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朗杜 PCABS DH130物性表

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产品描述 Product description:

PC/ABS DH130 是一款高耐热、低 VOCS、高冲击 PC/ABS 树脂。DH130 具有优异的冲击性和耐热性。

PC/ABS DH130 is a high heat resistant,low VOCS,high impact resistant PC/ABS resin.DH130 has excellent impact and
heat resistance.

主要应用 Main applications:


Car lamp shell,air outlet shell,etc

物理性能 Physical 标准 Test Method 测试条件 Test Condition 典型值 Nominal Value

密度 Density ISO 1183 23℃ 1.15g/cm3

熔融指数 Melt Mass-Flow Rate(MFR) ISO 1133 260°C/5kg 23

收缩率 Molding Shrinkage Langdow Method 23℃ 0.3-0.6%

机械性能 Mechanical 标准 Test Method 测试条件 Test Condition 典型值 Nominal Value

拉伸强度 Tensile Strength ISO 527 50 mm/min 58MPa

拉伸屈服伸长率 Tensile Elongation ISO 527 50 mm/min /

弯曲强度 Flexural Strength ISO 178 2 mm/min 82MPa

弯曲模量 Flexural Modulus ISO 178 2 mm/min 2300MPa

悬臂梁缺口冲击强度 Notched Izod 2

ISO 180 23℃ 52KJ/m
简支梁缺口冲击 Notched Charpy Impact ISO 179 23℃ 55KJ/m

热性能 Thermal 标准 Test Method 测试条件 Test Condition 典型值 Nominal Value

维卡软化温度 Vicat Softening

ISO 306 50N*50℃/h 130℃
热变形温度 Heat Deflection Temp.
ISO 75 120℃/h 113℃
1.82MPa Unannealed

阻燃性 Flammability 标准 Test Method 测试条件 Test Condition 典型值 Nominal Value

Flammability ISO 3795 355*100*3mm HB

加工工艺 Processing Parameters 单位 Unit 典型值 Typical Value

干燥温度 Drying Temperature ℃ 100-110
干燥时间 Drying Time hour 4-5

料筒温度 Barrel Temperature

后段 Rear ℃ 220-230

中段 Middle ℃ 240-260

前段 Front ℃ 270-280

喷嘴 Nozzle ℃ 260-270

熔化温度 Melt Temperature ℃ 260-280

模具温度 Mold Temperature ℃ 60-80


1. 以上数据测试条件为 23°C, 50%RH。Values are measured at 23℃ and in RH of 50%.

2. 数据典型值仅供材料选择时使用,不同颜色材料数值会有所差异。Typical Values are only for material selection purpose, and

variation within normal tolerances are various colors.

3. 以上加工工艺仅供参考,因注塑机型号,模具的不同以及产品的不同,工艺也随之不同。The above process for reference only.

It can be changed with different injection molding machines,different models and different products.

4. 本物性表典型数据只是参考值,而不应做为最小值。所有用户都应在使用我司材料后在制品的最终条件下进行必要的测试和分析以

确保产品的安全性和适合性。The information contained herein are given in good faith. the typical values should be regarded

as reference values only and not as binding minimum values. Each user must identify and perform all tests and analyses

necessary to assure that its finished parts incorporating our material or products will be safe and suitable for use under

end-use conditions.

5. 制件收缩率很大程度上取决于壁厚、模具浇口以及成型条件。因而所列举的缩水率数字仅作为参考。The shrinkage of a moulded

article largely depends on its wall thickness, the mould gating and the moulding conditions. Therefore the figures listed

can only serve as an indication.

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