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7th edition, March 2007

Translation O

Continental wagons running in Great Britain (via the Channel

Tunnel and on Network Rail infrastructure - General
conditions (reference profile, axle load, etc.) for the
acceptance, in international traffic with Great Britain, of
2-axle and bogie wagons registered with other UIC member

Circulation des wagons continentaux en Grande-Bretagne (par le tunnel Transmanche et sur

l’infrastructure gérée par Network Rail) - Conditions générales (contour de référence, masse par essieu,
etc.) en vue de l’admission à circuler en Grande-Bretagne en service international de wagons à deux
essieux et à bogies immatriculés dans d’autres EF membres de l’UIC

Verkehr der Festlandgüterwagen in Großbritannien (durch den Kanaltunnel und auf Network Rail-Strecken)
- Allgemeine Bedingungen (Begrenzungslinie, Radsatzlast, usw.) für die Zulassung der bei anderen
Mitglieds-EVU der UIC eingestellten zweiachsigen und Drehgestellgüterwagen im internationalen Verkehr
mit Großbritannien
Leaflet to be classified in Volume:
V - Transport stock

With effect from the 1 March 2007
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, January 1954 First issue and 4 Amendments, entitled: "Continental wagons
running in Great-Britain"

6th edition, November 2004 Complete overhaul of leaflet, new layout

7th edition, March 2007 New designations of organs and gauges in the UK

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- General......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 - Reference profile .................................................................................................. 2

1.1.1 - Profiles ............................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 - Routes................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.3 - Underclearance.................................................................................................. 3
1.1.4 - Enlarged gauges ................................................................................................ 3
1.2 - Permissible axle load............................................................................................ 3
1.3 - Limiting dimensions for the overhang and wheelbase / distance between
inner wheels.......................................................................................................... 3
1.4 - Running conditions and speeds............................................................................ 3
1.5 - Curves taking........................................................................................................ 4
1.5.1 - Buffing and drawgear......................................................................................... 4
1.5.2 - Running gear ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6 - Handbrakes .......................................................................................................... 5
1.7 - Interchangeable constructional parts.................................................................... 5
1.8 - Permanently-coupled wagon units........................................................................ 5
1.9 - Headstock-mounted air brake coupling cocks - Positions .................................... 5
1.10 -Standard British-type lamp brackets .................................................................... 5
1.11 -Signs and markings ............................................................................................. 6
1.11.1 - CT symbol.......................................................................................................... 6
1.11.2 - Anchor................................................................................................................ 6
1.11.3 - Anchor and CT sign ........................................................................................... 7
1.11.4 - Warning sign ...................................................................................................... 7
1.12 -Wagons worked in transit via the Channel Tunnel............................................... 7
1.12.1 - Interference from electromagnetic and radio-frequency radiation ..................... 7
1.12.2 - Aerodynamic impact .......................................................................................... 8
1.12.3 - Fire properties for vehicle materials ................................................................... 8
1.12.4 - Compatibility with hot axle-box detectors........................................................... 8
1.12.5 - Integrity of equipment mountings and attachments ........................................... 8
1.12.6 - Running speed, wheel diameter and axle load relationship............................... 8
1.12.7 - Brake pipes ........................................................................................................ 9

1.13 -Movable elements................................................................................................ 9
1.14 -End steps ............................................................................................................. 9

2- Acceptance procedure ............................................................................................. 10

2.1 - Addresses........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 - Technical file to be supplied to the approval body by the RU issuing
the contract for use ............................................................................................. 10
2.2.1 - Acceptance procedure ..................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 - Wagons complying with conditions set out in point 1....................................... 12
2.2.3 - Wagons not complying with all the conditions listed in point 1 ........................ 13
2.3 - Intergovernmental Commission and Safety Authority......................................... 13
2.4 - Notification to the RU issuing the contract for use.............................................. 13
2.5 - Alterations to the wagons or changes in the substances carried........................ 14
2.6 - Withdrawal from traffic with Great Britain ........................................................... 14
2.7 - Route acceptance............................................................................................... 14
2.8 - ORR-HMRI approval........................................................................................... 14

Appendix A - W6-A gauge ................................................................................................. 15

Appendix B - W9 Freight gauge ....................................................................................... 23

Annexe C - Limiting dimensions for the overhang and wheelbase/distance

between inner wheels................................................................................. 35

Appendix D - Wagon diagram and parameters ............................................................... 36

Appendix E - Typical wagon general arrangement ........................................................ 42

Appendix F - Standard position of lamp brackets on freight stock.............................. 43

Appendix G - Free space required for fitting/removal of lamp ...................................... 44

Appendix H - British-type lamp bracket........................................................................... 45

Appendix I - Position of signs......................................................................................... 46

List of abbreviations ..........................................................................................................47

Glossary .............................................................................................................................48

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................49


The purpose of this leaflet is to ensure the safe operation of wagons intended for traffic with Great
Britain, via the Channel Tunnel, resulting from the particular aspects of running safety and loading

This leaflet describes the requirements to be fulfilled when designing wagons destined for traffic with
Great Britain. The running safety requirements, including the requirements of additional testing, the
specific requirements for operation via the Channel Tunnel and the loading gauges applicable are also
defined. In addition, the requirements of the submission file and the two contact addresses, to either
one of which the submission may be made, are specified.

1 503
1 - General

The purpose of this leaflet is to enable owners and operators of freight stock to be aware of the specific
requirements for operation via the Channel Tunnel and in Great Britain, on Network Rail infrastructure
(see Glossary - page 48).

Freight stock intended for operation solely within Great Britain is subject to separate requirements.

Vehicles accepted in accordance with previous editions of this leaflet will continue to be acceptable
following issue of this edition.

1.1 - Reference profile

1.1.1 - Profiles

Wagons intended for running over Network Rail infrastructure must be built to the reference profile in
Appendix A - page 15, in conjunction with the width reduction formulae taking into account the
geometrical characteristics (wheelbase, overall length, etc.) of the new wagons. See Appendix A.3 -
page 19 for specimen calculation.

NB : A small number of routes have a reference profile which is more restrictive than the W6-A
profile. Details of these routes may be obtained from the addresses shown in point 2.1.

1.1.2 - Routes

Although the wagons must conform to the W6-A gauge, some routes associated with the Channel
Tunnel can accept load units complying with a larger freight gauge designated W9.

Origin Destination
Channel Tunnel London Wembley
London Wembley London Willesden FLT
Birmingham FLT
Birmingham - Hams Hall
Manchester Trafford Park
Liverpool Seaforth MDHC
Port Wakefield
Mossend (Glasgow)
Dagenham (Ford Works)

and in the opposite directions

Appendix B - page 23 gives details of the W9 Freight gauge, together with explanatory notes and a
working example.

2 503
1.1.3 - Underclearance

Attention is drawn to the underclearances shown in Appendix A - page 15. These are applicable only
on Network Rail infrastructure. For international traffic the UIC requirements in UIC Leaflet 505-1 (see
Bibliography - page 49) are applicable.

1.1.4 - Enlarged gauges

Under certain circumstances, Network Rail are now able to accept wagons/load units which exceed
the dimensions of the W6-A/W9 gauges. In order to consider the approval of such vehicles the RU
issuing the contract for use must submit a kinematic envelope. A previously-accepted method of
calculating a kinematic envelope may be found in BR (see List of abbreviations - page 47) document
"BASS 501" (see Bibliography - page 49). for more information contact the addresses shown in
point 2.1 - page 10 of this leaflet.

1.2 - Permissible axle load

The maximum axle load, for general acceptance, must be as defined in RIV, Appendix II, Section 3
(see Bibliography - page 49).

1.3 - Limiting dimensions for the overhang and wheelbase / distance

between inner wheels

The limiting dimensions for general acceptance are given in Appendix C - page 35.

1.4 - Running conditions and speeds

Only wagons constructed in accordance with the requirements of this leaflet shall be considered for
working on Network Rail infrastructure.

Wagons approved for working under "S" conditions shall normally be accepted for operation on
Network Rail infrastructure at 100 km/h. Where such wagons are built to an existing design previously
shown to be unsatisfactory for working at this speed on Network Rail infrastructure, additional testing
will be required in Great Britain.

Wagons approved for working under "SS" conditions or at higher speeds shall be subject to additional
ride testing to confirm the suitability of the design for operation over Network Rail infrastructure at the
speeds for which the wagon is type-tested.

Car-carrying wagons of types Lefkss and Lefks have been shown to give an unacceptable ride on
Network Rail infrastructure at 100 km/h. If it is intended to use such wagon types, special consideration
must be given to the ride qualities of the wagons involved. Contact must be made with the approval
body at the addresses given in point 2.1 - page 10 of this leaflet for advice concerning the ride stability
of such wagons proposed for traffic with Great Britain.

3 503
The ride-testing and performance requirements for vehicles tested in Great Britain can be found in
Railway Group Standards:

GM/RT 2000
GM/RC 2510
GM/RT 2141

Details of the track standards against which the vehicles will be tested can be found in Railway Group
Standard GC/RT 5021 (see Bibliography - page 49).

All of the above documents may be obtained from the address listed on the UIC Website:

1.5 - Curves taking

1.5.1 - Buffing and drawgear

Two wagons of the same type screw-coupled with buffers just in contact when on straight track, must
be capable of taking the following curves without buffer overriding or derailment (as a result of buffing
and drawgear interaction):

- straight to 75 m radius, no transition,

- continuous curve of 75 m radius,

- reverse ("S") curves of 120 m radius, with 3 m intermediate straight.

The minimum buffer head overlap considered sufficient for safe operation through the above curves
is 75 mm.

The required buffer head width must generally be in accordance with the following table. If the values
of this table are observed, then the minimum buffer head overlap of 75 mm is sufficiently

If the table is not taken into account, or if the distance between bogie pivots is not in the table, the
minimum buffer head overlap must be demonstrated by a drawing.

Wheelbase/distance Overhanga Required buffer head width

between bogie pivots
up to 8 500 mm up to 3 226 mm 450 mm
8 501 - 11 500 mm up to 3 226 mm 550 mm
a. (3 226 mm = maximum overhang in accordance with RGS GM/RT 2149)

Other wagons of such a geometry that they are only capable of taking larger radius curves, shall be
considered for acceptance, but may be subject to operating restrictions.

4 503
1.5.2 - Running gear

Wagons must be designed and built so that, either individually or when loose-coupled, they are able
to take a 60 m radius curve at reduced speed (6 km/h) (this requirement does not apply to
permanently-coupled wagons conforming to UIC Leaflet 572 (see Bibliography - page 49)). Wagons
unable to take such curves may be acceptable subject to agreement with the approval body, but may
be subject to operating restrictions.

1.6 - Handbrakes

All wagons must be fitted with a screw brake in compliance with the conditions of UIC Leaflet 543,
points 2.1, 2.3.2 to 2.3.5 and 2.4 (see Bibliography - page 49), or with a hand lever brake in
compliance with the conditions of UIC Leaflet 549, point 3 (see Bibliography - page 49). Hand screw
brakes operated from an end platform only, are acceptable for use on Network Rail infrastructure.

1.7 - Interchangeable constructional parts

With the exception of those parts whose dimensions are governed by the loading gauge
(see Appendix A - page 15), future wagons must incorporate standard interchangeable components
as prescribed in the appropriate UIC leaflets.

1.8 - Permanently-coupled wagon units

Permanently-coupled wagons offered for traffic with Great Britain must comply with the provisions of
UIC Leaflet 572, first issue from 1.1.90, and any subsequent amendments.

1.9 - Headstock-mounted air brake coupling cocks - Positions

For wagons to be built for traffic with Great Britain, the headstock-mounted air brake coupling cocks
must be positioned as shown in UIC Leaflet 541-1, Appendix B2, Fig. 20. Whenever possible these
must be mounted to the right of the drawgear.

Wagons already accepted under a previous issue of this leaflet, with other fittings, may continue to
operate with them.

1.10 - Standard British-type lamp brackets

New wagons must be equipped with British-type lamp brackets, as shown in Appendix H - page 45.
Existing wagons must be similarly fitted with British-type lamp brackets whenever the wagons enter
workshops, and no later than at the next revision. This is in addition to the requirement for continental
signal brackets as per UIC Leaflet 532 (see Bibliography - page 49).

The British-type lamp brackets are to be positioned one at each end of the wagon in accordance with
Appendices F - page 43 and G - page 44.

5 503
When the design of the wagon-end precludes compliance with the specified position, consideration
must be given to the adoption of the nearest most suitable location. Care must be taken to ensure that
a minimum clearance of 550 mm exists above the top of the lamp bracket, and a clearance of 150 mm
to each side of the lamp bracket, to facilitate fitting and removal of lamps. The overall dimension for
the lamp is shown in Appendix G. Rearward line-of-sight must not be obstructed by any part of the
wagon structure.

1.11 - Signs and markings

1.11.1 - CT symbol

(see List of abbreviations - page 47)

All wagons accepted for running over Eurotunnel (see Glossary - page 48) and Network Rail lines
must bear the sign shown below (as defined in RIV, Plate 5, Fig. 2), in the position shown in Appendix I
- page 46:

80 310


1.11.2 - Anchor

Wagons accepted for running over Network Rail lines but not over Eurotunnel lines must bear the sign
shown below, (as defined in RIV, Plate 5, Fig.1) in the position shown in Appendix I - page 46:


250 310


6 503
1.11.3 - Anchor and CT sign

Wagons accepted on train-ferries and over Eurotunnel and Network Rail lines must bear one of the
signs shown below (as defined in RIV, Plate 5, Fig. 3a, 3b & 3c), in the positions shown in Appendix I:



510 10

1.11.4 - Warning sign

All wagons must be fitted with the warning sign shown below, (as defined in RIV, Plate 22, Fig. 2), in
the positions shown in Appendix I and at all points where provision is made for persons to gain access
to upper areas of rail vehicles.

1.12 - Wagons worked in transit via the Channel Tunnel

In addition to the conditions stipulated in this leaflet for running on Network Rail lines, wagons which
are worked in transit through the Channel Tunnel, must meet additional safety requirements. These
have been derived from an analysis of the specific risks identified with running freight trains through
the Channel Tunnel.

They are to be regarded as complementary to the requirements of other RU, and not as replacements.

1.12.1 - Interference from electromagnetic and radio-frequency radiation

Wagons conforming to UIC Leaflet 704 shall be accepted. Details of wagons not conforming shall be
submitted for consideration.

7 503
1.12.2 - Aerodynamic impact

Twinned tunnels are interconnected every 250 metres by pressure-relief ducts. The movement of
trains causes air currents through these ducts, creating high and low pressures on the walls of the
wagons in transit. Wagons must be designed to withstand peak pressures of +/- 1 000 Pascals without
sustaining damage. For the purpose of design, this should be taken over the full height of the wagon
and over any 3 m length. This may be demonstrated by means of calculations.

Due to problems of dispersion of powdered and granulated substances in the Channel Tunnel,
wagons for the carriage of such commodities must be fitted with sealable hoods.

1.12.3 - Fire properties for vehicle materials

In general, the components of all vehicles used for service through the Channel Tunnel must be of
metallic construction.

New generic types not fully of metallic construction and not listed in FIW/0100/010 & FIW/0100/011
(see Bibliography - page 49) shall be referred to the approval body for submission to Eurotunnel.

Specific applications may be made to the approval body for submission to Eurotunnel for the following

- wagons which use butane or propane to operate equipment,

- other on-board power sources.

1.12.4 - Compatibility with hot axle-box detectors

Wagons must be designed in such a way they trigger the hot axle-box detection equipment provided
at the Channel Tunnel entrances in the event of a hot axle-box occurring. Details of the detection
equipment are available from the addresses shown in point 2 - page 10.

1.12.5 - Integrity of equipment mountings and attachments

Suitable precautions must be taken to minimise the risk of equipment becoming detached, thereby
impairing the ability of the train to continue or subsequently impair other trains.

1.12.6 - Running speed, wheel diameter and axle load relationship

Nominal wheel diameter Maximum Maximum

in new conditions speed axle load
(mm) (km/h) (tonnes)
920 160 18
920 120 22,5
840 160 18
760 140 16
680 140 14

8 503
1.12.7 - Brake pipes

Brake piping must be made either from steel or, where flexible connections are required, from
reinforced rubber.

1.13 - Movable elements

Wagons fitted with movable elements, such as car-carrying wagons which have an upper deck which
can be set in more than one position, must be clearly marked, indicating in which position the element
must be used for traffic with Great Britain.

1.14 - End steps

UIC Leaflet 535-2 (see Bibliography - page 49) prescribes the requirements for end footsteps for
vehicles intended for traffic with Great Britain.

9 503
2 - Acceptance procedure

2.1 - Addresses

There are two approval bodies in Great Britain.

Applications may be made to either of the two organisations listed on the UIC Website:

2.2 - Technical file to be supplied to the approval body by the RU issuing

the contract for use

2.2.1 - Acceptance procedure

The technical file will be examined in accordance with the procedure detailed hereinafter. In order that
this complex arrangement of approvals can be complied with by the prospective user, in a manner that
is as simple as possible, the following process should be followed:

10 503
RU issuing contract for use submits all
necessary documentation details in
accordance with UIC Leaflet 503, point 2

Is vehicle RIV ?

EWSI or Network Rail EWSI only

Bi-lateral agreement
Approval body examines submission against
UIC Leaflet 503
EWSI examines
submission in
Resolution of queries with RU issuing contract accordance with
for use Railway Group Standard

Approval body obtains HSE Railway UK RU obtains Network Rail Rolling Stock Acceptance
Panel Route Acceptance in accordance
Inspectorate Approval with point 2.7

Approval body/ SNCF

YES determine if vehicle is of NO
generic design
UK RU & SNCF prepare
submission to ET

ET scrutinises and
accepts the submission
and presents it to IGC

ET notifies UK RU & SNCF

of IGC decision

Register of vehicles accepted

for CT updated

Approval body notifies RU issuing contract

for use of decision in accordance
with UIC Leaflet 503, point 2.4

NB : After completion of the acceptance process by the approval body, a UK RU or Eurotunnel may
request a copy of the technical acceptance file. This will only occur should events take place
which make it necessary e.g. should the wagon be involved in a derailment, etc.

11 503
2.2.2 - Wagons complying with conditions set out in point 1

A technical file must be submitted by the RU issuing the contract for use, for approval, before the
wagon is used for traffic with Great Britain (it is suggested that, for new wagons or wagons requiring
modification to make them suitable for traffic with Great Britain, approval is obtained before
construction/modification commences). It must consist of 3 copies of the following in English, plus an
additional copy in French:

1. declaration of conformity with the requirements of all relevant UIC leaflets;

2. documentation showing compliance with the specific Network Rail and Eurotunnel requirements
listed in point 1 - page 2 of this leaflet;

3. wagon diagram and parameters (pictorially accurate) as appropriate; see example in Appendix D
- page 36;

4. wagon general arrangement (pictorially accurate); see example in Appendix E - page 42;

5. drawings and calculations demonstrating compliance with W6-A and W9 Freight gauges, if

6. power brake and handbrake calculations demonstrating compliance with UIC Leaflet 543 and
544-1 (see Bibliography - page 49). The format of the calculation must be generally as shown in
the appendices to UIC Leaflet 544-1;

7. a lettering diagram of the wagon clearly indicating the information required by points 1.11 - page 6
and 1.13 - page 9 of this leaflet;

8. in the case of wagons intended for the conveyance of swap bodies and/or piggyback trailers, the
loading-plane height code as required by UIC Leaflet 596-6 (see Bibliography - page 49);

9. in the case of road-trailer units, the profile code in accordance with UIC Leaflet 596-6;

10. in the case of tank wagons, details of the substances to be transported;

11. a full list of the wagon numbers including their check digit;

12. details of any special operating conditions, particularly in respect of tank wagons or mechanically-
refrigerated wagons;

13. demonstration of buffer head overlap.

12 503
2.2.3 - Wagons not complying with all the conditions listed in point 1

Such wagons must be subject to bi-lateral agreements between the RU issuing the contract for use
and the RU operating the wagon in Great Britain.

The submission must include:

- declaration of compliance with the relevant clauses of point 1 - page 2 as in point 2.2.2 - page 12;

- full details of those items in point 1, with which the wagon does not comply.

2.3 - Intergovernmental Commission and Safety Authority

The governments of France and the United Kingdom, because of the special nature of the Channel
Tunnel, have set up an Intergovernmental Commission (IGC (see List of abbreviations - page 47)) to
monitor the operation of the Channel Tunnel (this is carried out by Eurotunnel, the Concessionaries).
In addition, to advise the Intergovernmental Commission on all safety matters, a Safety Authority has
been set up. No service may be operated through the Channel Tunnel, or vehicles used, unless the
appropriate "non-objection" has been received from the Intergovernmental Commission, following the
recommendation of the Safety Authority. However in order that there are no conflicting sets of
requirements imposed by the different bodies involved, the Intergovernmental Commission and the
Safety Authority have indicated that, providing the requirements of the UK Legislation are met and
applied throughout the whole of the Concession, they will not impose any additional requirements on
the operators of trains through the Channel Tunnel except as in point 1.12 - page 7.

Wagons for operation via the Channel Tunnel which may be assimilated into one of the categories in
the documents FIW/0100/010 and FIW/0100/011 shall be accepted, although remaining subject to the
other acceptance procedure mentioned in this leaflet.

However, a submission must be prepared for wagons based on new generic designs or using
materials which are new to wagon construction. The approval body must draft such submissions on
the basis of data supplied to the approval body by the RU issuing the contract for use.

The approval body shall prepare a new submission in collaboration with SNCF and which, once
scrutinised and accepted by Eurotunnel, will be presented to the IGC and HSE (see List of
abbreviations - page 47) by Eurotunnel.

2.4 - Notification to the RU issuing the contract for use

The RU issuing the contract for use shall be notified, by the approval body, of the acceptance of a
wagon (or wagons) for running on Network Rail lines.

13 503
2.5 - Alterations to the wagons or changes in the substances carried

In the case of wagons in service, the approval body must be informed of changes which affect
compliance with any of the items listed in point 1 - page 2, especially concerning the following points:

- speed conditions, brake equipment, loading capacity, or any aspect affecting their operating

- in the case of tank wagons, the name of additional products which may be conveyed, for which
prior agreement has not been obtained,

- the wagon numbers (a comparative list of old and new numbers) must be supplied when a
decision is made to re-number a fleet of wagons so that the Network Rail "TOPS" (see List of
abbreviations - page 47) computer system can be programmed with details of the new number
series. At the time when the number is physically changed on the wagon, a fax should be sent to
the approval body, so that the new number can be made live in the TOPS system and the old
number deleted.

This information, shown preferably on the drawing of the wagons concerned, duly brought up-to-date
and supplied in triplicate, must be sent to the approval body.

2.6 - Withdrawal from traffic with Great Britain

The numbers of wagons permanently withdrawn from traffic with Great Britain must be notified to one
of the approval bodies at the address shown in point 2.1 - page 10.

2.7 - Route acceptance

All wagons destined for operation over Network Rail lines shall be subject to route acceptance by the
Rolling Stock Acceptance Panel (RSAP).

The submission to the RSAP shall be handled by the UK RU, based on the information supplied by
the RU issuing the contract for use in accordance with point 2.2 - page 10.

The RSAP will examine each application to assess any risk which results from the introduction of the
new vehicle type. In the case of conventional wagons the process will normally be straight-forward. In
the case of unconventional designs, additional information and/or a safety case may be required.

2.8 - ORR-HMRI approval

The Office of the Rail Regulator - HMRI (see List of abbreviations - page 47) requires, (under British
law), a submission to them in respect of all new wagons destined for operation in Great Britain.

This submission shall be made by the approval body based on the information supplied by the RU
issuing the contract for use in accordance with point 2.2 - page 10 above.

In certain circumstances it may be necessary for the approval body to request further information from
the RU issuing the contract for use, in order to satisfy questions raised by the ORR-HMRI.

14 503

Appendix A - W6-A gauge

A.1 - Reference profile applicable to wagons accepted for running in

Great Britain (W6-A)


1 590
2 440
2 690
2 820

Above the dotted line

the gauge is static

3 965
3 750
3 440
3 300
Below the dotted line 3 080
the gauge is simplified kinematic

2 700
2 016
1 788
1 000

1 650
1 360

Rail Level


Encroachment into this area Dimensions in millimetres

only permitted for items with
nil curve-throw e.g. wheels

Fig. 1 - W6-A gauge

15 503

A.2 - Note on the reduction formulae and other factors to be considered

when applying the W6-A gauge to freight rolling stock

A.2.1 - Area above 1 000 mm above rail level (ARL)

A.2.1.1 - General

This part of the gauge is to be considered static and the gauge width is unaffected by any lateral

A.2.1.2 - 1 000 mm dimension above rail level

The 1 000 mm ARL dimension is an absolute minimum; no part of the wagon must encroach vertically
below this value such that the gauge is fouled, under whatever condition of loading or wear. Vertical
spring travel must be determined as the extreme movement to solid, or springstop condition.

A.2.1.3 - Determination of maximum vehicle width

The 2 820 mm dimension on straight track (equivalent to 3 024 mm on curves with 200 m radius) is
allowed without application of the width reduction formulae.



Fig. 2 - Diagram for width reduction formulae

a = Wheelbase/bogie centres in metres

ni/na = distances in metres from the section in question to the nearest axle or bogie centre

16 503

Formulae to be applied for determination of the reduction above 1 000 mm ARL

1. Reduction Ei (metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section between axles/bogies:
an i – n i
E i = -------------------- – 0 ,102

2. Reduction Ea (in metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section situated beyond the
axles or bogie centres:
an a + n a
E a = ---------------------- – 0 ,102

NB :
- A negative value calculated from 1. or 2. above indicates that the reduction to be applied is nil.
- No reduction is necessary at the centre of the vehicle unless the distance between bogie centres
exceeds 12,8 m.
- The width reduction formulae apply equally to all width coordinates of the upper profile.
- No increase in the width of this gauge is permitted even if the displacements in curves are less
than described above.

A.2.2 - Area below 1 000 mm ARL

A.2.2.1 - General

This part of the gauge is simplified kinematic.

Due account must be taken of all lateral displacements, however caused, i.e.:

1. full lateral suspension travel,

2. full lateral suspension wear,

3. curve throw (Ei or Ea).

The following must not be included:

4. vehicle roll,

5. axleguard deflection,

6. wheel flange to rail clearance,

7. wheel flange and rail wear.

All underclearance values shown are an absolute minimum; no part of the wagon must encroach
vertically downwards such that the gauge is fouled under whatever condition of loading or wear.
Vertical spring travel must be determined as the extreme movement to solid, or springstop condition.

Additionally, under the foregoing conditions of full vertical deflection and wear, the vehicle must not
infringe the gauge underclearances, relative to the 75, 100 and 135 mm ARL planes, when standing
on a concave or convex vertical curve of 500 m radius.

17 503

A.2.2.2 - Determination of maximum vehicle width

At any point of the vehicle, the combination of its:

1. maximum static width, plus

2. the sum of values derived from point A.2.2.1 - page 17, paragraphs 1, 2 et 3

must not exceed any one of the four values shown below:
Table 1 : maximum vehicle width

Curve radius (R) Maximum width (1.) + (2.)

straight 2 700 mm
360 m 2 700 mm
200 m 2 820 mm
160 m 2 900 mm

na R


Fig. 3 - Diagram for width reduction formulae

a = wheelbase/bogie centres in metres

ni/na = distances in metres from the section in question to the nearest axle or bogie centre

R = curve radius

18 503

Formulae to be applied for determination of the reduction below 1 000 ARL

1. Reduction Ei (metres) to be applied on each side of the gauge at a section between axles/or bogie
an i – n i
E i = --------------------

2. Reduction Ea (in metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section situated beyond the
axles or bogie centres:
an a + n a
E a = ----------------------

NB :

- Any width reduction derived from the above applies equally to all width coordinates of the lower

- No increase in the width of this gauge is permitted.

A.2.3 - General notes

For an example of width reduction calculation see Appendix A.3.

The underclearances shown are applicable to Network Rail lines only. These underclearances are
more generous than those permitted for wagons in international traffic.

A.3 - Sample calculation for a W6-A gauge vehicle


2-axle covered wagon, to the following dimensions:

Wheelbase (A) 9m
Length over headstocks 12,82 m
Full lateral suspension travel ± 0,02 m
Full lateral suspension interface wear 0,003 m

19 503

A.3.1 - Area above 1 000 mm ARL

A.3.1.1 - At centre of the vehicle

ani – n i
E i = -------------------- – 0, 102

E i = – 0, 051 m

Ei is calculated as a negative value, hence no reduction is necessary.

A.3.1.2 - At vehicle headstock

an a + n a
E a = ----------------------- – 0, 102

E a = – 0, 049 m

Ea is calculated as a negative value, hence no reduction is necessary.

A.3.2 - Area below 1 000 mm ARL

A.3.2.1 - Total lateral suspension movements

(0,020 + 0,003) m = 23 mm (half-width reduction)

A.3.2.2 - At axle centre-line

Ea/Ei = zero

Therefore the maximum width over axlebox components is:

2 700 - 2(23) = 2 654 mm

20 503

A.3.2.3 - At centre of vehicle

ani – n i
E i = --------------------

1. for R = 360 m Ei = 28 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 700 - 2(23) - 2(28) = 2 598 mm

2. for R = 200 m Ei = 51 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 200 m:
2 820 - 2(23) - 2(51) = 2 672 mm

3. for R = 160 m Ei = 63 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 160 m:
2 900 - 2(23) - 2(63) = 2 728 mm

From the above it can be seen that case 1. produces the minimum value; the maximum permissible
width at the centre of the vehicle is thus 2 598 mm.

A.3.2.4 - At vehicle headstock

na + na
E a = -------------------

1. for R = 360 m Ea = 29 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 700 - 2(23) - 2(29) = 2 596 mm

2. for R = 200 m Ea = 52 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 200 m:
2 820 - 2(23) - 2(52) = 2 670 mm

3. for R = 160 m Ea = 65 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 160 m:
2 900 - 2(23) - 2(65) = 2 724 mm

From the above it can be seen that case 1. produces the minimum value; the maximum permissible
width at the vehicle headstock is thus 2 596 mm.

21 503

A.3.3 - Calculation of vertical displacements/underclearances

A.3.3.1 - Sprung components displacement

(a) spring, tare vehicle to springstop 98,5 mm

Total 98,5 mm
(use 99 mm)

A.3.3.2 - Unsprung components displacement

(a) allowable wheel wear 38 mm

(b) hollow tread 6 mm
Total 44 mm

NB : This displacement can be reduced by the total thickness of one axle-box cone-block packing
assembly fitted to compensate for wheel wear, on vehicles which have the facility to accept
cone-block packings.

A.3.3.3 - Underclearances, at centre of the vehicle

The vertical displacement Hi of a vehicle standing on a 500 m radius convex vertical curve, given by
the formula:

an i – n i
H i = --------------------

H i = 20 mm

A.3.3.4 - Underclearances, at vehicle headstock

The vertical displacement Ha of a vehicle standing on a 500 m radius concave vertical curve, given by
the formula:

an a + n a
H a = -----------------------

H a = 21 mm

A.3.3.5 - Note

Values obtained as described in points A.3.3.3 and A.3.3.4 - page 22 above are additional, for the 75,
100 and 135 mm ARL planes only, to those calculated in points A.3.3.1 and A.3.3.2.

22 503

Appendix B - W9 Freight gauge

for swapbodies and containers on designated Network Rail routes to and from the Channel

When designing wagons for containers and intermodal load units for use over designated Network
Rail lines to and from the Channel Tunnel, the following principles must be strictly adhered to:

- The wagon body and bogies must be designed in accordance with the Network Rail W6-A gauge.
This will enable movement of all empty stock on all Network Rail lines.

- The load units must comply with the W9 gauge described below:

W9(o) gauge W9(i) gauge W9(o) gauge

Outer Inner Outer

1 000 mm ARL 1 000 mm ARL

W6-A W W6-A

780 mm ARL

Fig. 4 - W9 gauge

The W9 gauge has 2 distinct parts:

- W9(i) applies to load units situated between the bogie centres.

NB : (i) denotes "inner".

- W9(o) applies to load units situated on the wagon overhang i.e., between end bogie and the
corresponding usable end of the wagon loading platform.

NB : (o) denotes "outer".

The W9(i) and W9(o) gauges must both be complied with, and calculations must be submitted
demonstrating this compliance.

23 503

B.1 - Reference profile of W9(i) gauge

3 965
3 785

3 695
3 701
3 715
1 356

3 323
3 300
2 525

3 080
2 625
2 666
2 796

See point B.2.1.4, table 2

1 000

Below the 780 mm ARL line both the load unit

and the wagon must comply with the W6-A gauge

Rail level

Fig. 5 - W9(i) gauge

24 503

B.2 - Notes on the reduction formulae and other factors to be considered

in the application of W9(i) gauge

W9(i) gauge is specified for a wagon with a bogie-centre distance of 13,5 m. No increase in gauge
width is permitted for wagons with a bogie-centre distance of less than 13,5 m but a reduction in gauge
width is necessary for wagons with a bogie-centre distance greater than 13,5 m.

B.2.1 - Area above 1 000 mm ARL


This part of the W9(i) gauge is to be considered as static and the gauge width is unaffected by lateral
movements of the suspension up to a limiting value of 13 mm (including wear).

The W9(i) gauge width must, however, be reduced in the circumstances described in 1. and 2. below:

1. W9(i) gauge must be reduced in width, either side of the centre line, by an amount corresponding
to the lateral movements of the suspension exceeding the limiting value of 13 mm.

2. W9(i) gauge must be reduced in width, either side of the centre line, by an amount equivalent to
the lateral movements of the load unit exceeding that permitted by a BR twistlock, up to the
abutment of the locating device.

The BR twistlock permits 6 mm lateral movement of the load unit and, in the case of UIC spigots as
defined by ERRI B112/RP7 and RP8 and drawing UIC/ERRI 100 M 2196 0015 (see Bibliography -
page 49), a movement of 12,5 mm is allowed. Therefore, in the case of UIC spigots, a width reduction
of 6,5 mm must be made to each side of the gauge.

The 1 000 mm ARL, at a width of 2 796 mm, is an absolute minimum. No part of the load unit must
encroach vertically downwards such that the gauge is infringed under whatever condition of loading
or wear. Vertical spring travel must be determined as the extreme movement to solid, or springstop

B.2.2 - Area comprised between 1 000 mm and 780 mm ARL


This part of the W9(i) gauge is simplified kinematic.

Due account must be taken of all lateral displacements, however caused:

1. Full lateral suspension travel,

2. Full lateral suspension interface wear,

3. Reduction due to curve throw Ei,

25 503

4. load unit movement described in B.2.1 - page 25, paragraph 2,

The following must not be included:

5. Vehicle roll,

6. Axleguard deflection,

7. Wheel flange to rail clearance,

8. Wheel flange and rail wear.

B.2.3 - Area below 780 mm ARL

No part of the load unit complying with the W9(i) must project into this area under any condition of load
or wear.

The load unit may encroach into this area upon compliance with the requirements of the W6-A gauge
and the conditions described in point B.2.1 - page 25, paragraph 2 for the W9 dependent upon the
load securing devices.

B.2.4 - Determination of W9(i) gauge widths

At any point of the vehicle, the combination of its:

1. maximum static width, plus

2. the sum of values derived from point B.2.2 - page 25, paragraphs 1., 2., 3. and 4.

must not exceed any one of the three values shown below:

Table 2 : Maximum width

curve radius (R) maximum width (1.) + (2.)

360 m 2 810 mm
200 m 2 912 mm
160 m 2 970 mm

26 503

Length of loading platform

na R


Fig. 6 - Diagram for width reduction formulae

a = bogie-centre distance (in metres)

ni/na = distance from section in question to nearest bogie centre (in metres)
R = curve radius

NB : Generally the greatest reduction is obtained when ni = a/2.

Formula to be applied for determination of the reduction above 1 000 mm ARL

Reduction Ei (metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section between axles/bogies:
an i – n i
E i = -------------------- – 0 ,114

NB :

- A negative value calculated from the above indicates that the reduction to be applied is nil.

- No reduction is necessary at the centre of the vehicle unless the distance between bogie centres
exceeds 13,5m.

- The width reduction formula applies equally to all width coordinates in the area exceeding
1 000 mm ARL.

Formula to be applied for the determination of the reduction for the area between 1 000 mm and
780 mm ARL

Reduction Ei (metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section between bogies:
an i – n i
E i = --------------------

27 503

B.3 - Sample calculation

Width reductions calculated in accordance with data relating to W9(i) gauge.

Bogie wagon, to the following dimensions:

Distance between bogie centre pins (A) 13,5 m
Length of loadable platform 15,9 m
Full lateral suspension travel, including interface wear 13 mm (i.e. not in excess of
the standard value of 13 mm)
Full lateral movement of load unit in relation to securing device 12,5 mm (i.e. 6,5 mm more than
the standard value of 6 mm)

B.3.1 - Area above 1 000 mm ARL

B.3.1.1 - At the centre of the wagon

13, 5 × 6, 75 – 6, 75
E i = ------------------------------------------------------ – 0 ,114

E i = – 0 ,00009 , i.e. no reduction due to curve overthrow.

B.3.1.2 - Overall gauge reduction

= Ei + excess lateral suspension travel

+ excess load-unit movement
= 0 + 0 + 6,5 mm.

Therefore all horizontal coordinates of the W9(i) gauge, in the area exceeding 1 000 mm ARL, must
be reduced by 6,5 mm on each side of the gauge.

B.3.2 - Area comprised between 1 000 mm and 780 mm ARL

Total lateral suspension travel = 13 mm.

Excess lateral travel of load unit = 6,5 mm.

At centre of wagon

an i – n i
E i = --------------------

28 503

1. for R = 360 m Ei = 63 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 810 - (2 x 63) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 645 mm

2. for R = 200 m Ei = 114 mm

Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 912 - (2 x 114) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 645 mm

3. for R = 160 m Ei = 142 mm

Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 970 - (2 x 142) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 647 mm

The above cases 1. and 2. both produce a minimum value; the maximum permissible width of the load
unit at the centre of the loadable deck length is thus 2 645 mm.

29 503

B.4 - Reference profile of W9(o) gauge

3 965
3 785

3 695
3 701
3 715
1 356

3 323
3 300
2 525
2 625

3 080
2 666
2 796

See point B.5.3

1 000

Below the 1 000 mm ARL line both the load unit

and the wagon must comply with the W6-A gauge

Rail level

30 503

B.5 - Notes on the reduction formulae and other factors to be considered

in the application of W9(o) gauge

The W9(o) gauge is specified for a wagon with a distance of 13,5 m between bogie centres. No
increase in gauge width is permitted for wagons with a distance of less than 13,5 m between bogie
centres. However, a gauge reduction must be applied for wagons with a distance greater than 13,5 m
between bogie centres.

B.5.1 - Area above 1 000 mm ARL


This part of the W9(o) gauge is to be considered as static, and the gauge width is unaffected by lateral
travel of the suspension up to a limiting value of 13 mm.

However the W9(o) gauge must be reduced in the circumstances described in 1. and 2. below.

1. The W9(o) gauge must be reduced in width, either side of the centre line, by the amount by which
the total lateral suspension travels exceeds the standard limiting value of 13 mm.

2. The W9(o) gauge must be reduced in width, either side of the centre line, by the amount of lateral
travel of the load unit in excess of that permitted by a BR twistlock, up to the abutment of the
locating device.

The BR twistlock permits 6 mm lateral travel of the load unit. In the case of UIC spigots as defined by
ERRI B112/RP7 and RP8, and drawing UIC/ERRI 100 M 2196 0015, a travel of 12,5 mm is applicable.
Therefore, in the case of UIC spigots, a reduction of 6,5 mm must be made to each side of the gauge.

The 1 000 mm area above rail level is an absolute minimum with a width of 2 796 mm. No part of the
load unit must encroach vertically downwards such that the gauge is fouled under any condition of
loading or wear. Vertical spring travel must be determined as the extreme movement to solid, or
springstop condition.

B.5.2 - Area below 1 000 mm ARL

This part of the W9(o) gauge is kinematic, and the gauge is to be determined precisely in accordance
with the reference profile W6-A, except that the permitted widths must be further reduced dependent
upon the load unit securing method used (see point B.5.1, paragraph 2.) above.

31 503

B.5.3 - Determination of gauge widths

At any point of the vehicle, the combination of its

1. maximum static width, plus

2. the sum of values derived from point B.2.2 - page 25, paragraphs 1., 2., 3., 4.

must not exceed any one of the three values shown below:

Table 3 : Gauge widths

curve radius (R) maximum width (1.) + (2.)

360 m 2 700 mm
200 m 2 820 mm
160 m 2 900 mm

length of loading platform

na R

Fig. 7 - Diagram for width reduction formulae

a = distance between bogie centre pins (in metres)

na = distance from section in question to nearest bogie centre pin (in metres)
R = curve radius

NB : Generally the reduction is greatest when na = maximum.

Formula to be applied for determination of the reduction above 1 000 mm ARL

Reduction Ea (metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section between bogies and the end
of the loadable wagon platform:

ana + n a
E a = ----------------------- – 0, 114

32 503


- A negative value calculated from point B.5.3 - page 32 indicates that the reduction to be applied is nil.

- No reduction is necessary unless the distance to the end of the loadable decks exceeds 2,798 m
for a wagon wheelbase equal to 13,5m:

- The width reduction formula applies equally to all width coordinates in the area exceeding
1 000 mm above rail ARL.

Formula to be applied for the determination of reductions below 1 000 mm ARL

Reduction Ea (in metres) to be made on each side of the gauge at a section between bogie and the
end of the loadable wagon platform:

an a + n a
E a = -----------------------


- Any width reduction derived from the above applies equally to all width coordinates, within the
area of less than 1 000 mm ARL.

- No increase in the width of this gauge is permitted.

- Width reductions calculated in accordance with data relating to the W9(o) gauge.

B.6 - Sample calculation

B.6.1 - Width reductions calculated in accordance with data relating to the W9(o)

Bogie wagon, to the following dimensions:

Distance between bogie centre pins (A) 13,5 m
Length of loadable platform 15,9 m
Full lateral suspension travel, including interface wear 13 mm (i.e. not in excess of
the standard value of 13 mm)
Full lateral movement of load unit 12,5 mm (i.e. 6,5 mm more than
by reference to securing device the standard value of 6 mm)

33 503

B.6.2 - Area above 1 000 mm ARL

B.6.2.1 - At the end of the load unit

an a + n a 15 ,9 – 13 ,5
E a = ----------------------- – 0, 114 where n a = ----------------------------- = 1,
400 2

E a = – 0 ,069 m

B.6.2.2 - Total gauge reduction

= Ea + excess lateral suspension travel

+ excess load unit movement
= -69 + 0 + 6,5 = -62,5 mm, i.e. negative therefore no reduction needed.

B.6.3 - Area below 1 000 mm ARL

Total lateral suspension travel = 13 mm.

Excess lateral travel of load unit = 6,5 mm.

At end of load unit:

ana + n a
E a = ----------------------

1. for R = 360 m Ea = 24,5 mm

Therefore the maximum width at R = 360 m:
2 700 - (2 x 24,5) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 612 mm

2. for R = 200 m Ea = 44 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 200 m:
2 820 - (2 x 44) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 693 mm

3. for R = 160 m Ea = 55 mm
Therefore the maximum width at R = 160 m:
2 900 - (2 x 55) - (2 x 13) - (2 x 6,5) = 2 751 mm

Case 1. produces a minimum value; the maximum permissible width of the load unit at the end of the
loadable deck length is thus 2 612 mm.

34 503

Annexe C - Limiting dimensions for the overhang and

wheelbase/distance between inner wheels
2 axle wagon
L min

Max. Max. Max.

3 226 mm 11 000 mm 6 400 mm

Min. wheel
Axle load Overall length Min Min. dimensions
Min. wheel base Max speed diameter
L min overhang adjacent wagons
tonnes mm mm mm mm Mile/h Km/h new worn
18 5 792 1 067 3 658 2 134 75 120 813 749
20,5 7 314 1 371 4 572 2 743 75 120 813 746
23 7 314 1 371 4 572 2 743 60 96 953 876
25,5 7 620 1 524 4 572 3 048 60 96 953 876

Bogie wagon
L min

Max. Max. Max.

3 226 mm 17 510 mm 6 400 mm

Overall Min. Min. Min. distance Min. wheel

Axle Min. Min. distance between
length wheel wheel between Max. speed diameter.
load overhang inner wheels
L min base base adjacent wagons mm
tonnes mm mm mm mm mm mm Mile/h Km/h new worn
14 7 670 NC 1 800 NC 1 800 NC 75 120 724 686
16,5 9 040 NC 1 800 NC 1 800 NC 75 120 724 686
18 9 865 NC 1 800 NC 1 800 NC 75 120 813 749
20 10 960 1 150 1 800 5 060 1 800 2 300 75 120 813 749
20,5 11 230 1 200 1 800 5 230 1 800 2 400 75 120 813 749
22,5 12 325 1 370 1 800 5 985 1 800 2 740 60 96 914 838
23 12 600 1 450 2 000 5 700 2 000 2 900 60 96 953 876
25,5 13 970 1 725 2 000 6 520 2 000 3 450 60 96 953 876

NB : NC = not critical with respect to infrastructure constraints

35 503




internal height
D.1 - Freight wagon diagram

overall height

maximal Ø

92 1 800
internal width 0
620 2 260 14 300 maximum

18 820 width
20 060
floor height

90 38t 46t 54t
S 38t 46t 54t
120 00,0t
floor plan layout
1 200 x 1 200 mm palets
Appendix D - Wagon diagram and parameters


D.2 - Freight wagon parameters

Type of wagon:
Description of commodity:


Tare weight t
Brake weight (max.) t
Hand brake weight t
Maximum load t
Maximum gross weight t
Minimum curve radius: - Coupled m
- Single m

Principal Dimensions:

Length over buffers m

Length over headstock m
Maximum width m
Overall height (ARL) m
Height of floor level m
Internal width m
Internal height m
Bogie centres m
Buffer height m
Coupler height m
Floor length m
Floor area m2
Volume m3

Construction and equipment details:

Access details
Platform-access details
Number of anchoring rings
Floor material
Wall material
Roof material

37 503

Equipment type:

Bogie type
Axle type
Axle-box type
Coupling strength
Buffers type
Air brake type
Air brake manufacturer

Conformance criteria:

RIV Yes/No
UIC Leaflet 503 Yes/No

38 503

inside tank outside tank

diameter overall tank length diameter
D.3 - Tank wagon diagram

maximum height

0 1 800

620 2 330 13 000

17 660 maximum width
18 900

90 33,9t 41,9t 49,9t
S 33,9t 41,9t 49,9t
120 00,0t


D.4 - Tank wagon parameters

Type of wagon:
Description of commodity:


Tare weight t
Maximum load t
Maximum gross weight t
Brake weight (max.) t
Hand brake weight t
Minimum curve radius: - Coupled m
- Single m

Principal dimensions:

Length over buffers m

Length over headstock m
Maximum width m
Overall height (ARL) m
Body length m
External diameter m
Internal diameter m
Bogie centres m
Buffer height m
Coupler height m
Volume litres
Design code
Year of manufacture
Test pressure bar
Tank material
Tank lining
Filling and emptying devices
Pressure relief devices
Safe working pressure bar
Tank wall thickness mm
End wall thickness mm

40 503

Construction and equipment details:

Number of inspection holes

Number of outlets
Number of safety/relief valves
Calibration date
Number of discharge pipes
Number of shut-off valves
Operational details of shut-off valves
Platform-access details
Number of anchoring rings
Filling device

Equipment type:

Bogie type
Axle type
Axle-box type
Coupling strength
Buffers type
Air brake type
Air brake manufacturer

Conformance criteria:

RIV Yes/No
UIC Leaflet 503 Yes/No

41 503

Appendix E - Typical wagon general arrangement

3 950
15 2 578

4 435
2 510

1 900
587 553

450 450
12 900

9 860
13 660
14 900

55 873
Ø2 700
1 800

1 900


1 060

42 503

Appendix F - Standard position of lamp brackets on

freight stock

centreline of vehicle

457 min.
762 max.

lamp brackets secured

by M12 bolts

(lamp brackets
may be welded in
position when the
construction of
the wagon end so

457 min.
1 372 min.
1 524 max. 610 max.

510 min. - 525 max.

alternative position for full UIC conformity
for wagons
with fixed ends
bracket to be fixed on headstock at most
suitable height from rail level
(position acceptable on all wagons)

Rail level

43 503

Appendix G - Free space required for fitting/removal of


Space required for lamp fitting/removal


150 150


overall dimensions

44 503

Appendix H - British-type lamp bracket

7 48





Mounting holes
are optional


12 50
Ø 14

45 503



Tank wagon


Appendix I - Position of signs

Flat wagon


80 310 250 310

Items B and C can be displayed
in one of the combinations
shown in point 1.11.3 - page 7

Item A Item B Item C

Warning sign Approval sign Anchor symbol
(RIV, plate 22, fig. 2) (RIV, plate 5, fig.2) (RIV, plate 5, Fig. 1)

List of abbreviations

ARL Above Rail Level

BR British Rail

CT Channel Tunnel

ET Eurotunnel

EWSI English Welsh & Scottish Railway International Ltd, International

Operator of freight trains

IGC InterGovernmental Commission, the French/English governmental body

which has safety responsibility for the Channel Tunnel

ORR-HMRI Office of the Rail Regulator, the Governmental organisation which both
defines railway legislation and guidelines and approves the operation of
vehicles on Network Rail lines

RID Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods

by Rail

RIV Agreement governing the exchange and use of wagons between

Railway Undertakings

RSAP Rolling Stock Acceptance Panel, the body responsible for the route
acceptance process, which is the final approval required before a vehicle
can be used on Network Rail lines

RU Railway Undertaking

TOPS Total Operations Processing System, the Network Rail computerised

system which holds data on all rail vehicles in the UK, giving their
conditions of operation

47 503

Channel Tunnel The fixed rail link between Great Britain and France operated by

Eurotunnel The joint British/French Company which owns and operates the Channel
Tunnel fixed rail link

Network Rail The Great Britain Infrastructure Manager

48 503

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways (UIC)

UIC Leaflet 422: Products to be used and methods to be applied for the ordinary disinfection of
wagons, 4th edition of 01.01.67

UIC Leaflet 430-1: Conditions with which wagons must comply in order to be accepted for transit
between standard gauge railways and the Spanish and Portuguese broad gauge railways, 3rd edition,
August 2006

UIC Leaflet 430-3: Freight wagons - Technical conditions for freight wagons capable of running on
both standard-gauge and Finnish broad gauge systems, 2nd edition of 01.07.95

UIC Leaflet 431-1: Carriage of goods in wagons and large containers under controlled temperature
conditions, 10th edition of 01.07.89

UIC Leaflet 432: Wagons. Running speeds. Technical conditions to be observed, 10th edition,
October 2005 (11th edition under preparation)

UIC Leaflet 433: Standard General Conditions (SGC) for the introduction into service and operation of
privately owned wagons, 20th edition, September 2003

UIC Leaflet 438-2: Identification marking for freight rolling stock, 7th edition, May 2004

UIC Leaflet 505-1: Railway transport stock - Rolling stock construction gauge, 10th edition, May 2006

UIC Leaflet 505-5: Basic conditions common to Leaflets 505-1 to 505-4 - Notes on the preparation and
provisions of these leaflets, 2nd edition of 01.01.77 and 4 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 507: Wagons - Conditions governing wagons conveyed on ferries, 1st edition of 01.07.89
- Reprint dated 01.07.97

UIC Leaflet 510-1: Wagons - Running gear - Normalisation, 9th edition of 01.01.78 and
14 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 510-2: Trailing stock: wheels and wheelsets - Conditions concerning the use of wheels of
various diameters, 4th edition, May 2004

UIC Leaflet 511: Trailing stock - Wheelbase, 7th edition of 01.07.87 and 1 Amendment

UIC Leaflet 512: Rolling stock - Conditions to be fulfilled in order to avoid difficulties in the operation
of track circuits and treadles, 8th edition of 01.01.79 and 2 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 517: Wagons - Suspension gear - Standardisation, 6th edition of 01.07.79 and
10 Amendments (7th edition under preparation)

UIC Leaflet 518: Testing and approval of railway vehicles from the point of view of their dynamic
behaviour - Safety - Track fatigue - Ride quality, 3rd edition, October 2005

49 503
UIC Leaflet 520: Wagons, coaches and vans - Draw gear - Standardisation, 7th edition,
December 2003 (reissue)

UIC Leaflet 521: Coaches and vans, wagons, tractive stock - Clearance to be provided at vehicle
extremities, 1st edition of 01.01.87 and 1 Amendment

UIC Leaflet 526-1: Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 105 mm, 2nd edition of 01.07.98

UIC Leaflet 526-2: Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 75 mm, 1st edition of 01.01.81 and
2 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 526-3: Wagons - Buffers with a stroke of 130mm and 150mm, 2nd edition of 01.07.98

UIC Leaflet 527-1: Coaches, vans and wagons - Dimensions of buffer-heads - Track layout on
S-curves, 3rd edition, April 2005

UIC Leaflet 527-2: Coaches, vans and wagons - Dimensions of buffer-heads - Rolling stock built
before 1-1-65, 2nd edition of 01.01.60 and 3 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 530-1: Constructional conditions for wagons to be observed with a view to fitting the
automatic coupler of the Member Railways of the UIC and OSJD respectively, 2nd edition of 01.04.82
and 3 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 530-2: Wagons - Running safety, 5th edition, May 2006

UIC Leaflet 530-4: Permissible state of equipment on wagons in international traffic during the period
of introduction of automatic couplers, 2nd edition of 01.07.82

UIC Leaflet 530-5: Uniform design of wagon ends, Leaflet withdrawn on 01.07.00

UIC Leaflet 532: Trailing stock - Signal lamp brackets - Coaches - Fixed electric signal lamps,
9th edition of 01.01.79 - Reprint dated 01.01.91 and Amendment No 2

UIC Leaflet 533: Protection by earthing of metal parts of vehicles, 2nd edition of 01.01.77 and
4 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 535-1: Standardisation of steps and handrails on wagons, 5th edition of 01.01.72 and
2 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 535-2: Standardisation and positioning on wagons of steps, end platforms, gangways,
handrails, tow hooks, automatic coupler (AC), automatic draw-on coupling and brake valve controls
on the UIC member RUs and OSJD member Rus, 4th edition, May 2006

UIC Leaflet 535-3: Equipping of wagons with devices for passing from one to the other and with screw
brakes, 1st edition of 01.01.76 - Reprint dated 01.07.95

UIC Leaflet 536: Cable hooks for wagons, 3rd edition of 01.01.67 - Reprint dated 01.01.96

UIC Leaflet 538: Safety regulations for wagons equipped with machines operated independently or
from an external source of energy, 1st edition of 01.07.79

UIC Leaflet 540: Brakes - Air Brakes for freight trains and passenger trains, 5th edition,
November 2006

50 503
UIC Leaflet 541-1: Brakes - Regulations concerning the design of brake components, 6th edition,
November 2003

UIC Leaflet 541-2: Dimensions of hose connections (brake hoses) and electric cables; types of
pneumatic and electric connections and their positioning on wagons and coaches equipped with
automatic couplers of the UIC and OSJD Member Railways, 1st edition of 01.07.81 and
2 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 541-3: Brakes - Disc brakes and their application - General conditions for the approval of
brake pads, 6th edition, November 2006

UIC Leaflet 541-4: Brakes - Brakes with composition brake blocks, 2nd edition of 01.10.90 and
3 Amendments (3rd edition in course of preparation)

UIC Leaflet 542: Brake parts - Interchangeability, 4th edition of 01.01.82 and 4 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 543: Brakes - Regulations governing the equipment of trailing stock, 13th edition,
February 2007

UIC Leaflet 544-1: Brakes - Braking power, 4th edition, October 2004

UIC Leaflet 545: Brakes - Inscriptions, marks and signs, 7th edition of 01.04.02 (8th edition in course
of preparation)

UIC Leaflet 549: Equipment of hand brakes for wagons used on international services and accepted
for running in Great Britain, 4th edition of 01.01.85 - Reprint dated 01.09.87

UIC Leaflet 554-1: Power supply to electrical equipment on stationary railway vehicles from a local
mains system or another source of energy at 220 V or 380 V, 50 Hz, 3rd edition of 01.01.79

UIC Leaflet 554-2: Power supply to mechanically-refrigerated wagons running in rafts - Safety
measures and electric installations, 1st edition of 01.01.78

UIC Leaflet 570: Wagons - Interchangeable parts, 6th edition of 01.01.81 - Reprint dated 01.01.95

UIC Leaflet 571-4: Standard wagons - wagons for combined traffic - Characteristics, 4th edition,
October 2004

UIC Leaflet 572: Wagons composed of permanently-coupled units (multiple wagons) and articulated
wagons, 1st edition of 01.01.90 and 4 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 573: Technical conditions for the construction of tank wagons, 6th edition, April 2005

UIC Leaflet 574: Insulated, refrigerator and mechanically-refrigerated wagons and containers.
Procedure to be followed for the determination of the thermic transmission coefficient of the body,
3rd edition of 01.07.71

UIC Leaflet 575: Wagons - Label holders (Interchangeability) and hazard identification panels,
4th edition of 01.01.95

UIC Leaflet 576: Wagon doors and securing devices (Interchangeability), 5th edition of 01.07.75 and
6 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 577: Wagon stresses, 4th edition, December 2005

51 503
UIC Leaflet 578: Stanchions and bolsters - Standardisation, 5th edition of 01.01.95

UIC Leaflet 581: Wagons - Lifting - Rerailing, 1st edition of 01.01.83 and 1 Amendment

UIC Leaflet 582: Marks on unified and standard wagons, 3rd edition of 01.02.77

UIC Leaflet 583: Wagons - Application of a special mark on interchangeable parts, 5th edition of
01.01.86 - Reprint dated 01.07.95

UIC Leaflet 596-5: Transport of road vehicles on wagons - Technical organisation - Method 1 -
Conveyance of ordinary grab-handled semi-trailers on special wagons (1) (Standard recess wagons),
3rd edition of 01.07.85 - Reprint dated 01.01.96

UIC Leaflet 596-6: Conveyance of road vehicles on wagons - Technical organisation - Conditions for
coding combined transport load units and combined transport lines, 5th edition, November 2006

UIC Leaflet 597: Piggyback system - Semi-trailers on bogies - Characteristics, 1st edition of 01.01.91
- Reprint dated 01.07.93 and 7 Amendments

UIC Leaflet 700: Classification of lines and resulting load limits for wagons, 10th edition, November 2004

UIC Leaflet 704: Railway Transport Systems - Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Withdrawn on

2. ERRI reports

International Union of Railways (UIC)

ERRI B112/RP7: Standardisation of transcontainers and transcontainer wagons - Effect of wind on the
stability of large containers, 01.10.1973

ERRI B112/RP8: Standardisation of transcontainers and transcontainer wagons - Locating and

securing systems for large containers on container wagons, 01.10.1973

ERRI S1079/RP1: Detection systems for locating irregularities on running trains - State of the art on
selected railways and presentation and evaluation of the answers to the detection systems
questionnaire, 01.05.1995

UIC/ERRI 100M21960015: Collapsible sucuring pin for iso-containers, 3rd edition

52 503
3. Miscellaneous

British Rail document BASS 501: Kinematic envelope and curve overthrow calculations - Part 1: Method
of analysis, 4th edition

British Rail document BASS 501: Kinematic envelope and curve overthrow calculations - Part 2: Sample
calculations, 3rd edition

FIW/0100/010: Formal submission to the Intergovernmental Commission - Approval of BR/SNCF

freight trains authorised to operate between GB and Mainland Europe via the Channel Tunnel. Part 1,
3rd edition, December 1999

FIW/0100/011: Formal submission to the Intergovernmental Commission - Approval of BR/SNCF

freight trains authorised to operate between GB and Mainland Europe via the Channel Tunnel. Part 2,
4th edition, December 1999

Railway Group Standard GM/RC 2510: "Code of practice for the acceptance testing of rail vehicles",
1st edition, January 1995

Railway Group Standard GM/RT 2000: "Engineering acceptance of rail vehicles", 2nd edition,
October 2000

Railway Group Standard GM/RT 2141: "Resistance of Railway vehicles to Derailment and Roll-Over",
1st edition, February 1998 (current version: 2nd edition, October 2000)

Railway Group Standard GM/RT 2149: Requirements for defining and maintaining the size of railway
vehicles, 3rd edition, February 2003

Railway Group Standard GC/RM 5600: "The Track Standards Manual", 3rd edition, October 1999

Railway Group Standard GM/GN 2589: "The Design and Construction of Freight Wagons", 1st edition,
April 2004

Railway Group Standard GE/GN 8573: Guidance on Gauging, 1st edition, October 2004

Railway Group Standard GC/RT 5021: Track System Requirements, 2nd edition, October 2003

53 503

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
© International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2007

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, March 2007
Dépôt Légal March 2007

ISBN 2-7461-1200-0 (French version)

ISBN 2-7461-1201-9 (German version)
ISBN 2-7461-1202-7 (English version)


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