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Syllabus for Certificate in Primary Teacher Education - ICT Pedagogy

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© Tanzania Institute of Education, 2020

Published 2009

Translated 2020

ISBN: 978-9987-09-133-1

Tanzania Institute of Education

P.O. Box 35094
Dar es Salaam

Tel: + 255 22 2773005

Fax: + 255 22 2774420
E-mail: director.general@tie.go.tz
Website: www.tie.go.tz

All rights reserved. This syllabus may not be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Tanzania Institute
of Education.


Certificate of Teacher Education is a two-year programme which has been designed

to prepare competent teachers who will teach in primary schools. The student teacher
will be recognised as a teacher after he or she has successfully completed a certificate
in education programme for two years in which he or she will also have successfully
done teaching practice.

This documents is hereby approved as ICT Pedagogy Syllabus for the Certificate
Course in Primary Teacher Education.

Dr Lyabwene M. Mtahabwa
Commissioner for Education

Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

Government City,
Mtumba Block,
Afya Street,
P.O. Box 10,
40479 Dodoma.

Tel: + 255 222 110150

Fax: + 255 222 113271
Email: info@moe.go.tz
Website: www.moe.go.tz

Table of contents

Approval ........................................................................................................ iii

Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
ICT Pedagogy syllabus description ............................................................... 1
Rationale for the ICT syllabus ....................................................................... 1
Goals of ICT pedagogy .................................................................................. 1
Subject competencies ..................................................................................... 1
Subject objectives .......................................................................................... 2
Organization of the syllabus .......................................................................... 2
Programme duration ...................................................................................... 3
Assessment and Evaluation ........................................................................... 3
1.0 Principles of Teaching and Learning ICT .......................................... 5
2.0 Preparations for Teaching and Learning ICT ..................................... 6
3.0 Teaching Selected Topics ................................................................... 8
4.0 Assessment ......................................................................................... 17
References ...................................................................................................... 19


ICT Pedagogy syllabus description

The Certificate in Primary Teacher Education course targets preparation of professional
teachers for teaching and learning the ICT subject in primary schools. This syllabus,
therefore, is designed to meet the needs for ICT teaching and learning.

Rationale for the ICT syllabus

Advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has brought
significant changes in various aspects of life; especially in social, cultural, educational
and economic life. In all these sectors, Information and Communication Technology
has been a catalyst for development. Recognizing the importance of this technology,
in 2005, Tanzania introduced the Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) subject in the primary education curriculum. In order to facilitate the teaching
and learning of the ICT Subject, well-trained teachers are required to interpret and
implement the ICT curriculum.
This subject will therefore help to prepare competent professional teachers in teaching
and learning ICT subject in primary schools.

Goals of ICT pedagogy

By the end of two-year course of ICT pedagogy, the student teacher should be able to:
a) demonstrate competency in teaching ICT subject in primary schools; and
b) use ICT skills in teaching other subjects.

Subject competencies
By the end of two years, the student teacher should have the ability to:
a) use instructional media and technology in teaching and learning;
b) plan and design appropriate learning experiences from ICT curriculum materials
such as syllabus, textbooks and reference books for primary schools;
c) monitor and evaluate ICT-based teaching and learning process using scheme of
work and lesson plan;
d) use principles of teaching and learning ICT in teaching and learning process; and
e) prepare ICT based teaching and learning environment.

Subject objectives
By the end of two years, the student teacher should be able to:
a) develop skills in creating, designing and using instructional media in teaching
and learning ICT subject in primary schools;
b) identify strategies for the analysis of ICT curriculum materials for primary
c) prepare a lesson for teaching and learning of ICT subject;
d) use principles of teaching and learning ICT subject;
e) use ICT to enhance teaching and learning of Science, Mathematics and Language
f) evaluate the subject content using the table of specification;
g) use ICT to develop knowledge and skills in addressing cross-cutting issues;
h) assess student learning of ICT in classroom; and
i) construct learning experiences that require students to be actively engaged in learning.

Organization of the syllabus

This syllabus consists of two main sections: preliminary pages and the content of ICT
subject pedagogy. The first section is composed of preliminaries which include the
introduction, ICT pedagogy syllabus description, objectives of education in Tanzania,
objective of teacher education, rationale for the ICT syllabus, goals of ICT pedagogy,
subject competencies, subject objectives, organization of the syllabus, instructional
time as well as assessment and evaluation.

The second section, which is the content, includes the following topics: principles of
teaching and learning, preparation for teaching and learning, assessment and selected
topics. The tutor is advised to use participatory methods in facilitating all topics in
this syllabus. At the end of the syllabus, various sources consulted in preparing this
syllabus, have been listed.

The topics in this subject were selected based on their importance in providing student
teachers with skills for teaching basic ICT skill. Topics are arranged in a logical order,
from the principles of teaching to understanding the practice of teaching topics outlined
in the syllabus. Various topics that help in developing certain competencies have been
put together to build relationships. The main topics are composed of sub-topics which
are designed with specific objectives and are allocated time for teaching.
Again, this syllabus has identified various teaching strategies, teaching and learning
resources, and assessment tools to enable the student teacher to become competent in
teaching and learning the ICT subject. The teaching strategies, teaching and learning
resources and recommended assessment tools are outlined based on the actual college
environment and availability of teaching and learning resources. Although the tutor is
advised to use the strategies and resources suggested in this syllabus, the suggested
strategies, teaching and learning resources and assessment tools can be changed
according to the college environment. However, if the circumstances call for changing,
criteria for changing the strategies should be to enhance participatory method.

Programme duration
The duration of the ICT subject for primary school will be two years. The aim of this
course is to enable the student teacher to acquire knowledge and skills to teach the ICT
subject in primary schools in Tanzania. The student teacher is expected to spend 128
hours in the two years of studying this subject.

Block Teaching Practice (BTP) will be conducted for 16 weeks in two years.

Assessment and evaluation

Various methods will be used to measure the progress and achievement of the
teacher. Such methods include tests, practicals, individual assignments, terminal and
national examinations. The national examination will be administered by the National
Examinations Council and will contribute a total score of 25% for this pedagogy part.
The other 25% will be contributed from ICT academic part to make 50%. Continuous
Assessment scores of 50%, i.e 25% for pedagogy and 25% for academic part will be
combined with the national examination results.

Note: ICT subject has two parts: academic and pedagogy, each part account for 25%
in final examination.
The Block Teaching Practice (BTP) is treated as separate subject in final examination
in which the actual practices and assessment portfolio are assigned marks to determine
whether a students pass or fail BTP.

The Block Teaching Practice (BTP) will be subjected to a separate assessment and
The recommended assessment tools, number of frequency and weight are shown in the
table below:
No Assessment tool Frequency Weight (%)
1. Tests 3 5
2. Practical 2 5
3. Individual assignment 2 5
4. Project 1 5
5. Terminal examinations 3 5
Total 25

1.0 Principles of Teaching and Learning ICT
Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) describe the principles of teaching and learning ICT;
b) explain the importance of principles of teaching and learning ICT; and
c) apply the principles of teaching and learning ICT in teaching and learning
the ICT subject in primary schools.

Teaching and learning strategies

A variety of instructional method are recommended, preferably:
a) Brainstorming
b) Library and Internet search on the principles of teaching and learning ICT
c) Group discussion, reflection and presentation
d) Group demonstration and presentation on the uses of principles of
teaching and learning ICT

Teaching and learning resources

a) Computers with internet connection.
b) Projector
c) Manila cards
d) Flip charts
e) Posters
f) Marker pens
g) ICT syllabus for primary schools.
h) Various References

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises
b) Comprehension
c) Tests
d) Group work

2.0 Preparations for Teaching and Learning ICT
2.1 Syllabus analysis
Estimated time: 10 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) review preliminary pages of ICT syllabus;
b) identify topics within the ICT syllabus;
c) compare topics in the ICT syllabus with those present in the
textbooks and in the teacher’s guide;
d) appraise sequencing of topics in the ICT syllabus;
e) analyse strategies for teaching and learning of each ICT topic in
the syllabus;
f) analyse specific objectives in the ICT syllabus;
g) analyse the assessment strategies presented for each specific
objectives in the ICT syllabus; and
h) compare subject competences and topics of ICT syllabus on
improving student success.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Group discussions to compare topics in the ICT syllabus with
textbooks and teachers guide
c) Discussion
d) Gallery walk to analyse specific objectives and assessment of
specific objectives in the ICT syllabus
e) Concept map in comparing skills and topics in the ICT syllabus

Teaching and learning resources

a) ICT syllabus for primary schools
b) ICT teacher’s guide for primary schools
c) Textbooks and supplimentary books
d) Flip charts
e) Glue
f) Marker pens
g) Manila cards
h) Other available resources.

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises
b) Tests on identifying topics and specific objectives from the ICT
c) Peer assessment on preliminary information in various curriculum
d) Group assignments
e) Assessment portfolios

2.2 Design and improvisation of teaching and learning aids

Estimated time: 12 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) explain the strategies to be used in enhancing the designing of
ICT teaching and learning resources;
b) design ICT teaching and learning materials for teaching a
particular topics in ICT syllabus;
c) produce the designed ICT teaching and learning materials; and
d) use improvised teaching and learning materials in teaching and
learning ICT.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Discussion
b) Project work in designing ICT teaching and learning materials
c) Demonstration the working of improvised ICT teaching and
learning materials
d) Project work on improvisation of ICT teaching and learning

Teaching and learning resources

a) ICT syllabus for primary schools
b) Natural and artificial materials available
c) Models
d) Special tools for making ICT teaching and learning materials
e) Reference materials

Assessment procedures
a) Observation
b) Exercises and tests
c) Exhibition of designed and improvised ICT teaching and learning

3.0 Teaching Selected Topics

3.1 Listening
Estimated time: 10 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching listening as a topic;
b) prepare teaching and learning material for teaching listening;
c) prepare lessons for teaching listening;
d) teach listening in primary schools; and
e) conduct action research on listening topic.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstrations
b) Role plays
c) Questions and answers
d) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Radio
b) Textual materials
c) Television
d) Telephone and mobile phone
e) Various references
f) ICT syllabus for primary schools

Assessment procedures
a) Observation and checklist
b) Exercises
c) Assessment form in teaching
d) Assessment portfolio

3.2 Reporting spoken information correctly

Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching how to correctly explain
spoken information;
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching how to
correctly explain spoken information;
c) prepare lesson for teaching how to explain correctly the spoken
information; and
d) teach a lesson on how to correctly explain spoken information.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Brainstorming
c) Project work or project-based learning
d) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Textual materials
b) Radio
c) Television
d) Mobile phone
e) Any voice recording and reproduction device

Assessment procedures
a) Various exercises for listening and reporting spoken information
b) Assessment form for micro teaching
c) Assessment portfolio

3.3 Communication through signs

Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching communication through
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching
communication through signs;
c) prepare lessons for teaching communication through signs; and
d) demonstrate communication through signs in a lesson.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Guest speaker
b) Study tour to observe different symbols and their uses in
c) Group discussions and presentations
d) Demonstrations to draw correct signs for communication
e) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Flip charts
b) Marker pens
c) Books on road safety signs
d) Road safety models
e) Various symbols used for communication
f) Signs and images for visually-impaired persons

Assessment procedures
a) Questions and answers
b) Tests and presentations
c) Observation and checklists
d) Assessment form for micro teaching

3.4 Warning signs

Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching different types of warning
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching warning
signs and symbols;
c) prepare the lesson for teaching different types of warning signs
and symbols; and
d) teach the lesson on warning signs.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Guest speaker
b) Group discussions, reflection and presentations
c) Project works on drawing various warning signs
d) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Pictures and drawings of different warning signs
b) Flip charts
c) Marker pens
d) A chart showing traffic warning signs

Assessment procedures
a) Excercises
b) Observation and checklists
c) Project work on identifying various warning signs
d) Assessment form for micro-teaching

3.5 Library usage
Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching library usage;
b) prepare teaching and learning aids for teaching library usage;
c) prepare the lesson for teaching library usage; and
d) teach library usage in actual classroom

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Group discussion and presentation
b) Question and answers
c) Demonstration on how to teach library usage
d) Study tour to the public library or nearby library
e) Individual assignment requiring different readings from library
f) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Books
b) Catalogue cards
c) Flip charts
d) Marker pens
e) Various reference

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests
b) Observation and checklist
c) Assessment form for micro teaching

3.6 Uses of information and communication centres
Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching uses of information and
communication centres;
b) prepare teaching and learning materials requiring using
information and communication centres;
c) prepare a lesson for teaching the functions of information and
communication centres; and
d) teach a lesson on functions of information and communication

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Think- pair - share
b) Brainstorming
c) Questions and answers
d) Study tour to visit the information and communication centres
e) Guest speaker to present about the functions of information and
communication centres
f) Micro teaching

Teaching and learning resources

a) Magazines
b) Fliers
c) Radio
d) Television set
e) Computer with internet connection
f) Various reference books

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and test in explaining the concept of information and
communication centres and its significance
b) Assessment portfolio
c) Assessment form for micro teaching

3.7 Centres for guidance and counselling

Estimated Time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching about guidance and
counseling centres;
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching the use of
guidance and counseling centres;
c) prepare a lesson for teaching the uses of centres for guidance and
counseling; and
d) teach the uses of guidance and counseling centres.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Discussions
c) Guest speaker from guidance and counseling centres
d) Study tour to visit guidance and counseling centres

Teaching and learning resources

a) Magazines
b) Fliers
c) Radio
d) Television
e) Computer with internet connection
f) Reference materials

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests
b) Assessment portfolio

3.8 Postal services
Estimated time: 14 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching about postal services;
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching about postal
c) prepare a lesson for teaching about the uses of postal services;
d) demonstrate a lesson on the uses of postal services.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Guest speaker from postal services
c) Demonstration on correct writing, sending and receiving letters,
parcels, money orders and registers
d) Micro teaching
e) Study tour to postal offices

Teaching and learning resources

a) Envelopes
b) Stamps
c) Plain papers
d) Glue
e) Postal directory books
f) Postal office box models
g) Various references
h) Register envelopes
i) Letters
j) Money
k) Rulers
l) Pens
m) Express Money Order forms
n) Receipts
o) Register cards
p) Reference materials
q) ICT syllabus for primary schools

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests
b) Observation and checklist
c) Assessment form for micro teaching

3.9 Uses of modern ways for communication

Estimated time: 10 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:
a) identify various strategies for teaching the topic on the use of
modern ways of communication;
b) prepare teaching and learning materials for teaching the use of
modern ways of communication; and
c) demonstrate teaching of a lesson on the uses of modern ways of

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Questions and answers
b) Guest speaker
c) Demonstration on the uses of fax, mobile phones, e-mails
d) Micro teaching
e) Study tour on communication centres

Teaching and learning resources

a) Mobile phones
b) Fax machines
c) Fax copies
d) Reference text materials
e) Computer with internet connections
f) ICT syllabus for primary school
Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests
b) Observation checklist
c) Assessment form for micro teaching

4.0 Assessment
4.1 Classroom exercises
Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:-
a) prepare classroom exercises;
b) mark classroom exercises; and
c) prepare various questions.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Brainstorming
b) Demonstration
c) Individual assignments on preparing classroom exercises and
marking schemes
d) Project work on preparing classroom exercises, marking and
construct various questions items

Teaching and learning resources

a) ICT syllabus for primary school
b) Various materials on ICT subject
c) Plain papers
d) Marker pens

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests on preparing classroom exercises
b) Assessment portfolio on classroom exercises
c) Observation and checklist in preparing classroom exercises and
marking schemes

4.2 Tests and examinations
Estimated time: 8 hours

Specific objectives
By the end of this subtopic, the student teacher should be able to:-
a) prepare the table of specifications for several ICT topics;
b) construct questions that satisfy the needs of learning domains and
their levels;
c) mark and score tests and examinations; and
d) keep tests and examination questions records.

Teaching and learning strategies

a) Demonstration on how to prepare the table of specifications
b) Groups discussions
c) Individual assignment to construct test and examination items
and their respective marking schemes
d) Project work on constructing examination items and their marking

Teaching and learning resources

a) Sample of a table of specifications
b) ICT syllabus for primary schools
c) Different ICT notes
d) Plain papers
e) Marker pen
f) References materials on test construction

Assessment procedures
a) Exercises and tests on preparing the table of specifications, tests,
examinations and marking schemes
b) Assessment portfolio for keeping examinations and tests


Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. (2007). Information and computer

studies pedagogy syllabus for diploma in secondary education. Dar es Salaam:
Tanzanian Institute of Education.
Tanzania Institute of Education. (2005). Framework for the review of certificate
teachers education curriculum: Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Institute of Education.
Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania. (2005). Mwongozo wa kufundishia /kujifunzia somo la
TEHAMA katika shule za msingi. Dar es Salaam: Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania.
Wizara ya Elimu na Utamaduni. (2005). Muhtasari wa TEHAMA kwa shule za msingi.
Dar es Salaam: Taasisi ya Elimu Tanzania.


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