Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Qb
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Qb
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Qb
1.Legal procedure
Long Essays :
1. Define inquest? Describe Various types of inquest held in your city?
2. Record of evidence in court of law?
3. Explain the procedure of recording Dying declaration? Difference
between Dying deposition and Dying declaration?
4. Witness? What are the types of witness
Short notes:
1. Inquest? Types of inquest?
2. Courts of law in India?
3. Dying Declaration?
4. Dying Deposition?
5. Conduct and Duties of the doctor in witness box?
6. Documentary Evidence
Short notes:
1. Police inquest?
2. Magistrate Inquest?
3. Indication of holding Magistrate inquest?
4. Subpoena/ summons?
5. Conduct money?
6. Expert witness?
7. Hostile witness?
8. Perjury?
9. Juvenile courts?
Short essays
1. Warning notice?
2. Professional secrecy?
3. Privileged Communication?
4. Difference between civil and criminal negligence?
5. Difference between professional negligence and infamous conduct?
6. Define criminal negligence with two examples?
7. Therapeutic misadventure?
8. Vicarious liability?
9. Euthanasia?
10. Informed consent?
11. Consumer protection act?
12. Difference between warning and warning notice?
13. Novus actus interveniens?
14. Functions of Indian medical council?
15. Functions of state medical council?
Short notes
1. Warning notice?
2. Dichotomy?
3. The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur?
4. Medical Maloccurrence?
5. Section 304 – A?
6. Contributory negligence?
7. Product Liability?
8. Therapeutic Privilege?
9.covering, 9. Loco parentis?
10. Penal erasure?
Long essays
1) Medicolegal importance of various ages
2) Enumerate various methods of identification of a person?
What is dactylography? Describe the types?
Short essays
1. Intersex
2. Gustafson’s methods for age estimation
3. Fingerprints/dactylography/dermatoglyphics
4. Tattoo marks
5. Superimposition
6. Forensic odontology
7. Medicolegal importance of teeth
8. Secondary sexual characters
9. DNA fingerprinting
Short note
1. Corpus delecti
2. Barr body
3. Klinefelter’s syndrome
4. Turner’s syndrome
5. Hasse’s rule
6. Arcus senilis
7. Cephalic index
8. Tattoo mark/methods of erasure of tattoo mark/dyes used
9. Poroscopy
10. Bite marks
11. Cheiloscopy/lip prints
Long essays
1. Objectives of a medicolegal postmortem examination.
Mention the organs that you would routinely send for
examination, giving your reason for the same in case of
suspected poisoning.
Add a note on presentation and procedure for forwarding
them to the chemical examiner.
2. How do you diagnose poisoning in the living and dead?
What are the materials to be preserved in the casualty while
treating and what are the viscera to be preserved for
chemical analysis during autopsy in a case of poisoning?
3. Define Autopsy. Describe the different types of
Short essays
1.Preservation of viscera in a suspected case of poisoning.
2.What is Exhumation? When is it done? Briefly outline the
3.What is the difference between medicolegal and clinical
4.Primary skin incision for opening the body during the
5.Methods of removal of organs in autopay.
Short answers
3.differemt methods of removal of viscera.
4.types of Incisions.
long essay
1) Define & classify Asphyxial death. Describe Postmortem findings in
case of drowning.
2) Define Hanging. What are the various types of Hanging? Describe
the Postmortem findings in case of hanging Enumerate the causes of
death .Add a note on judicial hanging.
3) Describe the postmortem findings in a case of death due to hanging.
Enumerate the difference between hanging & ligature strangulation.
4) Define hanging & strangulation. Enumerate the difference between
the two Asphyxial death
5) Enumerate various violent Asphyxial death. What is the postmortem
findings in a case of throttling? Add a note on hyoid bone fracture
6) Define drowning. What are the various types? Describe the
postmortem findings in a case of drowning and its medicolegal
Short essay
1) Difference between suicidal and homicidal hanging
2) Enumerate the Asphyxial death caused by pressure over neck
3) Judicial hanging
4) Difference between hanging & ligature strangulation
5) Ligature mark in hanging & strangulation
6) Throttling
7) Types of hyoid bone fracture
8) Smothering and its mli
9) Gagging
10) Café coronary
11) Traumatic asphyxia
12) Burking
13) Dry drowning
14) Describe the pathophysiology of salt water & fresh water drowning
15) Classify Asphyxial death. Describe autopsy findings
16) Signs of drowning
17) External findings in a case of death due to wet drowning
18) Sexual asphyxias
19) Autoerotic death
20) Hangman’s fracture
Short answers
1) Classification of hanging
2) Causes of death in hanging
3) Ligature mark of typical hanging
4) Partial hanging
5) Lynching
6) Judicial hanging
7) Signs of ligature strangulation
8) Difference between ligature marks of hanging and strangulation
9) Bansdola
10) Garroting
11) Bloodless dissection of neck
12) Hyoid bone fracture
13) Smothering
14) Gagging
15) Overlying
16) Café coronary syndrome
17) Traumatic asphyxia
18) Burking
19) Dry drowning
20) Causes of death due to drowning.
21) External signs of drowning
22) Antemortem signs of drowning.
23) Emphysema aquosum
24) Paultof’s hemorrhage
25) Diatoms and significance of examination of diatoms
Long essays
1. Define death. Enumerate and explain early changes after death.
2. Define death. What are the types of death? Write a note on post
mortem hypostasis.
3. What is time since death? What is its significance? Mention various
factors that help in establishing time since death
4. Enumerate the early changes after death. Explain the mechanism of
rigor mortis.
5. What is algor mortis? What are the factors affecting algor mortis?
Medicolegal importance of algor mortis. Write a note on post mortem
6. What is rigor mortis? Mechanism of rigor mortis. Medicolegal
importance of rigor mortis. Differentiate between rigor mortis and
cadaveric spasm.
7. Enumerate and explain late changes after death. Write a note on
forensic entomology.
Short essay
1. What is suspended animation? What is its importance? Mention
three conditions where its seen?
2. Rigor mortis
3. Sudden death
4. Define death. What are the types of death?
5. Post mortem cooling
6. Post mortem hypostasis
7. Post mortem caloricity
8. Cadaveric spasm
9. Mummification
10. Differences between hypostasis and bruise
11. Forensic entomology
12. Differences between rigor mortis and cadaveric spasm
13. Adipocere formation
14. Enumerate the late changes after death
15. Brain stem death
16. Medicolegal importance of post mortem hypostasis
17. Factors influencing algor mortis, rigor mortis, post mortem
hypostasis, mummification
18. Medicolegal importance of death
19. Organ transplantation
20. What are the changes due to autolysis
Short answer
1. Conditions simulating rigor mortis
2. Eye changes after death
3. Caspers dictum
4. Time since death from post mortem staining
5. Medicolegal importance of cadaveric spasm
6. What are the modifications of putrefaction?
7. Mention the factors influencing putrefaction
8. Mechanism of mummification
9. What are the difference between primary relaxation and secondary
relaxation of muscles after death
10. Marbling
11. Vibices
12. Brain stem reflexes.
7.Forensic Psychiatry
Long essays
1. Define delusion? Describe the type of delusion? Write a note on civil
and criminal responsibility of an insane person?
2. Define Hallucination? Describe the types of hallucination? Write the
difference between real and feigned Insanity?
3. Mental Health act 1987? Write a note on civil and criminal
responsibility of an insane person? Write a note on Restraints of the
Short essays
1. Write short note on Hallucination?
2. Write short note on Delusion?
3. Write short note on Impulse?
4. Write short note on criminal responsibility of mentally ill person?
5. What are the difference between real and feigned Insanity?
6. Mental health act 1987?
7. Write a short note on civil responsibility of a mentally ill person?
8. Mac Naughten Rule?
9. Schizophrenia?
10. Section 84 IPC?
Short answers
1. Delirium?
2. Illusion?
3. Impulse?
4. Lucid interval?
5. Phobia?
6. Psychoses?
7. Testamentary Capacity?8. Mens rea?
9. Brain mapping or Brain finger printing?
10. Doctrine of diminished responsibility?
11. Automatism?
8.Mechanical Injuries including firearm
injuries,Regional Injuries,Transportation
Injuries,Thermal injuries including lightning and
electrocution injuries
Long essays (10marks)
1.Define section 44 of IPC. Describe Abrasion (Definition, Types,
Mechanism, Age or healing, Differential diagnosis and its Medico Legal
Importance). **
2.Mention the medico legal importance of hesitation cuts/Tentative
cut/Trial wound.Add a note on Grievous injuries?*
3.Define and classify mechanical injuries? Briefly enumerate the
difference between suicidal and Homicidal cut throat injuries? *
4.Describe the external and internal postmortem findings in burns.
Write briefly on cause of death in burns.
6.Describe the characteristics and medicolegal aspects of contusions.
Mention the differences between contusions and artificial bruise
1.Define torture. Mention its objects.
MCQs can be asked**
Short answers
1.Blood grouping in disputed paternity
2.Locard’s exchange Principle
3.Teichmann test
4.Takayama test.
5.Acid phopatase test
Analytical Toxicology-500pg no+pdf
-Brief description of analytical methods available for toxicological
analysis: -Chromatography – Thin Layer Chromatography, Gas
Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography, Atomic Absorption
Spectroscopy, Mass spectroscopy, and immune assay
Short essays
1. Describe the various methods of removal of poisoning from the
body, what methods can be adopted to enhance stomach
2. What are the viscera preserved for chemical analysis in a case of
suspected poisoning
3. Name common chelating agents? How do they act? Describe the use
of any one of them
4. Method of performing gastric lavage? Examples for gastric lavage
5. Describe the various types of antidotes with examples? Briefly
mention mode of its action? Add a note on chelating agents
6. Legal duties of a doctor in case of poisoning
Short notes.
1. Universal antidote
2. Indication and contra indications of gastric lavage
3. Pharmacological antidote
4. Biological antidote
5. Coma cocktail
6. Contra indications of activated charcoal
7. Sites of actions of poisons
8. Physiological (Mechanical) antidote
9. Diagnosis of poisoning in living
10. Chelating agents
11. Poison Information Centre (PIC)
Short essays
1. Post-mortem appearance of GI tract following in- organic acid
2. Signs and symptoms, management and post-mortem appearance of
carbolic acid poisoning
Short notes
1. Xanthoproteic reaction
2. Carboluria
3. Oochronosis
4. Oxaluria
5. Vitriolage
Short essays
1. Signs and symptoms, management and post-mortem appearance of
acute Phosphorus poisoning
Short notes
1.Phossy jaw
2. Rodenticides
3. Iodism
4. Describe mechanical antidote with suitable example
Short essay
1. Chronic mercury poisoning
2. Signs and symptoms associated with acute and chronic Arsenic
3. Describe the clinical features of Plumbism
4. Differential diagnosis of arsenic from cholera
Short notes
1. Hydrargyrism
2. Hatters shake/glass blower’s shake
3. Acrodynia or pink disease
4. What are the skin, hair and nail changes in arsenic poisoning
5. Basophilic stippling (punctate basophilia)
6. Minimata disease
7. Vineyard sprayer’s lung disease and Wilson’s disease
8. Metal fume fever
9. Plumbism
Short notes
1. Hippus
2. Love philtor
3. Symptoms associated with acute nicotine poisoning
Long essays
1. Discuss mode of action, clinical features, management, post-mortem
findings and medicolegal aspects of Organophosphorus compound
Short essays
2. Write about signs and symptoms and treatment of acute
Organophosphorus poisoning
3. Treatment Organophosphorus compound poisoning
Short notes
1. Plant penicillin
2. Carbamates
3. Pyrethrins and Pyrethroids
Short essays
1. Describe the signs and symptoms and treatment of a case of methyl
alcohol poisoning
2. Delirium tremens
3. Write a note on medical examination of an alcoholic person
including laboratory investigation
4. Medicolegal aspects of alcoholism 5. Different stages of alcohol
Short notes
1. Drunkenness
2. Widemark’s formula
3 .Micturition syncope
4. Write a short note on Opium poisoning
5. Derivatives opium poppy
6. Magnan’s sign or cocaine bug syndrome
7. Designer drugs
8. Psychedelics
9. Flashback phenomena
10. Body packers or body stuffer’s syndrome
11. Solvent abuse
12. Wernick’s encephalopathy
13. Korsakoff’s psychosis
Long essays
1.Classify poisons acting on Central Nervous System? Describe the signs
and symptoms and treatment of Datura poisoning
Short essays
1. Signs and symptoms of Datura poisoning
Short notes
1. Differences between the seeds of Datura and capsicum
2. Signs and symptoms associated with cannabis poisoning
3. 8 Ds of Datura poisoning
4. Carphologia
5. Preparations of Cannabis indica
6. Run a mock
Short essays
1. Describe the mechanism of action, signs and symptoms and
treatment in case of poisoning by strychnine
2. Differences between Strychnine poisoning and tetanus poisoning
Long essays
1. Describe signs and symptoms, treatment and post-mortem
appearance of cyanide poisoning
Short essays
1. Describe the circumstances in which carbon monoxide poison can
occur? How will, you manage a case of acute CO poisoning
2. Describe the management of a case of acute cyanide poisoning
Short notes
1. The 3 steps Eli Lilly cyanide kit approach
2. War gases
Short notes
1. Ptomaines or cadaveric alkaloids
2. Botulism
3. Neurolathyrism
4. Epidemic dropsy
5. Ciguatera poisoning
Short notes
1. Drug addiction
2. Differences between Drug addiction and drug habituation
3. Drug automatism
4. Withdrawal symptoms
5. Drug habituation