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F.M. Viva

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Forensic Medicine Viva questions

1. Define Forensic Medicine. What are it’s branches?
2. Why is essential to learn Forensic Medicine for every doctor?
3. Define Medical Jurisprudence. How it differs from Forensic Medicine?
4. What are the different Courts of Law of Bangladesh?
5. What are the powers of different Courts of Bangladesh?
6. Define & classify Inquest. What are the contents of Inquest?
7. What is Inquest? What are it’s types?
8. What are the conditions when Magistrate’s Inquest is done?
9. Define Witness. What are it’s types?
10. Define Evidence. What are the medical documentary evidences?
11. Define Deposition. What are the parts of Deposition?
12. What is Dying declaration? How is it recorded?
13. What is Dying deposition? How it differs from Dying declaration?
14. Define professional infamous conduct. What are the acts that constitute
professional infamous conduct?
15. Define Professional infamous conduct. Differentiate between Dichotomy and Fee
16. What are the components of Malpraxis?
17. Define Malpraxis. What are it’s types?
18. What are the differences between Civil and Criminal Malpraxis?
19. Define Covering, Adultery and Contributory Negligence.
20. What is Vicarious liability, loco parentis?
21. Define Euthanasia. What are it’s types?
22. What are the conditions when consent becomes invalid?
23. What are the conditions when registration of a doctor may be cancelled by
24. What is BMDC & BMA?
25. What is BMDC? What are the functions of BMDC?
26. What is professional death sentence? When it occurs?
27. Define Identification. What are the traits for Identification?
28. What is Race? What are it’s types?
29. What is Cephalic index?
30. How can you determine sex from a dead body?
31. What information you may get by examination of the bones?
32. What information you may get by examination of the bones? repeated
33. What is Nuclear Sexing? What are it’s medico-legal importance?
34. How can you determine sex from a skull?
35. What are the information can you get from a dried pelvis?
36. What is Intersex? What are it’s types?
37. What is Inter sex? What are it’s types? repeated
38. What are the importance of giving consent of different ages?
39. How can you determine age from teeth?
40. What are the medico-legal importances of different ages?
41. What information you can get from a tuft of hair?
42. What are the medico-legal importances of hair?
43. What are the medico-legal importances of hair? repeated
44. What is the medico-legal importance of hair? repeated
45. What information you can furnish on examination of hair.
46. What is Dactylography or Galton System? What are the types of finger print?
47. What is Superimposition?
48. What are the medico-legal importances of Scar mark?
49. What is Tattoo mark? What are it’s medico-legal importance?
50. What are the medico-legal importances of Bite marks & nail marks?
51. What are the ages of eruption of temporary and permanent teeth?
52. What is Semen? Name the tests for detecting semen.
53. What is Semen? What are the compositions of Semen?
54. What do you mean by XY female?
55. What information can you be get from a decomposed body?
56. What information can be obtained from the decomposed bodies? repeated
57. How will you identify a mutilated body?
58. Define & classify wound.
59. Define Hurt? What are the components of Grievous hurt? **

60. What are the causes of death in wound?
61. Differentiate between Ante-mortem & post mortem wound.
62. Define Abrasion. What are the types of Abrasion?
63. Define Bruise. How will you estimate age of Bruise?
64. How Bruise can cause death?
65. Define lacerated wound. What are it’s types?
66. What are the characteristics of Incised looking wound?
67. What are the characteristics of Incised wound?
68. What are the differences between suicidal & homicidal cut throat wound?
69. What is Defense wound & Fictitious wound?
70. What is concealed punctured wound? What are the places where it is done?
71. What is Paradox gun?
72. What are the parts of a cartridge of shot gun?
73. What are the parts of a cartridge of rifled firearm?
74. What is Chocking? What is it’s advantage? [(fire Arms)/(Violent Asphyxia)
75. What are the types of Gun powder? What are their compositions?
76. What is Rifling? What are it’s advantages?
77. Tell the important characteristics of Suicidal fire arm injury.
78. How will you differentiate Shot gun or Pellet injury from a Bullet injury?
79. What is Collar abrasion? What are its medico-legal importance?
80. State the characteristic of entry and exit wound of gun shot injury.
81. What are the effects of Heat on the body?
82. What do you mean by Heat hyper pyrexia?
83. What do you mean by Heat cramp?
84. What are the causes of death in Burn?
85. What are the differences between Heat stroke and Heat exhaustion?
86. How will you manage a case of 20% burn?
87. Define Burn & Scald. How can you calculate the percentage of burn?
88. How will you differentiate between Burn & Scald?
89. What are the causes of death in electrocution?
90. What do you mean by Joule burn?
91. What are the types of fractures in skull bones?
92. What injuries may occur in Scalp and Brain?
93. What is affiliation case?
94. What is cerebral compression?
95. What is Contre Coup injury?
96. What is Crush syndrome?
97. What are the post mortem findings of chronic starvation?
98. Define & classify starvation.
99. What are the post mortem findings of Chronic Starvation?
100. Define asphyxia. What are it’s types?
101. What is Traumatic asphyxia & Sexual asphyxia?
102. What are Violent Asphyxial deaths?
103. Define Hanging. What are the characteristics of ligature mark of a typical
suicidal hanging?
104. What is Hypoxia & what are the types? What are the post mortem findings
in hypoxia?
105. What are the causes of death in case of suicidal hanging?
106. What is hanging? What is the surest sign of ante-mortem suicidal
107. Define hanging. What are it’s types?
108. Define Hanging. Describe ligature mark of a typical suicidal hanging.
109. What is strangulation? What are the post mortem findings will you get in
case of throttling?
110. Define Suffocation. What are the methods of Suffocation?
111. What is drowning? What are its types?
112. What are the post mortem findings in case of Drowning?
113. Mention the complications may arise from abdominal injuries?
114. What is the medico-legal importance of Immersion syndrome?
115. What is viable age? What are it’s medico-legal importances?
116. What is locard’s exchange principle?

1) What is instinct? What are the components of sexual instinct?
2) What is Lichtenberg’s flower?
3) Classify psycho-sexual disorders.
4) Define sexual offences & classify it.
5) Define Incest & Sodomy.
6) What is Phobia, Illusion, Delusion?
7) What is Lesbianism?
8) What is Testamentary Capacity?
9) What are the types of finger print? Why finger print is so much important?
10) What are the Pre-requisites for examination of a rape case?
11) What is Pseudocyesis?
12) What is lust murder?
13) What is Masochism?
14) Define Impotence and sterility.
15) What are the conditions where question of pregnancy arises Medico-legally?
16) What is Spalding’s sign?
17) What are the signs of live birth?
18) What is Autopsy? What are its types?
19) What are the natural sexual offences?
20) What are the complications of Rape?
21) How will you proceed to examine a victim of rape case?
22) Define rape.
23) What is Rape trauma syndrome?
24) Under what conditions hymen remains intact after sexual intercourse?
25) What is Infanticide & foeticide?
26) What is surrogate baby, semen banking & test tube baby?
27) What are the causes of foetal death during labour?
28) What is SIDS/ CRIB death/ Cot death?
29) What are the objects of Autopsy?
30) What are the common methods of criminal abortion?
31) What are the positive signs of pregnancy?
32) What are the indications of therapeutic abortion?
33) Under what conditions pregnancy test is positive without pregnancy?
34) What are the problems of doing of Artificial insemination?
35) Differentiate live birth & still birth.
36) What is artificial insemination? What are it’s types?
37) What is exhumation? What are the procedures of exhumation?
38) What are the signs of maceration?
39) What is virginity & defloration?
40) How you will ascertain paternally of a child?
41) What are the reliable signs of Death?
42) What is Brain stem death?
43) Differentiate between rigor mortis & cadaveric spasm.
44) Define & classify abortion.
45) What is precipitate labour? What is the medico legal importance of it?
46) What are the umbilical cord changes that occur in new born baby?
47) What is the procedure of artificial insemination?
48) What are the feature of pre-maturity and post maturity?
49) What are the causes of death in abortion?
50) How will you examine a case of impotent person?
51) How will you take precautions in autopsy in AIDS cases?
52) What is hymen? What are it’s types?
53) What is sterility? What are the types of sterility?
54) Define mental illness. Differentiate between true & false insanity.
55) What is sadism?
56) What is putrefaction? What are the stages of it?
57) How will you establish paternity?
58) What are the probable signs of pregnancy?
59) What are the presumptive signs of pregnancy?
60) What are the stiffenings of dead body?
61) What are the conditions when an adult is not criminally responsible for his acts?
62) Define sudden death. What are the causes of sudden death?
63) What is shock? What are its types?

64) What are sexual perversions?
65) What is virginity? What are the sings of virginity?
66) What is lochia? What are its types?
67) What is superfoetation & superfecundation?
68) What are the medico-legal importance of sudden death?
69) What are the stiffenings of dead body?
70) What are the disorders of Expression/ Urge/ Stimulus?
71) What is sexual oralism?
72) What is “Mc Naughten” Rule?
73) What are the differences between Ante mortem and post mortem blisters?
74) What are the pre-requisites for Autopsy?
75) What is Brain death? How will you diagnose it?
76) What is Rigor mortis? What is the mechanism of Rigor mortis?
77) Define death? What are its types?
78) What are the organisms responsible for putrefaction?
79) What is Rule of Hasse?
80) Define sudden death? Mention important causes o sudden death?
81) Define Mummification. Mention its medico-legal importances.
82) What is suspended animation? What is its medico-legal importance?
83) What is Battered baby syndrome/ Caffey Syndrome/ Child abuse Syndrome?
84) What is sterilization & what are its types?
85) Define frigidity? What are the causes of frigidity?
86) Differentiate between Ante-mortem & post mortem clot.
87) What is Marriage? What are the conditions when marriage becomes medico-
legally null and void?
88) Define and classify rapist.
89) What is Catamite?
90) What is Buccal coitus? What are the dangers of it?
91) What is supposititious child? What are the motives behind it?
92) What is pregnancy? How will you confirm it?
93) How will you estimate time elapsed since death?
94) What is posthumous child? What are it’s medico-legal importance?
95) Define death trance. What are its medico-legal importances?
96) What is Rigor mortis? How can you determine time elapsed since death?
97) Define Cadaveric spasm & Cadaveric rigidity. What are their causes?
98) What is Adipocere formation & what are its medico-legal importances?
99) What are the changes that occur after death?
100) What are the pre-requisites for Autopsy?
101) What is Negative autopsy & Obscure autopsy?
102) What is divorce? What are the conditions when a woman can divorce her


103) Define poison. Classify poisons medico legally.

104) Which viscera will you preserve in case of poisoning in autopsy and why?
105) What are the procedures for elimination of absorbed poison?
106) Tell the contraindications for stomach wash.
107) How will you diagnose a case of poisoning in living subject?
108) Tell the general principles of management of a case of poisoning.
109) Tell the treatment of Corrosive acid poisoning.
110) What are the procedures of removal of unabsorbed poison from the body?
111) Tell three important properties of an ideal suicidal poison.
112) What are the factors influencing the actions of poison?
113) What do you mean by Universal antidote?
114) Mention 5 important sign symptoms of kerosene oil poisoning?
115) Mention 3 important complications of kerosene oil poisoning.
116) What do you mean by –
a. Running amok
b. Ganja psychosis
117) What are the causes of dilated & constricted pupils?
118) What are the sources of opium? What are its Alkaloids? How opium is
119) Mention differential diagnosis of strychnine poisoning. How will you
differentiate it form tetanus?

120) How will you differentiate Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Hydrochloric acid
poisoning by observing teeth?
121) How will you manage a case of acute Opium poisoning?
122) What are the types of Snakes?
123) Classify Snakes. What are the compositions of Snake venom?
124) What is snake venom? How will you diagnose bite marks of a poisonous
125) Tell 3 important differences between constricted pupil of head injury and
opium poisoning.
126) Mention 5 important sign symptoms of OPC poisoning.
127) What are the sign symptoms of acute Arsenic poisoning?
128) Classify OPC.
129) How will you treat a case of Datura poisoning?
130) Tell the medico legal use of Yellow oleander.
131) What is carbolism? Tell the treatment of Carbolism.
132) What is vitriolage? What are the causes of death in vitriolage? What is the
treatment of it?
133) What are the complications of Vitriolage?
134) What are the sources of lead? How will you manage a case of chronic lead
135) What is the treatment of chronic Arsenic poisoning?
136) Write down the mode of action of Datura.
137) How will you treat Kerosene oil poisoning in case of a child of 2 years of
138) What are the features of Chronic Alcoholism?
139) How will you treat a case of OPC poisoning?
140) What is delirium?
141) Tell the differential diagnosis of coma due to Opium poisoning?
142) Mention sign symptoms of Nux Vomica poisoning. How will you manage
such a case?
143) What type of poison Yellow oleander is? What are the active ingredients?
144) Enumerate Homicidal poisons.
145) Tell the three important properties of any ideal homicidal poison.
146) What do you mean by Carboluria?
147) Classify Barbiturates.
148) What are the differences between Drug habituation and Drug addiction?
149) Mention important differentiating points between Arsenic poisoning and
150) Mention common causes of Food poisoning in Bangladesh.
151) What is Hallucination? What are its types?
152) Differentiate between psychosis & neurosis.
153) What is Delirium tremens? Tell its medico legal importance.

==== The End ====

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