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practicals bio

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1.Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata

AIM: To prepare temporary mounts of leaf peels to observe stomata

THEORY: In plants, physiological processes such as respiration and photosynthesis involve exchange of
gases between plant tissues and the external atmosphere. This occurs through minute microscopic
pores called stomata (singular; stoma) present in the leaf. Stoma is an elliptical pore with two kidney
shaped guard cells on either side.

MATERIALS REQUIRED: Fresh leaves of a dicot plant, compound microscope, slide, cover slip, needle,
brush, a piece of blotting paper, and a razor blade.

1. Remove a peel from the lower surface of a dicot leaf. This can be easily done by folding or tearing the
leaf and pulling out the thin membranous transparent peel. Leaf peels can also be obtained by carefully
scratching the leaf surface with a razor blade.

2. Mount the peel on a slide in a drop of water and place a cover slip on it. Avoid air bubbles. Blot the
excess water from the slide.

3. Focus the peel under the low power of compound microscope and observe the stomata, guard cells
and epidermal cells.

4. Observe and identify the guard cells under high power.

5. Draw the diagram of a stoma and label its parts.


• Small openings, stomata are scattered through the epidermal cells

• Guard cells are observed which have chloroplasts and nucleus

• Guard cells are observed having a thin outer covering and a thick inner boundary(concave)


Epidermal cells are found containing stomata on the lower surfaces of the leaf.


• Avoid folding the leaf too much. The peel should be snipped to a proper size

• The peel should always be placed at the centre of the slide and the slides should be held from
the sides.

• The peel should neither be overstrained nor under strained

• Glycerin should be used in order to prevent drying of the peel

• Coverslip needs to be placed in such a way that air bubbles are avoided

2. Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.


To experimentally demonstrate that carbon dioxide is released during the process of respiration.


The process of respiration is biochemically carried out wherein glucose is oxidized and energy is
released. In this experiment, gram seeds (moistened) are used. The purpose of using these seeds is that
they release carbon dioxide and are respiring actively. The released carbon dioxide is consumed by the
solution of KOH.

Material Required

• Soaked gram seeds

• U-shaped delivery tube

• Conical flask

• Blotting paper (moist) /cotton wool

• Thread

• Water

• Beaker

• Test tube

• Rubber cork with a single hole

• Freshly prepared KOH solution (20%)

• Vaseline


• Germinate seeds. This can be done by wrapping them in moist blotting paper or cotton wool for
around 3 to 4 days.

• Set up the germinated or sprouted seeds in the conical flask. Spray some water into the flask to
dampen the seeds.
• With the help of a thread, suspend the conical flask containing the test tube having a freshly
prepared 20% KOH solution.

• Use the rubber cork to seal the opening of the conical flask.

• One edge of the U-shaped glass delivery tube present in the conical flask should be inserted
through the hole in the rubber cork. The other edge should be placed into a beaker that is
saturated with water.

• All attachments of the set-up should be sealed. This can be done using vaseline to create an air-
tight environment.

• The initial water level present in the U-shaped delivery tube needs to be marked.

• Leave the experimental set-up uninterrupted for 1 to 2 hours. Observe the fluctuations in the
water level in the tube.


Careful observation after a certain period of time reveals that the water level in the U-shaped delivery
tube has risen in the beaker.


The rise in level water indicates that carbon dioxide is released as a result of germinating gram seeds
during the process of respiration in the conical flask. The carbon dioxide that is released in the process is
absorbed or consumed by the KOH solution that is suspended in the test tube in the conical flask,
creating a vacuum or a void in the flask resulting in the upward water movement in the tube. Hence, the
water level in the tube changes.


• The seeds that are to be germinated need to be moistened

• Air-tight environment for all the connections in the experimental set-up

• The KOH solution that is used needs to be freshly prepared

3. Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides.

AIM: To study binary fission in Amoeba and budding in yeast

THEORY: Binary fission and budding are forms of asexual reproduction in lower organisms, like bacteria,
unicellular protozoans, and a few other animals. In binary fission, the parent cell divides into two
daughter cells. Budding is commonly seen in yeast. It is a kind of asexual reproduction wherein a new
organism develops from a bud or an outgrowth due to the process of cell division at a particular site.
MATERIALS REQUIRED : A compound microscope, permanent slides of binary fission in Amoeba ,
budding in yeast , charts of binary fission and budding.


1. Focus the slide under high power of compound microscope.

2. Observe the stages in binary fission and budding

3. Draw diagrams of the stages in binary fission and budding.


(a) Binary fission in Amoeba

• Initially, the pseudopodia are retrieved. The body of amoeba is coiled and becomes round

• Amitosis is observed, the division of the nucleus takes places which are followed by splitting of

• At the point of fission in the body of the amoeba, a constriction starts to develop.

• The constriction or furrow turns deeper resulting in the formation of two daughter cells

(b) Budding in yeast

• Protuberance or a tiny outgrowth is observed on the parent cell

• Budding leads to the formation of new organisms


The prepared slides display asexual reproduction. One individual is involved to produce a new offspring
of its own kind.


• Slides need to be aligned and focused accurately

• Sketch out your observation that is observed under a microscope

• The slides first need to be examined under a low-power magnification of the compound
microscope and then under high-power magnification.

4. Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed .

To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed

Theory: Fertilization is the process by which the male and female gametes fuse to become a zygote,
which develops into an embryo. The ovary develops into a fruit and the ovule develops into a seed after


• Seeds of red kidney bean/gram

• Forceps

• Magnifying glass

• Cloth

• Petri dish

• Water


• Soak a few seeds overnight

• Next morning, drain the excess water out

• Now wrap the seeds in a clean and a moist cloth for a day, allow it to dry

• Next, carefully peel the seed coat

• With the help of forceps, dissect the seed so as to get two equal halves

• Examine with the help of a magnifying glass. Carefully identify and locate different parts of the

• Sketch out the interior of the seed you examined labeling all the parts as shown in the diagram.


• The bean seed resembles the shape of a kidney. It has a convex and a concave side

• A tiny pore known as the micropyle is located just adjacent to the hilum

• The seed is enclosed by a seed coat

• The embryo possesses two distinct and large cotyledons that resemble the shape of a kidney
and are white in color

• Lateral attachment of the cotyledons to the curved embryonal axis is observed

• Radicle is examined. It is the rod-shaped and lightly protrusive lower end of the embryonal axis
that is found placed towards the micropylar end.

• The upper end of the embryonal axis exhibits the plumule.


Three principle parts of the embryo of dicot seeds are observed, they are:

• Cotyledons: A cotyledon is part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. Cotyledons help supply
the nutrition a plant embryo needs to germinate and become established as a photosynthetic

• Plumule: A plumule is a tiny shoot within a seed that develops into the embryonic stem and
leaves of a new plant during germination.

• Radicle: A plumule is the embryonic root of the plant, which develops into the future root of the

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