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AI in Education: Benefits, Use Cases

and Future Prospects

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems of

performing tasks that require human intelligence. AI aids, in processing amounts of
data identifying patterns and making decisions based on the collected information.
This can be achieved through techniques like Machine Learning, Natural Language
Processing, Computer Vision and Robotics. AI encompasses a range of abilities
including learning, reasoning, perception, problem solving, data analysis and
language comprehension. The ultimate goal of AI is to create machines that can
emulate capabilities and carry out diverse tasks, with enhanced efficiency and
precision. The field of AI holds potential to revolutionize aspects of our daily lives.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence:

Today, the amount of data in the world is so humongous that humans fall short of
absorbing, interpreting, and making decisions of the entire data. This complex
decision-making requires higher cognitive skills than human beings. This is why
we’re trying to build machines better than us, in these task. Another major
characteristic that AI machines possess but we don’t is repetitive learning. Let
consider an example of how Artificial Intelligence is important to us. Data that is
fed into the machines could be real-life incidents. How people interact, behave and
react? etc. So, in other words, machines learn to think like humans, by observing
and learning from humans. That’s precisely what is called Machine Learning which
is a subfield of AI. Humans are observed to find repetitive tasks highly boring.
Accuracy is another factor in which we humans lack. Machines have extremely high
accuracy in the tasks that they perform. Machines can also take risks instead of
human beings. AI is used in various fields like:

 Health Care
 Retail
 Manufacturing
 Banking etc.

The Benefits of AI in Educational Settings:

For years the education sector and the general realm of it were unchanged.
Schools delivered traditional education with the help of teachers who spoke to
the students and utilized charts and diagrams to demonstrate concepts and
With the evolution of technology, this otherwise unaffected space has also
finally begun to catch up. There are many things about the conventional
education system that have changed. Let’s take a look.
Differentiated and Individualized Learning
Here's the thing—everyone learns things differently. Every learner has a unique
learning style, and the same method of instruction won't be effective. In such a
context, differentiated learning works well. It is the process where a learner's
education is customized based on their individual learning style.
In this type of learning, the instruction is tailored to meet individual student’s
learning needs, preferences, and goals. While this has been an area where
educators have been trying to develop solutions, AI allows a massive level of
differentiation. AI-powered solutions can support intelligent instruction design
and digital platforms that use AI to provide learning, testing, and feedback to
various learners. It helps identify gaps in knowledge, offering plug-in topics as
What's more—AI is evolving rapidly, and it may soon be possible to read a
learner's expressions to check if they are struggling to comprehend a subject and
modify the course to cater to the learner.
Personalized Learning

Personalized learning is often confused with individualized or differentiated

learning. However, it is an amalgamation tailored to the preferences and
interests of various learners. It aims to customize learning for each individual
student's strengths, needs, skills, and interests.
In this type of learning, the student gets involved in creating learning activities,
drawing heavily from a student’s personal interests and innate curiosity.
Acknowledging the uniqueness of each learner, fosters an environment where
students can learn at their own pace, teaching them to manage their own
learning and take control and ownership of it.
Improved Accessibility
AI plays a critical role in improving the accessibility of education. It is vital to
incorporate and augment accessibility because it means ensuring all learners,
including those with disabilities and other learning challenges, can access all
requisite learning aids.
The game-changing solutions can address the unique needs and challenges of
learners with special needs. For example—incorporating AI-driven speech
recognition, text-to-speech technology, or AI-driven assistive technologies (such
as screen readers, braille displays, and communication devices) and more with
AI tools is easy. Plus, AI extends its reach by supporting the multilingual needs
of non-native speakers and language learners. Thus, linguistic inclusivity
ensures that a diverse learner population can readily access educational content
with ease.
Intelligent Feedback and Assessment
Here's the thing—formative feedback can be augmented with AI. It has always
been an effective tool for students and educators, and with AI tools, it is easy to
offer automatic and intelligent feedback. Instant and real-time feedback can help
boost the learning curve and support learners in reaching their full potential.
Smart Content Creation
AI-powered content creation tools can facilitate the generation of content in an
instant. For example—some AI tools can help churn out summaries, outlines,
and even full-length articles based on keywords or topic titles. What's more—
smart content is where you can generate highly personalized content. With more
relevant content, learners will engage with the content more, resulting in better
With the increase in online exams and tests, a proctoring mechanism is
necessary to monitor the test takers. AI proctoring systems can offer an
excellent solution to monitor and evaluate test-takers behavior in real-time.
Furthermore, an alert system can be inbuilt where the exam administrator can be
alerted on the detection of any suspicious activity.
24x7 Assistance and Conversational AI
Conversational AI can help create an ecosystem where systems and applications
can converse with humans via AI chatbots and IVR. AI-driven chatbots and
virtual assistants can help students receive personalized advice and improve
productivity and learner satisfaction. In an educational context, it helps to
improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enable communication between students
and the systems on a valuable 24x7 channel. The immediate responses and
reduced wait times help cater to students instantaneously, improving their
Automation of Administrative Tasks
School instructors, educators, and administrators are often piled with heaps of
paperwork, grading materials, and more. With AI, automating operations is easy,
and it can help improve dull, repetitive operations, which include processing
grades, student attendance, admitting new students, etc. Educators find more
time to devote to quality teaching with AI, reducing the repetitive and
monotonous duties.
Ethical Decision-making and Bias Detection
AI is equipped with advanced algorithms, which helps to decrease bias.
Whenever there is a bias, it can affect fairness and equity, which is an essential
cornerstone in education. With the power of AI in the educational context, every
learner now gets the opportunity to thrive, free from biases or barriers. AI can
take a grander role in supporting decision-making. With its promise of ethical
consideration with the adoption of AI, one can look forward to more integration
into education.
How artificial intelligence is currently used in education:
Because AI is computer-based, it can be connected to different classrooms all
over the world.
How technology is used in classrooms has changed significantly in response to
COVID-19. Rather than teaching in front of a classroom full of students,
lockdowns forced many educators across the globe to teach remotely, from their
Using AI in education holds many benefits for both students and teachers:
Learning resources can be accessed from anywhere, at any time
Time-consuming, tedious tasks such as record keeping or grading multiple-
choice tests can be completed through AI automation
Frequently asked questions can be answered through chatbots
AI tutors and chatbots can be available to answer questions at any time
Learning can be tailored and adapted to each student’s goals and abilities
through personalized programs.
Real Life Examples of AI in Education:
AI in education is revolutionizing the education sector and shaping a more
dynamic learning environment. With AI tools, it is possible to model a new era
of learning and transform the face of education. Let's look at some success
stories and learn from the top global brands.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an excellent example of how an online learning platform

can offer students more personalized learning, real-time feedback, and
customized resources. It allows teachers to design and assign tasks that support
automated grading. The insights help to boost performance and growth.
Furthermore, powerful tools such as Google Translate and Google Scholar
enhance learners' and educators' experiences. The AI algorithms help research
relevant content and churn out content from authoritative sources.
Duolingo has a language learning application, which is a fantastic example of
an AI-based learning platform. The app's personalized learning approach
includes an initial positioning test that scans the skills of the user. Further,
there's a progressive readjustment of the proposed activities that are difficulty-
based and based on the learner's previous performance and results achieved. The
app offers vocabulary drills, interactive tests, individualized lessons, etc. The
final goal is to help learners maintain an optimal level of challenge and stay
engaged with the points-based reward system.
Coursera is AI-powered and offers adaptive learning paths, course
recommendations, and automated assessments. It is helpful as learners receive
customized suggestions and timely feedback.
The AI algorithms help analyze user preferences and performance data to
suggest relevant courses that can tweak course content and offer instant grading
and feedback. The AI-fueled courses help to augment the learning experience
and boost engagement with incredible outcomes.
Nuance has some incredible solutions based on cutting-edge AI. The app offers
a seamless ambient experience, revolutionizing how educators and learners
learn speech recognition software called Dragon Speech Recognition, which can
accurately transcribe around 160 words per minute. Nuance's technology
benefits users with accessibility needs that allow them to navigate documents by
AI-powered educational platform StepWise, which US-based Querium
developed, revolutionized how students learn STEM subjects. The platform uses
AI-based analytics to assess learners’ progress accurately and offers
personalized instructions for individual learning needs.
The platform blends the use of AI with machine learning algorithms to uncover
concepts that are difficult to comprehend for students to understand them better.
Moreover, the app offers a comprehensive set of tools, including adaptive
quizzes, real-time feedback, and interactive lessons, ensuring that students stay
engaged while learning.
Future Prospects of AI in Education:
As technologies evolve and reshape how we learn and teach, AI will continue to
make significant inroads in education. It will keep creating exciting
opportunities for both students and educators.
Many educational institutions have already overcome the digital divide, and
with AI technology, more institutes are bound to join the bandwagon. The future
of education will revolutionize traditional learning methods and promote
lifelong learning. AI will ensure bridging educational disparities and offer high-
quality resources that are accessible to all. Data-driven insights are bound to
empower educators to tweak, refine, and boost their teaching methods while
fostering global collaboration and communication.
The way educational institutes are using AI is probably one of the most
significant leaps in the positive transformation that education has seen. In this
new era of learning, AI will be centered on a humanistic way of helping learners
flourish, thrive, and grow.

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