Fm test banks ch1
Fm test banks ch1
Fm test banks ch1
A. Increased
B. Maximizing cash
C. Maximizing shareholder
D. Minimizing risk of the
3. Which of the following is not a major area of concern and emphasis in modern
financial management and in this text?
A. Marginal
B. Risk-return trade-
C. Commodity
D. Changing financial
5. The effect of the high rates of inflation experienced during the 1970s and early 1980s
was to make:
A. operational
B. employee
C. legal
D. mergers and
Full file at
7. A financial manager's goal of maximizing current or short-term earnings may not be
appropriate because:
A. avoids the double taxation of earnings and dividends found in the corporate form
of organization.
B. usually provides limited liability to the
C. has unlimited
D. simplifies decision
12. Which of the following securities is not included as part of the capital market?
A. Common
B. Commercial
C. Government
D. Preferred
A. widely
B. family
C. U.S.
D. Japanese
Full file at
15. Which of the following is not a true statement about the goal of maximizing
shareholder wealth?
A. asset diversification
B. the risk side of the risk-return
C. the return side of the risk-return
D. invest in a new risky
18. The shift to the return side of the risk-return relationship has occurred because:
A. narrow focus on
B. stock
C. there has been a decrease in the use of advanced technology in the
production process.
D. there has been an increase in international
Full file at
19. A corporate buy-back, or the repurchasing of shares, is:
A. increased
B. buying of low-profit margin
C. selling of high-profit margin
D. reductions in the work
22. Which of the following is not an example of restructuring as discussed in the text?
A. Repurchase of common
B. Creating a new organizational
C. Merging with companies in related
D. Divesting of an unprofitable
Full file at
23. Agency theory deals with the issue of:
A. someone has information not available to the public, which they use to profit from
trading in stocks.
B. corporate officers buy stock in their
C. lawyers, investment dealers, and others buy common stock in companies
represented by their firms
D. stock transactions occur with reduced
brokerage fees.
A. employment
B. production
C. actuarial
D. international currency hedging
29. Professors Harry Markowitz and William Sharpe received their Nobel prize in
economics for their contributions to the:
A. options pricing
B. theories of working capital
C. theories of risk-return and portfolio
D. theories of international capital
A. maintenance of
B. reorganization of financially distressed
C. the bankruptcy
D. international exchange
Full file at
31. The increasing percentage ownership of public corporations by institutional investors
33. When a corporation uses the financial markets to raise new funds, the sale of
securities is made in the:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. on-line
D. third
Full file at
34. Companies that have higher risk than a competitor in the same industry will
generally have:
36. Corporate restructuring has been one result of more institutional ownership.
Restructuring can cause:
37. Corporate restructuring in the late 1990s more often took the form of:
A. leveraged
B. mergers to refocus on core
C. a change in capital
D. addition of senior
Full file at
38. The increase in the internationalization of financial markets has led:
A. the pricing
B. the efforts of financial
C. intervention by the Bank of
D. the number of treasury bills
48. In analysis of a firm's market share value, an investor should not consider:
True False
51. Inflation is assumed to be a temporary problem that does not affect financial
True False
True False
53. Institutional investors have had increasing influence over corporations with their
ability to vote large blocks of stock and replace poor performing boards of directors.
True False
54. Insider trading involves the use of information not available to the general public to
make profits from trading in a company's shares.
True False
55. Agency theory assumes that corporate managers act to increase the wealth of
corporate shareholders.
True False
56. Historically the field of finance as a discipline described capital preservation, liquidity,
reorganization, and bankruptcy through the 1930s depression.
True False
57. The higher the profit of a firm, the higher the value the firm is assured of receiving in
the market.
True False
True False
True False
60. In the mid1950s, finance began to change to a more analytical, decision oriented
True False
Full file at
61. There are some serious problems with the financial goal of maximizing the earnings
of the firm.
True False
62. Maximizing the earnings of the firm is the goal of financial management.
True False
63. Because socially desirable goals can impede profitability in many instances,
managers should not try to operate under the assumption of wealth maximization.
True False
64. The sole proprietorship represents single-person ownership and offers the
advantages of simplicity of decision making and low organizational and operating
True False
True False
66. The primary market includes the sale of securities by way of initial public offerings.
True False
67. The most common partnership arrangement carries limited liability to the partners.
True False
True False
69. In terms of size of revenues and profits, the corporation is by far the most important
form of business organization in Canada.
True False
70. Dividends paid to corporate shareholders have already been taxed once as corporate
True False
71. One advantage of the corporate form of organization is that income received by
shareholders is not taxable since the corporation already paid taxes on the income
True False
Full file at
72. A corporation must have at least 35 shareholders.
True False
73. Profits of a manufacturing corporation are taxed at the same rate as dividends.
True False
74. Recently, the emphasis of financial management has been on the relationships
between risk and return.
True False
True False
76. The secondary market characteristically has had stable prices over the past 20
True False
77. The first Nobel Prizes given to finance professors was for their contributions to capital
structure theory and portfolio theories of risk and return.
True False
78. Financial markets exist as a vast global network of individuals and financial
institutions that may be lenders, borrowers, or owners of public companies
True False
True False
80. Money markets refer to those markets dealing with short-term securities having a life
of one year or less.
True False
81. Capital markets refer to those markets dealing with short-term securities having a life
of one year or less.
True False
True False
Full file at
83. Existing securities are traded in the secondary market.
True False
84. The financial markets value assets based on the most productive current use.
True False
85. The 1990s demonstrated that the old valuation models were no longer effective.
True False
86. The largest financial intermediaries after the banks are insurance companies.
True False
87. The TSX Composite Index is representative of equity market value of the top listed
Canadian companies.
True False
88. The Internet is largely responsible for the internationalization of the financial
True False
89. Agency theory examines the relationship between companies and their customers.
True False
90. Honesty in business requires timely and full disclosure of pertinent firm
True False
91. Businesses will increasingly rely on B2B Internet applications to speed up cash flows.
True False
True False
93. Agency theory examines the relationship between the owners of the firm and the
managers of the firm.
True False
94. Secondary markets are the markets that trade previously issued securities.
True False
Full file at
95. Financial management builds upon the disciplines of economics and accounting.
Describe what
96. Selecting profit maximization as the primary goal of the firm may not increase its
value, because a profit-only focus has several drawbacks. List and describe these
97. What 4 factors will investors consider in the analysis of a firm market share value?
98. According to agency theory, other than maximizing shareholder wealth what other
self-interests do financial managers have?
Full file at
99. Besides maximizing shareholder wealth, what should corporations consider to be
goals? List and briefly explain.
101 List the 4 components of good corporate governance and identify additional
. measures that could be added to strengthen corporate governance.
102 List the occasional functions of the finance manager connected to the efficient
. raising and investing of funds.
Full file at
103 What are the characteristics of a sole proprietorship? What are the drawbacks?
104 What are the characteristics of a partnership? What are the advantages compared to
. a sole proprietorship?
106 What 2 choices does the board of directors have to distribute earnings of a
. corporation?
Full file at
A. Increased
B. Maximizing cash
C. Maximizing shareholder
D. Minimizing risk of the
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #1
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
4. Which of the following is not a major area of concern and emphasis in modern
financial management and in this text?
A. Marginal
B. Risk-return trade-
C. Commodity
D. Changing financial
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #4
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-02 Identify the analysis and decision-making nature of finance while considering return and risk.
Topic: 01-03 Goals of Financial Management
Type: Concept
5. The effect of the high rates of inflation experienced during the 1970s and early
1980s was to make:
A. operational
B. employee
C. legal
D. mergers and
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #6
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Concept
A. avoids the double taxation of earnings and dividends found in the corporate
form of organization.
B. usually provides limited liability to the
C. has unlimited
D. simplifies decision
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #9
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
11. Inflation:
12. Which of the following securities is not included as part of the capital market?
A. Common
B. Commercial
C. Government
D. Preferred
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #12
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-13 Structure and Functions of the Financial Markets
Type: Memory
A. widely
B. family
C. U.S.
D. Japanese
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #14
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
15. Which of the following is not a true statement about the goal of maximizing
shareholder wealth?
A. asset diversification
B. the risk side of the risk-return
C. the return side of the risk-return
D. invest in a new risky
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #16
Difficulty: Medium
Full file at
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-15 Risk
Type: Memory
18. The shift to the return side of the risk-return relationship has occurred because:
A. narrow focus on
B. stock
C. there has been a decrease in the use of advanced technology in the
production process.
D. there has been an increase in international
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #18
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-15 Risk
Type: Concept
A. increased
B. buying of low-profit margin
C. selling of high-profit margin
D. reductions in the work
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #21
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
Full file at
22. Which of the following is not an example of restructuring as discussed in the text?
A. Repurchase of common
B. Creating a new organizational
C. Merging with companies in related
D. Divesting of an unprofitable
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #22
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Concept
A. someone has information not available to the public, which they use to profit
from trading in stocks.
B. corporate officers buy stock in their
C. lawyers, investment dealers, and others buy common stock in companies
represented by their firms
D. stock transactions occur with reduced
brokerage fees.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #25
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-09 Ethical Behaviour
Type: Memory
A. employment
B. production
C. actuarial
D. international currency hedging
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #28
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-15 Risk
Type: Concept
29. Professors Harry Markowitz and William Sharpe received their Nobel prize in
economics for their contributions to the:
A. options pricing
B. theories of working capital
C. theories of risk-return and portfolio
D. theories of international capital
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #29
Full file at
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-05 Measuring the Goal
Type: Memory
A. maintenance of
B. reorganization of financially distressed
C. the bankruptcy
D. international exchange
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #30
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Memory
33. When a corporation uses the financial markets to raise new funds, the sale of
securities is made in the:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. on-line
D. third
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #33
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
34. Companies that have higher risk than a competitor in the same industry will
generally have:
36. Corporate restructuring has been one result of more institutional ownership.
Restructuring can cause:
37. Corporate restructuring in the late 1990s more often took the form of:
A. leveraged
B. mergers to refocus on core
C. a change in capital
D. addition of senior
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Full file at
Block - Chapter 01 #37
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Memory
A. the pricing
B. the efforts of financial
C. intervention by the Bank of
D. the number of treasury bills
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #43
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
46. Agency theory would imply that conflicts are more likely to occur between
management and shareholders when:
48. In analysis of a firm's market share value, an investor should not consider:
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #50
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Concept
51. Inflation is assumed to be a temporary problem that does not affect financial
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #51
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-01 The Field of Finance
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #52
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Full file at
Type: Concept
53. Institutional investors have had increasing influence over corporations with their
ability to vote large blocks of stock and replace poor performing boards of
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #53
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
54. Insider trading involves the use of information not available to the general public
to make profits from trading in a company's shares.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #54
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-09 Ethical Behaviour
Type: Memory
55. Agency theory assumes that corporate managers act to increase the wealth of
corporate shareholders.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #55
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #56
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Memory
57. The higher the profit of a firm, the higher the value the firm is assured of receiving
in the market.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #57
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Full file at
Topic: 01-06 Market Share Price
Type: Concept
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #58
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-08 Social Responsibility
Type: Concept
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #59
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
60. In the mid1950s, finance began to change to a more analytical, decision oriented
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #60
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Memory
61. There are some serious problems with the financial goal of maximizing the
earnings of the firm.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #61
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-05 Measuring the Goal
Type: Concept
62. Maximizing the earnings of the firm is the goal of financial management.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #62
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-02 Identify the analysis and decision-making nature of finance while considering return and risk.
Topic: 01-03 Goals of Financial Management
Type: Concept
Full file at
63. Because socially desirable goals can impede profitability in many instances,
managers should not try to operate under the assumption of wealth
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #63
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-07 Management and Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
64. The sole proprietorship represents single-person ownership and offers the
advantages of simplicity of decision making and low organizational and operating
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #64
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #65
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
66. The primary market includes the sale of securities by way of initial public
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #66
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
67. The most common partnership arrangement carries limited liability to the
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #67
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
Full file at
68. A limited partnership limits the profits partners may receive.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #68
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
69. In terms of size of revenues and profits, the corporation is by far the most
important form of business organization in Canada.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #69
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
70. Dividends paid to corporate shareholders have already been taxed once as
corporate income.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #70
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
71. One advantage of the corporate form of organization is that income received by
shareholders is not taxable since the corporation already paid taxes on the income
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #71
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #72
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Memory
Full file at
73. Profits of a manufacturing corporation are taxed at the same rate as dividends.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #73
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
74. Recently, the emphasis of financial management has been on the relationships
between risk and return.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #74
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-10 Functions of Financial Management
Type: Concept
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #75
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization
Type: Concept
76. The secondary market characteristically has had stable prices over the past 20
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #76
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
77. The first Nobel Prizes given to finance professors was for their contributions to
capital structure theory and portfolio theories of risk and return.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #77
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
Full file at
78. Financial markets exist as a vast global network of individuals and financial
institutions that may be lenders, borrowers, or owners of public companies
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #78
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-12 The Role of the Financial Markets
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #79
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Concept
80. Money markets refer to those markets dealing with short-term securities having a
life of one year or less.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #80
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-12 The Role of the Financial Markets
Type: Memory
81. Capital markets refer to those markets dealing with short-term securities having a
life of one year or less.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #81
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-12 The Role of the Financial Markets
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #82
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
Full file at
83. Existing securities are traded in the secondary market.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #83
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
84. The financial markets value assets based on the most productive current use.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #84
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-15 Risk
Type: Concept
85. The 1990s demonstrated that the old valuation models were no longer effective.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #85
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Concept
86. The largest financial intermediaries after the banks are insurance companies.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #86
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-07 Management and Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
87. The TSX Composite Index is representative of equity market value of the top listed
Canadian companies.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #87
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-15 Risk
Type: Memory
88. The Internet is largely responsible for the internationalization of the financial
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #88
Full file at
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising and investing of funds.
Topic: 01-12 The Role of the Financial Markets
Type: Concept
89. Agency theory examines the relationship between companies and their
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #89
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
90. Honesty in business requires timely and full disclosure of pertinent firm
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #90
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or management interests.
Topic: 01-09 Ethical Behaviour
Type: Concept
91. Businesses will increasingly rely on B2B Internet applications to speed up cash
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #91
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and economics.
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline
Type: Memory
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #92
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Concept
93. Agency theory examines the relationship between the owners of the firm and the
managers of the firm.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #93
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholder wealth as measured by share
Full file at
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth
Type: Memory
94. Secondary markets are the markets that trade previously issued securities.
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Block - Chapter 01 #94
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining value; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital
Type: Memory
95. Financial management builds upon the disciplines of economics and accounting.
Describe what
• A broad picture of the economy and the key measures that influence the
corporation's decisions and performance (gross domestic product, industrial
production, disposable income, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, taxes).
• An understanding of the institutional structure of our mixed capitalist system
(government regulation, Bank of Canada, chartered banks, investment dealers,
trusts, insurance companies, financial markets). Capital is accumulated and valued
in competitive financial markets, affecting its cost and availability to the firm.
• A structure for decision making (risk analysis, pricing theory through supply and
demand relationships, comparative return analysis).
Finance links economic theory with the numbers of accounting, and all corporate
managers—whether in the area of production, sales, research, marketing,
management, or long run strategic planning-must know what it means to assess
the financial performance of the firm.
97. What 4 factors will investors consider in the analysis of a firm market share value?
• The risk inherent in the firm (nature of its operations and how the firm is
• The time pattern of the firm's earnings and cash flows
• The quality and reliability of reported earnings (as a guidepost to future earning
• Economic and political factors
Pursuit of these interests may emphasize short-term results over long-term wealth
building. Management may also perceive the risk of investment decisions
differently from shareholders, leading to different points of view as to the best
decision regarding the investment of the firm's resources.
101. List the 4 components of good corporate governance and identify additional
measures that could be added to strengthen corporate governance.
There have been increased demands for additional corporate governance practices
by firms, despite the increased costs of compliance and sometimes delays in
timely reporting of financial results. These measures include:
103. What are the characteristics of a sole proprietorship? What are the drawbacks?
• Single-person ownership
• Simplicity of decision making
• Low organizational and operating costs
• Unlimited liability to the owner (can lose personal assets in settlement of firm's
• Profits or losses taxed in hands of individual owner
Most small businesses with one to ten employees are sole proprietorships. The
unlimited liability is a serious drawback and few lenders are willing to advance
funds to a small business without a personal liability commitment from the owner.
A partnership is characterized by
• Multiple ownership
• Ability to raise more capital and share ownership responsibilities
• Unlimited liability for the owners (one wealthy partner may have to bear a
disproportionate share of losses in a general partnership)
• Taxation of profits or losses are allocated in percentages to partners
• A legal entity unto itself (may sue or be sued, engage in contracts, acquire
• Ownership by shareholders (each with limited liability, although bankers may
require small business owners to give their personal guarantee)
• Divisibility of the ownership (many shareholders)
• Continuous life span (not dependent on life of one shareholder)
• Taxation on its own income (individual shareholders pay tax on dividends or
capital gain tax when shares are sold)
In terms of revenue and profits produced, the corporation is by far the most
important form of economic unit.
• Paid out as dividends (shareholders pay tax on dividends: a dividend tax credit
reduces the effect of double taxation)
• Reinvested in the firm (recorded as retained earnings)
Category # of Questions
Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation 94
Block - Chapter 01 106
Difficulty: Easy 54
Difficulty: Hard 6
Difficulty: Medium 46
Learning Objective: 01-01 Illustrate how finance builds on the disciplines of accounting and econo 12
Learning Objective: 01-02 Identify the analysis and decision-making nature of finance while consi 3
dering return and risk.
Learning Objective: 01-03 Examine the primary goal of finance as the maximization of shareholde 24
r wealth as measured by share price.
Learning Objective: 01-04 Debate alternative goals of the firm on the basis of social or managem 20
ent interests.
Learning Objective: 01-05 Identify financial manager functions connected to the efficient raising a 26
nd investing of funds.
Learning Objective: 01-06 Outline the role of financial markets in allocating capital; determining v 21
alue; and establishing yields.
Topic: 01-01 The Field of Finance 2
Topic: 01-02 Evolution of Finance as a Discipline 10
Topic: 01-03 Goals of Financial Management 3
Topic: 01-04 Maximizing Shareholder Wealth 16
Topic: 01-05 Measuring the Goal 5
Topic: 01-06 Market Share Price 3
Topic: 01-07 Management and Shareholder Wealth 7
Topic: 01-08 Social Responsibility 2
Topic: 01-09 Ethical Behaviour 7
Topic: 01-10 Functions of Financial Management 4
Topic: 01-11 Forms of Organization 20
Topic: 01-12 The Role of the Financial Markets 5
Topic: 01-13 Structure and Functions of the Financial Markets 1
Topic: 01-14 Allocation of Capital 9
Topic: 01-15 Risk 12
Type: Concept 47
Type: Memory 59