Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter
Titan Shifter
Those with the strength of a hundred men are often those with the strangest abilities
Titan Shifter
A human female is backed against the wall by Goblins and Outcast's Life
Kobolds, unarmed and unarmored. She takes a large bite out
of her thumb, drawing her own blood. Her form shifts and Many Titan Shifters are often outcasted from society after
changes into a colossal creature. She takes one swing across they first shift. They are often confused for the Giants they
and knocks most of the Goblins and Kobolds away before often fight themselves. A few are accepted, but those are very
escaping. few and far between. Many attempt to live their lives by
A male Tiefling begins running at the large wall of a city of hunting, but a lot more often do they go rogue and begin to
evil creatures. He takes a dagger off of his belt and slides it hunt down the very humans that outcasted them. Most that
across his palm. He shifts into a large creature and begins to choose this lifestyle are usually killed by the soldiers that
harden his skin. He slams into the wall and shatters it into vowed to kill them.
A dwarven male swings around on these long grappling The Monster Inside
hooks through the city. Watching as hundreds of Giants flood The Titan's Serum is injected through a needle. The serum
into the city. He flings himself at the closest one and uses his was created by people known as the Eldians. Upon being
the small spike on his ring to stab into himself, turning into a injected, the effected creature turns into a mindless Titan and
large, heavyset creature and slamming into the Giant. stays that way until they consume another person with the
These creatures have all been effected by the Titan's power to shift into a Titan themselves. Once they consume
Serum, a medication created to give many the power to turn these people, they escape from the nape of the neck and are
into creatures of huge sizes. These creatures take all sizes allowed to roam free again, though they are now bound to the
and shapes, but none have any sort of features that show Titan that now lies within them. The Titan calls for the
gender. These Titan Shifters are often used to take out consumption of humanoids. Whether you listen or not is your
armies of opposing soldiers, or to do tasks that no other choice.
creature can do themselves.
1 Outcast's Life
Creating a Titan Shifter You have advantage on Strength or Dexterity checks and
saving throws. Which one you have advantage on is
When creating a Titan Shifter character, think about how you deceided by which is higher. You also have disadvantage
came in contact with the Titan Serum. Were you forced to on all Intelligence checks and saving throws due to your
become one after being kidnapped? Did you find a Titan inability to think about anything more than killing your
Shifter and take the serum yourself to become a Titan? foes.
Maybe you were tricked into becoming a Titan Shifter by a Your size is now one size larger than you currently are.
trickster God. Whatever you decide, Titan Serum must be Your armor and weapons do not shift into your titan form,
administered somehow into your bloodstream. and you cannot use either while in this form.
What led you to become an adventurer? Were you forced You cannot cast spells while in titan form, nor can you
out of your hometown when they found out you were a Titan? concentrate on any spells your are currently concentrating
Did you want more adventure in your life? Did you leave to on.
hunt down the one who tricked you into becoming a Titan? When you make attacks in your titan form, you deal
Perhaps you became a soldier after you were convinced to by damage as shown in the Titan Damage column of the
a compatriot or an idol from your childhood. Titan Shifter table.
You are vulnerable to slashing damage when it is focused
Quick Build on the nape of your neck. If you are attacked at the nape of
You can make a Titan Shifter quickly by following these your neck and dealt 20 or more damage, your titan form
suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Strength if ends.
you want to focus on feats of strength or Dexterity if you want You have advantage on grappling checks on creatures that
to focus on quick strikes and quick defenses, these should be are your size or smaller.
followed by Constitution. Second, choose the outlander
background. When your health drops down to 1/4 of your full health,
your titan form ends and you return to your humanoid form.
Your titan form lasts for 1 minute before it ends.
Class Features Once you have shifted the number of times shown for your
As a Titan Shifter, you gain the following class features. Titan Shifter level in the Shifts column of the Titan Shifter
table, you must finish a long rest before you can shift again.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per Titan Shifter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution
modifier per Titan Shifter level after 1st
Armor: Light armor (Humanoid form only)
Weapons: Simple Weapons, longswords, scimitars,
Tools: Tinker's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, History, Intimidation,
Perception, and Survival
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
(a) leather armor or (b) a shortbow and 20 arrows
(a) any two simple weapons or (b) a longsword
(a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
Titan's Serum
You have be administered the Titan's Serum into your
bloodstream, allowing you to turn into a titanic form of
yourself. Starting at 1st level, you can use an action to deal at
least one damage to yourself and transform into this titan
form. While in titan form, you have the following benefits
when you are not wearing medium or heavy armor:
Credit: bottombraun on Tumblr
Healing Factor
Starting at 2nd level, your body heals faster than most other
creatures due to the Titan's Serum that flows through your
body. When you take a short rest, you can double your
Constitution modifier when adding it to your Hit Dice rolls. If
you are in titan form while short resting, you can instead
triple your Constitution modifier.
Titan Variant
At 3rd level, you choose a variant that your titan form takes.
Choose the Armored Titan, Attack Titan, or Colossal Titan
variant, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your
choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th,
and 14th levels.
Abilty Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by
2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.
As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using
this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once,
whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
The number of attacks increases to three when you reach
13th level.
Credit: anime-blog123 on Tumblr
Occult Blows
Titan's Defense
Starting at 7th level, your attacks in titan form count as
While you are in your titan form your body becomes much magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
tougher to bludgeon, pierce through, or slash through than immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
your normal skin. Starting at 1st level, your Armor Class
equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution Titan's Movement
modifier while in your titan form.
Beginning at 9th level, your titan form now moves more
Training Corps swiftly than most other creatures of your size. You add 15 to
whatever the movement is of your titan form and your vertical
You have been through your training with the Training Corps and horizontal jump are now doubled. You are also no longer
and learned how to use the 3D Maneuver Gear to travel hindered by difficult terrain.
quickly around cities and other types of places with lots of
things your grappling hooks can attach to. Starting at 2nd Titan's Roar
level, you must spend 8 hours and 250 gold to create the 3D
Maneuver Gear and four Disposable Blades. Each Disposable You have the power to instill fear into the creatures around
Blade is treated as a shortsword and can be used while also you with nothing but your sheer size and the sound of your
using the 3D Maneuver Gear. Normal weapons cannot be roar. Starting at 11th level, you can let out a roar as a bonus
used while piloting the 3D Maneuver Gear. Each Disposable action on your turn. All creatures within 15 feet of you must
Blade can be used twice before they break, and can be make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your Strength
created for 10 gold each. When a Disposable Blade is broken, or Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher) + your proficiency
you can use a bonus action to put a new one into the handle. bonus. Upon failing, the creature is frightened by you. The
As long as your have two available, you can use two creature can attempt a save at the end of each of its turns.
Disposable Blades at once. The 3D Maneuver Gear can be Upon succeeding at any time, the creature is immune to your
used as your movement to attach to a point 30 feet away and roar for the next 24 hours. Your roar recharges at the end of a
fling yourself towards that loaction. If you attack a creature long rest.
along the way, you gain a +2 to attack rolls. If you strike
against something that is half your own weight, you can
instead pull that object towards you. Both of these objects
can only be used when you are in your humanoid form.
Healing Factor
Tireless Shifting Protective Shift
Starting at 6th level, you can use your titan form to protect
Your body has become accustomed to your titan form now, those around you. As a reaction when a ranged attack is
and as such, you can shift for longer. Starting at 15th level, made against an ally, you can use one of your shifts to form a
you can shift for up to 1 hour, Your form now ends if you to large, skeletal form of your titan around any number of
1/16th of your health, and attacks against the nape of your creatures within 10 feet of you. You instead take any damage
neck now have disadvantage. that was focused on one of the creatures witin your skeletal
form. If the attack required an attack roll, the attack roll must
Titan's Critical hit your AC now instead of the original target. Roll one of
At 17th level, you have learned to put nearly all of your power your Titan Damage die. You reduce the damage taken by that
into your attacks and strike with the precision necessary to number. If this damage reduces your titan form to zero hit
strike harder against your opponents. You now strike a points, any extra damage is still dealt to the original target or
critical hit in your titan form on 19-20. If you already have this targets.
because of Reckless Critical, this is 17-20 instead.
Shielded Charge
Titan's Might Starting at 10th level, you can activate your armor while
running. If you move at least 20 feet, you can use your attack
Your titan form has reached its peak physical form. Starting action to make a strike against something. Make an attack
at 18th level, when you make a Strength or Dexterity check roll with disadvantage. If this attack hits, you deal an
(whichever is higher), if the total of the roll is lower than your additional 1d12 bludgeoning damage against the target and it
score for that stat, you can use that score in place of the total. is knocked prone if it is your size or smaller. If the target is a
building or construction, you have the siege property against
Perfect Shifting it.
At 20th level, the Titan's Serum in your blood has given you
strength beyond belief. The nape of your neck is completely
immune from nonmagical slashing damage, and it must take
60 points of damage to end your titan form. Your titan form
also lasts for 3 hours and your health must be dropped down
to 1/64th of your total health to end your titan form. You now
also add double your Strength or Dexterity modifier to all
damage rolls.
Titan Variants
After having shifted into a titan for so long, you have learned
ways to change your titan form to give you the advantage
against your enemy. For some, it is to outlast their oppenents
until they can give a decisive blow. Others choose all out,
devestating blows until their opponent is nothing but a pile of
smashed bits. Others choose to go with the sheer size
advantage, being able to tower over their opponents.
Armored Titan Variant
Some Titan Shifters decide to harden their skin to an almost
diamond-like degree, being able to withstand almost any
attack. The Armored Titan Variant allows for defenses that
are only matched by the hardiest of armor. They allow for
Titan Shifters to take blow after blow without falling and
swing back against their opponents with just as much force.
Improved Titan's Defense
Starting at 3rd level, your skin becomes as solid as some of
the hardest metals known to man. Your Titan's Defense Credit: MCAshe on ArtStation
becomes 12 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution
modifier. You are now also resistant to psychic and poison Absolute Defense
damage. Starting at 14th level, your skin becomes nearly
impenetrable. Your Titan's Defense becomes 14 + your
Dexterity modifer + your Constitution modifier. You are also
now resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical weapons.
Attack Titan Colossal Critical
Starting at 10th level, your strikes become more powerful
Your pure strength puts you ahead of the game against most when you place all of your gargantuan size into them. When
other creatures. Your pure strength and tenacity strikes fear you strike a critical hit, your attacks now deal three times the
into even the strongest of foes. The Attack Titan Variant amount of dice damage, instead of two times.
allows for each of your blows to be stronger than any other
creature like you. They allow for Titan Shifters to put all of Absolute Size
their strength into each attack. Starting at 14th level, you have learned to control your size to
become whatever best fits your needs. Your sttrikes still deal
Titan's Strength normal damage, but your size dictats the size of creatures you
Starting at 3rd level, your titan form becomes nearly as strong have disadvantage on. IF you are gargantuan, you have
as other creatures that match your size. You now add double disadvantage on medium or smaller creatures. If you are
your Strength modifier to damage rolls. huge, you have disadvantage on small or tiny creatures. Any
other size does not have any disadvantage against any
Reckless Critical creatures, regardless of size. Your speed when you are large
Starting at 6th level, you throw caution to the wind and swing or smaller changes to 30, 40 while you are huge, and 60 while
against your opponents with full force. Your attacks during you are gargantuan. While at different sizes, you gain
your turn now strike a critical hit on a 18-20, but all attacks different benefits shown by the table below. After you use any
against you also gain this property against you until the start of these traits, you must finish a short or long rest to use
of your next turn. them again.
Titan's Counter Absolute Size Benefits
Starting at 10th level, you are able to take a swing back at an Size Benefit
opponent that has hit you. You can use your reaction after you Tiny You can take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge
have been hit by a melee attack to make an attack against that actions as a bonus action, and creatures that are
creature. Make a melee attack against that creature with huge or gargantuan have disadvantage against
disadvantage. If your attack hits, roll your Titan Damage die. you
You reduce the attack by that much and deal that damage Small You gain the Evasion trait and you have a +10
back to the target, along with the damage made by your bonus to speed
attack damage.
Medium Attack rolls you make while this size have
advantage against creatures that are large or
Absolute Strength smaller, and you gain a +1 to attack and damage
Starting at 14th level, your strength matches that of even the rolls
strongest of creatures. When you make attack rolls, you can
also add your Constitution modifier to attack and damage Large You have the ability to Parry attacks that are
from creatures that are your size or medium
rolls. You also now add triple your Strength modifier to and you gain a +1 to attack and damage rolls
damage rolls. You can also reroll 1s on damage die. When
you reroll them, you must use the new roll, even if the new Huge Attacks you make while this size gain a +2 to
roll is another 1. attack and damage rolls, and you can choose to
change your skin to a spiked, hardened form for
your attacks. These attacks deal piercing
Colossal Titan Variant damaage instead of bludgeoning damaage.
Your size matches that of some of the largest creatures in the GargantuanWhile this size, you have a +3 to attack rolls,
known multiverses. The Colossal Titan Variant allows you to and you can choose to harness the lightning
go toe to toe with even the most gargantuan creature known that strikes your form as you shift into your
to any creature. attacks. If you choose to do so, your attacks
deal an additional 2d6 lightning damage for the
rest of the round.
Titan's Growth
Starting at 3rd level, your titan form grows to match even
dragons. Your size becomes gargantuan and your speed
becomes 60 feet due to your large gate. You now, however,
have disadvantage on attacks against any creature that is
medium or smaller, unless it is flying close to you.
Stationary Combatant
Starting at 6th level, you've learned to form enough of your to
fight, though you give up your ability to move. You can choose
to form the top half of your titan that roots its ribcage into the
earth. Your size becomes huge in this form and you no longer
have disadvantage on medium creatures, but you do on small
and tiny creatures. Your speed, however, becomes zero. When
you make attacks in this form, they have an additional +2 to
attack and damage rolls.