in many forms) has become a That's why some will tell you vitamins are "expensive urine", and most
natural combatant. will tell you the motherhood statements.
(1) Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Degenerative Diseases are the new age disease. For every 3 people in (2) Exercise regularly.
Singapore that dies of a disease, 2 of them will suffer the below top 5 (3) Refrain from smoking and excessive alcohol.
diseases are (in no particular order)

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nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
Zzzz.... tell us something that we do not already know.

Even the current 2 fruits, 2 vegetables per day campaign is not sufficient.

My mum once told me that its better to die quick, then to die slowly and
inflict monetary and emotional pain to those who love you.

The "Real" Food Pyramid, taken from High-Fiber-Heath.com

Prevention is not just better than cure.

It's cheaper than going for surgery + treatments + hospital stays +
medications + emotional pains.

To my readers who cannot be bothered about nutrition.

Enjoy life to the fullest, and good luck.

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Accuracy: On an individual basis, height/weight tables can provide very

little information about an individual's health risk. But they can be a good
Reference Guide to Body Composition indicator of whether or not you are within an average weight range. If you
An In-Depth Look at Body Fat, BMI and More outside of the range, conduct another measure (like the ones listed in this
-- By Jen Mueller and Nicole Nichols, Fitness Experts Guide) to confirm whether your weight poses problems for your health.
Body weight alone is not a clear indicator of health or fitness because it
does not distinguish how many pounds are fat and how many are muscle. Limitations: Weight alone doesn’t say much. An individual can be
But body composition helps describe the amount (and distribution) of fat "overweight" and not "over fat." A bodybuilder, for example, may be
and lean muscle tissue in the body. The popularity of body composition (as considered "overweight" by a typical height-weight chart, and a thin, weak
a measure of progress) is growing as people realize its value in determining person may be considered “average,” even if they’re not healthy.
health risks and showing progress, even when the scale doesn’t. Therefore, these charts are not a good indication of a person's ideal body
weight for optimal health, much less for athletic performance. Also, much
There are several methods of measuring body composition—some are of the data collected for the Life Insurance tables came from upper and
simply estimates based on formulas, while others are more accurate. Use middle-class Caucasians, and therefore may not reflect an appropriate
this reference guide to find an option that best suits you. weight for other races and socioeconomic groups.
Height & Weight Tables Body Mass Index
What they are: In 1953 the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company What it is: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a quick and easy way to determine,
developed the first height/weight table to calculate how overweight or in general terms, if one’s weight is appropriate for one’s height. It has
underweight individuals were. The data were based on the "averages" of recently been used to quantify an individual's obesity level.
their client base for both men and women. In 1999, the tables were revised
based on updated data. What it measures: Like it says above, BMI helps determine if a person’s
weight is within an appropriate range for their height and frame size. It
What they measure: The function of a height and weight table is to help does NOT measure one’s body fat level.
determine if a person’s weight is within an appropriate range for their
height and frame size. How it works: The equation for BMI is weight (in kilograms) divided by
height squared (in meters). To convert pounds to kilograms, divide by 2.2.
How they work: To use a Height/Weight Table, simply find the To convert inches to meters, multiply by .0254. A “healthy” BMI ranges
appropriate chart for your gender and the right column for your frame size from 18.5 to 24.9.
and height. Frame size is an important, subjective factor in the
development of the tables; small, medium and large frame sizes change the Where to find it: BMI is commonly used in doctor’s offices, in gyms, and
"ideal weight" recommendation. in many weight loss programs. You can use our BMI calculator to find out
where you stand.
Where to find them: Many life and health insurance companies use these
charts, as well as doctors and other health care providers. You can find the Accuracy: Since only an individual's height and weight are used, BMI
1999 Metropolitan Height/Weight Tables here to see how you compare to does not provide a differentiation of fat and lean muscle weight. For most

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adults, however, there is a clear correlation between higher BMI and
negative health consequences. Accuracy: Girth measurements provide a high-level assessment of an
individual. When conducted properly, their accuracy is typically within 5%
Limitations: BMI is an average that is based on population studies. of the value measured using underwater weighing (the “gold standard” for
Because it does not differentiate between fat and nonfat weight, it may body composition analysis).
overestimate body fat in athletes and others who have a muscular build. In
the same way, it may underestimate body fat in older persons and others Limitations: The major disadvantage of this method is that the
who have lost muscle mass. measurements provide little information about the fat and nonfat
components of the body. For example, a body builder may have a thigh
Girth Measurements that has a larger circumference (yet less fat) than an obese individual.
What they are: The use of girth and length measurements is a quick, easy
and inexpensive method to estimate body composition or describe body Skinfold Tests (Calipers)
proportions. These measures are based on the assumption that body fat What they are: Skinfold tests require the use of specially-designed
tends to be distributed at various sites on the body, such as the waist, neck "calipers" to measure the thickness of several sites on the body. Calipers
and thighs, so that is where measurements are often taken. (Muscle tissue, are devices that pinch your skin, pulling fat away from muscles and bones.
on the other hand, is usually located in places such as the biceps, forearm
and calves, which tend to store very little fat.) What they measure: Skin fold measurements are used to calculate a
person’s body fat percentage.
What they measure: Some girth measurements use the circumference of
various sites on the body to estimate one’s true body fat percentage. Other How they work: Typically, the tester uses the calipers to “pinch” at least
girth measurements (such as the waist-to-hip ratio) estimate one’s health three different sites on your body, such as the abdomen, arm, and back, but
risk based on these measures. many more sites can be used as well (including the chest and thigh). This
test is based on the assumption that the amount of fat stored at these
How they work: Using a cloth tape, girth and length measurements are various sites is proportional to a person’s overall body fat. By measuring
taken from specific points on the body, such as those described above. The several sites, total body fat may be calculated.
waist-to-hip ratio is one of the most commonly used values to reflect the
degree of abdominal obesity. The thickness of each pinch is plugged into a formula to determine a
person’s body fat percentage. Currently, over 100 different equations are
To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio, use a measuring tape to measure the available to estimate body fat when using skinfold calipers.
circumference of your hips at the widest part of your buttocks. Then
measure your waist at the smaller circumference of your natural waist, Where to find them: Individuals can buy various types of calipers at
usually just above the belly button. To determine the ratio, divide your specialty stores and online. However, to ensure accuracy, it’s
waist measurement by your hip measurement. recommended that only trained professionals (who have been trained in
skinfold measurement and have had many opportunities to practice)
Where to find them: While it’s fairly easy to find calculators online that conduct skinfold tests. Because calipers are readily available and fairly
estimate your body fat based on girth measurements, it’s best to leave these inexpensive, this body fat test is pretty common. It can be done quickly,
measures to trained professionals who are adept to the proper measuring and the interpretation is simple. Many local gyms, YMCA’s, and
techniques and sites. You can easily perform the waist-to-hip ratio yourself community centers offer this as a free service free or charge a minimal fee.
(to estimate related health risks).
Accuracy: The American College of Sports Medicine states that skinfold

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measurements, when performed by a trained, skilled tester, are up to 98% Along with other variables that you input into the device (such as gender,
accurate. Because of the consistency in results, the high success rate, and age, weight and height), the machine will estimate your body fat
the low margin of error, this is generally accepted as the best field test, percentage based on the speed of the traveling signal.
outside of clinical testing, such as hydrostatic weighing.
Where to find it: Bioelectrical impedance testing is pretty common these
Limitations: The estimation results obtained from skinfold measurements days. You can buy your own handheld body fat testing device online or at
vary widely from technician to technician. The "art" of skinfold the store, as well as special scales that use bioelectrical impedance to
measurements requires the technician to properly identify a site calculate your body fat percentage in addition to your weight. Both of
measurement and pinch the skin gathering only the fat store and no other these devices are often used in commercial and health care setting as well.
tissue. If the tester does not pinch exactly the right spot, or pull all the fat Gyms and universities offer these tests, but prices can range from free to
away from the muscle, the test will be inaccurate. When skinfold calipers $30 or more per test. Home machines (handheld and scales) can be
cannot open wide enough to measure the total fat thickness, this technique purchased for anywhere from $50-$400.
tends to grossly underestimate body fat percentage in the obese population.
In addition, some people can best be described as “hard to pinch,” meaning Accuracy: Bioelectrical impedance can have a large margin of error,
that it’s difficult to pull their skin and fat away from their muscle and bone. especially if the subject is extremely obese or extremely lean. In one study,
Test results will be less accurate for these individuals. female distance runners averaged 20 percent body fat using this method,
but more reliable methods showed that they were actually closer to 10
The wide variety of equations (number and location of sites tested) reflects percent. Dehydration can also skew the results; the signal slows down, and
the problem with the accuracy of this method. When getting retested, it’s the subject appears to have more fat than they actually do. Compared to
wise to have the same professional who conducted your initial assessment other body fat testing methods (skinfold calipers and hydrostatic weighing)
measure you again for consistency. this is the less accurate.

Bioelectrical Impedance Limitations: It’s essential to follow a specific protocol for an accurate
result. These guidelines are usually extensive (no eating or drinking within
What it is: Bioelectrical impedance is a weak electric signal that goes 4 hours prior to the test, no exercising 12 hours before the test, etc.). If
through the body to measure body composition. A small 500-800 micro- they’re not followed, the results will be inaccurate. Inconsistency in
amp (50 kilohertz) signal measures the body's ability to conduct the hydration, body fluids and intestinal content can result in high degree of
current. variation from day to day too. This makes bioelectrical impedance less
suitable for repeated testing (like measuring small changes in body fat).
What it measures: These tests estimate a person’s body fat percentage. The test also tends to overestimate percent body fat in very lean individuals
and underestimate body fat in obese people.
How it works: A special scale or handheld device sends a weak electrical
signal through into the body. This current flows through the body, finding In addition, handheld devices only measure fat levels in the upper body
varying resistance depending on the density of the muscle, the amount of (the signal travels through one arm and out the other arm) and digital
body fat encountered, and the hydration of the tissue. The slower the signal scales only measure fat levels in the lower body (the signal travels up one
(measured in ohms), the more fat is present, because fat interferes with the leg and down the other). The result you get from each of these models
signal. The faster the signal moves, the more lean (muscle) tissue is won’t take abdominal fat storage into account either, so you’re not getting
present, because lean tissue is highly conductive due to its high water a full picture of the fat level of your entire body.
Hydrostatic (Underwater) Weighing

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What it is: Hydrostatic weighing immerses a person in a large tank of Although two people can have the weight or the same body fat percentage,
water to calculate their body composition. that doesn't mean they face the same health risks. Where body fat is located
can place a person at far greater risk for fat-related health conditions such
What it measures: Hydrostatic weighing measures a person’s overall as: cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and even
weight and their lean (muscle) mass and body fat mass. certain types of cancers.

How it works: Based on the assumption that the density and specific It is important, for health and well-being, to not only know your body fat
gravity of lean tissue is greater than that of fat tissue (i.e. that lean tissue percentage but to also pay attention to where that fat is located. Fat around
will sink and fat tissue will float in water), hydrostatic weighing submerges the abdomen may present the greatest risk for health problems. In contrast,
a person under water. By comparing a test subject's weight out of the water fat around the hips and thighs is most common in females and seems
with their mass measured under the water and out of the water, body relatively harmless with respect to these health problems.
composition may be calculated. A person with more bone and muscle will
weigh more in water than a person with less bone and muscle, meaning So which test is the best one for you?
they have a higher bone density and lower percentage of body fat. If you are looking for an average estimate of your body fat percentage and
how you compare with the population, BMI and girth measurements are
Hydrostatic weighing uses a large tank of water, usually 1000 gallons that easy to do at home. For more accuracy and personalized results, the skin
must be maintained at a constant temperature. Equipment to measure fold test is best and can be affordable. Bioelectrical impedance can be
residual lung volume, and a scale connected to an "under-water chair" are inexpensive and easy to find, but it has many limitations. If your time and
also required. Test subjects are asked to exhale as much air as possible finances allow, hydrostatic weighing is the best option in terms of
from their lunges before they are completely immersed for 10 to 15 accuracy.
seconds for an underwater weight measurement to be taken. This
procedure is repeated 7 to 10 times, and may last 45 minutes to one hour.

Where to find it: This test is usually only available at research institutions
and universities. Typical costs vary from $10-$75 (or more) due to the
involved nature of the test.

Accuracy: Hydrostatic weighing is currently considered the "Gold

Standard" of body composition analysis. It is the most accurate way to
measure one’s body fat.

Limitations: The equipment required to perform hydrostatic

measurements is bulky and its maintenance is intense. The procedure is
also time-consuming and complicated, especially if the subject is unable to
expel all of the air from their lungs. Fear of immersion in a tank of water,
fear of infection from the water, and obesity are additional barriers to this

Considerations Related to Body Composition

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nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
 A 2001 study published in Medicine & Science in Sports and
Exercise found that sedentary women with high blood pressure
nuvU‡eb †Kb? reduced their systolic blood pressure and body mass by walking
9,700 steps per day at a self-selected pace for 24 weeks.
¯^v¯’¨ I ˆ`wnK myiÿvi nuvUvi  Harvard researchers looked at 11,000 men and determined that
DcKvwiZv one hour of regular, moderate exercise (equivalent to brisk
walking), done five days a week, may cut a man's risk of stroke in
nuvUv Pjv Kiv ¯^v‡¯’¨i Rb¨ DËg Ñ GB K_vwU Strengthens bones and joints: Walking is easier on your joints than
higher-impact activities like running or aerobics, but it still helps reduce
`xN©w`b a‡iB ¯^v¯’¨ we‡klÁiv e‡j G‡m‡Qb| your risk for osteoporosis and reduces your risk of falls.
cÖK…Zc‡ÿB cÖwZw`b wbqg K‡i nuvUv †Kej  Consistent activity, like walking, reduces one's risk of hip
¯^v‡¯’¨i c‡ÿB bq, gb-gvbwmKZvi DËi‡Yi †ÿ‡ÎI fracture, according to a study of more than 30,000 men and
h‡_ó cÖ‡qvRbxq e‡jB cÖgvwYZ n‡q‡Q| women ages 20 to 93.
 A review of 24 studies on aerobic exercise and bone mineral
cÖvPxbKv‡ji gywb-Fwliv nuvUvi DcKvwiZv density in women suggests that walking just 30 minutes per day a
m¤ú‡K© wewfbœ ai‡bi Z_¨ I wb‡`©k cÖ`vb K‡i few times a week is enough to increase bone density by a
†M‡Qb| cÖvPxb fviZxq ag©MÖš’ Avqy‡e©‡` moderate amount (about two percent) compared to non-exercisers.
nuvUvi DcKvwiZv wel‡q bvbv ai‡bi Z_¨ †`Iqv Walking was the preferred form of exercise by most participants.
Weight control Walking may seem like a leisurely activity, but with the
n‡q‡Q| right intensity, it can elevate your heart rate and burn serious calories so
nuvUvi d‡j †h ïay gvbe‡`‡ni DbœwZ mvwaZ you can reach and maintain a healthy weight.
nq, ZvB bq, nuvUvi wbqgZvwš¿K cÖwµqvq  A study published in the International Journal of Obesity
gvby‡li g‡bv‰`wnK Kvh©µgI e¨vcKfv‡e suggested that 30 minutes of walking on most days of the week
may be as beneficial for weight loss as 60 minutes of walking (in
cÖfvweZ nq| cÖfvweZ nq gvby‡li †`‡ni wewfbœ combination with diet).
ai‡bi ni‡gvb Ges mœvqyi Kvh©KvwiZv|  Researchers from the Center for Human Nutrition at the
GB University of Colorado Health Sciences Center say that simply
walking for 15 minutes (or about 2,000 steps) and eating a couple
fewer bites of food can help you prevent future weight gain.
Starting a regular walking program offers numerous health and fitness  Without changing diet, a review of pedometer-based walking
benefits! programs found that participants who take 2,000 to 4,000 steps
per day (that's about 1 to 2 miles) can still expect modest weight
Good for your heart: Walking regularly can help reduce high blood loss (about five pounds per year).
pressure and high cholesterol, both of which contribute to heart disease. Benefits for the Mind A long list of mental health benefits have been
 According to the long-term Nurses' Health Study, which follows attributed to exercise, including reduced depression, better sleep, and more.
the habits and health of 72,000 female nurses, three hours of brisk  Sedentary women who engaged in a walking program reported
walking each week (that's just 30 minutes per day) can lower a improved mental and emotional satisfaction and a decrease in
woman's risk of heart disease by 30% to 40%. stress, according to a Journal of Holistic Nursing article published
in 2006.

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 Women & Health published another study that measured 128
sedentary, ethnic-minority women. Researchers found that
participants who walked more reported increases in positive
mental health and well being.
 Another of 124 sedentary older adults found that those started
walking for 45 minutes three times per week for six months
performed substantially better on several cognitive tasks than
those who did stretching or strengthening exercises. Researchers,
whose study was published in Nature, think that their improved
cardiorespiratory fitness increased blood flow to the brain, which
helped improve brain function.
So what are you waiting for? Use SparkPeople's Walking Guide and start
putting one foot in front of the other.

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Comfortable and efficient walking begins with a good foot strike, which
allows your ankle to move through its complete range of motion. Here's
nuvUvi ˆeÁvwbK c×wZ how to do it properly.
1. Step forward landing squarely on the heel of your foot.
(wbqgZvwš¿Kfv‡e nuvUv) 2. Roll forward onto the ball of the foot.
3. Raise the heel and push off with your big toe.
How to Walk with Proper Form and As the heel of your front foot is striking, you are being propelled forward
Technique by your back foot, pushing off the ground. Unlike a running stride, your
The Art and Science of Fitness Walking feet should never lift off the ground completely when walking.
-- By Dean Anderson, Fitness Expert To get an idea of how this heel-to-toe motion should feel, try sitting on
gvbyl mvaviYfv‡eB nuvUvPjv K‡i _v‡K| m¤¢eZ nuvUvPjvi a chair with your legs extended straight out in front of you, toes pointing
welqwU gvby†li me‡P‡q cÖvPxbZg AwR©Z `ÿZv| g~jZ GB straight up to the ceiling. With your left foot, bring your toes back toward
`ÿZvi Kvi‡YB gvbyl cÖK…wZ‡Z emevmKvix Ab¨vb¨ cÖvYx you so your heel is extended and your foot is flexed; with your right foot,
push your toes forward as if pushing on the air with the ball of your foot
†_‡K wb‡R‡K m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c c„_K K‡i wb‡Z mÿg n‡q‡Q|
and big toe. Then slowly reverse the positions of your feet, moving back
wKfv‡e nuvUv hvq ev ev gvbyl wKfv‡e nuv‡U Ñ GB
and forth several times for one minute. This is the ideal motion for
wel‡qi ZvwË¡K Ávb jv‡fi A‡bK Av‡MB wKš‘ gvbyl nuvU‡Z
walking. But because most of us don't walk perfectly, you may feel some
wk‡L †M‡Q| gvby‡li nuvUvi welq
burning or tension in your shins or calves. This means that those muscles
(where you feel the soreness) are underused, and you may need to do some
strengthening and stretching exercises so that walk as close to perfect heel-
Walking comes naturally to humans. It’s one of the earliest skills we
to-toe form as possible.
develop, long before we learn how to talk (or invent excuses to avoid
Find Your Stride
walking). And given good, basic health, it’s something you can do
Everyone has a natural stride length that is most comfortable, and it may be
throughout your life without worry about overdoing it. Prior to the last
shorter or longer than someone else’s stride. One of the most common
century, walking was the primary mode of day-to-day transportation for
mistakes you can make with fitness walking is to increase the length of
most people, and often involved much more time and distance than most of
your strides in order to walk faster. That’s OK for running, not walking, as
us spend at it today.
over-striding can strain your muscles and joints, causing pain in the arches
So if you’re wondering whether walking is challenging enough to keep
of your feet, and your knees, hips and heels. If you want to walk faster,
you fit, don’t. Fitness walking (as opposed to leisurely walking to do
focus on taking more steps per minute, not taking longer steps.
everyday tasks) can build endurance, strengthen your bones, improve your
health profile and help you manage your weight. And many people who
How fast should you walk?
have successfully lost weight and kept it off over time have made fitness
It depends on your fitness level, stride length, and turnover rate. Here are
walking the foundation of their fitness routines. But like anything else, the
some general guidelines:
more walking you want do, the more important it becomes to do it right.
 Slow to moderate walking is a 3 to 3.5 to mph pace (17-20
By the time many of us get to adulthood, especially if via the sedentary
minutes per mile), about 115-120 steps per minute.
route, we may have developed some postural quirks and bad habits that can
 Brisk walking is about a 4 mph pace (15 minutes per mile), about
make even simple walking a source of aches and pains.
135 steps per minute.
So, here are some walking basics that will help keep your walking
 Fast walking (or jogging) starts at a 5 mph pace (12 minutes per
workouts safe and effective by building your walking technique from the
mile), which is about 160 steps per minute. Most people cannot
ground up.
Think "Heel to Toe"

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walk at this pace. It's usually easier and more efficient to jog than 1. Stand tall, with your shoulders back, head and neck aligned with
it is to walk once you work up to this speed. your spine, and abs pulled in.
Be aware of your posture: Stand as tall as possible, feet pointing 2. Push off with the toes of your rear foot, and land squarely on the
forward, abs engaged, back straight, neck in line with your shoulders (not heel of your lead foot.
forward), head up, and eyes gazing about 10 feet ahead of you. When 3. Roll through the entire foot, from heel strike to the ball of your
walking, your center of gravity to move forward, not side-to-side (known foot to the final push off with your toes, allowing your ankle to
as hip sway). Your pelvis will rotate forward with each step, but should not more through its full range of motion.
turn from side to side. Try to keep your legs in line with your hips and toes 4. Avoid over-striding. Increase the number of steps per minute to
pointing forward, not inward (pigeon-toed) or outward (duck-toed). increase speed.
Pump It Up—Your Arms, That Is 5. Bend elbows at a right angle, and swing your arms from the
You've probably seen those “serious” fitness walkers who pump their arms shoulder, keeping elbows close to your sides.
vigorously as if they were running. Even if it makes you feel self- 6. Avoid clenching hands or over-swinging your arms.
conscious, this is the most efficient way to walk—especially at higher 7. Minimize leaning on hills.
speeds. When your arms are too straight, it can be difficult (even painful) 8. Don’t neglect stretching and strength training, especially if you
to pump them enough to achieve a good speed. And if your hands swell experience burning or tightness in shins or calve muscles.
during exercise, keeping your elbows bent can help avoid or minimize that.
Keep your arms close to your sides and bend your elbows at 90
degrees. Keep them bent at a right angle while you walk. When pumping
your arms, the movement should come from your shoulders, not your
elbows, and your hands shouldn't rise higher than chest level. Finally,
avoid clenching your hands. Imagine you’re carrying something delicate in
them, like a raw egg—don’t squeeze tight enough to break it, nor so loose
that you drop it. Try not to exaggerate the movement of your arms, but do
use them to your advantage. You can only walk as fast as your arms pump.
Take to the Hills
There’s a natural tendency to lean forward when walking uphill and lean
backward when walking downhill. However, leaning can put a lot of strain
on your back, and should be avoided when possible. So what's a walker to
do? Remember your cues for posture and form. Maintain your posture as
upright as possible, especially on mild and moderate hills. Steep declines
may require slight leaning, but be careful not to put too much weight in
your heels, which can cause your feet to slip out from under you on loose
terrain. When walking up an incline, push upward and forward with your
toes, pumping your arms to help you. When walking downhill, relax your
knees a little bit to absorb some of the extra impact.

The 8 Keys to Proper Fitness Walking

And you thought walking was simple! There are a lot of things to keep in
mind. This quick list summarizes the info above so you can get out there
and put one foot in front of the other!

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away from cottons, as they retain moisture (sweat), which can
keep you cold in the winter and hot in the summer. A good cold-
nuvUvi Rb¨ †cvkvK wbe©vPb weather material is polypropylene; in warm weather, wicking
clothing like CoolMax or Dri-FIT works well.
What to Wear When You Walk 2. An insulating layer goes on top of your base layer. It adds
Clothing, Shoes and Gear for Walkers warmth and provides temperature control. This layer should be
-- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer easy to remove in case you get too warm.
Rain or shine, warm or cold, walking outside can be a year-round activity. 3. A protective outer layer goes on top of your insulating layer to
But before you head out, you’ll want to make sure you are dressed for the protect you from elements like wind, rain, and snow. Choose
elements. It can be a very uncomfortable walk if you don’t have on the waterproof fabrics that are made of breathable materials (so your
right gear! Here are some tips to help you stay cool, dry and comfortable, sweat can evaporate).
no matter what Mother Nature throws at you! Last but Not Least
With so much focus on your feet and body, don't neglect these other parts!
Feet First A ventilated and/or brimmed hat can protect your head from the sun during
Next to shoes, socks can be your most important piece of walking gear. the summer. A winter hat will help regulate your body temperature, since
Choose socks that are made of a breathable material. Again, you want your one quarter of your body heat escapes through your head. Gloves also help
feet to stay dry, so cotton isn't usually the best choice. High-performance regulate your body temperature. And lastly, be sure to protect your skin
socks, including wool, can help with comfort, breathability and blister (and eyes) from damaging rays. If you'll be outside longer than 15 minutes,
prevention. Steer away from thin socks, which might not provide enough you should wear sunscreen, even in the winter. Sunglasses are a good idea,
cushioning. A thick sock might be better—just make sure it's not so thick too.
that your shoes fit too tightly.
Your feet are your foundation, so shoes are very important ! They Following these tips should keep you outside comfortably all year long!
strike the ground thousands of times during every walk, and every step you
take affects every joint in your body. The right walking shoe will provide
cushioning that reduces the impact when your foot strikes the ground, as
well as support for the ankles, which helps you avoid injury. Look for
walking-specific shoes that are lightweight, breathable, have a thick,
flexible sole and good arch support. After you've found the right shoe, keep
track of the number of miles you walk. One pair of walking shoes should
last about 300-600 miles, assuming you only wear them for walking and
not other activities. For more tips on buying the right shoe, click here.
Bring on the Layers
At certain times of the year, you'll need more layers. Layering is great
because it keeps your body temperature comfortable. It allows you to add
layers (to stay warm as needed) and remove layers (to cool off) at any
time. In general, these three layers will keep you comfortable in most
1. A base layer should be light and breathable. Choose a high-
performance fabric that will draw sweat away from the skin so it
can evaporate and cool you without making you feel wet. Stay

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 Lifestyle shoes are not made for athletic activities, even though
nuvUvi Rb¨ cv`yKv wbe©vPb they are made by the same manufacturers who make running and
workout shoes. These shoes have flat soles and a sporty look, but
If the Shoe Fits, Wear It! not enough support for workout. They're fine for running errands
Find the Perfect Workout Shoe for You or casual wear, but don't make them part of your exercise gear.
-- By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor and Liz Noelcke, Staff Writer Finding the Best Running or Walking Shoe
Your feet work hard every day, carrying you through your daily tasks When you get fitted for a new pair of running or walking shoes, go to the
while you walk, stand, carry, lift, climb, clean, work, and exercise. If you experts at a sporting goods store, running store, or even a podiatrist. Ask
neglect your feet—especially during a workout—then your feet with have the expert of your choice to help you evaluate the arch of your foot, of
to deal with swelling, blisters, and lasting discomfort on top of everything which there are three main types:
else. 1. Flat-footed folks have low arches and feet that tend to roll inward
One of the best ways to care for your feet is to invest in a good pair of as you run or walk. Look for a shoe that offers more stability.
workout shoes. There is nothing worse than trying to work out when you're 2. High arches often cause the feet to roll outward when walking.
experiencing pain and risking possible injury. To improve your workouts, Look for a cushioned shoe with greater flexibility to help absorb
look for a high-quality shoe with a good fit that is made to support the shock more effectively. Insoles, inserted inside your shoes, can
activities you do. also help to support heels and arches. They can be bought
Although most people buy running shoes even if they have never separately by shoe size and needs.
jogged, the shoes you buy should be specific to the activity that you will be 3. "Normal" arches don't fit into either extreme. Most shoes are
using them for. made to fit these types.
 Running shoes have additional cushioning to absorb shock as Additionally, there are three different types of pronation. Pronation,
your foot hits the ground, which helps to reduce blisters. They are the way that your foot moves after striking the ground (often with the heel
flexible and light. Running shoes are designed for forward and ankle rolling inward for balance) is a normal movement.
motion, so they don't support you well when you move in other 1. Overpronation occurs when the foot rolls excessively inward,
directions (like during basketball or step aerobics). which can lead to muscle strains in both your legs and feet.
 Trail shoes have added traction for running and walking in grass, Overpronators also tend to have low arches. Look for "stability"
mud, or trails. or "motion control" shoes, which are less flexible, have a thicker
 Walking shoes tend to be stiffer and heavier than running shoes. heel and help decrease excessive pronation.
These provide more support because your foot rolls from heel to 2. Underpronation (supination) describes feet that roll outward
toe more slowly than when you run. when running or walking. Underpronators tend to have high
 Cross training shoes are great for people who have a varied arches or "pigeon-toes." Look for shoes with extra cushioning to
workout routine or play different sports. This is the most versatile help absorb the added impact on your foot strikes.
athletic shoe, designed to give more support for changes in 3. Normal pronation is most common, where the foot pronates
direction and impact, making them an economical choice. They're normally, but not excessively. Look for stability shoes, which are
heavier and less cushioned than running shoes and not more flexible than motion control shoes but still have good
recommended if running is your main mode of training. support.
 Specialty shoes exist for weight lifting, cycling, hiking, tennis, Additional Shoe Shopping Tips
basketball, soccer, and more. If you engage in these activities  Shoes should be replaced every five to six months (or 400-600
several days per week, consider buying a sport-specific shoe to fit miles of running/walking), depending on how often you use them.
your needs. If the tread (on the outer sole) is worn or if the sides are worn to
the point that your shoe leans one way or the other, it's time for a

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new pair. Write the date on the insole of your new shoes to help
you remember when it's time to replace them.
 Get refitted for each year. Don't assume that a new design of the
same shoe will fit the same way as the previous model did. It may
have been modified slightly in the design process.
 When you try out new shoes, wear the same type of socks that
you wear when working out.
 Shop in the evening, when your feet tend to be larger.
 When standing, your shoe should have about a half-inch gap
between your longest toe and the toe box of the shoe.
 Walk or jog around the store (some will even let you try it
outside) to see how the shoes feel. Try movements that you plan
to use this shoe for (jumping, marching, aerobics, etc.) Your feet
shouldn’t slide back and forth or side-to-side as you move around.
If the shoe does not feel "just right" in the store, try on another
shoe. Shoes do not need a breaking in period, per se, so keep
 Ask about the return/exchange policy at the store. Exchange and
return policies vary between stores. Some stores will not accept
returns if the shoe shows wear or if the return period is greater
than 30 days. Many stores will offer an exchange if you don't like
your shoes after trying them, but be sure to ask.
 Most experts recommend wearing your new shoes around the
house for a couple hours a day for a few days before wearing
them for longer workouts. This allows the heat from your foot to
mold the inner sole to your foot for better comfort. Then, don't
wear your new shoes for your longest run or walk until you have
worn them for a few shorter workouts first. You will want to
allow time to transition into your new shoes, even if they are the
same make and model you have worn before. This is one reason
why you do not want to wait before your old shoes completely
wear out before you get fitted for your new ones. And never wear
new shoes for a race without wearing them for a few weeks first.
This article has been reviewed and approved by Jen Mueller, personal
trainer and marathon runner.

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Ground Surface
†Kvb ai‡bi c‡_ nuvU‡eb Contact with a poor ground surface is one of the five leading causes of
injury for outdoor exercisers. The best surfaces for both walking and
Choosing a Walking or Running Route running are uniform, cushioned surfaces such as grass or loose granular
On the Road to Fitness tracks. Uneven, yielding or sticky surfaces, such as rough stony ground,
-- By Rebecca Pratt, Staff Writer mud, or sand, take more work and concentration, and will likely slow you
Fitness can be incredibly simple. Sometimes, the most effective workouts down, especially if hidden by grass or other vegetation. Especially if you
don't need celebrity spokespeople or a payment plan. Walking and running have bone or joint problems, you’ll want to avoid hard surfaces like
are excellent ways to stay in shape year-round. These basic workouts are asphalt, concrete, and rocky gravel. Minimize your risk of injury by
convenient, feasible almost anywhere, and require only a good pair of wearing good quality shoes with proper cushioning, support, and traction
shoes- all you need is a place to go! for those slick spots.
Depending on the time of year, as well as your fitness goals, you can Water Stops and Resting Places
map out a route to suit your needs. Some things to consider include: When possible plan a route that has water stops: park fountains, spigots
outside buildings, neighbor’s hoses, or your own. Consider an "out and
The Scenic Route back" circuit in your neighborhood that allows you to stop at home for a
Don’t underestimate the motivation of a scenic route—enjoying your quick drink, or carry water with you. On hot, humid days, look for ways to
surroundings will make your walk or run more fun, and keep you coming get wet: pass through a sprinkler or splash yourself from a water fountain
back for more. The variety of changing seasons and new routes are or tap.
advantages of exercising outdoors, although practical considerations Even experienced walkers and runners can sometimes use a rest;
sometimes require some indoor workouts. Some research suggests that novice walkers even more so. Routes with seats, shelters, or café stops may
simply being outdoors, especially in more "natural" surroundings, has a be welcome respites that allow you to re-hydrate before you push on. If
positive effect on your health. you’re working out in hot weather, you may also want to pick a shady
Look for routes that include green spaces such as parks, woodlands, route that’s cooler and provides protection from a broiling sun.
and the countryside, as well as waterside walks along lakes, rivers, canals
and the beach. In cities, look for tree-lined streets with interesting Safety
buildings, attractive public open spaces, and low traffic roads. You may Last but not least, always consider safety. Avoid high-crime or deserted
even want to use a "promoted route," such as a bike path, that’s been areas, but also look for areas that are not overly congested, either with cars
designed for fitness pursuits and displays distance increments for you. or other types of traffic such as roller-bladers or cyclists. Wear light-
To measure the distance you’ve gone on any route, consider using a colored clothes or reflectors so that drivers can see you, walk or run facing
pedometer. traffic, and use sidewalks whenever possible. Employ the buddy system—
Terrain Variety especially during the early morning and late evening hours.
Keep in mind that the most effective routes for walking/running are those
with varied terrain: flat levels for a brisk but steady pace; gentle hills for a
challenge; and steep slopes, which are more demanding on the way up and
require better balance on the way down. Walking up a hill with 15% slope
uses about a third more energy than walking on a flat surface, while
walking downhill takes about the same energy as walking on level
ground-- unless the hill is very steep, in which case your muscles must
work harder to keep your balance.

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material on the heel, or reflective belts (available at most sporting
goods stores). All of these will help you be more visible to
nuvUvi mgq wbivcËv oncoming traffic. Also try to walk on well-lit streets as much as
Walking Safety Tips  Walk facing the traffic. Especially if there are no sidewalks or
Getting Off To a Good Start pathways on your route, the rules of the road say you should walk
-- By Jen Mueller & Nicole Nichols, Fitness Experts against the traffic. This way, you can see the traffic coming and
If you are new to exercise, here are some important health and safety tips be aware of any potential danger coming toward you.
so you can start your walking program off on the right foot.  Vary your route. This is for safety as well as enjoyment. It is
 Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise much more interesting to experience different surroundings from
program. He or she may require that you have a physical exam or time to time. This also prevents anyone else from memorizing
give you special instructions based on your medical history. your whereabouts or routine.
 Don't overdo it, especially if you are a beginner. Let your body  Beware of drivers. Do not assume that drivers know when
adjust to the new activity, gradually increasing the duration and pedestrians have the right of way. Walk with awareness and
frequency of your workouts. caution, assuming that no drivers see you. Be especially cautious
 Wear appropriate shoes. Not every shoe offers the stability and of driveways—most drivers are watching for oncoming cars, not
cushioning you need to walk. walkers.
 For the first few weeks, do not push too hard. Your breathing  Be aware of your surroundings. Watch for ice, water, bike riders,
should be elevated, but you should not be gasping for air. Use the cracks in the pavement, or any other hazards in your path. It can
Talk Test to know if you're walking at the right intensity level: If be very easy to trip and fall without warning, which can be
you cannot answer a question, you are walking too fast. If you can especially dangerous if you are alone.
have a full conversation, you are walking too slowly. In addition to these safety tips, there are a few things that every walker
 Walking shouldn't hurt. If you experience any kind of muscle, should bring for their outdoor walk, as well as a few things that you can
joint, chest or head pain, see your family physician right away. leave at home.
 Wear a watch so you can monitor the time spent walking. Set
small goals to gradually increase the amount of time you walk What to Bring It is a good idea to carry pepper spray and cell phone (or
each week. You can also wear a pedometer to keep track of alarm) in case you get into trouble. It can also be helpful to carry a walking
distance and steps, which can be a big motivator to keep going! stick (in case you need to fend off an unleashed dog) or umbrella (in case
Outdoor Walking Safety Tips of sudden rain). If you have a dog, bring it along for companionship and
Walking outside is a great way to enjoy the fresh air and get a workout at safety! Always have your I.D. with you in the event that you become
the same time! Before you lace up those sneakers, here are some important injured or disabled.
safety tips you’ll want to consider if you head outdoors to walk.
 Find a buddy. Walking with someone can be a great motivator What NOT to Bring Do not wear any jewelry that might draw someone’s
and make the time more enjoyable. But more importantly, there is attention. Do not wear headphones—they can prevent you from hearing
always safety in numbers. If you walk alone, make sure you tell oncoming traffic or someone coming up behind you. You should always be
someone your route and the time you expect to return. aware of what is happening in your environment.
 Dress to be seen. If you will be outside early morning or later By following these easy tips, you’ll make your walking experience as
evening, wear light colored clothing or reflectors. A lot of safe and enjoyable as possible!
workout attire has reflective materials built in, such pants or
jackets with reflective strips, walking shoes with reflective

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safety strap, so you don’t drop it down the toilet. The best place to
wear a pedometer is at the waist, aligned with the knee.
†c‡WvwgUvi e¨envi Wearing a pedometer is a great way to keep track of your daily activity,
motivating you to get on your feet on days when you haven’t been so
How to Choose and Use a Pedometer active. You don’t have to set aside lots of extra time to work walking into
Get Fit the Right-Left-Right Way your busy schedule. Here are some ways to add more steps each day:
-- By Liza Barnes, Health Educator  Avoid rock-star parking spaces. You can add hundreds of steps
A recent study from the RAND Corporation found that people who live in each day by parking farther from (rather than closer to) entrances.
the suburbs are more prone to chronic physical health problems than  Play Tag. Playing with kids is sure to increase your daily step
people living in compact urban areas. The theory is that "suburban sprawl" count, and it’s fun too.
reduces the time people spend walking, thus increasing the time they spend  Shun the elevator. Take the stairs. These more challenging steps
sitting in cars, which is associated with higher rates of obesity, high blood will help to build muscle too.
pressure, arthritis, headaches and breathing difficulties.  Move your feet, not your fingers. Walk to the accounting office
So if you live in the suburbs, or spend a lot of time in your car, what instead of calling or e-mailing to ask a question.
can you do to combat this growing problem? Just move! Not your house…  Pace. Whether you’re waiting for the bus, or on a layover at the
just your body. Go for a walk! airport, use the opportunity to get in some extra steps.
The average American takes 5,000 steps a day, which is only half of  Clean your house. Been putting off emptying out the hall closet?
the 10,000 daily steps recommended to achieve good health. For weight Cleaning is a great way to increase your daily stepping totals.
loss, 12,000 to 15,000 steps a day will help you achieve your goals. But  Enjoy the weather. Although most of the leaves are on the
who’s got time to count? That’s where the pedometer comes in. A ground and the summer nights are behind us, don’t spend the winter
pedometer is a nifty little gadget that counts your footsteps by sensing your hibernating. Invest in a fleece scarf and a good pair of earmuffs and
body motion. get outside for some fresh crisp air.
They range in price from $5 up, but before you buy one, check with If you’re the competitive type, you may become a pedometer-addict,
your workplace. Some sponsor walking programs and give out pedometers constantly trying to squeeze in a few extra steps, so consider yourself
for free. Pedometers come in different varieties, many of which boast lots warned. But there's only one consequence of this addiction—a slimmer,
of extras. Here are some common features: trimmer, fitter you.
 Distance and Speed Estimators (calculated by programming Track your daily steps with SparkPeople's Step Tracker.
average stride length, or with a GPS system, the latter of which is We created an optional tracker for you to log your daily steps, but it has to
more accurate) be "turned on" if you want to use it.
 Calorie Expenditure Estimators (calculated by programming To add a Step Tracker to your Fitness Tracker:
weight) 1. Go to "my Fitness" (your Fitness Tracker) under the My Tools tab.
 Stopwatches 2. Click the "Change Fitness Goals" button near the top of your Fitness
 Heart Rate monitor Tracker page.
 Steps per Minute 3. On the next page, click the "Setup" link next to the Step Tracker.
 Computer compatibility, which allows the user to upload data 4. Set your daily goal, make sure to check the box (to add it to your
from the pedometer and graph stepping progress. tracker) and "Save Your Changes."
 Flip Case (to prevent accidental button pressing) Now, your new step tracker will show up on your Fitness Tracker for
 One of the most important features a pedometer can boast, easily tracking each day!
however, is comfort. It should not be bulky and should include a

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purpose of measuring the number of steps the user takes while wearing the
device, however, there are some subtle changes which should be noted by
Pedometers - Tracking How Far runners who plan to use a pedometer. Most importantly, the device should
You've Walked (or Run) be calibrated using a running stride as opposed to a walking stride. This is
a significant detail because the user’s running stride may be longer or
Pedometers are useful tools for runners who are interested in tracking how shorter than his walking stride. Failure to calibrate the pedometer correctly
many steps they are taking each day. With a few basic calculations a will likely result in inaccuracies.
pedometer can also be used to determine the distance a person is running The usefulness of a pedometer is largely based on the premise that
or walking each day. Pedometers are readily available and are far less taking 10,000 steps per day will help an individual to improve his overall
expensive than costly speed and distance monitors which rely on built in health and live a longer and healthier life. Statistical data has shown most
GPS to let the runner know the distance he has traveled during the course people, especially those who work at jobs which require them to be
of a run. However, novice runners who are just starting out may wish to sedentary for the majority of the day, do not take enough steps each day.
purchase a pedometer instead of the more costly alternative at the start of a The use of a pedometer can provide the user with an accurate account of
running program when they are still unsure of whether or not they will the number of steps they are taking each day and can help to inspire the
actually stick with a running program. This article will provide advice for user to find ways to incorporate more walking or running into the day.
calibrating your pedometer, understanding the usefulness of your Runners who are using a pedometer in an attempt to ensure they are
pedometer and learning how to use your pedometer effectively. running a certain number of steps each day should understand how to use
Additionally, we will describe some situations in which a pedometer is their pedometer effectively to reach their goals. The first step in using a
typically not very effective for runners. pedometer effectively is to establish a baseline for the number of steps you
Although pedometers are rather simple devices which are used to are already taking each day. This can be accomplished by using your
measure the number of steps you take each time you use the device, most pedometer every day when you run and recording the number of steps run
are not ready for use immediately out of the box. There is typically a each day. This will help you to determine a fairly accurate account of how
calibration process which is involved in preparing a pedometer for use. The many steps you are taking each day during the course of your running. If
most important element of the calibration process is to establish the length you find you are not meeting your goals, you can implement a plan to
of your stride so your pedometer will recognize when you take a step and incorporate additional steps into your day. This may include increasing the
will record this step accordingly. Your pedometer should come with duration of your runs each day or adding a second shorter run into your
instructions for calibration and the instructions may vary slightly from one day. Once you have implemented these changes, record your step totals for
model to the next but the basic steps involved in calibrating a pedometer a few more days to re-evaluate your progress. You may find you are now
will include attaching the pedometer, pressing a start button, taking a stride routinely reaching your goals at this point or you may need to make
and then pressing the stop button. These steps may need to be completed a additional changes to your running routine.
number of times so the pedometer can determine an average stride length Pedometers can count the number of steps you take each day but they
for the user. Once this stride length has been established, the pedometer is can also be used to determine the distance you are running or walking each
usually ready for use. Other pedometers may require the user to physically day with the help of a simple calculation. Some of the more advanced
measure the length of his stride and enter this number into the pedometer. pedometers may perform the calculation of converting steps to miles for
In general a stride length of 2.5 feet is an appropriate average for men and you but the less expensive models will not likely do this. Fortunately, the
2.2 feet is an appropriate average for women. Using these averages will equation is quite simple. One mile is equal to 5280 feet, therefore, to
allow you to get started right away but the information obtained from the determine how many miles you walked or ran while wearing your
use of your pedometer may not be completely accurate. pedometer the following equations can be used:
Although pedometers are largely used by walkers, they do have some Number of Steps * Stride Length = Distance Walked in Feet
usefulness for runners as well. The pedometer serves the same basic Distance Walked in Feet / 5280 = Distance Walked in Miles

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One important fact for runners to note is pedometers are not very
effective in all situations. Pedometers are likely to be most effective for
runners who mainly run on flat ground. This is because the stride length is
likely to change when hills are encountered so the calculation of the
number of steps may not be as accurate in these cases. Additionally,
pedometers are best for runners who maintain a constant pace while
running. Runners who incorporate sprints into their runs also typically alter
their stride during the sprint portions of the run and therefore may not
achieve optimal results when using a pedometer because the stride length
will vary.

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Walking in the water (waist high and above) is harder than it looks. The
water’s resistance makes walking much more challenging. In turn, walking
on land will feel easier if you also train in the water. Plus, water exercise is
easy on the joints.
nuvUvi wbq‡g ˆewPΨ Avbyb  In the shallow end, try walking the length of the pool (don’t forget
to use your arms). Go as quickly as possible for 10 seconds, then
14 Ways to Add Variety to Your Walks slower for a 1 minute recovery. Start with 5 sets and build from
Bored with Walking? Try These Ideas! there, alternating forward and backward. Be sure to walk with
-- By Jen Mueller & Nicole Nichols, Fitness Experts proper form and allow your entire foot to strike the bottom of the
While a walking program can be exciting and challenging at first, you pool from heel to toe.
don’t want to fall into a rut by doing the same thing month after month.  In the deep end, strap on a flotation belt for water walking. You
Here are some ways to add variety to your workouts, whether outdoors or can do the same "bursts" described above or vary your routine
inside on the treadmill. depending on your ability and preference: Try more or fewer
quick bursts, longer or shorter steps, changing directions, etc.
Add an Incline Change Your Stride
Even adding a moderate hill can significantly boost your energy Experiment with different stride lengths during your workouts. Try shorter
expenditure so you burn more calories, build more strength, and strengthen and faster strides or slower and medium-length strides. You can try entire
your bones. workouts at a new stride length, or change it up every minute or two.
 On a treadmill, start with the incline at 2% and add 1% every few Different stride lengths and speeds will challenge your muscles in different
weeks. Don't add so much incline that you have to hold on to the ways so you can keep seeing progress.
treadmill or can't maintain proper walking form. If that happens,
bring the incline back down to a more comfortable level. Take Your Dog
 Outside, vary your route to include more hills. The change of Fido will ensure you are walking at a good pace. For an average person
route will keep you from getting bored, and the hills will increase (and dog), you're probably in your target speed range when your dog is
the intensity of your workout. "trotting" too. Be careful--if Fido tends to pull a lot, it might be dangerous
 Try incline intervals. Instead of walking up a steady incline the for him.
entire time, walk up a hill or incline for a few minutes, and then
walk downhill (or at a lower incline) to recover for a few minutes. Change Direction
Repeat these intervals during your workout to keep things People move forward, and walking is no exception. As long as you're
interesting. careful and don't have any balance issues, walking laterally or even
Try Speed Walking backwards can be a good way to add a little variety to your program.
Pump your arms (at a 90-degree angle) vigorously as you speed up your Sideways walking is probably easiest and poses the fewest risks. Keep
pace. Your arms should move front-to-back and not side-to-side your body facing in one direction and focus on the movement of your outer
(commonly referred to as “chicken wings”). You can burn 5%-10% extra and inner thighs as you step to the side. Don't forget to go both ways (lead
calories by adding this faster, more deliberate arm movement to your with the right leg, but don't forget to turn the other way to lead with the left
walks. Practice this technique over short distances until you can build up leg, too). On the treadmill, try a very slow speed with 0% incline. You can
your time and speed, being sure to breathe properly the entire time. hold on to the railings for support.
Vary Your Program
Just Add Water There are countless of simple ways you can change up your walking
routine, from experimenting with different workout durations (short,

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medium or long), different workout intensities (low, moderate and high),
and even different days of the week. The more you change things up, the
better your results will be, even as you continue to get more fit.

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have medical concerns that limit what you can do), you still need to
incorporate some variety into your exercise program. Here's why:
1. Your body adapts itself to exercise you do on a regular basis.
nuvUv hLb h‡_ó bq Over the course of about six weeks, it will “learn” how to perform
an activity more efficiently, which means you'll will burn fewer
When Walking Isn't Enough calories overall. Likewise, if you don't continuously increase the
intensity of your workouts, they will no longer stimulate your
How to Add Variety to Your Walking Program
-- By Dean Anderson, Fitness & Behavior Expert muscles or your cardiovascular system enough to provide training
It’s hard to say enough about the benefits of walking for weight loss and benefits.
general health, both physical and mental. It definitely belongs on your to- 2. Your body responds to the specific exercises you do. Therefore,
do list as often as possible. That’s why you’ll find an extensive collection you need to do a variety of exercises to effectively condition your
of information on walking for people at every fitness level in entire body and improve your overall fitness. In other words,
SparkPeople's Walking Guide and Fitness Resource Center. when you walk, you condition your body for walking. You'll be
able to walk faster and longer, but that won't make you a better
But many people will eventually reach the point where walking alone isn’t runner, golfer, tennis player, or swimmer. Nor will it make your
enough to help them achieve their personal fitness and weight loss goals. "walking muscles" or your cardiovascular system any stronger
Here's how to determine if walking is no longer working for you, and what than they need to be—just strong enough to handle the walking
you can do about it. you do. And, of course, walking alone doesn't train your other
Pay attention to your heart rate. To get the most benefit from your For all these reasons, it’s a good idea to expand your exercise repertoire to
cardio exercise, you need to elevate your heart rate to a specific level, include a variety of activities and intensity levels. And you don’t need to
known as your target heart rate zone. This zone is a range between 60% wait until you’ve gone as far as you can go with your walking program.
and 85% of your maximum heart rate. This range will maximize your Whether your primary goal is burning calories to lose weight, enhancing
calorie burn and allow you to continue improving your endurance, your fitness level, improving your ability to do a wide range of daily
conditioning and overall fitness level. As your fitness level improves, your activities, or (ideally) all of the above, the basic approach is the same. You
walking workout will become easier. After a while, it can become need to:
extremely difficult to increase your walking intensity (speed) enough to  Keep your heart rate up in your aerobic training zone for a
keep your heart rate in that training zone for the length of your workout— minimum of 30 minutes, three days per week. (More is better, and
even if you include hills or inclines. those minutes can be accumulated in multiple bouts throughout
Especially if you have a limited amount of time for exercise, you no doubt the day, if necessary.)
want to make the most of your time by keeping both your calorie burn and  Exercise all your major muscle groups in a variety of ways.
the training benefits as high as possible. When your walking routine no If this sounds daunting, don’t worry—it’s not as complicated or difficult as
longer elevates your heart rate above 70% of your max, walking alone it sounds. The solution may be as simple as incorporating a little jogging
probably isn't enough to reach your goals. In this case, it’s time to add into your existing walking routine. SparkPeople's Beginner's Guide to
some different aerobic exercises into your program that will be challenging Running can help you get started. But if running don’t work for you, there
enough to keep your heart rate elevated. are literally hundreds of pre-designed workout programs you can try,
whatever your current fitness level. Here are some possibilities to consider:
Look at your exercise routine. Although walking may be the safest and
easiest way for most people to begin a regular exercise routine (especially
you've been inactive for a while, you've got a lot of weight to lose, or you For those who like group activities, there are many fitness classes that will

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fill help you meet your cardio goals, including step, dance, Tae Bo, Tae
Kwan Do, Spinning (indoor cycling) and water aerobics. You are always in
control of how hard you work in these classes, so don’t be put off if some
of the class members can do more than you can right now—it’s not about
keeping up with others. You can incorporate different kinds of classes into
your program, so that you can also work on flexibility and strength training
too. Most gyms and health clubs offer a variety of classes and schedules,
and you don’t necessarily need to sign long-term contracts or pay extra to
try classes.
If you prefer work out solo, then cardio machines like the elliptical,
Gazelle, stair climber, stationary bike, and rowing machine can all get your
heart rate up. They come in commercial (for gyms) and personal (for
home) models. You may need a little help to figure out how to use these
machines the first time around, so don’t hesitate to ask for assistance,
whether at the gym or in the sporting goods store. Swimming and outdoor
cycling are also great, low-impact exercises.

And if exercising at home is your thing, there are literally thousands of

affordable exercise videos on the market that will guide you through
effective cardio routines.

Walking is a great way to add more activity to your day, and everyone
should try to take as many steps as possible for better health. But as you
can see, there are many reasons and ways to expand your exercise program
beyond walking alone. Remember to also include strength training and
stretching in your exercise program along with your cardio exercises. If
you have specific questions about what might be best for you, you can post
them on the Fitness and Exercise Message Boards, where SparkPeople's
coaches and members will be happy to help you design the best exercise
program to meet your goals.

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What are the rules?
nuvUvi mgq A¨vW‡fÂvi 1. Take something from the cache
2. Leave something in the cache
3. Write about it in the logbook
Add Adventure to Your Walks with Geocaching
Hunt for Hidden Treasure with this Family-Friendly Activity That's it. Avoid leaving any food item. Two words: raccoons and
-- By Christopher Stormann, Ph.D. raccoons. Remember also that geocaching is a family event so don't
There are thousands of treasures hidden in parks and forests across the leave anything inappropriate for children.
country. There may even be some lurking near you. All it takes to find one
is a little hiking, a little know-how, and a cool gadget that uses our There is a ton of information about the hobby at www.geocaching.com. At
government's weapon delivery system. Sound like a fun way to stay in the site you will learn everything you need to get started. Type in your zip
shape? If you haven't heard of it already, it's called Geocaching. code and up comes nearby caches (I found 31 within a 10 mile radius of
my zip).
Geocaching is deceptively simple. Somebody hides a "treasure" and gives
you a few clues along with the approximate coordinates (longitude and Fall is a perfect time for hike in the woods. Grab the kids, take a friend,
latitude) needed to find it. Clues can be riddles to solve or landmarks to and get some exercise in the fresh air with a little geocaching. You just
identify. Getting you close and keeping you on track is a handheld Global might find hidden treasure as close as your neighborhood park.
Positioning System (GPS). Without going into all the techno mumbo, GPS
uses 24 satellites to pinpoint an exact location with great accuracy. You
can pick up a GPS receiver at most electronics stores for about $100.

Finding the treasure (called a cache) can be tricky, but the real challenge
often lies in reaching the area. To help you prepare, hikes are ranked in
difficulty on a 1 to 5 star scale. A one-star, for example, might lead to a
cache hidden just off a well-marked footpath and tucked inside a hollow
tree (reachable while pushing a stroller). Meanwhile, a five-star can require
rock-climbing equipment. That's pretty extreme and uncommon, but the
difficulty level is limited only by one's imagination. There are caches on
islands reachable by kayak or canoe and then only during a full moon.
There is even an underwater cache that requires scuba equipment.

What's in a cache?
Most caches include a logbook so you can leave the date and time of your
visit. Common items are key chains, maps, books, pictures, money,
jewelry, tickets, games and other inexpensive items. You're usually asked
to take an item and leave an item, so the contents are always changing.
Most cache containers can handle the elements but it is a good idea to
place items in a plastic bag for extra protection.

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2 5 min. 7 min. 5 min. 17 min.
3 5 min. 9 min. 5 min. 19 min.
4 5 min. 11 min. 5 min. 21 min.
nuvUv Ñ bexm‡`i Rb¨ 5 5 min. 13 min. 5 min. 23 min.
Beginner Walking Workouts 6
5 min.
5 min.
15 min.
18 min.
5 min.
5 min.
25 min.
28 min.
A 12-Week Program that Builds Endurance 8 5 min. 20 min. 5 min. 30 min.
-- By Jen Mueller & Nicole Nichols, Fitness Experts 9 5 min. 23 min. 5 min. 33 min.
It’s time to start moving! Walking is an excellent form of exercise, 10 5 min. 26 min. 5 min. 36 min.
especially for beginners or people returning to fitness after a long time off. 11 5 min. 28 min. 5 min. 38 min.
This introductory walking program will help you build enough endurance 12 5 min. 30 min. 5 min. 40 min.
to safely and effectively increase the time that you walk over the course of Source: Exercise and Your Heart, National Heart, Lung, and Blood
12 weeks. You can follow this heart-healthy walking program whether you Institute/American Heart Association, NIH Publication No. 93-1677.
walk on a treadmill, track, or other outdoor venue. Be sure to refer to our
Walking Guide for more information and resources for walkers. An Explanation of Using the RPE Method to Measure Intensity
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) may be the most versatile method to
Getting Started measure exercise intensity for all age groups. Using this method is simple,
Use the FIT (Frequency, Intensity and Time) Principles for a safe and
because all you have to do is estimate how hard you feel like you’re
effective workout!
 Frequency: Try the walking workout listed three times each exerting yourself during exercise. RPE is a good measure of
week, ideally with a day off between workouts to allow your body intensity because it is individualized—it’s based on your
to recover. If a particular week's workouts feel too tiring for you, current fitness level and overall perception of exercise. The
repeat that week again before moving ahead to the next week’s scale ranges from 1 to 10, allowing you to rate how you feel
physically and mentally at a given intensity level.
 Intensity: Walk at a brisk—not leisurely—pace. Don’t worry
about your actual speed, but do pay attention to your overall 10 Maximum exertion
intensity, aiming for 4-6 on a scale of 1-10. You’ll find a full 9 Very hard
explanation of this Intensity Scale (known as RPE) below the
workouts. 8 Extremely hard
 Time: Try to follow the suggested guidelines to the best of your 7 Hard (heavy)
ability, which means that you'll walk 2-3 minutes more with each 6
passing week.
And remember, always warm up and cool down. Warming up at a slow 5 Somewhat hard
pace will help prepare your joints, muscles and heart for exercise. Cooling 4 Fairly light
down will prepare your body to return to a resting state, help prevent
3 Light
muscle soreness, and prevent illness and injury.
2 Very light
Beginner Walking Program 1 Rest
Week Warm-up Walk Briskly Cool Down Total Time
1 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 15 min. An RPE between 5 and 7 is recommended for most adults. This means that

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at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat
hard" to "hard." The guidelines given for this specific workout program are
for beginners and therefore reflect a somewhat lower intensity level.

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Mf©ve¯’vq nuvUv

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nuvU‡eb bv RwMs Ki‡eb

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early age and likely walk short distances each day during the course of
their daily activities. Therefore, walking for exercise purposes can be as
simple as putting on some comfortable clothes and a pair of sneakers and
heading outside for a leisurely stroll. Depending on the fitness level of the
individual these first few walks may only be ten minutes long and may
nuvU‡eb bv †`Šov‡eb require the individual to stay on flat ground because hills would require too
much exertion.
This type of exercise may be very beneficial for promoting weight loss
A‡b‡KB Av‡Qb, huviv nuvUvi †P‡q †`Šov‡bvi at first because it is an increase in activity and calorie expenditure. The
individual may even lose a few pounds in the first week. This weight loss
KvRwUB we‡kl cQ›` K‡i _v‡Kb| may continue for some time but unless the individual modifies the exercise
routine in terms of distance, duration or intensity it is likely the weight loss
Running Vs Walking - Benefits Of will soon stagnate and the individual will have difficulty achieving his
original weight loss goal of losing 40 pounds. In most cases, it will be
Each necessary for the runner to build up the intensity to a jog and then a run to
enjoy the benefits he is seeking. This is because running requires more
Running and walking may be very similar activities in terms of calories than walking. Some may argue that an individual will burn the
biomechanics but they are very different in other aspects. These aspects same amount of calories walking one mile as he would running one mile
may include elements such as calorie expenditure, impact, efficiency and but this is simply not true. This is because walking is a more efficient
even the recovery periods. Although walking is good exercise for those activity and therefore requires fewer calories than running requires. An
who are just starting to workout and previously did not do any exercise, it individual would have to walk approximately twice as far as they run to
is inferior to running in terms of total benefits. Those who start their expend the same amount of calories. This can be very time consuming
exercise by walking are encouraged to gradually increase the intensity to a because the pace of a walk is significantly slower than the pace of a run
jog and then a run if they want to achieve the maximum benefits associated and most people do not have this much time to devote to exercise on a
with exercising on a regular basis. This article will compare running and regular basis. Therefore, it is worthwhile for the individual to improve his
walking in an effort to help the reader understand the differences and how fitness level to the point where he can run if he is really serious about
they can be exploited to tailor a training program to help the individual to achieving his weight loss goals.
achieve his personal goals. Another important factor to consider when examining the difference
between running and walking is the impact of the exercise. Running is
Let us first consider an individual who is determined to lose 40 pounds generally considered to be a fairly high impact exercise with a great deal of
of excess weight. This individual may currently not be eating properly and repetitive pounding. This can cause inflammation of the joints including
may be doing no formal exercise at all. The body requires a certain number the ankles, knees and hips. Conversely walking is considered to be a low
of calories each day to simply sustain life and perform daily activities. impact activity and is therefore less harsh on the joints. However, it is the
However, those who participate in formal exercise sessions can increase harsher impact of running which makes runners less susceptible to bone
the amount of calories they need each day. This is helpful for promoting loss later in life. Therefore, individuals must carefully consider the effects
weight loss because creating a 500 calorie deficit each day will enable the of impact in deciding whether to pursue running or walking as their
individual to lose one pound of weight per week. For those who have been primary form of exercise.
sedentary through most of their life, walking is a good introduction to Finally, regardless of whether an individual chooses to focus on
exercise. This is because walking is a simple, low impact activity which walking or running for his exercise needs he should purchase equipment
does not require any advanced training. People learn how to walk at an which is specific for his chosen sport. There are shoes which are designed

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specifically for walking as well as shoes which are designed specifically Andrew: Given Andrew's lower fitness level, he's kept to a solid walk, and
for running and it is important to select a shoe which is designed for your his results will be used as a comparison to running. Andrew's walking heart
activity of choice. Walking shoes are usually stiffer and heavier than rate is already one hundred and eight — he's struggling.
running shoes. This is because the walking motion does not require as Andrew: "I'm feeling much more unfit than I did before, after looking at
much flexibility as the running motion. Also heavier shoes provide more the numbers ... "
cushioning for the foot. Although it may seem as though runners would
need more cushioning because of the greater impact, runners typically Results
choose lighter shoes because heavier shoes can make striding more So first up, the test has shown that we all need to find our own exercise
difficult for runners but does not have this same impact on walkers. If you level, but what else has it told us about running versus walking?
are unsure about the type of shoe to select for your activity consider Lets start with weight loss:
visiting a store with a wide variety of athletic shoes and a knowledgeable That boils down to who burns more calories. "The food we eat is energy in
staff which can help you make the right choice. and how we exercise, how we burn energy, is energy out, so the balance
between energy in and energy out is whether we increase or decrease
weight," explains Dr Lynch. By running, Brooke was burning energy at
twice the rate of Andrew walking — 10 calories a minute to his five.
Walking versus running — what's better? So in terms of weight loss, running wins hands down. In general, you have
Perhaps the single biggest health message we hear these days is we should to walk nearly an hour, to get a similar weight-loss benefit to a half hour
exercise more. run.
For many people it comes down to a decision between walking and "I started running when I was ten-years-old ... I was a skinny little kid who
jogging. So which of those two will help you lose the most weight? Which loved to run, it was only a matter of time before I started running
is better for your general health? What are the dangers? marathons. I really love being able to just put on my shoes of a morning
Reporter Brooke Hanson puts her best foot forward to find the pros and and then just go for a run, however far I want to go," says Commonwealth
cons of walking versus jogging. Games gold medallist, Kerryn McCann.
We know walking delivers similar benefits, but for the sake of the
The test argument, which will give you more?
At the University of Melbourne's department of physiology, Dr Gordon "Intensity is the key here," says Dr Lynch. "We need to make the exercise
Lynch studies the effect of exercise on our bodies. a little more intense if we're going to get the benefits for our health."
"Running and walking are both fantastic exercises and both are going to be Because running is more intense, the general health benefits are higher.
great for our health," says Dr Lynch. Within reason, more pain is more gain … Brooke's mate Andrew's got
But which is better? some work to do.
Gordon's got a test in mind for Brooke and her student mate Andrew — "I need to start walking up hills, not down them," says Andrew.
who admits he's not quite at peak fitness.
"I'm fit for what I do, I suppose, [but] probably not as fit as I should be." Conclusion
So it's a simple treadmill test. Brooke and Andrew's heart rates will be Walker or runner, you'll get most benefit if you aim for thirty to sixty
measured as will their oxygen use and calories burned. Brooke: Just minutes a day. It doesn't have to be all at once — three or four fifteen
walking, Brooke's heart rate is 79 beats a minute. By the time she's hit a minute blocks through the day is just as good.
good running pace of about 12km/h, her heart rate has climbed to 159 beats Now there's one last area in this argument, where walking has the clear
per minute. That's a solid work out. edge: injury.
"There's going to be much less injury associated with a low impact
exercise such as walking, and that's why we can advocate walking for a lot

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of people, especially if they're overweight or have a cardiovascular
condition, they're still going to get a lot of benefits from a brisk walk," says
Dr Lynch.
The impact of running on your joints can be more than three times your
body weight, every step is triple the impact of walking. You have to train
your body to get used to the jarring. Ultimately that's the message, for
walking or running — find your level, then build up slowly and the
benefits will come, in weight loss and general health.
"Set your goals, set them small and work towards achieving those goals
and getting a little bit further every week," says Kerryn.
So there you have it ... the old saying "you've got to walk before you run"
is true. There are proven health benefits for both forms of exercise, but it's
a matter of working out what's best for you.
Remember, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before you start
any new exercise regime. But once you do, chances are you'll feel the
benefits for years to come.

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nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
1 5 wg. 10 5 wg. 20 wg. 3
nuvUv Ñ AwfÁ‡`i Rb¨ 2 5 wg. 15
5 wg. 25 wg. 4

Intermediate Walking Workouts 3 5 wg. 20 5 wg. 30 wg. 4

A 12-Week Program with More Challenge wg.
-- By Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer 4 5 wg. 20 5 wg. 30 wg. 5
It’s time to step it up! Whether you’ve already completed the Beginner’s wg.
Walking Program or are an experienced exerciser who wants to build more 5 5 wg. 25 5 wg. 35 wg. 4
walking stamina, this intermediate walking program will help you build wg.
even more endurance over the next 12 weeks. With longer workouts and 6 5 wg. 30 5 wg. 40 wg. 4
more workout sessions per week than a beginner’s walking program, you wg.
can follow these workouts whether you walk on a treadmill, track, or other 7 5 wg. 30 5 wg. 40 wg. 5
outdoor venue. Be sure to refer to our Walking Guide for more information wg.
and resources for walkers. 8 5 wg. 35 5 wg. 45 wg. 4
Getting Started 9 5 wg. 40 5 wg. 50 wg. 4
Use the FIT (Frequency, Intensity and Time) Principles for a safe and wg.
effective workout! 10 5 wg. 40 5 wg. 50 wg. 5
 Frequency: Try the walking workout listed at least three to five wg.
times per week as indicated by the chart below.
11 5 wg. 45 5 wg. 55 wg. 4
 Intensity: Walk at a brisk—not leisurely—pace. Don’t worry
about what your pace really is, but do pay attention to your overall
12 5 wg. 45 5 wg. 55 wg. 5
intensity, aiming for 5-7 on a scale of 1-10. You’ll find a full
explanation of the 1-10 Intensity Scale (known as RPE) below the
An Explanation of Using the RPE Method to Measure Intensity
 Time: Try to follow the suggested workout guidelines to the best
Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) may be the most versatile method to
of your ability, which means that you'll gradually increase your
measure exercise intensity for all age groups. Using this method is simple,
walk time by five minutes most weeks.
And remember, always warm up and cool down. Warming up at a slow because all you have to do is estimate how hard you feel like you’re
pace will help prepare your joints, muscles and heart for exercise. Cooling exerting yourself during exercise. RPE is a good measure of
down will prepare your body to return to a resting state, help prevent intensity because it is individualized—it’s based on your
muscle soreness, and prevent illness and injury. current fitness level and overall perception of exercise. The
Intermediate Walking Program
scale ranges from 1 to 10, allowing you to rate how you feel
Week Warm- Walk Cool Total Sessions/Week physically and mentally at a given intensity level.
up for Down Time 10 Maximum exertion
mß Mv- nuvU kxZj †gvU evi/mßv‡n
9 Very hard
vn Mig vi nIqv mgq
mgq 8 Extremely hard

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
7 Hard (heavy)
5 Somewhat hard
4 Fairly light
3 Light
2 Very light
1 Rest

An RPE between 5 and 7 is recommended for most adults. This means that
at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat
hard" to "hard." The guidelines given for this specific workout program
reflect an intermediate intensity level.

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nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
What to do For how long Intensity (1-10)
Warm up 5 wgwbU 3.5
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
nuvUv Ñ †ÿ‡c †ÿ‡c Walk as fast as possible
Walk slowly
1 wgwbU 7
2 wgwbU 4
Walking Workouts with Intervals Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
Training Programs for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walkers Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
-- By Nicole Nichols, Fitness Instructor Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
This walking program uses intervals (short bursts of higher-intensity Cool down 5 wgwbU 3.5
activity followed by lower intensity recovery periods), which can be a Total Workout Time: 22 wgwbU
more effective way to train (and burn calories) than exercising at one
intensity level. If you're new to walking or exercise, start with the Beginner Intermediate Interval Program
program. As you progress, slowly increase your time and eventually move What to do For how long Intensity (1-10)
to the Intermediate and Advanced workouts. Because this is a general Warm up 5 wgwbU 3.5
program, you may need to adjust the recommended speeds, intensities, and Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
times to suit your fitness level. Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
Getting Started
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
Use the FIT (Frequency, Intensity and Time) Principles for a safe and
effective workout! Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
 Frequency: Try the walking workout listed three to five times per Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
week, depending on your fitness level. Beginners should do fewer Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
days, while intermediate to advanced walkers can safely do more. Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
 Intensity: Walk at a brisk—not leisurely—pace. Don’t worry Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
about what your pace really is, but do pay attention to your overall Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
intensity, aiming for 5-7 on a scale of 1-10. You’ll find a full Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
explanation of the 1-10 Intensity Scale (known as RPE) below the Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
workouts. Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
 Time: Try to follow the suggested workout guidelines to the best Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
of your ability, which means that you'll gradually increase your Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
walk time as you progress from the beginner to the intermediate Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
and advanced interval workouts. Cool down 5 wgwbU 3.5
And remember, always warm up and cool down. Warming up at a slow Total Workout Time: 34 wgwbU
pace will help prepare your joints, muscles and heart for exercise. Cooling
down will prepare your body to return to a resting state, help prevent Advanced Interval Program
muscle soreness, and prevent illness and injury. What to do For how long Intensity (1-10)
Warm up 5 wgwbU 3.5
Beginner Interval Program

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨ 5 6

nuvUzb Ñ Rxe‡bi Rb¨
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5 9 Very hard
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7 8 Extremely hard
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4 7 Hard (heavy)
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5 6
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walk as fast as possible 5 Somewhat hard
1 wgwbU 7
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4 4 Fairly light
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5 3 Light
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
2 Very light
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4 1 Rest
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5 An RPE between 5 and 7 is recommended for most adults. This means that
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7 at the height of your workout, you should feel you are working "somewhat
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4 hard" to "hard."
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
Walk briskly 1 wgwbU 6.5
Walk at a moderate pace 2 wgwbU 5
Walk as fast as possible 1 wgwbU 7
Walk slowly 2 wgwbU 4
Cool down 5 wgwbU 3.5
Total Workout Time: 46 wgwbU

An Explanation of Using the RPE Method to Measure Intensity

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) may be the most versatile method to
measure exercise intensity for all age groups. Using this method is simple,
because all you have to do is estimate how hard you feel like you’re
exerting yourself during exercise. RPE is a good measure of
intensity because it is individualized—it’s based on your
current fitness level and overall perception of exercise. The
scale ranges from 1 to 10, allowing you to rate how you feel
physically and mentally at a given intensity level.
10 Maximum exertion

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meditation, and that it's even easier to reach a state of mindfulness and
awareness while walking, as opposed to sitting still. And by combining
meditation with physical activity, you're burning calories and getting fit at
the same time.
nuvUvi mgq a¨vbPP©v The premise is pretty simple. In walking meditation, the act of walking
is your focus. Instead of thinking about your best friend’s birthday party
A Guide to Walking Meditation that you just attended, you think about the present experience of walking.
Zen and the Art of Multitasking There are actually several ways to practice walking meditation (three
-- By Liza Barnes, Health Educator examples are outlined below). You can try each to see which you prefer, or
The word "meditation" is likely to conjure up a mental image of a cross- you can alternate between them whenever you choose.
legged person sitting still in a quiet, peaceful room. While this is the
method of choice for many who meditate, others choose a more active Walking Meditation #1: Focus on Your Feet
route to mindfulness. It's called walking meditation, and by doing it, you This technique is very simple, making it great for beginners. In this
get to enjoy the benefits of walking (health and endurance) and meditation method, the focus is your feet as they touch the ground. Your eyes are
(awareness and mindfulness) simultaneously. Think of it as Zen and the art aimed a few steps ahead, and your mind is cleared of all thoughts and
of multitasking. emotions extraneous to your keen awareness of each foot, as you place it
Meditation of any type is simply a process of developing greater on the ground. With each step, you focus your attention only on the contact
awareness and mindfulness. One of the main benefits of cultivating these of your foot with the ground, and when your mind wanders from this
qualities is that you become more content and fulfilled—the desire to reach focus, you bring it back to your foot. You could actually practice this form
outside of yourself (to material things, for example) to feel content or in your own backyard, or even indoors, as you can walk in a circle or back
fulfilled diminishes. Besides this, there are other ways that meditation and forth in a line.
enhances health. It can also help: The second way to practice walking meditation is similar to the first,
 Relieve symptoms of illness. A 2002 study reported in the with a slight variation in focus. Once you've mastered the first technique,
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that you'll be ready for a little more challenge. You focus only on the sensations
an eight-week mindfulness meditation program resulted in of your feet, noticing the pattern of lifting, pushing, and dropping of your
effective and lasting reductions in symptoms for participants with feet as you walk. Eventually you will notice all six of the components of
chronic illnesses. walking—raising, lifting, pushing, dropping, touching, and pressing. As
 Reduce high blood pressure. A year-long study, reported in the you walk, you will notice that your mind will inevitably wander from this
American Journal of Hypertension showed that daily meditation focus. The skill you work to develop is to refocus your awareness to the
lowered blood pressure more than relaxation techniques and sensations of your feet, observing each component, each time it takes
information about lifestyle changes. Read more here. place. You can even chant the components softly as you walk. Obviously,
 Relieve stress and improve mood. A study published in the a walking meditation beginner would probably not be able to power walk,
February 2007 edition of Annals of Behavioral Medicine reported as the goal of walking meditation is to calm the mind, not send it spinning.
that while both mindfulness meditation and other relaxation
interventions can both reduce distress and improve positive mood Walking Meditation #2: Focus on the Four Foundations
states, meditation may actually be more effective—especially at The third way to practice walking meditation is a little more complicated
reducing distractive and ruminative thoughts and behaviors. than the previous two, as there are several steps to follow:
These general benefits of meditation can be applied to walking To begin, stand solidly on the ground. Spend a minute or two taking
meditation too. In fact, many practitioners say that walking meditation note of how your body feels, and what mental state you are experiencing.
actually helps them achieve even greater awareness than conventional

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As you begin your walk, practice focusing on each of the following four really good, you can even use it on densely populated walks with lots of
foundations, one at a time: potential distractions.
 Physical sensations. How does each part of your body feel? Start Here are some tips that can help improve your experience:
with the soles of your feet, and progress upward, relaxing each  Choose the method that best suits your opportunity, and if it isn't
body part as you become aware of it. The point is not to think feeling right, try another method.
about why your shoulders are tense (let those thoughts go) but to  If you are practicing outdoors, stay away from high-traffic and
simply relax them. heavily-populated walking areas. Opt instead for a park or a
 Feelings. A feeling is your initial reaction to a sensation. When walking trail.
you hear a song on the radio that you don't like, your feeling is  Give yourself about 20 minutes to practice for the first few times.
dislike or displeasure, for example. A feeling usually leads to an If you feel it necessary, wear a watch with a timer, so your
emotional response (in this example, anger or annoyance). awareness isn't focusing on the time.
Learning to separate your emotions from their feelings is a  Practice safely. If you don't feel secure in your surroundings, you
powerful tool. This foundation can help you to develop the power won't be able to focus inward.
to observe a feeling for what it is, and eventually maintain more
control over your emotional reaction to it.
 Mental and emotional states. Notice your state of mind. Is it
calm or busy, cloudy or focused? Also notice your emotions as
you experience them. Anger if someone comes too close while
passing you, anxiety if you think of a huge project you need to
finish, happiness at the sight of a puppy. Becoming aware of your
present mental and emotional states strengthens your ability to be
in and focus on the moment.
 Objects of consciousness. Inevitably, random thoughts will
surface as you are trying to clear your mind and focus on these
foundations. As you become aware of your emotions and
thoughts, try to sort them into categories—thoughts to keep and
thoughts to toss. Realize which thoughts lead to negative
emotions and which lead to positive ones.
Slowly ease out of the practice by allowing yourself to notice your
surroundings, such as grass, trees, sky, chirping birds, and the sun on your
face. To end the practice, gradually come to a stop, and become aware of
the feeling of standing still again. Notice how you feel now, compared to
how you felt when you started. Take your newfound awareness and calm
with you for the rest of your day. Because this technique is more complex
than the first two, you may wish to be guided through it. You can purchase
a meditation CD (WildMind.org is a great resource) that will guide you
through each foundation, including beginning and ending the practice.
Once you have learned how to meditate while walking, you can practice it
anytime you have the opportunity to walk, whether it's a block of time you
set aside to exercise or a short jaunt across the parking lot. When you get

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aware of how these changes are impacting his body as well as his
performance and should strive to make choices which are both healthy and
ideal for optimal performance.
wK Lv‡ebv Next we should consider calorie intake for runners. There are basic
guidelines for the amount of calories an individual should be consuming on
Diet And Nutrition For Runners a regular basis based on the individual’s current weight and activity level,
Diet and nutrition is important for everyone but it is especially important however, these guidelines might not be accurate for runners during periods
for runners. Eating a proper diet which is well balanced and follows of intense training. There are many calorie calculators available online
guidelines provided for good health can help a runner to stay in good shape which can provide a basic understanding of the amount of calories which
but some runner may also have other specific dietary needs which help the an individual needs. These numbers may be a good starting point for
runner to train properly and excel in his sport. This article will discuss the runners but the runner should use a training log to record the number of
importance of diet and nutrition as it applies to runners in an effort to help calories he is consuming, the type of workout he is doing and how he feels
the reader understand how different types of runners are able to fuel their during and after the workout. This type of information can be very useful
bodies for training and racing. for helping the runner to determine whether or not he is eating enough. For
Consider a normal healthy diet. It may consist of 40% carbohydrates, example a runner who is regularly consuming 2500 calories per day and
30% protein, 30% fat and include healthy components such as whole running 7-8 miles per day but routinely feels tired and feels as though he is
grains, fruits, vegetables, lean sources of protein and heart healthy fats. not recovering properly might want to consider taking in more calories to
The daily consumption of a healthy amount of calories based on the see whether or not this results in an improvement. The scale can also be
individual’s current weight and activity level is also important. The amount used as an indicator of whether or not the runner is taking in enough
of calories taken in can be modified depending on whether the individual is calories. If the runner is already at an ideal weight, he should be striving to
looking to maintain his weight, lose weight or gain weight. This type of consume enough calories to maintain his weight. If there is a gradual
diet is certainly a good idea for anyone who wants to maintain or achieve weight loss this can be making the runner weaker so it is important to find
an ideal weight but it is especially important for runners because not ways to incorporate additional calories into the diet.
maintaining an ideal weight and not eating nutritious foods can have a Finally, runners should consider the quality of the calories they are
significantly negative impact on the runner’s performance. consuming. We have already discussed how it is important for a runner to
In examining a proper diet, we will first consider the macronutrients consume an adequate number of calories to fuel his training but it is also
which includes carbohydrates, protein and fat. Each of these important for the runner to obtain these calories from quality sources such
macronutrients is important for optimal health. The percentages listed as whole grain carbohydrates, lean protein sources and heart healthy fats.
above are generally acceptable for most people, but runners may wish to A runner could certainly get his calorie requirements by eating foods rich
consider tweaking these percentages based on their specific training and in sugar and fat but is likely to feel more sluggish and to not perform as
racing goals. For example a distance runner who is preparing for a well as he would if he were eating more nutritiously. For example a piece
marathon may wish to increase the percentage of carbohydrates in his diet of cake may have an equal amount of calories as a turkey sandwich on
during periods of intense training where he is running large amounts of multi grain bread but the runner who consumes the cake before training is
mileage each week. This can help his body to remain properly fueled to do not likely to perform as well as the runner who consumes the sandwich
this magnitude of training. Conversely a sprinter who is working on before training. This is because the sugar content of the cake triggers an
improving muscle mass through weight training, plyometric exercises and insulin response which can make the runner sluggish and less likely to feel
interval training may want to incorporate additional amounts of protein energizes.
into his diet. This may be helpful because greater amounts of protein
during these times can help to stimulate muscle growth. Regardless of the
dietary changes a runner chooses to make during his training, he should be

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