The Safeguard
The Safeguard
The Safeguard
0 (Inspired by the astrological sign Libra from the prompt ‘zodiac’ for the 2020 Masks
Iron Chef Playbook Contest)
By Astigmatic Oracle
Your friends are like family and you can accomplish so much together. But everyone
seems to want to fight. To solve problems with their fists. Except you. You just want
everyone to get along. So if you have to keep playing peacemaker, that’s what you’ll do.
Hero Name:
Real Name:
Ambiguous, Man, Shifting, Transgressing, Woman
Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
Kind eyes, concerned eyes, joyful eyes, tired eyes
Comfortable clothes, conservative clothes, trendy clothes, pastel clothes
Fashionable costume, no costume, colorful costume, team uniform
Your abilities are defensive or protective in nature, but you can throw down in a pinch.
Choose 2 of the following:
● Invisibility
● Force Fields
● Shrinking
● Telekinesis
● Power Negation
● Regeneration
(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
Danger -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Freak -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Savior -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Superior -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Mundane -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
Who did you once fail to protect?
Why are you so averse to conflict?
Why did you become a superhero?
Who, outside the team, have you protected?
Why do you care about the team?
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and
then determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships
between you and your teammates, and who has Influence over you.
___________ is like a younger sibling to you, so you keep an extra eye on them.
___________ sometimes has trouble fitting in with the rest of the group, so you make
sure they are included.
Your team is like your family and you care about what they think. Give Influence over
you to three teammates.
Safeguard Moves:
Choose three
○ Peacemaker When you mediate a heated argument between others, roll +
Mundane. On a hit, NPCs stop fighting for now. PCs may clear a condition if they
stop fighting. On a 10+, you may also clear a condition or shift your own labels.
On a miss, the argument escalates or people turn on you.
○ Talk, No Jutsu When you talk down a villain from fighting, roll + Savior. On a hit,
they listen to you at least for now, creating an opportunity for your allies. On a
10+, you may use the adult move Persuade with Best Interest on them until the
end of the scene.
○ Human Shield When you knowingly put yourself at risk to protect a teammate,
take +1 forward to Defend them. On a hit, they clear a condition. On a miss, you
Take a Powerful Blow.
○ Then you handle it! When you storm off to escape fighting teammates, remove
one Team from the pool and shift your labels.
○ There’s no ‘I’ in Team Whenever you choose to add a Team to the pool, add two
Team to the pool instead.
○ Team Parent When you Comfort or Support someone, on a hit take Influence
over them if they open up to you and shift your own labels if they do not.
Moment of Truth
You always try to play it safe, to keep things buttoned down and controlled. But now the
only way to protect those you care about is to let loose. And so you do. With you
around, no one else is going to get hurt. Of course, now that they know what you are
capable of there’s an expectation you’ll be playing offense instead of just defense...
Team Moves
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, let them know how important
they are to the team and add one Team to the pool. If they already knew that, clear a
condition. If they didn’t, take +1 Forward on the next move you make targeting them.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, ask them if you are holding
the team back or together. If they say back, mark Guilty, If they say together, add a
Team to the pool.
Potential: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential.
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
Playbook GM Advice
● Give them arguments to solve
● Pit them against the team
● Give villains a reason to stop fighting
● Pressure them to use their powers offensively
● Incentivize cooperation
The Safeguard wants everyone to get along and for people to stop fighting. But this is a
superhero comic! Fighting and arguing are par for the course. Make sure you give The
Safeguard some arguments they can solve and some arguments that they can’t. Keep
in mind who is susceptible to their words, and thus susceptible to their pleads for
The Safeguard is at tension between using words and peaceful methods to solve
problems and using more aggressive means like their powers. Create perfect
opportunities for them to use their powers aggressively and let them decide if they take
the bait. But be careful about making it seem like words are useless; they aren’t. Both
words and actions should have a place in solving conflicts, but the Safeguard needs
the opportunity to decide which to try.
Because the Safeguard is so focused on being a peacemaker, they run the risk
of becoming a passive character. Don’t let them! Make sure you give them arguments
and fights to react to, but also create situations where they can be more proactive. Let
them try to stop some potential conflicts before they blow up into full on fights. Poke
them to meddle in the teams’ relationships.