Magnetic Structure Factor
Magnetic Structure Factor
Magnetic Structure Factor
DOI: 10.1051/sfn/20141302001
C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
E. Ressouche
Abstract. The most widespread use of neutron diffraction is of course the determination of
magnetic structures, that is the determination of the directions in which moments point in a
magnetically ordered material. To describe magnetic structures, it is intuitive and convenient
to relate them to the underlying crystal structures, and therefore to use unit cells. But such
a simplification misses the elegance of what magnetic structures really are and even makes
their description more complex, or impossible in some cases. A more general formalism
is required, the formalism of propagation vectors. This lecture is a reminder on what this
formalism is, how it can describe the more general structures and how it enters fundamental
equations at the basis of magnetic structure determinations by neutron diffraction.
The power of neutron scattering relies mainly on the unique physical properties of this particle. Its mass
gives to the neutron, once thermalized, a de Broglie wavelength comparable to interatomic distances in
crystals (1 − 3 Å), allowing an interference effect when scattered from condensed matter systems. This
interference effect is used to determine both the nuclear structures and the magnetic ones. An even more
important consequence of the mass is the energy of thermal neutrons (10–80 meV), energy particularly
well suited to study both nuclear and magnetic thermal excitations. Because of its electrical neutrality,
the neutron possesses a huge penetrating power, and therefore is able to probe the complete volume
of a sample and not only a small region near the surface. In addition, from the experimental point of
view, this property allows to use bulky and sophisticated pieces of equipment such as cryostats, dilution
refrigerators, high-field cryomagnets and/or pressure cells. Last but not least, the nuclear spin of the
neutron undergoes a dipole-dipole interaction with the unpaired electrons in a magnetic material. This
interaction is comparable in strength to the interaction with the nuclei, so that magnetic properties can
be investigated at a microscopic scale with a high precision.
Detailed accounts of the theory of neutron scattering have been given in many textbooks [1–5], and
is repeated in the lecture of M. Enderle in this one: it is not the aim of this section to reproduce them.
Only some of the fundamental ideas, intended to be complete enough to cover our needs, are presented
in what follows.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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VN (r) = bi (r − R) (2.4)
where R denotes the position of the nucleus. This scattering length is different not only for each atom
but also for each isotope. Moreover, it depends on the relative coupling between the neutron spin and
the nuclear spin I of the isotope. When the temperature is high enough for the nuclear polarization to
be negligible (T > a few tenths of a Kelvin), this dependency can be omitted, and the nuclear scattering
amplitude for a single isotope nucleus is simply:
aN (Q) = bi . (2.5)
In turn, the differential cross section for the coherent scattering of an unpolarized neutron beam by a
natural nucleus without nuclear polarization becomes:
= |b̄|2 (2.6)
the average being taken over the isotope populations of the natural element (defining a so called average
nucleus). Actually, it exists another contribution, due to the distribution of the isotopes, which reflects
the random deviations of the scattering lengths from the mean value b̄. This term does not contribute at
all to the coherent scattering in a crystal and leads to incoherent scattering.
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where n = N is the neutron moment (N and (negative) being respectively the nuclear Bohr
magneton and the gyromagnetic ratio) and i = −2B si , si is the spin of the unpaired electron i and pi
its momentum. This potential has two contributions, the first one being the classical dipolar interaction
due to the spin of electrons whereas the second term arises from the orbital motion. Replacing this
potential in Eq. (2.2) allows to define a magnetic scattering amplitude operator which can be written as:
aM (Q) = p · [Q̂ × M(Q) × Q̂]. (2.8)
In this expression M(Q) is the Fourier transform of the total magnetization density M(r), with both
spin and orbital contributions:
M(r) = MS (r) + ML (r) (2.9)
p = (m/2h̄2 )4N B = 0.2696 × 10−12 cm is a constant which represents the scattering amplitude
at Q = 0 for a 1 B single magnetic moment, and Q̂ = Q/|Q| is a unitary vector along Q.
The expression of this magnetic scattering amplitude operator is more complex than its nuclear
counterpart because the magnetic interaction is long range and noncentral. The term Q̂ × M(Q) × Q̂ is
the projection of M(Q), the Fourier transform of the magnetization density, in the plane perpendicular
to the scattering vector and is often denoted as M⊥ (Q). This angular dependance of the scattering
amplitude allows to determine both the amplitude and the direction of the magnetic moment. However,
this form is not very useful to handle magnetic structure calculations, and one defines generally a so
called magnetic form factor for each individual atom which allows to write:
aM (Q) = p f (Q) ⊥ · (2.10)
f (Q) is the form factor of the magnetic ion, with f (Q = 0) = 1, is the magnetic moment carried by
the atom, ⊥ being its projection onto the plane perpendicular to the scattering vector.
The differential cross section for the magnetic scattering of an unpolarized neutron beam by such
a magnetic ion is therefore:
= p2 f (Q)2 ⊥2
. (2.11)
1 Actually the label ν should be splitted in two, since for most of the space groups, the unit cell contains several kind of atoms
located in different equivalent sites. This notation with only one label means that between these ν atoms, some are related to
each others by the symmetry operators of the crystallographic space group.
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From the unit cell, one can define a reciprocal lattice by three vectors (V is the volume of the unit
cell)2 :
a ∗ = 2
∗ c×a
b = 2 (2.13)
c∗ = 2 ·
The volume of the reciprocal unit cell is (2)3 /V . A reciprocal lattice vector is thus defined as
Q = h a ∗ + k b∗ + l c∗ .
For an unpolarized neutron beam, there is no interference between the nuclear and the magnetic
scattering, and the differential elastic cross section for such a crystal is:
d dN dM
(Q) = (Q) + (Q). (2.14)
d d d
The nuclear interaction potential in the crystal is:
VN (r) = bν (r − Rnν ) (2.15)
m n,ν
(Q) = < kf f | bν (r − Rnν )|ki i >
= bν e
= N |FN (Q)|2 (Q − H ) (2.16)
where N is the number of unit cells contained in the crystal. In this expression, FN (Q) is the unit cell
nuclear structure factor, defined as3 :
FN (Q) = bν eiQ·rν . (2.17)
The sum ν is taken over the atoms of the unit cell. The relation Q = H arising from the function
in Eq. (2.16) is nothing but the Bragg condition of reflection. It demonstrates that a coherent elastic
scattering occurs in a perfect crystal only for scattering vectors that coincide with a reciprocal lattice
vector. This result is purely a consequence of the symmetry of the crystal lattice and does not depend
upon the nature of the neutron-lattice interaction. This last result, derived in the case of nuclear
scattering, can be extended to the magnetic scattering. This generalization is presented in the next
2 Note the difference of definition compared to the usual crystallographic convention where a ∗ = b × c/V . . .
3 To take into account thermal displacement around equilibrium positions, each term of the sum has to be multiplied by e−Wν , W
being the Debye-Waller factor of atom number ν.
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where mν,k is the Fourier component of the distribution associated to the progation vector k. Because
the magnetic atoms have a positional periodicity given by the underlying nuclear structure, one can
show that the wave vectors k that enter the summation are periodic in the reciprocal space and hence
can be chosen within the first Brillouin zone of the Bravais lattice of the nuclear unit cell. In turn, the
differential magnetic cross section can be written as:
dM (2)3
(Q) = N |FM⊥ (Q)|2 (Q − H − k) (3.2)
d V H k
FM⊥ , often called the magnetic interaction vector and denoted M⊥ in the lecture on polarized neutron,
is the projection of FM in the plane perpendicular to Q. The expression Eq. (3.2) of the differential
magnetic cross section means that inside each Brillouin zone of the nuclear unit cell defined by the
lattice vectors H , it exists as many superlattice magnetic peaks as there are distinct propagation
vectors k in the expansion Eq. (3.1). These peaks are located at reciprocal points defined by the
vectors Q = H + k. In the expression Eq. (3.3) of the magnetic structure factor, the sum
ν is taken over the atoms of the unit cell, as for the nuclear structure factor. An important consequence
of the term |FM⊥ (Q)|2 is that, when all the vectors mν,k are collinear and parallel to the scattering vector
Q, the differential cross section, and therefore the intensity of this magnetic peak, is zero.
Before going further, two remarks are necessary:
• the magnetic structure factor FM is a vector which may be either real, purely imaginary or
complex in the general case, whereas the nuclear structure factor FN is a scalar (which also
may be complex).
• in Eq. (3.1), both e−i k·Rn and mν,k are complex quantities in the general case. Since the magnetic
moment nν should be real, this implies that to any vector k is associated the vector −k with
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
mν,−k = (mν,k )∗ . This is true except for certain particular values of k, such as k = 0, or for some
points on the surface of the Brillouin zone, for which e−i k·Rn is always real. In these cases, only
one vector k enter the summation.
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
two cases, and only in these two cases, the Fourier component mν,k can be identified to the real magnetic
moment nν .
When k is rational and corresponds to a long period commensurate structure (e.g. 1/5), the formalism
is exactly the same than for incommensurate structures and will be treated in the next section.
When several non-collinear vectors k enter the summation Eq. (3.1), the structure is called
multi-k. A very simple example of such a structure is the case of a canted arrangement (Fig. 3). This
structure is described by two components, a ferromagnetic one appearing on top of nuclear peaks and
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
an antiferromagnetic one, which, in the case of a Bravais lattice, is purely magnetic and appears in a
different place in reciprocal space.
In highly symmetrical compounds such as cubic space groups, much more complicated
arrangements may occur. We will not describe them in details in this presentation. As an example,
the single-k, double-k and triple-k magnetic structures with mν,k k associated to the wave vector
k = (0, 0, 12 ) in a primitive cubic lattice are depicted on Figure 4. The main difference between these
structures is the orientation of the magnetic moments, which can be either along 100, 110 or 111. It
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
is often very difficult to distinguish between these three structures because of the existence of magnetic
domains. One has to use an external constraint, such as an applied magnetic field along a particular axis
or a pressure to validate one model or the other.
• Non Bravais lattices: Several magnetic atoms per primitive unit cell
When there are several magnetic atoms in the unit cell, the mutual orientations of their magnetic
moments should be determined. It is important to realize that Eq. (3.1) tells us how a magnetic moment
propagates from one unit cell to the other (translational symmetry) and not at all how the different
Bravais lattices are coupled inside the unit cell. This scheme is given by the relative intensities of the
magnetic peaks. Representation analysis can be of great help to reduce the number of independent
parameters in the case of many Bravais sublattices. A complete presentation of the application of
representation analysis to magnetic structures is a complex task out of the scope of this lecture. The
reader interested in this aspect can consult references [4–6].
The main subtlety in the case of non-Bravais lattices arise from the fact that k = 0 no longer implies
a ferromagnetic structure. To illustrate this fact, let us consider a triclinic space group P 1̄ and an atom
in a general position (xyz). The multiplicity of this site is two (xyz and x̄ ȳ z̄). The antiferromagnetic
structure drawn on Figure 5 corresponds to k = 0, since atoms connected by translations of the lattice
have the same magnetic moments. The magnetic scattering will thus appear at the same positions in
reciprocal space than the nuclear one.
Depending on the space group, k = 0 can correspond, in the case of non Bravais lattices, either
to ferromagnetic structures, collinear antiferromagnetic ones, or even non collinear structures such as
triangular ones. Only the intensities of the different magnetic peaks allow to distinguish between these
different configurations.
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
nν = ν · û cos(k · Rn + ν ). (3.4)
Such a moment distribution is described by two Fourier components, associated to k and −k, namely
mν,k = 2ν · û e−iν and mν,−k = 2ν · û eiν . The two Fourier components are conjugated complexes.
The magnetic structure factor becomes:
FM (Q = H + k) = p fν (Q) · û e−iν eiQ·rν . (3.5)
Many examples of such modulated structures have been found particularly in rare-earth and actinides
compounds, and more recently in multiferroic systems. The polarization direction can be either
longitudinal (collinear to the propagation) or transverse. If the modulus of k is irrational, all the moments
inside the crystal have different moment amplitudes, whereas when this value is rational, the moments
become the same after a period corresponding to the propagation. Since some of the magnetic moments
cannot have their saturated value in such a sine-wave modulated structure, this kind of ordering is
very often found close to the transition temperature, and does not persist on cooling down. At lower
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b b*
Magnetic Nuclear
a a*
Direct space Reciprocal space
temperature, one often observes the apparition of harmonics (e.g. k/3, k/5. . . ) characteristics of a
squaring of the structure, or a transition to a commensurate phase.
• Helical structures
In this kind of ordering, the magnetic moments rotate in a plane (û, v̂) when propagating along the k
direction (Fig. 7) according to:
nν = 1ν · û cos(k · Rn + ν ) + 2ν · v̂ sin(k · Rn + ν ). (3.6)
When 1ν = 2ν the helix is circular, but examples of elliptic helixes 1ν = 2ν can also be found. One
should notice that the sine-wave modulated structures defined in the previous section are just particular
cases of helical structures for which 2ν = 0. The distribution is described by two complex conjugate
Fourier components mν,k and mν,−k associated to k and −k:
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structures in which magnetic moments rotate at the surface of a cone. Nowadays, the term cycloid
is very often encountered in the literature, in particular when multiferroic systems are concerned. It is
nothing but a particular type of helix, for which the propagation vector lies in the plane of rotation of
the magnetic moments.
that is are calculated from Rnν = Rn + rν , the actual position of atom (n, ν) in cell n and not from the
origin Rn of this cell n. This convention leads to different Fourier components related to the first ones
(mν,k ) = mν,k ei k·rν (3.11)
and to a different expression of the structure factor:
FM (Q = H + k) = p fν (Q) (mν,k ) ei H ·rν (3.12)
where the phase in the exponential is calculated from the nuclear scattering vector H and no longer from
the true scattering vector Q. These two approaches are mathematically the same and lead fortunately
to the same results. The different programs of magnetic structure refinement use either one or the other
convention. Problems generally appears when calculating the real magnetic moments carried by the
different atoms from their Fourier components. A mixing of the two conventions is a classical trap
which may lead, by adding wrong phase terms, to a completely wrong picture of the magnetic structure.
Examples exist in the literature!
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simplest case in which the physical picture depends on an arbitrary parameter not accessible by the
experiment. Physical considerations are then required to prefer one model among others. For instance,
a constant moment magnetic structure is normally expected at low temperature, and this argument may
justify the choice ν = /4 amongst all the others possibilities. Experimentally, other techniques may
help to choose between several models. Unfortunately, there is no general method to overcome this
The expressions Eq. (3.2) and Eq. (3.3) of the differential magnetic cross sections and of the magnetic
structure factors are the fundamental equations for a magnetic structure determination. In a measurement
of coherent elastic scattering, the quantity actually determined is the Bragg peak intensity, that
is the total number of neutrons entering the detector when passing through the Bragg condition
of diffraction. This intensity corresponds to an integration of the differential cross-sections and is
proportional to |FN (Q)|2 for the nuclear scattering and |FM⊥ (Q)|2 for the magnetic one, the coefficient
of proportionality or scale factor being the same for a given scattering angle. Comparing the integrated
intensity of a nuclear peak to the square of its nuclear structure factor gives immediately this scale factor,
which can then be used to determine the amplitude of the magnetic moments from the magnetic peaks.
In the case of a mixed reflection where both nuclear and magnetic signals appear, and for unpolarised
neutrons, there is no interference effect and the intensity is simply proportional to the sum of these two
quantities. In practice, a determination of a magnetic structure requires three steps: (i) the identification
of the propagation vectors k, (ii) the determination of the coupling between the Fourier components
mν,k and (iii) the determination of the direction and amplitudes of these Fourier components, giving the
direction and amplitudes of the true magnetic moments.
Magnetic structures can be investigated either on a powder specimen or a single crystal. Each
technique has his own advantages and his own drawbacks, that we will discuss now.
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varying according to the experimental resolution. The parameters of the model are least-squares fitted
so that the calculated pattern reproduces the observed one, allowing to determine separately very close
Bragg peaks. This method requires more computational effort than a classical least-squares refinement
from integrated intensities, but today, with the power of modern computers, this is no longer a problem
as it was in the past and this method can be applied to rather complicated structures. The program
FULLPROF [9] is an example of software using this kind of approach that has been adapted to both
nuclear and magnetic structure determinations (amongst many other possibilities).
The recorded intensities in such a measurement are both of nuclear and of magnetic origin in the
magnetically ordered state, while they are almost purely nuclear in the paramagnetic one. A simple
subtraction of the two patterns recorded on both sides of the transition temperature gives the pure
magnetic signal, if no crystallographic transition occurs at the same time. This tells immediately the
Bragg angles of the magnetic lines, and therefore the modulus of the scattering vectors where the
magnetic signal appears. The problem is then to find one or several vectors k that could explain these
values. This step can be the most difficult one of the structure determination. This search can be made
by computer with several existing programs, or by hand with a graphical method [4]. It may happen
that the measurement on a powder is not sufficient to determine unambiguously the propagation vectors.
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The different hypothesis have then to be checked on a single crystal. Once the vector(s) k is (are)
determined, the magnetic structure can be refined by testing the different possible coupling between the
Fourier components mν,k .
At this step, a severe limitation of the powder method should be explained. It is tightly connected to
the previous problem of peak overlapping and concerns equivalent reflections. The integrated intensity
measured on a powder diffractometer at one Bragg angle does not correspond to only one vector Q, but
to the superposition of all the equivalent vectors Q deduced from Q by the symmetries of the crystal.
As the magnetic structure is often less symmetrical than the crystal structure, those vectors Q may be
inequivalent as far as the magnetic structure is concerned. Since one measures only the sum of these
contributions (same Bragg angle), a part of the information concerning the direction of the magnetic
moments is lost. To illustrate this fact, let us consider a ferromagnetic structure. We have then:
FM⊥ (Q) = sin FM (Q) (4.1)
where is the angle between the moment direction and the scattering vector. The intensity in a powder
sample is:
IM (Q) ∝ pM sin2 |FM (Q)|2 (4.2)
where pM is the multiplicity of the peak and sin is the mean value of sin over all the equivalent
2 2
scattering vectors. As shown by Shirane [10], in the case of a cubic space group sin2 is always
equal to 2/3 whatever the direction of the moment. This means that the moment direction cannot
be determined in this case, the experiment will give only its amplitude. In the case of an uniaxial
symetry (trigonal, tetragonal or hexagonal), the direction of the moment within the basal plane cannot
be specified. For other symmetries, the moment direction can be determined without ambiguity. This
rule has been illustrated here in the simple case of a ferromagnet, but the conclusions remain the same
in all the other cases (antiferromagnetic, modulated structures . . . ).
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Figure 9. Close view of the Eulerian cradle with a displex cryo-refrigerator mounted on the 4 circle diffractometer
D9 (Institut Laue Langevin).
Figure 10. The lifting counter diffractometer D23 (Institut Laue Langevin).
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The second limitation of single crystal measurements is connected to the so-called magnetic domains.
For a given propagation vector k, it exists several vectors k derived from k by the symmetry operations
of the crystallographic space group. This set of vectors k is refered as the star of k. When the ordering
occurs, the crystal split into domains usually of the same volume, each one being characterized by
one particular member of the star of k. These domains are called K domains. In addition, it may also
exist another type of domains (S domains) inside each K domain: these domains are constituted by
the different equivalent directions for the alignment of the magnetic moments, equivalent for both the
crystal symmetry and the propagation vector of this K domain. Domains are described more extensively
in the lecture on Polarized Neutron Diffraction in this textbook. In a single crystal experiment, all the
different K domains will give different sets of magnetic reflections, and each one of these reflections
will imply an averaging over the S domains, giving rise to the same kind of averaging problems as for
Moreover, it is also very difficult to distinguish between a single-k structure with different K
domains and a single-domain multi-k structure. Only experiments on single crystals where an external
perturbation (uniaxial stress or magnetic field) is applied to unbalance the domain repartition are able
to remove the ambiguity. This problem is more important for highly symmetric lattices, such as face
centered cubic lattices, because the star of k contains many elements.
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400 T = 1.5 K
Neutron Intensity (arb. units)
T = 15 K
10 Difference
20 40 60 80
2 θ (deg.)
Figure 11. Powder diffraction patterns recorded below and above the transition temperature in the compound
Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 and difference. From Ref. [13].
elucidated by Rietveld refinement of the powder neutron diffraction pattern recorded in the paramagnetic
state (T = 15 K), using the software FULLPROF [9]. A gaussian function was chosen to generate the
line shape of the diffraction peaks. The pattern is consistent with the crystal structure of the isotypic
compound Mn[C(CN)3 ]2 . All the reflexions can be indexed in the orthorhombic space group P mna,
the cell parameters being a = 7.313(1) Å, b = 5.453(1) Å and c = 10.640(1) Å. The atomic positions
have been refined starting from the values observed in the manganese derivative. Figure 12 shows the
observed and calculated neutron diffraction profiles in the paramagnetic phase.
JDN 20
T = 15 K
Intensity (arb. units) 8
20 40 60 80 100 120
2-Theta (in degrees)
Figure 12. Observed and calculated powder neutron-diffraction patterns at T = 15K for the compound Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 ,
as well as the difference (obs-calc). The ticks indicate the positions of the nuclear reflections. From Ref. [13].
The next step is then to find a vector k (or several) that could explain these values. The main difficulty
in this step results from the vectorial nature of the relation Q = H + k when the powder experiment
gives only the modulus of the vectors Q.
To solve this problem, one could draw the reciprocal lattice associated to the crystallographic
structure of the compound, together with the Brillouin zones of its Bravais lattice. By definition, each
nuclear peak is then at the center of a Brillouin zone. The modulus of the magnetic scattering vectors
previously determined allow to draw spheres centered at the origin of the reciprocal lattice. A very
simple situation corresponds to the case where the lower angle magnetic peak belongs to the Brillouin
zone of the origin of the reciprocal lattice. For this peak H = 0 and |Q| = |k|. It is then possible to draw
spheres of that radius around each Brillouin zone center. The intersections of these spheres with the
previous ones define the possible wave vectors, as illustrated in the example of Fig. 13. Actually, since
it is difficult to make a full drawing in 3D, the strategy usually employed consists to search within the
main symmetry planes of the reciprocal lattice ((a ∗ , b∗ ), (a ∗ , c∗ ), (b∗ , c∗ ). . . ). Of course, for a completely
general propagation vector, finding a solution this way may become very tedious. If there is no magnetic
peak in the first Brillouin zone around H = 0 (for instance if the magnetic moments are collinear to the
propagation vector), the problem is even more complex. Several attempts should be made, starting from
symmetry lines of the Brillouin zone. There is unfortunately no general recipe for such cases. However,
it exists programs that generate propagation vectors within the first Brillouin zone in a systematic way,
calculate from these propagation vectors the modulus of all the possible scattering vectors and compare
these values with the observed ones. At the end, one could obtain a list of possible propagation vectors.
Such programs make the job much easier. If none of these method works, the only way is then to make
an experiment on a single crystal, and to make systematic scans within several Brillouin zones, trying
to find where the magnetic signal is. This could also become a funny game!
In the particular case of Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 , the propagation vector turned out to be k = ( 21 , 12 , 0). This
point is a particular symmetry point at the surface of the Brillouin zone describing an antiferromagnetic
structure as stated in Table (1).
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Figure 13. Graphic method to identify the propagation vector. From Ref. [4].
Intensity (arb. units)
0 N
20 40 60 80 100 120
2-Theta (in degrees)
Figure 14. Observed and calculated powder neutron-diffraction patterns at T = 2K for Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 , as well as the
difference (obs-calc). The ticks indicate the positions of the reflections, for both the nuclear (N) and the magnetic
(M) contributions. From Ref. [13].
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Figure 15. Schematic representation of the magnetic structure of Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 at 2K. For sake of clarity, only the
Cr atoms of the unit cell have been represented. From Ref. [13].
is complex with many Bravais lattices, the number of possibilities to couple the Fourier components
may be high. The representation analysis method is then useful to enumerate the possible couplings
compatible with the symmetry of the compound. Moreover, the existence of systematic extinction rules
for the magnetic signal should be tested since it can give indications concerning the moment direction.
For instance the absence of any peak in the first Brillouin zone around H = 0 in the case of a Bravais
lattice tells immediately that moments are parallel to k.
In Cr[C(CN)3 ]2 , the Chromium atoms occupy a (2b) site, with two Bravais lattices ( 21 , 0, 0) and
(0, 0, 12 ). Here the problem is very simple because the number of ways to couple the two sites is reduced.
The best agreement (Fig. 14) is found for moments on the chromium atoms pointing along the c axis, in
the sequence depicted on Figure 15.
This example of magnetic structure determination is an example for which powder diffraction was
enough to completely solve the problem. In the chapter devoted to polarized neutron diffraction, other
examples are given for which single crystal diffraction, even with polarized neutrons, was necessary to
remove all the ambiguities.
The aim of these lecture notes was to remind both fundamental an practical aspects of magnetic structure
determinations using neutron diffraction and to outline the unique information this technique can give.
Due to the intensity of neutron beams of present sources an important constraint remains on the relatively
large size of samples suitable for such experiments (compared to X-rays). However, the high potentiality
and the uniqueness of this tool in solving solid state physics problems can justify all the efforts spent in
growing such large samples.
I would like to thank V. Simonet and S. Petit for the extra opportunity offered with this chapter, and consequently
for a critical reading of the manuscript during Christmas break!
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[1] W. Marshall, S.W. Lovesey, Theory of thermal neutron scattering, Oxford Univ. Press
(Clarendon), London and New York (1971).
[2] G.E. Bacon, Neutron diffraction, 3rd Ed. Oxford Univ. Press (Clarendon), London and New York
[3] G.L. Squires, Thermal neutron scattering, Cambridge Univ. Press, London and New York (1978).
[4] J. Rossat-Mignod, Neutron Physics, Chap. 20, Eds. Skold and Price, Academic Press (1987).
[5] J. Schweizer, Neutron and Synchrotron radiation for condensed matter studies, HERCULES,
Vol. II, Chap. 5, Eds. Baruchel, Hodeau, Lehmann, Regnard, Schlenker, Les Editions de Physique,
Springer-Verlag (1994).
[6] Contribution of Symmetries in Condensed Matter, Eds. B. Grenier, V. Simonet and H. Schober,
EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences (2012).
[7] P. Convert, J.B. Forsyth, Position sensitive detection of thermal neutrons, Eds. Convert and
Forsyth, Academic Press, New York (1983), 1.
[8] H.M. Rietveld, Acta. Cryst. 22 (1967), 151.
[9] J. Rodriguez-Carvajal, Physica B 192 (1993), 55.
[10] G. Shirane, Acta. Cryst. 12 (1959), 282.
[11] W.H. Zachariasen, Acta. Cryst. 23 (1967), 558.
[12] P. Becker, P. Coppens, Acta. Cryst. A30 (1974), 129.
[13] J.L. Manson, E. Ressouche, J.S. Miller, Inorg. Chem. 39 (2000) 1135.