4 Department of Electrical Technology, Technical Institute Kut, Middle Technical University, Al-Za’franiya,
Abstract: In this paper, a new smart voltage and current monitoring system (SVCMS) technique is
proposed. It monitors a three phase electrical system using an Arduino platform as a microcontroller
to read the voltage and current from sensors and then wirelessly send the measured data to monitor
the results using a new Android application. The integrated SVCMS design uses an Arduino Nano
V3.0 as the microcontroller to measure the results from three voltage and three current sensors and
then send this data, after calculation, to the Android smartphone device of an end user using
Bluetooth HC-05. The Arduino Nano V3.0 controller and Bluetooth HC-05 are a cheap
microcontroller and wireless device, respectively. The new Android smartphone application that
monitors the voltage and current measurements uses the open source MIT App Inventor 2 software.
It allows for monitoring some elementary fundamental voltage power quality properties. An effort
has been made to investigate what is possible using available off-the-shelf components and open
source software.
Keywords: SVCMS; voltage sensor; current sensor; Android; Bluetooth; Arduino; smart
1. Introduction
Because of the increasing advances in technology, smart systems are increasingly being used.
These systems allow technicians, administrators, and managers to monitor and control the
performance of devices from a safe distance. The monitoring system is very important when working
in the field of three phase systems; some users and companies use smart monitoring software
programs [1–4]. These programs are installed on the user’s smartphone or company computers to
allow employers to make decisions if there is an error.
The main objective of this paper is to create a smart monitoring system based on an intelligent
control system [5–9]. The proposed system is called a smart voltage and current monitoring system
or SVCMS. The SVCMS is designed to monitor the performance of a three phase grid by measuring
voltage and current. The SVCMS design consists of two parts; the first is the control system shown in
Figure 1a. This system has been designed using the Arduino Nano V3.0 as a microcontroller to read
and calculate the RMS voltage and current from sensor units [10,11]. The Arduino Nano V3.0 is an
open source platform that is very cheap, flexible, and has special-purpose data processing capabilities [12].
Similar applications have been proposed for previous versions of this microcontroller [9,13,14]. The
voltage sensor unit design is based on the ZMPT101B current transformer (Interplus Industry Co.
Ltd., Shenzhen, China) and it amplifies the signals using a LM358 IC (Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX,
USA) [15,16]. The current sensor unit is designed based on an ACS712 chip (Allegro Microsystems,
Worcester, MA, USA) [17]. Both voltage and current units are isolated, very cheap, and easy to use.
The last part in the control system is the Bluetooth HC-05 (Guangzhou HC Information Technology
Co. Ltd., Guangzhou, China) [18,19]. This Bluetooth HC-05, is one of several types of wireless
communication [20] (ZigBee, Wi-Fi, etc.) unit placed between the control system and the end user
(monitoring system).
(a) (b)
Figure 1. SVCMS Model: (a) Control system; (b) Monitoring system.
The second part of the SVCMS, seen in Figure 1b, is the monitoring system or monitoring
application that is installed on a tablet or smartphone device. This application monitors the data
(three phase voltage and current) received from the microcontroller. This paper uses a new
application designed using MIT App Inventor 2, an open source platform from Google, that can be
used to design different types of applications that can be implemented of Android smartphones or
tablets [21–24].
The aim of this work was to design and implement a low cost and safe three phase measuring
system and to design a smartphone application to monitor the data received from the three phase
measuring system. The SVCMS has been designed to measure three phase voltages and currents for
all three phase systems that have a line to ground voltage of less than 250 VAC with a current value
of less than 30 A. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: Section 2 presents the relevant related
research, Section 3 presents the SVCMS design of both hardware and software in detail, Section 4
discusses the practical hardware and software system results, and finally, Section 5 presents
conclusions and suggests further work.
2. Related Work
This section discusses the system which has been designed and compares it with some related
work in the same area, such as similar studies using different techniques, like different types of
voltage and current sensors, wireless communication technology, type of microcontroller, and
monitoring systems.
The SVCMS that has been designed in this research consists of voltage and current sensors for a
three phase system, an Arduino Nano V3.0 microcontroller (electronics_lee Co. Ltd, Wuxi, China),
Bluetooth HC-05 as the wireless communication system, and a new Android smartphone application
designed to monitor the measured values. Table 1 shows a list of the devices used in other proposals
in this area.
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 3 of 16
3. SVCMS Design
The SVCMS design in Figure 1 consists of two parts: the control system (practical system) and
software system (the program of the microcontroller and smartphone application).
(a) (b)
Figure 2. Cont.
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 4 of 16
(c) (d)
Figure 2. Hardware components: (a) voltage sensor unit; (b) current sensor unit; (c) Arduino Nano,
(d) Bluetooth HC-05.
Figure 4. Output characteristics of ZMPT101B [15]: (a) output voltage and input current; (b) phase
angle and input current.
Parameter Value
Turns Ratio 1000:1000
Primary and Secondary Current 2 mA and 2 mA
Dielectric Level 3000 VAC/min
Frequency Range 50~60 Hz
Phase Angle Error ≤20°, (50 Ω)
From data sheet [17], Figure 6 shows the curve of relation between the DC input voltage and
measuring current. The main properties of the ACS712 chip are shown in Table 3.
Figure 6. The ideal curve of the measuring current of ACS712 (Imax = 30 A) [17].
Parameter Value
Supply Voltage 5V
Minimum Isolation Voltage (Input & Output) 2.1 kVrms
Sensitivity (±5, ±20 and ±30) A (66,100, 185) mV/A
Working Temperature From (−40 to + 85) °C
Consumed Current 10 mA
Parameter Value
Microcontroller ATmega328
Operating Voltage (logic level) 5V
Flash Memory, EEPROM, and SRAM 32 kB of which 2 kB used by bootloader, 1 kB, and 2 kB
Clock Speed 16 MHz
Analog I/O Pins 8
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 7 of 16
The A/D converter of Arduino Nano is 10-bit and the measuring current of the circuit is 30 A
(ranging from −30 to +30) A. From the above data (Tables 2 and 3), the quantisation noise of the A/D
converter can be calculated by Equation (1):
𝐼𝑚 60
𝑄𝑁 = = 10 = 0.058651 ≈ 58.651 mA (1)
2𝑁 −1 2 −1
where: QN: quantisation noise; Im: measuring range; N: A/D bits of the converter.
Parameter Value
Frequency ISM band, 2.4 GHz
Synchronous 1 Mbps/1 Mbps
Power Supply +3.3 VDC 50 mA
Working Temperature (−25~+75) °C
Transmit Power Class 2, ≤4 dBm
The final SVCMS hardware is shown in Figure 8, the system consists of four units, which are: (1)
Arduino Nano V3.0, (2) three voltage sensors, (3) three current sensors, and (4) Bluetooth HC-5 as a
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 8 of 16
wireless communication. In Figure 8, the connection of all components and how it works together are
shown in order to yield the data and also shows how the data is read by the oscilloscope to check the
system for errors or mistakes during the connection. The approximate total cost of the SVCMS model
using parts acquired from eBay stores, as presented in Table 6, was 25€.
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
3.5 2.5Volt
<= 5Volt
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
The second sensor is the current sensor, as shown in Figure 5, which is based on the ACS712 IC
sensor. This sensor can work under a limit of 30 A with 66 mV/A sensitivity with +5 V DC power
supply. Figure 6 explains the relation between the output voltage and phase current and it can be
noticed that the relation is linear under different temperature conditions from −40 °C to 125 °C; this
relation increase is exactly linear and that means the increase in current taken will lead to an increase
in the voltage output. Also one can notice that the change in temperature will not affect the activity
of this circuit.
The control and software flowchart of the SVCMS is shown in Figure 13. According to Section 3.2,
the flowchart in Figure 13a shows how the control system works (reading data from sensors and
sending this data after calculating the RMS values by Arduino Nano through the Bluetooth HC-05 to
the end user). Figure 13b shows the flowchart of the smartphone application program and how to
receive data by smartphone Bluetooth from the microcontroller (control system) and then monitor
the results. It can be noted that the smartphone checks the Bluetooth device to see if it is active or not
in order to receive the data from the Bluetooth device HC-05 that is connected with Arduino Nano.
After reading the data it will check every phase and will begin with phase A. If the voltage and
current have values and is never equal to zero then it will display these values, while if the voltage is
zero then it will display the (SC) and with current equal to zero display (NL) and with together equal
to zero then display (NC). After that the program will check the second phase (phase B) and repeat
the same steps for phase A, then go to phase C and repeat same procedure for the other two phases.
Finally, it will return to “receive data” and repeat the same procedure in order to update the reading
and display the new data received.
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 12 of 16
(a) (b)
Figure 13. Flowchart of SVCMS: (a) Flowchart of Arduino Nano V3.0 Software; (b) Flowchart of
Android application Software.
According to the Matlab/Simulink waveform in Figure 12, the Arduino Nano V3.0 calculates the
RMS Value for voltage and current by Equations (2) and (3). The three phase voltage is presented in
Equations (4)–(6):
𝑉𝑝ℎ (𝑅𝑀𝑆) = √ ∗ ∫ 𝑉𝑝ℎ (𝑡)2 𝑑𝑡 (2)
𝑇 0
𝐼𝑝ℎ (𝑅𝑀𝑆) = √ ∗ ∫ 𝐼𝑝ℎ (𝑡)2 𝑑𝑡 (3)
𝑇 0
where: T = 1/frequency
𝑉𝐴 = 𝑉𝑚 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃 (4)
The Android smartphone application is the fifth unit connected to the control system by
Bluetooth. The android application of SVCMS is shown in Figure 14. Figure 14a shows the SVCMS
Android application before it connects the Bluetooth to the control system (the status is “disconnect”)
while Figure 14b explains the condition of the Bluetooth device after connecting (the status is
“connect”) but no result appears in the main screen as the control system is not working (which
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 13 of 16
means that there is no signal for all six sensors). Figure 14c presents all states of monitoring according
to the flowchart application in Figure 12b.
Figure 14 explains the different cases of the connection and cases of phases. In Figure 15a the six
sensor reading is zero, that means the sensor is not working because the Bluetooth device was in the
off state. In Figure 15b the Bluetooth is working but the device and sensors are not connected and
without receiving signals, while in Figure 15c the program is working and reading different data
received from the sensors with special cases of voltage and current like “SC” and “NL”.
Figure 15 shows more screens that are programmed to explain how this system (hardware and
software) works. Figure 15a shows the abstract that is written in this paper and gives a brief idea
about this system for controlling and monitoring the three phases and how to it can display the results
while Figure 15b shows the name of the journal where it was submitted and extra information such
as the specific dates like received, accepted, and published dates. Figure 15c explains the control flow
chart for the SVCMS control system and how it works while Figure 15d shows the second type of
flow chart, which is the application flow chart, which works on smartphones and how it can display
the results. Then Figure 15e explains the first types of sensors, which are the voltage sensors, and
shows the circuit diagram of this sensor. Finally, Figure 15f shows the circuit diagram of the second
sensor, the current sensor, and explains the components of this sensor.
Sensors 2017, 17, 872 14 of 16
used to connect the sensors and devices over the internet by allowing them to talk to us, work in
applications, and interact with each other.
Acknowledgments: The first author appreciates the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/IRAQ
and Special Research of Ghent University for the financial support during this work.
Author Contributions: All the authors contributed substantially to the work presented. Mohannad Jabbar Mnati
did the simulation and experimental works. In addition, he wrote the paper. Alex Van den Bossche gave a
conceptual approach and provided comments at all the stages of the simulation and experimental works. Alex
Van den Bossche and Raad Farhood Chisab revised the manuscript.
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