INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEM AND INSTRUCTIONAL E-mail is used to transfer text, program files,
TECHNOLOGY spreadsheets, and even photographic images.
Messages can be sent and received in hours and
Is the theory and practice of design, often within minutes; it is no wonder that most
development, utilization, management, and e-mail users refer to the regular postal service
evaluation of the processes and resources for as “snail mail.
A mobile device or handheld computer is a
Is an instrument used for doing work it can be computer small enough to hold and operate in
anything that help you to accomplish your goal hand. Mobile devices are typically battery-
with the use of technology.
powered and possess a flat-panel display and Technology helps us in our business,
one or more built-in input devices, such as a homework, and even simple in everyday
touchscreen or keypad. lives.
Demonstrate social, ethical, and legal Teachers use technology to engage in on-going
responsibility in the use of technology tools professional development and lifelong learning
and resources. in support of student learning. it increase
productivity and to build a community for
ISTE National Educational Technology
Standards for Teachers
STANDARD 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human
An international organization for education
technology called Internal Society for Teaching
in Education (ISTE), established a standards for Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal
both teachers and students. These standards and human issues surrounding the use of
were also referred to in the development of the technology in support to students learning who
Philippine ICT company standard which include come from diverse background, affirm diversity
the following: to promote the safe and healthy use of
technology resources and facilitate access to
STANDARD 1: Technology Operations and
technology resources for all students.
ISTE National Educational Technology
This means that the teachers demonstrate a
Standards for Students.
sound interesting of technology operations and
concepts. From how the technology teachers facilitate
learners, outcomes of students learning. Should
STANDARD 2: Planning and Designing Learning
indicate that the following standards have been
Environment and Experiences
complied with.
This standard implies that teachers utilize the
STANDARD 1: Creativity and Innovation
use of technology to plan and design effective
learning environment and experiences. This standard will produce students who
demonstrate creative thinking construct
STANDARD 3: Teaching, Learning and
knowledge, develop innovative products and
processes using technology from existing
Teachers should be mindful that the knowledge.
implementation of curriculum plan, they have
STANDARD 2: Communication and
to include strategies for applying technology to
maximize student learning.
This standard requires students to use digital
STANDARD 4: Assessment and Evaluation
media and environments to communicate and
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety work collaboratively to support individual
of effective assessment and evaluation learning and contribute to the learning of
strategies to collect and analyze data, interpret others.
results, and communicate findings to improve
STANDARD 3: Research and Information found in educational technology policies
Fluency worldwide:
Students are expected to apply digital tools to 1. Vision and Planning: Establishing a clear
gather evaluate and use information and plan vision for ICT integration, aligning policies
strategies for inquiry. with broader educational goals, and
providing funding mechanisms.
STANDARD 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-
2. ICT Infrastructure: Ensuring adequate
solving, and Decision Making
power supply, providing sufficient
This standard expects the students to use equipment and networking infrastructure,
critical thinking skills to plan and conduct and addressing connectivity issues.
research, manage projects and solve problems 3. Teachers: Providing ICT-related training
and make informed decisions using appropriate (technical and pedagogical), identifying
digital tools. competency standards, and supporting
teachers in their use of ICT
STANDARD 5: Digital Citizenship 4. Skills and Competencies: Articulating
Is required by this standard that every digital literacy standards, offering related
technology students becomes a digital citizen training and assessment, and supporting
who demonstrates ethical and legal behavior, ICT-enabled lifelong learning
exemplified by the practice of safe, and legal opportunities.
and responsible use of information. 5. Learning Resources: Supporting the
development, dissemination, and
STANDARD 6: Technology Operations and utilization of digital learning resources.
Concepts 6. Education Management Information
Sound understanding of technology concepts, Systems (EMIS): Supporting the collection,
systems and operation is a standard that Processing, analysis, and dissemination of
students should comply with. education-related data to relevant
UNIT 2: 7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring
ICT use in education, evaluating its impact
on teaching and learning, and exploring
ICT POLICIES IN EDUCATION: A GLOBAL innovative uses of ICTs in education.
PERSPECTIVE 8. Equity, Inclusion, and Safety: Prioritizing
equitable access to ICT, promoting Ethical
ICT policies are crucial for guiding the
practices related to ICT use, and ensuring
integration of technology into educational
the safety and security of data and
settings. They provide a framework for
appropriate privacy provisions.
addressing various aspects of ICT use, including
infrastructure, teacher training, learning NATIONAL POLOICIES IN THE PHILIPPINES
resources, and equity.
The Philippine government has demonstrated
INTERNATIONAL POLICY THEMES a strong commitment to ICT in education
through various initiatives aligned with the
The World Bank's Systems Assessment for
Millennium Development
Better Education Results (SABER) initiative has
identified eight key policy themes commonly
Goals and Education for All movements. Key Cyberbullying: This pervasive issue can have
national policies include: devastating consequences for victims, ranging
from emotional distress to social isolation.
(RA 1O175) Privacy Issues: The collection and use of
- This law aims to prevent cybersex, online personal information online raise concerns
child pornography, identity theft, and about data security and unauthorized access.
spamming, but it also makes libel a
Surveillance and Data Retention: The use of
cybercrime punishable by up to 12 years in
electronic communication has led to the
development of indirect surveillance, where
personal information is used to monitor
- This act protects individuals from
individuals' activities.
unauthorized processing of personal
information that is private and identifiable. E-Waste: The rapid turnover of ICT equipment
SAFE SPACES ACT (RA 11313) generates significant e-waste, posing
- This law addresses gaps and issues on environmental and health risks due to the
equality, security, and safety of both presence of toxic materials.
women and men in private and public
E-COMMERCE ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES (RA Education and Awareness: Both educators and
8792) learners need comprehensive education on ICT
- This act provides for the recognition and safety.
use of electronic commercial and non-
commercial transactions and documents, Filtering and Monitoring: Schools can
and penalties for unlawful use thereof implement content filtering software and
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO.810 S. 2009 monitoring systems to restrict access to
- This order institutionalizes the certification inappropriate websites and content
scheme for digital signatures and directs the Clear Policies and Guidelines: Establishing clear
application of digital signatures in e- policies and guidelines regarding ICT use in
government services. schools, including acceptable use policies, social
ICT SAFETY ISSUES IN EDUCATION: NAVIGATING media guidelines, and cyberbullying prevention
While ICT offers immense potential for Parental Involvement: Encouraging parental
enhancing teaching and learning, it also involvement in monitoring children's online
presents various safety concerns that require activities and promoting open communication
careful consideration and mitigation. about ICT safety
The ability to create, share, and remix digital Digital documents: These are electronic
content, utilizing tools like graphic design versions of traditional documents, including
software, video editing programs, and digital text files, spreadsheets presentations, and
storytelling platforms. e-books.
Word processing documents: Files created
II. Instructional Design Models
in programs like Microsoft Word, Google
Help instructional designers to make sense of Docs, or LibreOffice Writer.
abstract learning theory and enable real world Multimedia Files:
application. Images: Digital representations of
photographs, drawings, or other visual
1. Gain attention of the students content. Common formats include JPEG,
2. Inform students of the objectives PNG, GIF, and TIFF.
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
4. Present the content Examples of Digital Documents in Use:
5. Provide learning guidance
1. Research paper
6. Elicit performance
2. Business proposals
7. Provide feedback
8. Assess performance
9. Enhance retention and transfer This category encompasses various forms of
digital content, such as images, videos, audio
Blooms Revised Taxonomy
files, and interactive simulations.
1. Remembering (recall specific facts)
2. Understanding (grasp meaning of
Photographs: Digital captures of real-world
instructional materials)
scenes, often used for personal memories,
3 .Applying (use information in a new (but news reporting, or artistic expression.
similar) situation
4. Analyzing (take apart the known and identify
Music: Digital recordings of musical
the relationships)
performances, often used for
5. Evaluating (examine information and make entertainment, relaxation, or background
judgement) ambiance.