Name : ..................................
Instructions :
1) Answer any ten questions each from Section A and B.
2) Each question carries 5 marks.
3) No additional Answer sheets will be provided.
4) Candidates should clearly indicate the section, Question number in
the answer booklet.
Section – A
Research Methodology
II. Answer any ten questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Show that a particle of mass m projected along X axis from origin with initial
velocity V0, in a medium which offers resistance proportional to velocity,
I.e., F = – kmv, covers a distance x in time t, where :
x (t ) =
1 − ek t )
2. Determine the symplectic matrix J for a system of n degrees of freedom, where
the Hamilton’s equation is written as η = J ξ , when η = (q1,..., q n , p1, ) T , and
ξi = are elements of column vector. Show that J is orthogonal.
2 P – 3217
3. Explain the formal procedure of constructing the Hamiltonian of a problem.
Illustrate this procedure using the example of a one dimensional Harmonic
4. What are the assumptions of free electron model? Derive Drude’s formula :
n e2 τ
σ = .
5. Consider a plane hkl in a crystal lattice.
(a) Prove that the reciprocal lattice vector G = h b1 + kb2 + l b3 is perpendicular
to this plane.
(b) Prove that the distance between two adjacent parallel planes of the lattice is
2π / G .
6. Consider a system consisting of two particles, each of which can be in any one of
three quantum states 0, ε or 3 ε . The system is in contact with a heat reservoir
at temperature T = (k B β )
3 P – 3217
11. The electric field in a plane monochromatic wave moving in free space is given
by E = (2 k − 3 j )×10 −3 sin 10 7 (x + 2y + 3z − β t ) )
(a) What is the direction of propagation?
(b) Show that the wave is transverse.
(c) Determine B.
12. Find ψ (x, t ) for a particle in a one-dimensional box with walls at (0, a ) , for which
the initial state is given by :
2 sin (2 π x / a ) + 2 sin (π x / a )
ψ (x, 0 ) = .
a 5
13. How is spontaneous emission explained?
14. (a) Why can’t a positively charged quark and an electron form an ‘atom’?
(b) How shell model explain magic numbers?
15. (a) Express Lorentz transformation in matrix form.
(b) State Frank Condon principle.
(10 × 5 = 50 Marks)
4 P – 3217