0580_Interactive_Learner_Guide_Extended Only
0580_Interactive_Learner_Guide_Extended Only
0580_Interactive_Learner_Guide_Extended Only
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Section 5: Revision 24
About this guide
This guide introduces you to your Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics course and how you will be assessed. You should use
this guide alongside the support of your teacher.
99 revise, by providing revision tips and an interactive revision checklist (Section 6).
Key benefits
The course will help you to build your skills and knowledge across a range of mathematical techniques. You will be able
to develop your problem solving and reasoning skills in a variety of situations.
The Extended course will provide you with a strong foundation to continue to study mathematics qualifications beyond
IGCSE. The Core course will equip you with skills needed to support your learning in other subjects and in your general
working life.
Section 1: Syllabus content – what you need to know about
This section gives you an outline of the syllabus content for this course. Only the top-level topics of the syllabus
have been included here, which are the same for both the Core and Extended courses. In the ‘overview’ column you
are given a very basic idea of what each topic covers. Highlighted cells show Extended-only content.
Learners taking the Extended course need to know all of the Core content as well as some extra content.
This extra content requires learners to explore topics and sub-topics of the Core syllabus in more detail, to
cover some more complex techniques, and to learn new sub-topics.
Ask your teacher for more detail about each topic, including the differences between the Core and Extended
courses. You can also find more detail in the revision checklists in Section 6 of this guide.
Topic Overview
Number Number, sets and Venn diagrams, squares and cubes, directed numbers, fractions,
decimals and percentages, ordering, indices, ‘four rules’, estimates, bounds, ratio,
proportion, rate, percentage, time, money and finance.
Growth and decay (Extended only).
Algebra and graphs Basic algebra, algebraic manipulation, equations, formulae sequences, drawing,
sketching and interpreting graphs of functions
Algebraic fractions, harder simultaneous equations, proportion, linear
programming, functions, gradients of curves, derived functions and differentiation
(Extended only).
Co-ordinate geometry Straight-line graphs
Vectors and transformations Vectors (column), transformations
Magnitude of a vector, represent vectors by directed line segments, position
vectors (Extended only).
Geometry Language, construction, symmetry, angle properties, congruence, similarity
Mensuration Measures, mensuration
Trigonometry Bearings, trigonometry in right-angled triangles
Sine rule, cosine rule, trig graphs, solving simple trig equations (Extended only).
Probability Probability
Conditional probability (Extended only).
Statistics Statistics
Make sure you always check the latest syllabus, which is available at www.cambridgeinternational.org
Section 2: How you will be assessed
You will be assessed at the end of the course using two written examinations. The papers that you will sit are
different for the Core and Extended courses.
Core Extended
Make sure you find out from your teacher which course you will be following.
Components at a glance
The table summarises the key information about each component.
About the components
It is important that you understand the different types of question in each paper, so you know what to expect.
Paper 1 Paper 3
Extended: Paper 2 (Short–answer questions) and Paper 4 (Structured questions)
You need to answer all questions on both papers.
Paper 2 Paper 4
General advice for all Papers
• if the answer is in degrees, then give it to Use the value of π from your calculator, or use
one decimal place 23.1° 23° x 3.142, which is given on the front page of the
question paper.
3. Include units with your answers if they are not
given on the paper. For example, 1 kg of apples
costs … £1.20 1.20 x
You can gain marks for the correct working even if
you have an incorrect answer, or cannot complete
4. Show your working. Show as much working as the whole question.
you can for all your questions.
• If you are stuck on a question, don't waste too much time trying to answer it – go on to the next question and
come back to the one you are stuck on at the end.
• Use any time that you have left at the end of the exam to go back and check your answers and working.
Section 3: What skills will be assessed
The areas of knowledge, understanding and skills that you will be assessed on are called assessment objectives
(AOs). There are two AOs for this course.
Demonstrate knowledge and Reason, interpret and communicate
understanding of mathematical mathematically when solving
techniques problems
AO2 Reason, interpret and communicate mathematically when solving problems
You need to demonstrate that you can analyse a problem, select a suitable strategy and apply appropriate
techniques to obtain a solution.
This means that you need to show that you can:
• make logical deductions, make inferences and draw
conclusions from given mathematical data
Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics 0580 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022. Details of the assessment
The question below is taken from Paper 4 and illustrates the use of two command words.
Section 5: Example candidate response
This section takes you through an example question and learner response from one of the 2020 specimen papers
for this course. It will help you to identify the command words and other key instructions within questions and to
understand what is required in your response.
All information and advice in this section is specific to the example question and response
being demonstrated. It should give you an idea of how your responses might be viewed by an
examiner but it is not a list of what to do in all questions. In your own examination, you will
need to pay careful attention to what each question is asking you to do.
The command words and instructions in the question have
been highlighted and explained. This should help you to
understand clearly what is required by the question.
Mark scheme
This tells you as clearly as possible what an examiner expects
from an answer to award marks.
Common mistakes
This will help you to avoid common mistakes made by
candidates. So often candidates lose marks in their exams
because they misread or misinterpret the questions.
The question used in this example is from Specimen Paper 3 (Core). It represents the type of structured question
you will see in both Paper 3 (Core) and Paper 4 (Extended). A structured question means that it is broken into
several parts. Often, later parts will depend on your answers to earlier parts.
Show that indicates the answer is given and you
need to write down all of the steps in a method
that leads to the given answer. You need to
provide evidence that you understand and know
how the answer is reached.
Learner Guide
Mark scheme
Your examination papers will be marked and the overall number of marks for each paper will be recorded. Your marks across all papers will then be converted to a grade.
Final answer: This value is what the examiner expects to see. The answer has to be exactly as given in the mark scheme, unless there are acceptable alternatives. The mark
scheme will always make it clear if there are acceptable alternative answers.
Method marks: Sometimes method marks are awarded for lines of working, as well as for the final answer. This means that you could get the final answer incorrect but still
get some marks if you include the correct working. The mark scheme does not include all possible methods, so if you use a method not included in the mark scheme but it is
accurate and relevant, then the examiner will still award marks for the appropriate parts of the working – unless the questions asks you to use a specific method.
Example candidate response
Now let’s look at the sample candidate’s response to question 8. The examiner's comments are in the orange boxes.
The candidate was awarded 8 marks out of 13.
0 out of 1
The candidate's working suggests they
understand that the angle sum of a triangle
is 180° but they did not include brackets
around '74 + 71'. The answer 177° is not
sensible for this question.
180 – 74 + 71 = 177
1 out of 1
The candidate recognises that there
are parallel lines, and that angle y is a 74
corresponding angle to angle 74°.
2 out of 3
The candidate has given a correct answer for
w and shown correct working in two steps.
They have given a correct reason for 52° using
correct mathematical languge. But they have
not provided a reason to explain the angle 43°.
They lose a mark for not also stating 'angle
180 – 128 = 52 sum of a triangle is 180°'.
180 – 85 – 52 = 43
1 out of 2
The candidate has correctly used trigonometry
in their method. They are awarded one
method mark for the first line of working.
However, they have rounded 0.5333333…
(the result of 8 ÷ 15) to 0.52, and then
calculated the inverse sin of 0.52 rather than
0.5333333 ... This has resulted in an inaccurate
final answer. This is called ‘premature
sin p = 8 ÷ 15 = 0.53
approximation’ and it is a very common error
p = sin–1 (0.53) to make.
p = 32.005
1 out of 2
AB2 = 3002 + 2252
The candidate has recognised the right-angled
= 140625
triangle and correctly used Pythagoras’
AB = 375 theorem in the first line of working. However,
they have missed out an important step by not
showing that you need to take the square root
of 140625 to get 375. As this is a ‘show that’
question and they missed a key step in the
method, they cannot be awarded full marks
as the complete working is not shown. One
method mark is earned for the first line.
D 375
T= = = 0.8333333…
S 450
arrives at 14 45 + 50 mins = 3 35
3 out of 4
The candidate has found the time by correctly dividing
the distance by the speed, and recognised that this is
in hours. When converting the answer to a decimal,
they have not rounded the decimal but left its full value
on the calculator to get 50 mins; which is the correct 3 35
approach. Unfortunately, after converting the time from
24 hour clock to 12 hour clock, they did not include ‘pm’
to indicate that the time is in the afternoon, and so the
final answer is not quite right. So, 3 marks are awarded
for all of a correct method, but a mark is lost due to the
accuracy of the final answer.
How the answer could have been improved
This answer could have been improved by
• In part (a)(i) the answer of 177° was not sensible given the diagram in the question. If the candidate had checked
their answer for sense they would have realised they had made a mistake. It is always a good idea to check that
your answer seems sensible before you move on to another question.
• In part (b) the candidate did all the correct steps but failed to provide both reasons. There were two steps to the
method, which should have indicated to the candidate that there were two steps to justify and therefore two
reasons should have been provided. The mark allocation for the question [3] also indicates that more than one
reason would be required: one mark for the value of 43°, leaving two marks, one mark for each of two reasons.
The candidate should have read the question carefully and again, checked their response seemed reasonable.
• In part (c) the candidate rounded an intermediate answer, which affected the accuracy of the final answer. This
caused them to lose a mark despite using a correct method. You should only ever round the final answer, do not
round intermediate values. If you can, store the intermediate values in your calculator and so that you can use
the full value in your calcuations. If you're not able to do this, and you have to round the intermediate values, do
not round them to less than three significant figures.
• In part (d)(i) the candidate missed out a step in the method. As this was a 'show that' question, they needed to
show all the steps in the method. It's important to show all steps, even if they seem obvious.
• In part (d)(ii) the candidate made a silly error by not stating that the time was 'pm'. When working with time,
answers are accepted in either 24 clock or 12 clock time but if you give your answer in the 12 hour clock then it
must include am or pm as well.
Common mistakes
There were a number of common mistakes made by other candidates on this question.
• Accuracy of answers
In parts (c) and (d)(ii), a common error was premature rounding – rounding intermediate values in the method
before the final answer, which resulted in their final answer not being accurate. Other candidates gave the final
answer to less than three significant figures, ignoring the instruction on the front of the paper to round to three
significant figures.
• Lack of knowledge
In part (c), a number of candidates had limited knowledge of trigonometry and did not choose the correct trig ratio,
which was the sine ratio. This is why good revision is important.
• Inefficient method shown
In part (c), the ‘Show that’ question, a number of candidates omitted an important step from the method; this is
often common in ‘Show that’ questions where every step must be shown no matter how obvious them seem.
General advice
In order to do your best when answering a mathematics question, make sure you:
• revise all of the topics for the syllabus you are studying before the exam
• understand what all the key terms and command words in the question mean
• read the questions carefully and consider what you need to do before you do it
• only round the final answer, not intermediate values
• show all steps in your working, and show them clearly
• round to the correct degree of accuracy
• use the correct mathematical terminology
• check your answers seem reasonable given the context or details of the question.
Section 6: Revision
It is important that you plan your revision in plenty of time for the examinations and that you develop a revision
technique that works for you. The advice in this section will help you revise and prepare for the examinations. It is
divided into general advice for all papers.
Use the tick boxes to keep a record of what you have done, what you plan to do or what you understand.
For more advice on revision, see the Cambridge Learner Revision Guide on our website.
Before the examination
Find out when the examinations are and plan your revision so you have time to revise. Create a revision
timetable and divide it into sections to cover each topic.
Spend most of your time focussing on specific skills, knowledge or issues that you have found more difficult
when practicing them either during revision or earlier in the course.
Write a summary of all the key information for a topic – use the checklists at the end of this section.
Know the meaning of the command words used in questions and how to apply them to the information
given. Look at past examination papers and highlight the command words and check what they mean.
Make revision notes and work on practice questions. Reading alone does not work, you need to be active
and practice your maths.
Work for shorter periods then have a break. Revise small sections of the syllabus at a time but do this
Test yourself by trying out some past exam questions. Use the mark schemes to assess yourself and to be
familiar with how marks are awarded for different questions.
Be organised in advance with your notes, texts, exercise books, revision guides and revision websites so you
do not waste valuable revision time trying to find things.
Make notes of key mathematical words that you should use in questions that ask you to ‘describe’ or give
‘geometrical reasons for’, e.g. in describing transformations or giving reasons in circle theorem questions.
Look at the mark schemes for these types of questions from past papers to see how marks are awarded.
Make sure you have all of the correct mathematical equipment ready for the exam, particularly your
calculator. Make sure you are familiar with the all of the important functions on your calculator.
Practice the areas you can do well not just those that you find more difficult
Take breaks and do things to relax when you take your breaks, this will help you to be more productive when
you are revising
During the examination
Plan your time according to the marks for each question. For example, a question worth one mark requires
less time than a question one worth 4 marks. If a question has several parts, then the parts with more marks
will need more time.
Read the questions careully and make you have answered the question that is being asked.
Show your working; this is particularly important for questions where you are asked to ‘show that …’.
Set your working out clearly so that it is easy to follow, this makes it easier to keep track of what you have
done and makes checking back through your work easier, and it makes it easier for the examiner to mark
your work; try to write it in a logical order in the answer space.
Write answers clearly; if you want to change an answer then you should cross the answer out and write a
replacement; if your answer is on the answer line, cross it out and write the replacement answer above it, do
not try to change numbers on the answer line as this can lead to unclear figures.
Give your answer to the appropriate level of accuracy; either the accuracy indicated in the question or the
accuracy given on the front of the paper.
Avoid rounding intermediate values part way through your calculation; only round the final answer.
Check that the answer that you have given is sensible and realistic for what is being asked.
Use a pencil when drawing diagrams or completing graphs; this means that you can change your answer
more easily if you have made a mistake.
If you are asked for reasons for your answer then use the correct mathematical terms.
Use the mark allocation given with the questions/parts of questions to try to judge how much work is
needed to answer each part.
On graph questions, straight lines should be ruled and curves should be drawn freehand with a smooth
Don’t spend too long on any one part of a question. If you are really stuck on a question, then move on and
come back to the question later if you have time. As a rough guide, each mark on the paper should take
about one minute.
2. Concept maps
Concept maps are a great way to revise the links between different factors or to explore a larger topic. They can also
be used to collect together your ideas.
i. Use a blank sheet of paper and turn it on its side (landscape).
ii. Put the topic title in the middle of the page and build the concept map outwards using lines called ‘branches’.
–– The first branches are from the central topic to sub-topics; draw these as thick lines.
–– Add new branches from the sub-topics to include more detail; draw these as thinner lines.
–– Add even more detail to a point by adding more branches.
This creates a hierarchy of information from ‘overview’ (the thick branches) to ‘fine detail’ (thinnest branches).
iii. Write single key words or phrases along a branch and add drawings for visual impact.
iv. Use different colours, highlighter pens, symbols and arrows to highlight key facts or issues.
It is a good idea to use a large piece of plain A3 (or larger) paper and lots of coloured pens.
3. Teach the topic
This is a very simple but effective technique that focusses on knowledge recall. It tests the brain and rehearses the
information you need to know for a certain topic and so will help your revision.
i. Create some topic cards with key bullet points of information on. Leave space for ticks.
ii. Give these to your parents, family or friends for example.
iii. Give yourself 10 minutes maximum to teach your audience the main points of the topic. You could use a mini-
whiteboard or flip chart to help.
iv. Your audience tick off all the points you mention in your presentation and give you a final score.
The brain loves competition, so if you do not score full marks, you can try again the next day, or compete against
friends. This system of repeat and rehearsal is very effective, especially with more complex topics, and doesn't take
much preparation.
Other useful revision advice for Cambridge IGCSE Mathematics
• Before the exam, make sure that you are familiar with your calculator, and confident in using it.
• Look at the Example Candidate Response earlier in this guide. Can you identify the strengths of the response and
where they have made mistakes or lost marks?
• When you are attempting a past paper (or questions from a past paper), complete it without referring to your
notes so that you get a true idea of your strengths and weaknesses. Then, go back through the paper using your
notes and a different coloured pen to make corrections and changes. After you have done as much as you can on
the paper, mark it using the mark scheme. Take notes of any points that you lost marks on.
• Don’t just revise the topics that you enjoy and are confident in. If you identify an area that you are weaker in
then try to revisit the topic by reviewing your notes and doing some practice questions, then use exam questions
to check whether you now understand.
• Return to topics later in your revision to check that you still remember and understand the topic, and to help to
ensure that you recall more of the material when you get to the examination.
• R = RED means you are really unsure and lack confidence in that area; you might want to focus your revision
here and possibly talk to your teacher for help
• A = AMBER means you are reasonably confident in a topic but need some extra practice
• G = GREEN means you are very confident in a topic
As your revision progresses, you can concentrate on the RED and AMBER topics, in order to turn them into GREEN
topics. You might find it helpful to highlight each topic in red, orange or green to help you prioritise.
You can use the ‘Comments’ column to:
• add more information about the details for each point
• include a reference to a useful resource
• include a list of formulae or notation
• add learning aids such as rhymes, poems or word play
• highlight areas of difficulty or things that you need to talk to your teacher about.
There is a set of checklist for the Core syllabus and a different set for the Extended syllabus.
Learner Guide
• prime numbers
• rational numbers
• real numbers
• reciprocals
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Set notation and Use language, notation and Venn diagrams to describe sets and
language represent relationships between sets as follows:
B = {(x,y): y = mx + c}
C = {x: a ⩽ x ⩽ b}
D = {a, b, c, …}
Notation, e.g.
number of elements in set A n(A)
A is a subset of B A⊆B
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Squares, square Calculate:
roots, cubes and • squares of numbers
cube roots
• square roots of numbers
• cubes of numbers
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Indices and Evaluate indices, including fractional negative and zero
form (links e.g. 25, 5–2, 1000, 1001/2, 8–2/3
to Algebraic
manipulation) Use the rules of indices for:
• multiplication of indices, e.g. 43 × 45
• decimals
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Estimates Make estimates of numbers, quantities and lengths
• decimal places
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type What I need to do R A G Comments
Percentages Calculate a percentage of a quantity
Learner Guide
Extended: Number
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Personal and Use given data to solve problems on:
small business
finance • earnings
• simple interest
• compound interest
• discount
Learner Guide
• a²x² – b²y²
• a² + 2ab + b²
• ax² + bx + c
Learner Guide
Rules of indices Use and interpret positive, negative and zero indices
2 12
x ÷ 2x–2
( )
Learner Guide
Learner Guide
• quadratic sequences
• cubic sequences
• exponential sequences
Learner Guide
Learner Guide
• quadratic
• cubic
• reciprocal
• exponential
Learner Guide
Use derivatives of the form axn and simple sums of not more
than three of these (a is a rational constant and n is a positive
integer or 0)
Learner Guide
Learner Guide
Extended: Geometry
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Geometrical Use and interpret the geometrical terms:
• point
• line
• parallel
• perpendicular
• bearing
• similar
• congruent
• quadrilaterals
• circles
• polygons
Learner Guide
Extended: Geometry
Question type What I need to do R A G Comments
Geometrical Measure and draw lines and angles
Construct a triangle given the three sides, using a ruler and a
pair of compasses only
Scale drawings Read and make scale drawings
Learner Guide
Extended: Geometry
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Symmetry Use the following symmetry properties of circles:
• equal chords are equidistant from the centre
Learner Guide
Extended: Geometry
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Angle properties Calculate unknown angles, explaining the properties that
you are using in geometrical language, for the following
geometrical properties:
• angles at a point
• angle in a semi-circle
Learner Guide
Extended: Mensuration
Question type What I need to do R A G Comments
Measures Use current units of:
• mass
• length
• area
• volume
• capacity
Learner Guide
Extended: Mensuration
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Circles Carry out calculations involving circumference and area of a
Learner Guide
Extended: Trigonometry
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Bearings Use and interpret three-figure bearings measured clockwise
from the North, i.e. 000°–360°
Trigonometry Find unknown sides and/or angles in right-angled triangles by
• Pythagoras’ theorem
Learner Guide
• rotations
• translations
Learner Guide
Harder vectors x
Calculate the magnitude of a vector as √x2 + y2 and
understand that magnitude is denoted by modulus signs
|A B| or |a|
Learner Guide
Extended: Probability
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Probability (links Calculate the probability of a single event as a fraction, decimal
to Four rules) or percentage (not a ratio)
• possibility diagrams
• tables
Learner Guide
Extended: Statistics
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Classify Collect, classify and tabulate data
Interpret and Read, interpret and draw simple inferences from tables and
compare statistical diagrams
• graphs
• statistical measures
• pie charts
• pictograms
• frequency distributions
• scatter diagrams
Learner Guide
Extended: Statistics
Question type You should be able to R A G Comments
Averages Calculate, for individual and discrete data
• mean
• median
• mode
• range
Estimated mean Calculate an estimate of the mean for grouped and continuous
• percentiles
• quartiles
• inter-quartile range