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Automatic Sanding Machine

Automatic Sanding Machine

WEBER works according
to a over 100-year-old 2018
tradition and experience in These days, WEBER sets
building grinding machines. new standards in the field
1955 of grinding technology
For over 60 years, with its 6 model range.
WEBER has been
producing drum sanders.

PASSION. New materials are constantly being
used in furniture, interior design and in exhibition stand

construction. And yet, the aesthetic fascination of wood is

timeless. Based on decades of experience and continual

innovation, we develop our automatic sanding

machines to meet the highest standards. This

is the best prerequisite for ensuring that the

living material wood, in all its diverse varieties,

will delight after processing – as the result of

efficient and resource-conserving production.


Ergonomic and intelligent
Machine systems with complex functions need a control system
that works precisely and can be intuitively operated: With the
“i-Touch” rotary knob or the automatic thickness setting, WEBER
offers an efficient and intelligent control concept.


Joiners, panel manufacturers and the furniture industry have very
different needs. New materials and new designs often demand
new manufacturing processes. WEBER has a convincing answer

OUR BUSINESS. From solid wood to high-gloss finish –

WEBER satisfies the most exacting
of requirements with regard to wood,
veneer and lacquer sanding.
to these continuously varying requirements. Thanks to the
consistently modular design of the machines, WEBER always
provides the appropriate solution to your problem: perfectly
sanded surfaces.
Quality is common practice at WEBER. It is evident in the
WEBER maximum energy efficiency
The economical use of resources is the top priority. WEBER fulfills
overall concept of the sanding machines, the intelligent these requirements in both electrical and mechanical areas. The
WEBER is a member of “Blue Competence®”, sanding belt drives made by WEBER are equipped with motors
an initiative launched by the VDMA (Verband
Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau) of enhanced efficiency, the main drives featuring “Eco Drive”.
www.bluecompetence.net Workpiece cleaning and sanding belt blow-off, both controlled by
solutions and the numerous patented details, which always the workpiece concerned, help save expensive compressed air.

WEBER Green Technology

have the same result: perfectly sanded surfaces. Today, one of the biggest challenges is to use resources
conscientiously. Thus, WEBER optimizes material efficiency in
Enhanced efficiency thanks to the recently all fields of sanding technology. The CBF sanding technology for
developed sanding dust evacuation
system. Optimized routing of the air flow example reduces sanding belt use thanks to enhanced service
reduces the extraction power required life, in conjunction with demanding sanding jobs.
by over one-third. In conjunction with
additional technical features, WEBER is
a frontrunner regarding conscientious
handling of resources.

Can be combined with up to 8 machining stations.

WEBER KSF | Automatic sanding machine

Universal model for the industrial use.
For wood sanding, veneer sanding and lacquer sanding.
Also combinable into sanding machine lines

in bottom sanding versions.


Reinforced construction of the machining stations.

WEBER KSL | Automatic sanding machine

High performance model for the industrial use.
The premium version meets the toughest requirements
in feeding and sanding performance.


Automatic sanding machine
The WEBER KSF series is designed for the industrial use
and can be equipped with up to 8 sanding stations. It is
ideal for the fast and efficient wood, veneer and lacquer
sanding. All WEBER sanding and brushing stations can be
integrated into it in any desired sequence.

1350 mm  Operating widths 1350 and 1600 mm WEBER SANDING TECHNOLOGY

1600 mm  Version with 1 to 8 sanding stations
 Contact roller
 Calibrating roller drive up to 45 kW
 Cross belt
 Infinitely variable feed speed (3–25 m/min)
1 to 8 sanding stations  Sanding belt length 2620 mm  Combination station

 Sanding belt drive with frequency control  Sanding pad station

 Segmented platen ISA/ISD  CBF version
 Siemens Touch Panel TP 1200 comfort  “X-Schliff”
 “i-Touch” controller
 Planetary head
 Flexible arrangement of sanding stations
 Texturing brush
 Universal sanding lamella
 Galaxydisc
High performance WEBER sanding technology
meets the highest standards

WEBER sanding stations

Can be integrated in any sequence
The WEBER KSF automatic sanding machine
can be equipped with up to 8 machining
stations. The arrangement of the sanding
stations can be varied as desired. In addition
to the cross belt station and the wide belt
stations, such as contact roller, combination
station and wide belt with sanding pads,
WEBER‘S CBF sanding technology, “X-Schliff”
and the WEBER brush technology can also
be installed. The modular construction from
WEBER permits the exchange of sanding
stations at a later date.

WEBER ISA sectional WEBER CBF Sanding

pressure beam Technology
For targeted sanding pressure For smooth and even surfaces
A good sanding result is dependent upon A sanded surface free from chatter marks is
reliable segmented platen pressure technology, an outstanding quality feature. WEBER has
which adjusts the sanding pressure of found the perfect solution in CBF technology. It
individual segments to the workpiece size via operates with a crosswise running lamella belt
electronic control. With the patented WEBER situated internally within the wide belt station. The
ISA version the pressure pieces and sanding pressure lamellas continually interrupt contact to
lamella form one unit. This unit is maintenance- the sanding grains and thus prevent the sanding
free and resistant to dirt. belt from leaving undesired chatter marks. The
result: the surface is perfectly smooth and even.
At the same time, the continually changing force
prevents the surface from heating up and the
sanding belts from sticking during the processing
of lacquered and plastic surfaces. Similar to a
cross sanding unit, the lamella belt operates
without a control system, retains the full tolerance
compensation of the segmented platen, wears
evenly, and is economical to replace.
WEBER sanding technologies for a perfect finish every time

WEBER wide belt sanding WEBER Planetary head

For perfect sanding results For a homogeneous grinding pattern
The contact roller is used in the production of even Regarding the planetary head, WEBER sets new
surfaces and is also known as calibration. The spi- quality standards for sanding. This patented unit
ral-shaped, grooved roller guarantees the highest ensures a perfect surface independently of the direc-
degree of precision and enables large chip removal as tion of the wood fibres or the shape of the workpiece.
well as ensures a long service life. The sanding pad It breaks all edges uniformly during its passage. It
serves to ensure improved surface quality - with solid can also be used to machine 3D surfaces, radii and
wood and veneers. The segmented version of the san- profiles. During the subsequent lacquering process,
ding pad with electronic control can process tolerances the wood fibres practically no longer rise. This helps
up to 2 mm with the highest consistent quality. to save lacquer and to improve the surface quality.

WEBER cross sanding WEBER Texturing brushes

For surfaces with reduced fibres For textured surfaces
Automatic cross sanders have a long tradition at WEBER. Texturing brushes are used for texturing wood
Cross sanding means that the first sanding is performed surfaces. The brushes remove softer areas from the
crosswise to the feed direction and subsequent finish wood surface and a ridged surface emerges. For
sanding in lengthwise direction. The crisscrossing coarse textures metal wire brushes are used, while
cutting motion offers advantages over multiple inclined brushes with abrasive plastic bristles or sanding
or lengthwise sanding steps. The cross belt operates at brushes are used for subsequent smoothing.
a 90° angle perpendicular to the grain. As a result, the
fibrous surface texture, which normally runs lengthwise,
is divided into small sections and subsequent removal is
simplified. This removal is subsequently carried out using
one or more wide sanding belts. Due to the crisscrossing
sanding directions, noticeably fewer and shorter fibres
remain on the surface. WEBER “i-Touch” controls
Intuition as a principle

WEBER “X-Schliff” The WEBER KSF automatic sanding machine is

equipped with a high quality 12“, 15“ or 19“ Siemens
All sanding processes in one station touch operating terminal. The new control is conse-
quently focused on transparancy and clarity. Thus,
Flexibility is becoming increasingly important. For this the operation is even more intuitive and efficient. As
reason, WEBER “X-Schliff” has all the sanding processes an alternative, the tried and tested “i-Touch” control
together in a single station. The sanding station can be knob can guide you through the most important menu
easily converted from wide belt to cross belt sanding. functions. All adjustments can be made and saved on
Thus, sanding processes can alternate between the operating terminal. Integration into higher-ranking
calibration, longitudinal or cross sanding or using WEBER control systems or interlinking with other machines is
CBF sanding technology. Since today‘s requirements for no problem.
various surfaces and lacquers call for different sequences
of crosswise and lengthwise sanding, this new technology
is able to simply respond to it. It enables lengthwise
or crosswise final sanding, thus saving an additional
machining station.

Automatic sanding machine
The KSL series is the high performance model from
WEBER for industrial use. In addition to all the advantages
of the KSF series, the KSL is distinguished by a reinforced
construction of the machining stations, a contactless
workpiece detection and high speed electronics. In this
way the WEBER KSL meets the highest requirements in
feeding and sanding performance.

1350 mm  Operating widths 1350 and 1600 mm WEBER SANDING TECHNOLOGY

1600 mm  Version with 1 to 8 sanding stations
 Contact roller
 Calibrating roller drive to 45 kW
 Cross belt
 Infinitely variable feed speed (5–70 m/min)
1 to 8 sanding stations  Sanding belt length 2620 mm  Combined station

 Sanding belt drives with frequency control  Sanding pad station

 Segmented platen ISA/ISD  CBF version
 Siemens Touch Panel TP 1200 comfort  “X-Schliff”
 “i-Touch” controller
 Planetary head
 Flexible arrangement of sanding stations
 Texturing brush
 Universal sanding lamella
 Galaxydisc

Sanding lines
WEBER sanding lines are designed for the industrial use.
These lines work with direct transfer of the workpiece
or intermediate conveyor belt. The machine control is
central or via single panels.

The bottom sanding stations are arranged verti-

cally and therefore easily available for a sanding
belt change. The belt lengths of the bottom san-
ding stations are identical with the belt lengths
of the top sanding stations.
All the sanding and brushing stations, inclu-
ding the WEBER planetary head technique, are
Designed perfectly for industrial use

WEBER line integration

Unlimited integration
WEBER automatic sanding machines are
used in production lines and lacquering
units for wood sanding and also for lacquer
intermediate sanding. The WEBER CBF
sanding technology plays an important role
in the final sanding for both processes. The
quality of the resulting sanding represents the
optimum basis for subsequent staining and
lacquering. Since WEBER automatic sanding
machines are controlled by Siemens S7 control
systems, line integration is easily possible for
all well-known manufacturers of lacquering
units. In this way, the necessary parameters
can be predefined and set centrally from the
control station. To accommodate difficult
spaces on site, the machines in the production
lines are available with left-hand or right-hand
operating and belt exchange sides.

Light Messaging System
Operator guidance with light strip
A light strip at the inlet informs the operator
intuitively with different colors about the recent
state of the machine. The colors signalize diffe-
rent operating states via permanent or pulsating
light. Through explicit signals, the machine can
be watched even from a distance, because the
operator is informed easily, if an intervention is
necessary. For example, when the life time of the
sanding belt is reached or maintenance is requi-
Quality “Made in Germany”
Our company, rich in tradition, can look back on over
100 years of sanding machine manufacturing.
The WEBER machine works are synonymous with
innovation and high-quality machine construction.

Subject to technical modification!

Hans Weber
Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Bamberger Str. 20
D-96317 Kronach
Tel. +49 (0)9261 409-0
Fax +49 (0)9261 409-399
E-Mail: info@hansweber.de

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