Science and technology have proven to be an indispensable factor for the economic
progress and development of nations. Science and technology for sustainable development are
most needed in this modern era because they are parameters for classifying nations as developed
hence, the need for continuous improvement of scientific understanding by nations. Bajon (2015)
refers to science as a special type of discipline with peculiar characteristics, prominent among
which include continuous knowledge seeking. Chinwe and Ewendu (2016) opined that science is
both a process and a product, which are both acquired through effective planned subjects such as
Chemistry being a major science subject that deals with the scientific study of the
composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter in different forms. According to Ilya,
Babayo, Hassan and Agbonika (2016) chemistry is a science of nature that deals with the
properties of non-living substance, whose properties ranges from the preparation and changes
they undergo when such substance are subjected to adverse condition of high temperature and
pressure. In Nigeria, chemistry is a compulsory subject for all senior secondary school science
classes as spelt by National Policy on Education,(NPE 2014). Chemistry is not just a subject
confined to laboratories and textbooks but has a profound impact on various aspects of society as
it is a study that involves exploration of relationship between theory and experiment. Within the
chemistry curriculum, electrovalent bonding holds a central place, as it forms basis for
understanding a wide range of chemical reactions and processes (Abdulmumin & Jamilu, 2020).
The senior secondary school chemistry curriculum according to National Educational Research
and Development Council, the subject is expected to enable students; develop interest in the
subject of chemistry, acquire basic theoretical, practical knowledge and skills. Chemistry
education plays a pivotal role in the overall development of a nation and it equips students with
the fundamental knowledge and skills required for scientific and technological advancement. To
achieve effective understanding of chemistry lessons must be delivered with appropriate teaching
strategies that would improve learners’ academic retention and overall achievement in the
In the light of this, science educators are steadily in search for more appropriate
alternative teaching strategies to teach chemistry concepts in order to bring about the expected
change and objective of science education. Aluko (2014) condemned the use of teacher-centered
strategy in science teaching. He opined that scientists are recognized by the amount of scientific
rigors they undergo rather than the amount of information gathered into their brain. Teacher-
Maxwell and Chikendu (2021) while textbook and teacher-centered lectures are essential
components of educational process, they may not always provide the interactive and hands on
learning experience necessary to foster a deep understanding of complex chemical concepts such
classroom has been suggested. The need to inculcate in the learner creative abilities and improve
their self-esteem, eliminate difficulties while learning and making active participants in the
classroom has given rise to tremendous interest by researchers towards developing teaching
method that can capture the stated qualities above. Some innovative teaching methods that are
better than the conventional traditional lecture method in acquisition of scientific knowledge
include; guided inquiry, constructivist based learning (Ibe 2013), problem solving,
demonstration, cooperative learning and concept mapping. All these methods rely on the various
form of teacher-student activities The rationale for this study lies in the belief that integrating
effective teaching strategy such as concept mapping strategy to chemical concepts like
Electrovalent bonding may address some of the existing limitations in chemistry education
within Jos North LGA. Concept mapping facilitates more interactive and experimental learning,
making complex concepts such as electrovalent bonding more accessible and promoting a deeper
understanding such concepts. Hence, the investigation into concept mapping strategies in
chemistry classes is very necessary because learning pattern describe what goes on in the
While there have been studies on the use of concept mapping teaching strategy in various
educational contexts, the specific focus on senior secondary school two (SS2) students in Jos
investigation seeks to fill this gap by assessing the impact of concept mapping teaching strategy
on students' achievement and retention in electrovalent bonding, taking into account the unique
challenges and opportunities within the local educational context. Research report reveals that
students’ low retention in chemistry is a function of several factors among which instructional
strategy employed by the teacher is paramount. These methods help learners to construct
definitions of concepts, formulate relevant questions and theories relating to any assumptions
and arguments used in the experimental process. Furthermore, concept mapping in chemistry
enhance the teaching and learning process, making complex chemical concepts more accessible,
engaging, and applicable to students. By creatively crafting and utilizing materials, educators can
address specific challenges associated with complex chemical concepts like electrovalent
mapping teaching strategy provide tangible and visual representations of abstract concepts
related to electrovalent bonding, helping students grasp theoretical ideas more concretely. The
use of creative and hands-on materials captures students' attention and interest, fostering a
electrovalent bonding. Concept mapping strategy allows students to apply theoretical knowledge
real-world scenarios. Not all students learn in the same way, and concept mapping strategy offer
Researchers have made several efforts towards designing methods for more effective
teaching of science subjects. Eze and Bot (2014) observed that learning outcome is influenced by
instructional strategy employed by the teacher; it is the only factor that can easily be maneuvered
by the teacher to achieve learning objectives. Therefore, the chemistry teacher should adopt
strategies that would enable the students to understand and apply whatever concept that are being
taught to their ever changing environment. A number of techniques methods and diverse
situations in the classroom has been suggested. The need to inculcate in the learner creative
abilities and improve their self-esteem, eliminate difficulties while learning and making active
participants in the classroom has given rise to tremendous interest by researchers towards
developing teaching method that can capture the stated qualities above. Some innovative
teaching methods that are better than the conventional lecture method in acquisition of scientific
knowledge include; guided inquiry, constructivist based learning (Ibe 2013), problem solving,
demonstration, cooperative learning and concept mapping. All these methods rely on the various
form of teacher-student activities. However, some are more activity oriented than others. These
activities in science as contained in the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN 2004) which states
that one of the goals of science education is to give the child opportunities for developing
manipulative skills that will enable the child to function effectively in the society within the
limits of the child’s ability. Therefore, effective teaching must involve hands-on activities during
instruction. It is necessary to apply strategy that will employ strategies capable of enhancing
retention in students in the science subject, strategy such as concept mapping in which students
Olayode and Adeoye (2009) defined a concept as a graphical pattern from a particular
relevant experience. The word concept is central, to Ausubel (1968) assimilation theory for
meaningful learning. In concept mapping, one concept and another are represented through
structurally organized words and ideas that are represented graphically in hierarchical order.
Concept mapping tools intended for engaging learners in relating new ideas to what has already
been known. Concept mapping teaching strategy involves class discussion, practical
demonstration and concept mapping activities which are placed in hierarchical order. During
such lessons, the relationships between concepts are concretely established as such, lesson
proceed either from general to specific ideas or specific to general ideas. Concept mapping
provides a framework for designing and sequencing concepts in graphs and helps both teachers
and students to generate, connect and relate ideas usually which allows one to gain an overview
augment assimilation, retention and retrieval of learned knowledge as the learning situations
demands. This is because knowledge acquired through meaningful learning is integrated into the
Gender difference has also been identified as being responsible for the differential
achievement and retention of student in chemistry, Su and Rounds (2016. Gender disparity in the
use of concept mapping strategy in chemistry refers to the unequal access, participation, and
engagement of male and female students in hands-on, practical learning experiences within the
chemistry classroom. This disparity can manifest in various ways and has implications for
students' overall academic performance, interest in science, and future career choices.
Traditional gender stereotypes and societal expectations may influence perceptions of certain
subjects, including chemistry. There might be a prevailing notion that hands-on activities and
improvisation are more suitable for male students, perpetuating the idea that science and
experimental work are primarily male domains. The classroom environment and teaching
consciously assign specific roles based on gender, it can impact how students interact with and
Teacher bias, whether implicit or explicit, can affect the distribution of resources and
opportunities within the classroom. If teachers unknowingly favor one gender over another in
and learning outcomes (Abdu-Raheem et al., 2016). Peer interactions and gender norms within
the classroom can influence students' comfort levels with certain activities.The
underrepresentation of female role models in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
(STEM) fields can influence students' perceptions of their own capabilities and interests. A lack
of visible female scientists may contribute to girls feeling less encouraged to engage with
requires a concerted effort from educators, administrators, policymakers, and society as a whole.
Strategies should include promoting inclusivity, challenging gender stereotypes, providing equal
access to resources, and fostering a classroom culture that encourages all students, regardless of
gender, to actively participate in practical and hands-on learning experiences. By shedding light
on the potential benefits of such materials, this study aims to provide valuable insights for
of chemistry education and students' academic achievement and retention in Jos North LGA
and, potentially, beyond.It is against this background that the researcher intends to carry out a
study on the effect of concept mapping strategy on senior secondary two student’s retention in
In any teaching and learning process, the cardinal objective is to see that the learner should
be able to perform tasks, perform excellently in a given assessment, and if possible transfer the
experience in solving problems in a new situation. This cardinal objective is hardly being
achieved over the years in science subjects such as Chemistry in senior secondary schools. The
rate of failure in local and external examination in chemistry in recent times is a matter of
concern; many suggested that this ugly trend might have been the poor foundation of students in
Chemistry or may be connected to the method of teaching used by the science teachers, because
a good learning is a product of a good method of teaching. For instance, literature shows that the
use of teaching method like lecture method does not really give students the opportunity to
participate actively during teaching and learning hence making them passive listeners during
lessons which at the end makes the students see chemistry as an abstract and uninteresting
subject hence making them to resort to learning by memorization, resulting in consistent mass
failure. On the contrary, the use of concept mapping strategy tools engages students in relating
new ideas to what has been known, thus makes students more active in learning, more scientific
conscious, promotes their achievement, and instils the idea of human and material development
in them (Toplis (2012); Igwe 2017). It is against this backdrop that this study is necessitated to
investigate the effect of concept mapping strategy on secondary school II Chemistry students’
This research is aimed at investigating the effect of concept mapping teaching strategy on
Senior Secondary School two students’ achievement and retention in electrovalent bonding in
Jos North LGA of Plateau State. The following specific objectives where considered for the
1. To identify the difference between the control group's pre-test and post-test mean scores.
2. To identify the difference between the experimental group's pre-test and post-test mean
3. To determine the difference in the experimental and control group's pre-test and post-test
mean scores.
4. The difference in the mean achievement scores between male and female students in
1. What is the difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores of the control group?
2. What is the difference between the experimental group's pre-test and post-test mean
3. What is the difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores of students taught
electrovalent bonding using concept mapping teaching strategy and those taught without?
4. What is the difference in the mean achievement scores between male and female SS2
The following hypotheses were formulated to guide the study and will be tested at a
1. There is no significant difference exists between the control group's pre-test and post-test
2. There is no significant difference exists between the experimental group's pre-test and
electrovalent bonding using concept mapping teaching strategy and those taught without.
4. There is no significant difference in the mean achievement scores between male and
female students taught electrovalent bonding using concept mapping teaching strategy .
School two students' achievement and retention in electrovalent bonding in Jos North Local
Government Area (LGA) of Plateau State would be beneficial to various stakeholders within the
agencies, curriculum planners and developer and makers of instructional materials as well.
Students stand to benefit directly from improved learning outcomes resulting from the use of
concept mapping strategy teaching method. This method can enhance understanding,
Educators can gain insights into the effectiveness of using concept mapping strategy in
teaching electrovalent bonding. The study can provide evidence-based strategies for creating a
more interactive and engaging learning environment. Teachers can create concept maps as
assessment tools to evaluate students’ understanding of a topic, in so doing gives insight into
individual and collective comprehension levels. By understanding how students perceive the
relationship between concepts, teachers can tailor their teaching method to better align with
students’ cognitive structure, making learning more effective. Teachers can use the findings to
The study's results can inform decisions related to curriculum design and resource allocation,
enabling administrators to tailor educational materials to better suit the needs of students in acid-
base reactions and other science subjects. School administrators may use the findings to identify
areas where teacher training and professional development programs can be strengthened to
effectively into the curriculum..Policymakers can use the study's findings to inform decisions
regarding educational policies, resource allocation, and strategies for improving science
The study could contribute to the body of knowledge in the field of science education,
specifically in the context of improvised instructional materials. Other researchers can build
upon these findings for further investigations. Research outcomes can be disseminated through
academic journals and conferences, providing a platform for scholarly discussion and potential
Parents and guardians can benefit by being informed about the impact of improvised
instructional materials on their children's academic performance. This knowledge can encourage
them to engage with their children's education and support learning at home.Non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) and advocacy groups can use the study's findings to develop programs and
A study on concept mapping teaching strategy in electrovalent bonding for senior secondary
school students in Jos North LGA of Plateau State would have a broad impact, influencing
various stakeholders involved in the education system and contributing to the overall
strategy on Senior Secondary School Two students' achievement and retention in electrovalent
bonding in Jos North LGA of Plateau State depends on the specific goals and focus of the
research. For this study, the researcher anchored on Constructivist Learning Theory. Jean Piaget
is a key figure associated with the Constructivist Learning Theory, but the theory has been
further developed and expanded upon by various scholars and educators over the years. Jean
Piaget's work on the Constructivist Learning Theory spans several decades, with his most
influential contributions occurring in the early to mid-20th century. Piaget was active in the field
of developmental psychology and education from the 1920s until he died in 1980.
mapping strategy aligns with this theory as this strategy often involve hands-on activities,
experiments, and collaborative learning experiences, allowing students to actively construct their
meaningful learning, where students connect new information to their existing knowledge and
experiences. Improvised instructional materials can facilitate this process by providing real-
world, practical applications of acid-base reactions, making the learning experience more
recognizes the importance of tailoring education to individual students' needs and backgrounds.
Investigating the use of concept mapping strategy allows for a focus on diverse learning styles,
promoting inclusivity and addressing individual differences among Senior Secondary School
Constructivist learning encourages problem-solving and critical thinking skills. The use of
concept mapping strategy often involves experimentation, analysis, and interpretation, fostering
the development of these essential cognitive skills among students studying electrovalent
bonding. Constructivism highlights the social aspect of learning. Investigating the impact
concept mapping strategy provides an opportunity to explore how collaborative activities and
discussions around electrovalent bonding can enhance understanding through social interaction
among students. Constructivism emphasizes authentic assessment methods that reflect the real-
Constructivism supports the concept of scaffolding, where educators provide support and
guidance to help students build their understanding gradually. The study can explore how
teachers scaffold the use of concept mapping strategy to assist students in comprehending
Investigating the impact of concept mapping strategy provides an opportunity to explore how
students reflect on their learning experiences and develop metacognitive skills related to
electrovalent bonding. By adopting a Constructivist Learning Theory framework, the study can
meaningful, and student-centered learning experiences. It aligns to understand how this strategy
impact students' achievement and retention in the context of electrovalent bonding in Senior
This study investigates the effect of concept mapping strategy on senior secondary two
students’ retention in ionic bonding in Jos North, Plateau state. The selection of these concept is
due to the fact the students are likely to have reached the formal operational level of reasoning to
understand the concept ionic bonding. The study was focused specifically on Senior Secondary
School Two (SS2) students, limiting the scope to this particular grade level. This delimitation
helps ensure that the research is relevant to a specific group of students. e within a given
timeframe. The population of this study was delimited to Jos North Local Government Area
(LGA) of Plateau State, narrowing the focus to a specific geographic region. This allows for a
These delimitations are crucial for maintaining the feasibility and relevance of the study.
They help researchers manage resources, focus on specific variables of interest, and draw
meaningful conclusions within the defined boundaries. However, it's essential for researchers to
The following terms are defined as they will be used in the study.
Concept mapping strategy: This is a diagram or graphical tool that visually represent
Senior Secondary School Two: refers to the second year of the senior secondary school level,
typically comprising students around the age of 16-17, and is part of the secondary education
system in Nigeria.
academic performance, skills acquisition, and overall learning success, attained by students in
Ionic bonding: This are bond formed between two or more atoms by transfer of one or more
This chapter review literature as established by researchers and scholars related to the
aim of the study. The review are carried out under the following sub headings: secondary
mapping and learning, concept mapping and evaluation, advantages of concept mapping,
The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or
knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning
objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach; the
assignments and projects given to students; the books, materials, videos, presentations
and reading used in a course; and the tests, assessments, and other methods used to
Chemistry as a subject is introduced to the leaners for the first time at secondary
school level. There is general consensus that chemistry is in essence the study of the
form the environment around us. This curriculum presents chemistry as a practical
subject where scientific concepts, principle and skills are developed through experimental
investigation. The topic and content have been carefully selected and logically organized
to facilitate step by step realization of the expected behavioral changes. With regards to
of concepts, Cooper et al (2017). The specific objectives in every topic will guide the
teacher and the learner on the depth of treatment of content The learning/teaching
cognitive, psychomotor and affective skills. The syllabus emphasizes to the use of
international units for physical and applied chemistry (IUPAC) system of nomenclature,
correct use of chemical terminologies and equations. There are applications and projects
at the end of the topics to enable the learner link subject with the physical and chemical
processes, which takes place within the local environment. The projects are meant to
enhance creativity, critical thinking and ability to make logical decisions. The organizers
of chemistry curriculum put into consideration the major issues that shaped the
the selection of contents of chemistry curriculum is centered also around four themes
such as:
These themes are also spirally arranged through the three years of senior secondary
school chemistry learning and contains topics that reveal the level of coverage of the
The term teaching has been defined by numerous researchers. Abdulhamid (2016) stated that
teaching consists of many activities designed to facilitate learning, therefore, teaching is the act,
practice, occupation or profession in which the students are motivated to learn in ways that
makes a sustained and positive influence. Teaching is the process through which knowledge is
imparted in the learner by teacher in an interactive manner, resulting in the learner’s change in
behavior, Free online dictionary (2011). Teaching is the job of a teacher which obligates him/her
to select relevant objectives, determine and organize content and learning experiences, as well as
determine ways and means of ascertaining the attainment of those objectives. All these are
course geared towards improving upon learning, thus Edonmonwi-Out and Abrahim (2011) and
Babafemi (2016) regard these actions as the true meaning of teaching. Therefore, that process,
techniques and approaches which the teacher applies in other to achieve the objectives of the
lesson is what is referred to as teaching methods. Teaching methods therefore includes the
various strategies, techniques or means which the teacher adopts to enhance learning.
conveying and inculcating ideas, skills and values implied in the aims and objectives of teaching
and learning. Teaching methods therefore comprises the principle and method used for
instruction. The choice of teaching method or method to be used depends largely on the
information skills that are being taught, and it may also be influenced by the aptitudes or
enthusiasm of the student, there is no single method for teaching chemistry. The method adopted
at any time should be well mastered by the teacher also; the nature of the topic, the age of the
learner, availability of instructional materials and the learning environment among other factors
should be taken into account. Teaching method are of various ways or forms presented to the
student, specifying the nature of the activities in which the teacher and the learner will be
There are different teaching strategies in chemistry education, For effective teaching to occur
the use of appropriate methods considering suitable for given instruction. Hence, the different
types of teaching method are; lecture methods, problem solving, role play, scaffolding, inquiry,
cooperation, learning among others. Okwilagwe (2011) stated out that methods among others for
and content with a unit or thought. Concept maps were introduced within the scope of a research
project conducted by Novak and his students aiming to teach concept more easily in area of
relationships and propositions. The desire to improve science achievement through more
effective instructional strategies and the increasing awareness in recent years of the teaching-
learning situation has directed a lot of attention to understanding how learners learn and how to
help learn difficult concepts. According to Novak (2013) research has shown that few students at
secondary school or college level have had any formal instruction in learning. The effort in
assisting the learner to learn have led to the development of meta cognitive strategies to enhance
meaningful learning. Meta cognitive strategies, as explained by Novak, are strategies that
empower the learner to take charge of his/her own learning in highly meaningful fashion.
reconciliation. Making a concept map for a piece of scientific knowledge is the ability of the
mapper to identify and relate its salient concepts to a general, super ordinate concept. Concepts
may be defined as regularities in objects or events designated by some label usually a term,
Wandersee (2013). Concept are essential to the development of scientific knowledge, for
example it would be difficult to imagine chemistry without the concepts like chemical bond
(ionic bond), matter and elements and their symbols. Udo (2016) stated that effective and
meaningful teaching and learning of abstract scientific concepts require active student’s
Novak and Cana (2014) defined concept map as a graphical tool for organizing and
representing knowledge. Gaines and Shaw (2015) defined concept map as a form of diagram
specifically targeted to provide visual language similar in their characteristics to natural language
text that provides a visual representation of knowledge structure and means of communicating
knowledge. Therefore, concept map is a special form of a web diagram for exploring knowledge
and gathering and sharing information (Temi 2015). The technique for constructing concept
maps is called “concept mapping”. A concept map consists of nodes, arrows as linking lines, and
linking phrases that describe the relationship between nodes. Novak (2014) stated that concept
hierarchical diagram which illustrate the connectedness between and among individual concepts.
It is based on the premise that concepts do not exist in isolation but mapping as elucidated by
Ault (2013). Concept maps are read progressively from top to bottom. It offers a method of
representing information visually, it harnesses the power of our vision to understand complex
information simply at a glance. Concept mapping serves as a tool to help learner’s organize their
cognitive frameworks into more powerful integrated patterns. In this way, it serves as meta
knowledge and a meta learning tool. The use of concept maps helps in planning and delivering of
Boujaoude and Attiet (2015) agreed that if concept maps are used in planning instruction and
student are required to construct concept maps as they are learning, then previously unsuccessful
student can become successful in making sense out of science concepts and any other discipline
as they acquire a feeling of control over the matter. The task of science teachers is to structure
students learning, using concept mapping strategy, so as to ensure that specific aspects of
Learning is a term that describe the process of acquisition of knowledge, skills, habits, and
experience and instruction. Learning according to the cognitive learning theorist is a process of
(Nnachi2007). Learning is both a process and the end product. As a process it refers to how
attitudes, skills, knowledge, understanding and capabilities are acquired and retained. In the
process of learning, behavior is initiated for the first time, modified or completely changed.
Learning occurs in the following ways; trial and error, imitation, modeling and insightful
learning. As a product, learning refers to the permanent change in behavior and experience,
practices. The students change in behavior also known as learning, takes place as a result of
or learning experience are presented to the students through instructional methods known as
teaching methods.
Concept maps are useful in learning environments because they help people organize and
visualize information. They are great teaching tool for educators and a great study tool for
students. Concept mapping is an active instructional educational tool that involves representing
connections between different ideas in a pictorial or diagrammatic way. Multiple studies have
shown that concept mapping as a teaching and learning method for chemistry is a powerful
strategy to engage students with. The study compared the effectiveness of the concept mapping
method and traditional method of teaching and learning of some chemical concepts at senior
secondary school. The study focused on whether the concept mapping technique could positively
affect student’s performance in chemical concept; chemical bonding. The results of the study
rejected a null hypothesis and upheld the alternate hypothesis. The students exposed to the study
exposed to concept mapping performed better than their counterparts exposed to the normal
Both concept mapping and traditional approaches to teaching had significant effect on
students’ performance. The large difference in mean scores for the experimental group indicated
that when concept mapping is used as an instructional strategy in teaching, students easily grasp
the concepts. Students who attended tutorial using concept mapping as an instructional strategy
achieved significantly higher than those who attended a convectional traditional class. These
shows give clear evidence attesting to the ability of concept mapping in promoting students’
performance in chemistry. The link and interrelationship among concepts depicted in the concept
mapping might have made the students in the concept mapping group learn more meaningfully.
By mapping ideas into maps designed to model text structure patterns, teachers help students to
Concept maps can be evaluated using quantitative or qualitative methods. concept maps
contain several elements that can be qualitatively evaluated: links, concepts, hierarchy levels and
propositions. The number of links and concepts can easily be counted but provides limited
insight into a student’s understanding. Propositions are the most promising elements of a concept
map to be evaluated in order track changes in students understanding. Proportion analysis can
include all links or only a selection, value all proportions equally or attributes different weight.
Mark (2015) research suggests that scoring only selected proportions can be more sensitive to
measuring conceptual change because it focuses only on key concepts of the concept map.
Concept map analysis often compares student generated maps to an expert-generated map. This
efficient analysis approach can provide instant feedback, but limits capturing the wide range of
analysis methods to describe the overall geometric structure of the concept map.There different
types of concept maps these include; flowchart map, hierarchical map, spider maps, system map.
The advantages of using any type of concept maps and assessment with the organized
classroom tools. Concept mapping has been proven to be an important approach to organize
ideas and facilitate learning. A concept map has been utilized as a strategy to teach students in
chemistry (Edmund and Brown, 2012). Educators have used concept mapping to present new
ideas and students have utilized concept mapping to demonstrate new learning as well. In
comparison to multiple propositions and look for misunderstandings to correct it. It can also be
useful to students of any age and also speed up learning. The learners’ interaction with the map
Concept maps helps in testing learning and pinpoint fallacies. The usage of concept maps can
also be helpful for teachers in measuring the development of teaching. Concept mapping may be
used to enhance problem-resolving phased of making additional solutions and ranges in the
checked or surveyed by the technique of concept mapping, as the concept maps can also be used
as assessment and evaluation tools in the classroom (Stoica, Morau and Miron, 2014). Concept
maps show how individuals remember, organize, interpret, and understand in a particular subject
area. Concept maps give a big picture on conceptual understanding rather than piecemeal
understanding of conceptual relationships rather than the map’s quantity. Finally, students
benefit from sharing and discussing ideas as they work in collaboration within groups to show
representation tools. Each node in the map represents a concept described by a text label. A key
element of the concept map is its hierarchical structure. Concept maps express explicitly the
most relevant relationships between a set of concepts. when constructing a concept map, one has
to be careful that every two concepts together with their linking phrases form a unit of meaning,
a short sentence. Concept maps have specific characteristics that set them apart from other visual
Concepts: represented as shapes in the diagram as nodes, which can have various forms.
Before creating your diagram, it can be helpful to create a list that identifies key concepts to
Linking words: phrases or linking words are placed on the lines connecting objects in a
concept map, describing the relationship between two concepts. these phrases are as concise as
Cross-links: cross-links are connections between concepts that belong to different areas,
allowing you to visualize how ideas connect within these different areas. Both cross-links and
the hierarchical structure facilitate creative thinking, and these cross-links often indicate
moments of creativity.
Propositional structure: they are meaningful statements containing two or more concepts linked
by linking words. These statements are also known as “semantic units” or “unit of meaning”.
Concepts and propositions form the basis for creating new knowledge in a domain. In essence, a
Hierarchical structure: a key element of a concept map is its hierarchical structure. More general
and inclusive concept are positioned at the top of the diagram, while more specific and exclusive
concepts are hierarchically arranged lower down. This way, concept maps are designed to be
Form between
Negatively charged
Okebukola (2012) in the test of the efficacy of the concept mapping found that students
taught chemistry in selected topics with concept mapping instructional strategy outscored the
students taught with conventional strategy in a pre-test, post-test, control group, quasi
experimental design using 250 students randomly selected from six secondary schools in Ibadan
north local government area of Oyo state. Okebukola also observed that when chemical concepts
are learnt meaningfully using concept maps, it consolidates a concrete and precise understanding
of the meanings and interrelationships among sub concepts. Danmole (2014) investigated the
effects of concept mapping strategy on senior secondary school student’s in pre-test, post-test,
control group, quasi-experimental research design and reported a significant difference in the
achievement of students exposed to concept mapping and they had the highest retention of ionic
concepts using 137 students in a pre-test, post-test, control group, quasi-experimental research
design and reported a significant difference in the achievement of students exposed to concept
mapping and they had the highest retention mean scores than those exposed to conventional
instruction. They explained that the advantage of concept mapping strategy was the clear
understanding of concepts as it aided the experimental group’s ability to observe the relationship
among concept they already know. The method also enabled the experimental group to
understand and retain learnt chemistry concept better than the control group.
Okafor and Okeke (2016) investigating the effect of concept mapping on achievement in a
particular concept and reported that the application of concept mapping significantly facilitates
better understanding of difficult concept for experimental group than for control group. The
report also mentioned that that students taught with concept mapping showed significantly higher
ability and interest than those taught without the strategy and attributed to higher knowledge
achievement ability and interest for experimental group to the use of concept mapping.
Ezekanagha (2012) reported that pupils taught using concept mapping instructional strategy
performed significantly higher and exhibited positive attitude than those taught with
convectional method, this due to concept mapping provides the benefit of reducing student’s
negative perception of some topics as difficult and subsequently their anxiety and aversion
Okeke (2012) defined gender as a socially ascribed attributes which differentiate feminine
from masculine. Educational psychologists and science educators have some time focused on the
issues of gender disparity in science learning. The perception of an average Nigerian about
science especially physics and chemistry is that it is a male gender subject (Eze and Onuigbo,
2011). This perception has its origin in a culture which male dominated. As such, some socio-
cultural impediments present obstacles to female gender active participation and higher
achievement in the sciences. Sex role stereotyping and the created masculine image of science
appear to have seriously undermined female students’ interest, participation and achievement in
sciences. Njoku (2011) opined that female students performed poorly compared to male students.
The need for equality of access and equity as enshrined in the National policy of Education
(FGN,2014) demands that the issue of gender disparity in whatever form should be a subject of
focal attention.
Okonkwo (2013) also showed that students in boy’s schools performed better on
mathematics than those in girl’s schools. Boujaoude and Attieh (2014) reported that research
relating to the use of concept maps in chemistry teaching and learning has been limited. They
reported no significant difference between the achievement of male and female students at the
application and higher order level but noted that concept mapping favored girls than boys in the
total scores in the achievement test at the cognitive level. the gender difference at these levels
Ugwuanyi (2012) reported that girls did better than boys in students’ conceptual
understanding of force and motion. Wagbara (2012) showed that girls have greater influence on
their attitude towards chemistry than boys. The inconsistent results on gender generated the need
for further study. Also evidence from literature available to the researcher does not show that any
A number of factors have been identified to affect student’s attitude to science like
teacher’s attitude, content difficulties, instructional techniques (Ekundayo, 2008). Nbina and
Obomanu (2011) investigated the academic achievement of 125 ss2 chemistry student in Rivers
state on the effect of retention. They found that there was no significant difference in student’s
achievement and retention between urban and rural schools and attributed it to the fact that
problem solving is an activity beside method of teaching which elicits adequate student’s
participation. Aluka (2014) investigated the effect of concept mapping strategy on problem
solving abilities in secondary school chemistry. Therefore, concept mapping strategy is activity
oriented since students gain greater comprehension of the content and skills they are studying.
Oloyode and Adeoye (2015) outlined the steps involved in concept mapping as follows:
Choose and underline keywords or phrases include objects and events in the list.
Arrange the concept as a two dimensional array analogue to a road map. Each concept is in
effect potential destination for understanding. Its route is defined be other concepts in the
neighboring territory.
The researcher compared the past related researches conducted by experts in the field and the
present research. John (2015) carried out a research titled “concept mapping strategy; an
effective tool for improving student’s academic achievements in biology, senior secondary
schools in Demsa L.G.A Adamawa state. The targeted population was five (5) schools which
were selected to represent the total population of the study. The instrument used in collecting the
data was questionnaire. The data collected analyzed using simple percentage method to verify
the research questions formulated for this study. the result of the finding revealed that there is a
Yusuf (2012) carried out a research titled: influence of learning strategy on academic
performance of students in senior secondary schools in kebbi state. The study was carried out
with four objectives, four research questions and four null hypotheses. Questionnaire was used
for data collection and data collected was subjected to ANOVA. The study found that
availability and utilization of learning resources has a significant effect on the academic
performance of students. The current study is related to the past research work as it draws the
students. Despite the similarities, the study differs with the present as it used questionnaire for
data collection and ANOVA was used for data analysis whereas the current study will use
achievement test for data collection and data collected will be analyzed with the use of t-test.
The present research study is; Effect of concept mapping strategy in the retention of ionic
bonding by senior secondary school two students in Jos north. The target population for the
present research study is two (2) secondary schools. The present study will also adopt the use of
achievement test as an instrument for data collection and use simple t-test to analyze the research
The review was carried out under the following sub headings: Nigeria Secondary School
chemistry Curriculum, teaching methods, concept mapping, concept mapping and learning,
chemistry, principles of concept mapping and empirical studies. The importance of science in
schools all over Nigeria and any nation that hopes to develop must not neglect the teaching of
science in its schools One of such Science is chemistry.chemistrey remains one of the basic
sciences whose teaching and learning is universally known to be efficient and successful, if
taught with the teaching strategy.chemistryy is activity based and students centered and cannot
be taught or learnt without the right teaching strategy. Teaching strategies for chemistry teaching
and learning are either in pitfall in schools due to poor teaching techniques. Therefore, has led to
low achievements of students in chemistryy. These therefore there is for proper teaching
techniques for effective biology teaching and learning in schools. Concept mapping strategy
plays vital roles in teaching and learning process in the field of education. All the authors whose
works were reviewed have the same view about the effect of concept mapping strategy. It is
established from the review that students learn better when taught using concept mapping
strategy. Concept mapping ensures and enhances effective teaching and learning. Concept maps
are visual representation of information. They can take the form of charts, graphic organizers,
tables, flowcharts, Venn diagrams, timelines, or T-chart. Concept maps are especially useful for
students who learn better visually although they can benefit any type of learner Novak, (2017) 4
basic types of Concept maps were discussed, also the importance and significance of Concept
maps in our educational setting were treated. This is because, they are of prime importance to
both dull and bright students. And they help to make lessons more interesting, directly teaching
to its goals, arousing students’ interests and motivating them to learn and develop the sense of
imagination, comparison and boost self-esteem. From the reviewed studies, despite the
importance of the use of concept mapping to enhance and promote the academic achievements
and motivation of students, it appears that many teachers still do not use Concept Mapping
strategy in the teaching of biology or do not understand the concept before it is being used. To
improve Concept Mapping, the related literature review suggested that strategies including:
financing biology teachers to workshops and giving them incentives by government were
suggested as one of the strategies for enhancing the use of concept mapping strategy by teachers.
Concept mapping strategies are used in making learning easier, clearer and more dynamic. In
other words, this teaching strategy enhances the teacher's effort in transmitting facts, attitudes
and skills to the learners by allowing learners use their own words. When teachers use Concept
Mapping strategy, they help the learners to create a situation or atmosphere, in which curiosity is
aroused; imagination stimulated, interest generated, viewpoint enlarged and attitudes changed
thereby attaining the basis for effective learning. Finally, with the trend in our educational
system, the need for biology knowledge is more than before. The need to improve the quality of
education in this situation requires a general retraining of teachers at all levels of education so as
to make the use of Concept Mapping strategy, which will help in influencing the arousal,
selection, direction and maintenance of all human behavior. Students require some form of
stimulus to activate, provide direction for, and encourage persistence in their study and learning
effort. Therefore, teachers are encouraged to develop positive attitude towards making use of
Concept Mapping strategy in the teaching of biology so that students develop great interest in it.
This chapter presents the research design, area of study, sample and sampling technique,
instrument for data collection, validation of instrument, reliability of instrument, method of data
The research will use a quasi expereimental design. The quasi expereimental design will be
used so as to maintain intact class arrangement. The achievement test will be carried out using
post-test and pre-test. This design was considered appropriate because it gives an information
that determines two different samples on a given dependent variables. The students will be
taught and tested electrovalent bonding without the using of concept mapping teaching startegy
and their scores recorded. The students will then be taught the same topics again this time with
the use of concept mapping teaching strategy and the same test questions offered them (the
numbers of the test questions will be change) and their scores recorded. The data from the scores
3.2.1 Population
The population for this study consist of 80 senior secondary II chemistry students from
two schools in Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau state. The choice of senior
secondary II chemistry students for this study is due to the fact that the topic ionic bonding
falls within their syllabus and also they are free from any external examination.
Two schools will be selected out of the 47 identified for the research. Furthermore, 40
students from each school making it a total of 80 students will be examined for this research
work. Olua, (2023) defined a sample as a proportion of a population and also confirmed that a
sampling portion that represents the whole population is selected. The choice of two schools
that will be sampled is to have equal representation of the population for the study. For the
purpose of this study, public secondary schools in Jos North will be used. This is because they
The sampling technique used by the researcher in this work will be simple random
sampling. In this type of sampling, every element in the population has an equal chance of being
included in the sample also; every possible combination of N elements in the population has an
equal chance of constituting the sample. The researcher planned a lesson using the syllabus of
Senior Secondary Schools Chemistry book II. The lesson will be taught for the two schools
selected and it will lasted for 90 minutes that is with each period being 45 minutes in the school,.
In the selected school, the experimental group was taught ionic bonding using concept mapping
method while the control group were taught the same ionic bonding without concept mapping
strategy (lecture method). This was to compare posttest and pretest scores of the two groups in
the achievement.
The research instrument that will be used for collecting data in this study is the Chemistry
Achievement Test (CAT). This instrument will be on the concept ionic bonding. The Chemistry
Achievement Test(CAT) will contain 20 multiple choice objective test items with four options
(A-D) per question with two marks for each question . The choice of multiple choice test items is
because of its objectivity in marking. The CAT items developed by the researcher was prepared
by first constructing a table of specifications (test) which classified each test item according to
the topic and the objective the test addresses. The researcher intended to use the table of
specification because it helps to construct a test that has content validity whereby there was a
Table3.1 A Table of Specification for 30 items Chemistry test for SSSII students
Cognitive Objectives
Content Period Percentage Know. Comp. Appl. Anal Syn. Eva. Total
percentage 5% 10% 50% 25% 5% 5% 100%
Iomic 4 40% 1 1 5 2 1 - 10
Properties of 3 30% - 1 1 1 - 1 4
ionic bond
Electrovalent 3 30% - 1 2 2 - 1 6
Total 10 100% 1 3 8 5 1 2 20
3.5.1 Validity
The research instruments developed underwent validation by two experts, from the
department of science and technology from the faculty of education, University of Jos. The
researcher will present the test to the experts together with the objectives content of the
curriculum and test blue print. They will vet the instrument for clarity of the items, appropriate
use of language, the appropriateness of the test items with respect to the specific objectives of the
study. Based on the expert’s comments on the instrument, necessary corrections and
3.5.2 Reliability
The reliability of this study was carried out in order to ensure internal Consistency of the test
instrument. This is determined by using the test - retest method where the same instrument was
administered on different group of students. The resulting score was correlated to get the
The data for this study will be gathered through following procedure ; the researcher
administers a pretest to the experimental and control group in the respective schools.in the
pretest the Chemistry Achievement Test was administered to the groups. Objective question
sheets was provided for the students to choose the right answer from the option A-D. The
researcher then marked the sheets of the test items to obtain the student’s score before treatment.
The researcher then undertook a classroom teaching for all the students in both the experimental
and control group. The two groups were administered the same the same content but
experimental group were taught with the use of concept mapping strategy while the control
group were taught with the usual lecture method approach. Posttest was administered after
treatment. the researcher then marked the sheets and scores them according to their respective
The data obtained from the pretest and posttest will be compared to determine how effective
the treatment was. The data will be analyzed using simple percentage of the mean scores and
standard deviation of the scores obtained from the pretest and posttest to evaluate the research
questions. The research question one, two, three and four was analyzed using frequency table
by which the difference in their mean and standard deviation was used to observed the students’
achievement. Hypothesis one, two, three and four were tested using t-test independent sample at
T= x1 – x2
S12 + S22
n1 n2
x1 = first mean
x2 = second mean
Where ∑ = Summation
x = scores
f = frequency
Class: SS2
Duration 30 minutes
answered by all students in SS II. Each question has four options lettered A-D
circle only one answer to each question. Each question carries equal marks.
Ensure that you submit the answered question paper to the examiner in charge
between atoms is
a. Ionic bond
b. Covalent bond
c. Metallic bond
metal ion
b. Depends on
c. Is independent regarding
3. The enthalpy change that occurs when an atom in the grounbd state gains an
a. True
b. False
c. Both
a. exothermic
b. endothermic
d. always zero
5. Ionic bonds easily from when electron when ionization energy of the metallic
atom is
a. negative
b. constant
c. more
d. less
6. What is the energy that is released upon the formation of an ionic compound known
a. ionization energy
b. lattice energy
d. electro positivity
a. false
b. true
a. molecules
b. atoms
c. lattice
d. ion
a. LiCl
b. MgO
c. SnCl4
d. H2O
d. only a and c
a. ether
b. alcohol
c. kerosene
d. water
a. copper sulphate
b. calcium nitrate
c. magnesium oxide
b. 2,8,2
c .2,8,4
b. loses protons
c. gains electrons
d. gains protons
a. positive ions
b. anodes
c. cathodes
a. chlorine
c. neon
d. copper
17. After ionic bonding occurs both atoms are held by electrostatic force of attraction.
a. strong
b. weak
c. average
a.number of proton
b. number of neutron
c. number of electron
d. number of elements
16. c
17. a
19. b
Class SSII
Subject chemistry
Sex Mixed
Number of Student 40
Duration 90minutes
Date 23/06/2024
Time 8:00-9:30AM
Period Double
Behavioural Objective At the end of the lesson student should be able to:
In the previous lesson the students were taught the first twenty elements
The teacher introduces the lesson by asking the students if they have
heard of the term “ionic bond “ and explains that its other name is
electrovalent bond.
Step 2
Step 3
The teacher asks the students to identify the ions involved in each
Student’s activities compound and draw diagrams to represent the ionic bonds.
The teacher asks the students to answer the following question;
The teacher summaries the lesson by defining ionic bond as bond which
Student activities occurs between two atoms having a large difference in electronegativity a
and another name for ionic bond is electrovalent bond.The teacher then
test the student using the achievement test questions and scores them.
Students activities
In this chapter, data collected were presented, analyzed and discussed. The
chapter was discussed under the following sub-headings: Data Presentation, Summary of
The three research questions were answered using descriptive statistics in terms of
mean and standard deviation, the data was obtained using Biology Achievement Test
Research Question One: What is the difference in achievement mean score of pretest
and posttest biology of experimental group in senior secondary two (2) students in Jos
To answer research question one, the pre-test and post-test scores of students for
BAT in the experimental groups were subjected to descriptive statistics in form of Means
Table 4.1: Analysis of Pre-Test and Post- Test Means and Standard Deviations
Deviation Mean
BAT Pre-test Post-test 40 79.88 12.168 1.924
Post-test 35.75
Table 4.1 indicated that that the post-test means and standard deviations of
students for BAT scores for experimental group were 79.88 and 12.168 while that pre-
test were 44.13 and 13.908. The mean difference was 35.75 in favour of post- test scores
Research Question Two: What is the difference in biology achievement mean score of
posttest of male and female students in experimental group in senior secondary two (2)
To answer research question two, the post-test scores of students for BAT in the
control and experimental groups were subjected to descriptive statistics in form of Means
Table 4.2: Analysis of Post-test Means and Standard Deviations Scores for BAT of
Post-test 33.63
Table 4.2 indicated that that the post-test means and standard deviations of students for
BAT scores for experimental group were 79.88 and 12.168 while that control group were
46.25 and 14.665. The post-test mean difference was 33.63 in favour of experimental
Research Question Three: What is the difference in biology achievement mean score of
posttest of experimental and control group in senior secondary two (2) students in Jos
To answer research question three, the post-test scores of male and female
students for BAT in the experimental group were subjected to descriptive statistics in
Table 4.3: Analysis of Post-test Means and Standard Deviations Scores of Male and
Gender 0.78
Table 4.3 indicated that that the post-test means and standard deviations of students for
BAT scores in the experimental group for male students were 79.44 and 12.821 while
that female students were 80.23 and 11.900. The mean difference was 0.78.
This section analyzed data using statistical tools to test the three (3) null
hypothesis formulated for the study, using the inferential statistics of T-test Independent
Hypothesis One
Ho1: There is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the experimental
In order to test hypothesis three, the pre- test and post-test scores in the
experimental group for BAT were subjected to T-test of independent sample statistics.
Table 4.4: T-test analysis of the Pre- Test and Post-Test Mean Scores for BAT of
Experimental Group
78 12.24 0.000
observed. Since the obtained p-value of 0.000 is less than the alpha value of 0.05, based
on the decision rule, this study rejected the null hypothesis one (1) that says there is no
significant difference between pretest and posttest in the experimental group on the
posttest biology achievement mean scores The decision implies that, there is a significant
difference between pretest and posttest in the experimental group on the posttest biology
achievement mean scores. This indicates that the students of experimental group
Hypothesis Two
Ho2: There is no significant mean difference between the experimental and control group
In order to test hypothesis two, the post-test scores in the experimental and control
groups for BAT were subjected to T-test of independent sample statistics. Summary of
Table 4.5: T-test analysis of the Post-Test Mean Scores for BAT of Experimental
78 11.16 0.000
Table 4.5 revealed that the t-value computed was 11.16 and the p-value of 0.000 was
observed. Since the obtained p-value of 0.000 is less than the alpha value of 0.05, based
on the decision rule, this study rejected the null hypothesis two that says there is no
significant mean difference between the experimental and control group on posttest
biology achievement mean scores. The decision implies that, there is a significant mean
difference between the experimental and control group on posttest biology achievement
mean scores. This indicates that the students of experimental group performed
Hypothesis Three
Ho3: There is no significant difference between male and female students in the
and female students were subjected to T-test of independent sample statistics. Summary
Table 4.6: T-test analysis of the Post-Test Mean Scores for BAT in the Experimental
38 0.20 0.843
Table 4.6 revealed that the t-value computed was 0.20 and the p-value of 0.843 was
observed. Since the obtained p-value of 0.843 is greater than the alpha value of 0.05 thus,
the study rejected the null hypothesis three (3) that says there is no significant difference
between male and female students in the experimental group of posttest achievement in
biology mean scores. This indicates that the students of experimental group performed
between the experimental and control group on posttest biology achievement mean
scores. The result is in line with that of Usman (2016) investigated the effect of concept
State, Nigeria. His results of the study showed that concept mapping strategy improves
Finally, the result indicated that there is no significant difference between male
and female students in the experimental group of posttest achievement in biology mean
scores. The study disagreed with that of Emmanuel (2013) investigated the effect of
chemistry concepts. His results indicated that there was also a better performance in
favour of female students compared to their male counterparts using this method.
This study investigated the effect of concept mapping strategy on the academic
achievements of senior secondary two students in biology in Jos North, Plateau State. In
this chapter, the summary of the entire work and conclusions were given.
Recommendations and suggestions for further studies were made for other researchers
This study was conducted to investigate the effect and impact of ICT use for
effective teaching and learning of computer and their achievement in junior secondary
schools of Jos north educational zone. This study was guided by four (4) research
questions, and also four (4) null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 levels of
population comprises of 5407 Senior secondary two (SS 2) computer students found in
Jos north educational zone of plateau state. A sample of 80 SS 2 students were drawn in
Two (2) instruments, The Biology Achievement Test (BAT) and The Students Attitude
Towards Biology Achievement test was used for the data collection. The subjects were
divided into two groups, The Experimental Group (EG), N = 40 and The Control Group
(CG) N = 40. Two intact classes from two schools was taught Biology for two weeks,
data on performance, retention, attitude, and achievement was obtained using the
ii. here is no significant mean difference between the experimental and control
iii. There is no significant difference between male and female students in the
The finding the study indicated that: there is a significant difference between pre-test and
post-test in the experimental group on the posttest biology achievement mean scores,
there is a significant mean difference between the experimental and control group on
posttest biology achievement mean scores and here is no significant difference between
male and female students in the experimental group of posttest achievement in biology
mean scores.
Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that, concept mapping
enhances the student’s achievement of biology among senior secondary school students
under study.
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:
i. There should be adequate training of biology teachers on the use of concept mapping
strategy in teaching biology at the secondary school level to promote their academic
ii. Science teachers should incorporate the use of concept mapping to enhance students’
From the findings of the study, the following suggestions were made:
i. The study should be replicated in other science subjects such as chemistry and
ii. A larger population and sample size can be used in Plateau state and other
iii. Similar studies should be carried out at NCE level or degree level.
During the course of this study, there were many limitations faced by the
ii. Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with
other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted
iii. Insecurity- Due to the insecurity situation in our dear country Nigeria, the
researcher faced the problem of not visiting some parts of the local
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Name of School:________________________________________
Class: _________________________________________________
Duration 20 minutes
answered by all students in SS II. Each question has four options lettered A-D
circle only one answer to each question. Each question carries equal marks.
Ensure that you submit answer question paper to the examiner in charge before
1. The name of reproduction parts of flower, the stamens are collectively known
2. The other name for gynoecium is ________ (a) pistil (b) stigma (c) style (d)
flower to the stem (b) another dose not contain pollen gram (c) filaments hold the
4. _______inside the flower often leads to the production of seeds (a) calyx (b)
5. Reproductive part of a plant is the_______(a) stem (b) leaf (c) flower (d) root
7. Main ovary forms the_______(a) pistil (b) stamen (c) fruits (d) seeds
(b) nectar, stigma, style, filament (c) anther, filament, calyx and corolla (d)
the_______(a) concentric rings, calyx (b) concentric ring, corolla (c) concentric
11. ______ protect the flower bud (a) bepal (b) petal (c) stamen (d) pistil
12. Flower having a supener ovary is (a) bypogynums flower (b) pergynous
13. When the ovary is placed above other floral part it is called (a) infenor ovary
(b) half infenor ovary (c) supenor ovary (d) half supenor ovary
14. Jointed sepal is known as (a) polysepalous (b) gameosepalous (c) episepalous
(d) epicalyx
15. Which of these statement is correct (a) single carpel is monocarpous (b) one
or more carpel is apocarpous (c) fused carpel are called polycarpous (d) free
16. Which of these statement is not correct (a) ovary contain the ovules (b) ovary
develop into fruit (c) ovule produce the female gamete (d) ovule develop into
17. _______connects the stigma to the ovary (a) stamen (b) pistil (c) style (d)
18. Collective the petals is known as (a) corolla (b) calyx (c) style (d) stigma
19. ________reserve pollen grains at pollination (a) filament (b) stamen (c) style
(d) stigma
20. Perigynous flower have_______ type of ovary (a) interior ovary (b) half
Sunflower have _________ type of ovary (a) half inferior ovary (b) interior ovary
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. B
Name of School
Class SSII
Subject Biology
Sex Mixed
Number of Student 40
Topic Reproduction
Chalkboard, Chalk
Instructional Material
Student already recognize reproduction as the ability of living things to
Previous Knowledge The flower is the reproductive structure of flowering plants. It contains
the male and female sex organ which enables them to exhibit sexual
Introduction Step1
contains the male and female sex organs which enables them to exhibit
sexual reproduction.
Step 2
Teacher describe the various reproductive organs in plants which are the
Androecium/Stamen, Gynoecium/Pistil
consist of a long slender stalk called the filament and a swollen end
(pollen sac) called the anther. The filament hold the anther in position.
In some flowers the filaments are united while the anther is free
(Habiscus) while in some the anther is fused and filament are free
stigma, style and ovary. The stigma is located at the top and is connected
by the style to the ovary.
When the carpel are free from one another the pistil is said to be
synarpous (lilies).
The CALYX SEPAL – are small green, leaf like structure located at the
base of a flower. They protect the flower bud. They may be separated
Step 3
Teacher state the parts of a flower and their functions in a table below.
Teacher summaries by asking the student question and also answering the
student question.
Teacher conclude the lesson by giving student note.
Students activities
Name of School
Class SSII
Subject Biology
Sex Mixed
Number of Student
Time 10:20-11:00
Topic Reproduction
Sub Topic Reproductive System in Plants
Chalkboard, Chalk
Instructional Material
Essential Biology Textbook by M.C Michael
Student already recognize reproduction as the ability of
Step II
Teacher ask student to identify the reproductive organs in
Active Dataset DataSet0
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are
treated as missing.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.03
Group Statistics
Std. Error
Test for
Equality of
Interval of the
Mean Error
Sig. (2- Differen Differen
BAT Equal
Pre- variances 2.402 .125 12.235 78 .000 35.750 2.922 29.933 41.567
test assumed
12.235 76.646 .000 35.750 2.922 29.931 41.569
Weight <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are
treated as missing.
Group Statistics
Std. Error
Test for
95% Confidence
Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error
Post- variances .743 .391 11.160 78 .000 33.625 3.013 27.627 39.623
test assumed
11.160 75.432 .000 33.625 3.013 27.623 39.627
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User defined missing values are
treated as missing.
Group Statistics
Std. Error
Test for
Interval of the
Sig. (2- Differe Std. Error
variances 35.23
-.198 .844 -.783 3.946 -8.791 7.226
not 9