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Credits INDEX


Aye nit [https://aeynit.itch.io/] TABLE 2-2: SYMPTOMS (PART 2) PAGE 7
Some Artwork by A. E. Coggon FEATS PAGES 8-12
Some artwork © Cobalt Sages Creations, used with 1ST PAGES 7-8
permission. All rights reserved.
-Artists: 2ND PAGE 8
Alexandra Farkas 4TH PAGE 9
Tony “MrKrane” Carter
6TH PAGES 9-10
Some Artwork By by Nicholas “RookZer0”
Some artwork by Vagelio Kaliva
10TH PAGES 10-11
SeraphCircle [https://seraphcircle.itch.io/]
12TH PAGE 11
Shawn Pommier [https://eldritchdream.itch.io/]
14TH PAGE 11
18TH PAGES 11-12
Shawn Pommier
20TH PAGE 12
(James Beck and Shawn Pommier)


Aaron Brandon OGL PAGE 16

Shawn Pommier
After some mixture of terrible and incredible luck, you have fused with some form of a parasite, be
it magical or biological in nature. Sprouting strange limbs, spreading disease, and other strange
new powers have suddenly become at your disposal.
CONSTITUTION 8 plus your Constitution modifier At 1st level, you gain the following listed
At 1st level, your class gives you an You increase your maximum number proficiency ranks.
ability boost to Constitution. of HP by this number at 1st level and
every level thereafter. PERCEPTION
Trained in Perception
You draw upon the talents granted to your body and mind by your SAVING THROWS
symbiotic relationship to take on your foes and spread your parasite and Trained in Fortitude
contagion Trained in Reflex


You often use your knowledge of infection and how people connect to SKILLS
your advantage.
Trained in Survival
WHILE EXPLORING… Trained in one skill depending on your
Your abilities granted to you by your parasite allows you to adapt to a parasite
myriad of situations. Trained in a number of additional skills equal
to 3 plus your Intelligence modifier
You might spend a lot of time experimenting with your own body and ATTACKS
spreading your contagion. Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
• Be a mad scientist whose experiments went wrong
• Came from a land influenced by some outer plane with a bonded DEFENSES
being Trained in light armor
• Have been implanted with the parasite by an enemy Trained in medium armor
Trained in unarmored defense
• Find your appearance frightening or pitiful CLASS DC
• Find your abilities disturbing or fascinating, and either shun or Trained in symbiote class DC
study you intensely.
TABLE 1-1: SYMBIOTE ADVANCEMENT The saving throw for your contagion by default is
Fortitude. Unless otherwise changed by a new symptom
or feat, interval times for your contagion stages are 1
Level Class Features
round, and your contagion has a maximum duration of
1 Ancestry and Background, contagion, initial
proficiencies, parasite origins, proliferation spells, 1 minute. However, a key difference for your contagion
symbiote feat compared to other diseases is that your additional
2 Symbiote feat, skill feat exposures do cause additional saving throws, but these
additional saving throws can never improve the target
3 Skill increase, general feat
creature's current affliction stage. Failing the initial
4 Symbiote feat, skill feat saving throw against a new exposure increases the stage
5 Alertness, ability boosts, ancestral feat, weapon by 1 (or by 2 if you critically fail) without affecting the
expertise, skill increase maximum duration, like a poison.
6 Symbiote feat, skill feat
7 Defensive evolution, additional stage, general feat,
weapon specialization, skill increase EXPOSE �
8 Symbiote feat, skill feat SYMBIOTE
9 Ancestral feat, mutable weakness, symbiote expertise, You determine a correct method of assault to ensure a definite
skill increase exposure to your contagion. Make a Strike with a unarmed
attack or weapon that can deliver your parasite's persistent
10 Ability boosts, symbiote feat, skill feat damage. On a success, you expose the target creature to your
contagion and inflict a -1 circumstance penalty to that saving
11 general feat, additional stage, skill increase throw against your contagion, and on a critical success, the
12 Symbiote feat, skill feat creature additionally treats that saving throw against your
contagion as 1 degree worse.
13 Ancestral feat, medium armor expertise, perfected
defensive evolution, weapon mastery, skill increase
14 Symbiote feat, skill feat SYMPTOMS
15 Ability boosts, adapted defense, general feat, greater At level 1, you may select 2 symptoms for which you
weapon specialization, skill increase meet the prerequisites for—one each for the second and
16 Symbiote feat, skill feat third stages of your contagion. Some symptoms may
have prerequisites, you must meet these prerequisites to
17 Ancestral feat, powerful proliferation, skill increase
select the symptom. Once the symptoms for the stages
18 Symbiote feat, skill feat are selected, they cannot be changed, with the following
19 Critical exposure, medium armor mastery, general exception: whenever you level up, you can choose to
feat, skill increase swap out up to 2 symptoms for any of your stages of your
20 Ability boosts, symbiote feat, skill feat contagion. In addition, you can spend 1 week of
downtime to swap out 1 symptom for any of your stages
Class Features of your contagion. You can only use a symptom whose
level is equal to or lower than your level. At level 7, you
ANCESTRY AND BACKGROUND unlock the ability to add a 4th stage to your disease and
In addition to what you get from your class at 1st level, select a symptom for that stage. At 11th level, you unlock
you have the benefits of your selected ancestry and the ability to add a 5th stage to your contagion, gaining
background. a new symptom for that stage.

INITIAL PROFICIENCIES Symptoms list a stage, you may only select a

symptom for a the stage or stages listed (eg. If “any” is
At 1st level, you gain a number of proficiencies that
listed, you may place that symptom in any available
represent your basic training. These proficiencies are
stage, but if “3 or above” is listed, it may only be placed
noted at the start of this class.
in stage 3 or higher of your contagion. For a list of
CONTAGION symptoms see Table 2—1 and 2—2: Symptoms.
Aside from your parasite's basic capabilities and
physical manifestations, your parasite carried with it a
Shortly after your bond with your parasite was forged,
contagion that you can spread to other creatures. You
your body and mind helped shape the parasite into a
become a carrier of a unique disease whose save DC is
particular form. This origin affected the way your body
equal to your class DC, and it starts with 3 stages. The
grew accustomed to the parasite, and how the parasite
first stage's effect is determined by your parasite's
acclimated to its new surroundings. It also gave shape to
origin. You expose a creature to your contagion by either
a physical manifestation to show the signs of its
Striking a creature that is already affected by your
influence on you and determined in part the disease you
parasite's persistent damage with an unarmed attack, or
carry. Choose a parasite origin.
you perform the Expose action.
Through some form of interaction with a dangerous and Through an experience with some esoteric being, you
rare creature, or some curse, you are now permanently find yourself permanently under the influence of the
bonded with a parasite that has given you a closer occult. This influence is a part of your natural existence
relationship with the natural powers of the world. This now, but it is terrifying to others. Whenever you wish to
creature, while harmless to you now, is dangerous and infect another creature and you successfully Strike it
harmful to others. Whenever you successfully Strike a with an unarmed attack, the influence spreads to the
creature with an unarmed Strike, the helminth parasite creature's mind, dealing persistent mental damage
wrecks havoc within their body, dealing persistent bleed equal to half your level (minimum 1). You parasite also
damage equal to half your level (minimum 1). One of takes a physical manifestation on your body. One of your
your arms swells and becomes as hard as stone, though arms grows to be a tentacle, giving
mostly immobile. You lose the ability to hold items with you a tentacle unarmed Strike with
that hand, but otherwise still consider the hand free. the grapple and trip traits
You can use an action to lift your petrified arm to defend that does 1d6 damage,
yourself, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC. and is in the
You gain a petrified arm unarmed Strike that deals 1d8 brawling group.
bludgeoning damage and has the shove and forceful Your spell tradition
traits. This unarmed Strike is in the brawling group and is Occult and are
treats the hardness of objects as 1 lower for every 2 levels trained in Occultism, and
you have (minimum 1). Your spell tradition is Primal you learn the Mind Fog
and are trained in Nature. You gain access to the Potent Proliferation Spell. Your Art by Tony
Spike Proliferation Spell. Your proficiency in Fortitude proficiency in Will and “MrKrane”
and Reflex saving throws increases to expert. You treat Fortitude saving throws increases to Carter
Fortitude and Reflex as your primary and secondary expert. You treat Will and Fortitude as
saving throws, respectively, for the purposes of class your primary and secondary saving throws, respectively,
features. Your contagion's first stage symptom is for the purposes of class features. Your contagion's first
sickened 1. stage symptom is dazzled.

Touched by grace through intimate means, your body
has bonded completely with a divine essence. The
bonding process was difficult, however, and so much of
the potential of this new partner has yet to be seen.
Whenever you successfully Strike a creature with an
unarmed attack, you deal persistent positive damage
equal to half your level. You also grow a small wing
out of your shoulder which can aid you in leaping.
When you Leap you may move an additional 5
feet horizontally. Your spell tradition is Divine
and are trained in Religion. You gain the
Vitality Burst Proliferation Spell. Your
proficiency in Reflex and Will saving throws
increases to expert. You treat Reflex and Will
as your primary and secondary saving
throws, respectively, for the purposes of class
features. Your contagion's first stage
symptom is enfeebled 1, and undead are not
immune to your contagion, even if they would
normally be immune to disease. You gain the
Divine Stimulation action.
Frequency once per hour Art by Nicholas “RookZer0”
Range touch; Targets one willing living creature;
Duration 1 minute
The target gains fast healing equal to half your level.
PROLIFERATION SPELLS weapons. You gain expert proficiency in simple weapons
As a symbiote, your parasite has made a some form of an and unarmed attacks. When you critically succeed at an
arrangement with you with one goal in mind: attack roll using one of these weapons, you apply the
proliferation. While the bonding process left both of you critical specialization effect for that weapon.
emaciated, you do retain a certain Proliferation Spell
depending on your parasite. The type of parasite that
Your body has grown to adapt a specific kind of
inhabits within you also determines what spellcasting
punishment. Your proficiency rank in your primary
tradition you use for your proliferation spells.
saving throw increases to master. When you roll a
Proliferation spells are a type of Focus spell, and follows
success on your primary saving throw, you get a critical
the sames rules as other focus spells. You gain 1 Focus
success instead
point added to your pool. When you first gain a
proliferation spell, the school is decided by your parasite WEAPON SPECIALIZATION 7TH
origins. You become trained in spell attacks and spell You’ve learned how to inflict greater injuries with the
DCs of that tradition and your key spellcasting ability is weapons you know best. You deal 2 additional damage
Constitution. with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an
SYMBIOTE FEATS 2ND expert. This damage increases to 3 damage if you’re a
master, and 4 damage if you’re legendary.
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a
Symbiote class feat.
SKILL FEATS 2ND Your proficiency rank for your class DC increases to
At 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill expert. Your proficiency rank for your spell attack roll
feat. You must be trained or better in the corresponding and spell DCs with the tradition of magic for your
skill to select a skill feat. proliferation spells increases to expert.


At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, you gain a Your body focuses on changing your amorphous state to
general feat. cover up a weakness. Your proficiency rank in the saving
throw that is not your primary or secondary saving
SKILL INCREASES 3RD throw increases to expert.
At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, you gain a skill
increase. You can use this increase either to increase MEDIUM ARMOR EXPERTISE 13TH
your proficiency rank to trained in one skill you’re You've learned to defend yourself better against
untrained in, or to increase your proficiency rank in one incoming attacks. Your proficiency ranks for light
skill in which you’re already trained to expert. armor, medium armor, and unarmored defense increase
to expert.
At 7th level, you can use skill increases to increase
your proficiency rank to master in a skill in which you’re PERFECTED DEFENSIVE EVOLUTION 13TH
already an expert, and at 15th level, you can use them to Your body has gone through countless mutations to
increase your proficiency rank to legendary in a skill in reach this perfected state of survival. Your proficiency
which you’re already a master. rank in your primary saving throw increases to
ABILITY BOOSTS 5TH legendary. When you roll a critical failure on a save that
is your primary saving throw, you get a failure instead.
At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you boost four
When you roll a failure on a saving that is your primary
different ability scores. You can use these ability boosts
saving throw against an effect that deals damage, you
to increase your ability scores above 18. Boosting an
halve the damage you take.
ability score increases it by 1 if it’s already 18 or above,
or by 2 if it starts out below 18.
ALERTNESS 5TH You fully understand your weapons. Your proficiency
You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increase
rank for Perception increases to expert. to master.


In addition to the ancestry feat you started with, you You continue to grow into your form, gaining new
gain an ancestry feat at 5th level and every 4 levels defensive capabilities. Your proficiency rank in your
thereafter. secondary saving throw increases to master. When you
roll a success at a save that is your primary saving throw,
SYMBIOTE WEAPON EXPERTISE 5TH you get a critical success instead.
You have become thoroughly adept with Symbiote
Your damage from weapon specialization increases to 4 with weapons
and unarmed attacks in which you're an expert, 6 if you're a master, and You'll see the following key terms in
some symbiote class features.
8 if you're legendary.
Mutate: Some contagion symptoms
POWERFUL PROLIFERATION 17TH mutate, this allows them to provide an
additional effect by adopting a lesser
Your skills with your proliferation capabilities grow more impressive. symptom for which you meet the
Your proficiency rank for your class DC increases to master. Your prerequisites. For example, a symptom
proficiency rank for your spell attack roll and spell DCs with the tradition that says "mutate two level 1
symptoms (treating their stage as one
of magic for your proliferation spells increases to master. step lower)" you would gain the benefit
CRITICAL EXPOSURE 19TH of both chosen symptoms, but treat
any values dependent on the stage
Your parasite's lethality increases with the potency of the exposure. they are in as one lower (stage 2 to
Whenever you critically succeed on a Strike that would inflict your stage 1 for example). When mutating a
symptom, you use the higher of the
parasite's persistent damage, you deal persistent damage equal to your original or mutated symptom’s
level instead of the normal amount. minimum stage.
MEDIUM ARMOR MASTERY 19TH Originator: Whenever a contagion’s
symptom mentions the originator, this
Your skill with light and medium armor improves, increasing your ability is the symbiote from which the
to avoid blows. Your proficiency ranks for light and medium armor, as contagion is sourced. If the originator
well as for unarmed defense, increase to master. is able to control a creature due to its
contagion, it becomes aware of the
TABLE 2—1: SYMPTOMS (PART 1) creature’s controlled condition.


1 1d6 damage per stage number — any
1 Clumsy (value equal to stage number) — any
1 Dazzled Outsider Influence any
1 Enfeebled (value equal to stage number) Divine Partner any
1 Fatigued — any
1 Frightened (value equal to stage number) Mental Infection any
1 Drained (value equal to stage number -1, minimum 0) Helminth Parasite 2 or above
2 Flat-footed — any
2 You are indifferent to origin of the contagion, if you were not already friendly or Mental Infection any
2 Deafened for 1 round — 2 or above
2 Fascinated by contagion source; does not end if threatened — 2 or above
3 Stupefied (value equal to stage number) Mental Infection any
4 Flat-footed, mutate a level 1 symptom (treating its stage as 1 lower) — 2 or above
5 3d6 damage* plus 2d6 per stage number plus 1d6 per four levels** — any
5 Blind for 1 round — 3 or above
6 1d8 damage* plus 1d8 damage for every 4 levels**, mutate one level 1 symptom — any
6 Slowed (value equal to stage number -1) — 2 or above
7 You become paranoid, you do not treat any creature as an ally and when you are Outsider Influence,
targeted by a healing effect that requires a willing creature you must succeed a DC 3 or above
Mental Infection
5 flat check to accept the healing.
7 Flat-footed, mutate a level 2 or lower symptom — 4 or above
8 The contagion attempts to counteract the lowest level spell effect on you cast by
an ally or yourself. Its counteract modifier is equal to the spell attack modifier of — 3 or above
the contagion's originator.
9 Casts bright light in a 30-foot emanation (and dim light another 30 feet), concealed — any
instead of hidden if invisible, 1 persistent fire damage per stage number.
9 Blinded and deafened for 1 round — 4 or above
10 You hallucinate and see the area around you shift an move. All terrain is treated as Mental Infection any
difficult terrain for you, difficult terrain becomes greater difficult terrain.
10 Confused for 1 round Mental Infection 3 or above
10 You are friendly to all creatures that are not acting hostile toward you if you were Mental Infection 3 or above
not already helpful to them
10 Controlled for 1 round by originator Mental Infection 4 or above
10 You suffer the failure effects of a non-magical version of suggestion for the Mental Infection 4 or above
interval length
11 Blinded permanently — 5
11 Deafened permanently — 5
11 Mutate a level 5 or lower symptom, lowering its minimum stage by 1 — 2 or above
11 You must spend an action to step or stride each round Mental Infection 2 or above
12 Mutate two level 2 or lower symptoms — 2 or above
12 You are grabbed, if the stage is 4 or higher you are restrained — 2 or above
12 Your location is known to the originator of the contagion, you cannot be
undetected or unnoticed to the originator, and they know the distance and direction — 4 or above
to you, so long as you are on the same plane.
13 Reduce any resistances to physical damage to 0 — 2 or above
14 You must hold your breath for 5 rounds Cursed Disease 5
14 Must spend an action to perform a Strike against yourself or a creature within Mental Infection 2 or above
reach every round for 3 rounds
14 Your limbs are sapped of strength for the interval length, you must succeed a DC 5 Cursed Disease 2 or above
flat check to perform actions with the manipulate trait, failure wastes the action.
14 You become insatiably thirsty for one turn, requiring you to spend all of your Cursed Disease 3 or above
actions to drink from containers on your person
15 If you are reduced to 0 HP during the interval period or for 3 round after you exit Cursed Disease 3 or above
this stage, you instantly die, this stage is a death effect
15 You become a contagious carrier, all creatures within 5 feet are exposed to the
contagion when you enter this stage — 3 or above
16 You lose 1 spell slot of the highest level you have remaining Cursed Disease any
16 You forget who you are for the interval duration, treat all allies as enemies for 1 Mental Infection 2 or above
16 The originator of the contagion can telepathically communicate with you with a Mental Infection 3 or above
range of 1 mile, mutate a symptom at least 2 levels lower than your level.
17 Your regeneration is deactivated for the interval duration — any
17 If you die while suffering this stage you rise as a plague zombie (except instead of
zombie rot, it carries a copy of this contagion at DC 18) , immediately make Cursed Disease 5
another save against the contagion's DC, if you fail you immediately die. This stage
is a death effect.
18 The next time you go to sleep naturally, you are permanently unable to wake up.
You may attempt a Will save against the contagion's DC each day, if you succeed Cursed Disease 5
this effect ends. The contagion's maximum duration and the stage interval last
until you wake up after which you are fully cured of the contagion
19 If you die within the interval period or within 24 hours of exiting this stage your
body explodes in a 20 foot emanation, dealing 8d6 (plus 2d6 per stage above 3) — 3 or above
bludgeoning damage with a basic reflex save (DC equal to the contagion's DC). If
you are exposed to this symptom multiple times, use the highest damage listed.
20 Mutate three different symptoms of a level equal to double the stage's number or — any
less (treating their stage number as 1 lower)
20 You become permanently controlled by the contagion's originator. If you are a
higher level than allowed by Patient Zero, you are controlled for the interval Patient Zero 5
duration instead.
* Damage type, unless otherwise stated, is the same type as your parasite's persistent damage.
** Some symptoms scale with level, and do not need to be selected again to increase their damage as their level is always
equal to your character level
Symbiote Feats flesh, and Striking creatures with it exposes creatures to your
parasite's persistent damage and contagion just as your
At each level that you gain a symbiote feat, you can
unarmed Strikes and can be used to perform the Expose action.
select one of the following feats. You must satisfy any You may change which weapon is bonded with you through a
prerequisites before selecting the feat. strenuous 1 day downtime activity. While you have a weapon
bound to you, you cannot use the hand it is bound to to hold
1ST LEVEL items.
You choose a one-handed martial or simple melee weapon or a Your flesh multiplies and grows to spawn a small creature made
simple one-handed ranged weapon to bond to one of your free of your flesh. The familiar has the appearance of a small
hands. You cannot drop the weapon as it fuses with your flesh, creature, but usually is warped by the influence of your parasite.
and you gain the same proficiency as your class proficiency in You gain a familiar. The familiar uses your Constitution modifier
unarmed strikes with the weapon. The weapon is covered in your to determine its Perception, Acrobatics, and Stealth modifiers
SYMBIOTE If you need to look up an symbiote feat by
Whenever you successfully Strike a creature that is already afflicted with your name instead of by level, use this table.
parasite's persistent damage, the flat check for that persistent damage increases
by 2 until the start of your next turn to a maximum of DC 19 or DC 14 with Feat Level
particularly effective assistance. Aquatic Compatibility 8
Blood Spray 8
Bonded Weapon 1
Capricious Contagion 20
Prerequisite contagion
Your contagion begins to affect the mind instead of just the body. You gain access Cesspool Of Proliferation 18
to symptoms that have this feat as a requirement, and if you use any of those Chronic Contagion 6
symptoms, your contagion gains the mental trait. Contagious Weapons 14
Cursed Disease 14
Prerequisite proliferation spells Deepened Evolution 6
Whenever you cast a Proliferation spell, you can spend an additional action that has Delayed Disease 2
the somatic trait to allow the Proliferation spell to benefit an increase to its range Elemental Harm 10
as per the Reach Spell feat (Pathfinder 2e Core Rulebook).
Everlasting Plague 16
2ND LEVEL Familiar 1
Flesh Pop 6
Herd Immunity 16
Hostile Takeover 8
Prerequisite contagion
You make a trade of potency for time. Your contagion now has an onset time and Ineffable Evolution 18
interval lengths of 1 minute, but you treat the stage requirement for any symptom Insistent Affliction 1
as 1 lower, e.g. stage 3 or higher symptoms can now be assigned to stage 2 or Keratin Blade 2
higher, etc (the symptoms still use their original minimum stage to determine
condition values). Any conditions with a duration listed greater than 1 round retain Lifesap 4
their listed duration. Your contagion's maximum duration increases to 1 hour. In Marked For Defilement 14
addition, you can expose a creature to which you are hidden or undetected to your
contagion by performing a Thievery check against their Perception DC. On a Memetic Vector 8
success, you expose them to your contagion, after which you become observed Mental Infection 1
unless prevented otherwise, but not that you exposed them to your contagion at
that moment. This action has the manipulate trait. Multi-Straining 12
Next Step Towards Perfection 12
KERATIN BLADE FEAT 2 Oppressive Host 6
SYMBIOTE Parasitic Spawn 2
One of your arms grows a thin, bony blade along your forearm. You can retract and Partner's Blessing 20
extend the blade out of your skin as an Interact action, and you gain a bony blade
unarmed Strike. Strikes made with the bony blade inflict 1d4 slashing damage and Pathogenic Transfer 20
inflict your parasite's persistent damage on a successful strike. It has the agile and Patient Zero 20
finesse traits, and is in the knife group.
Poison Resistance 2
PARASITIC SPAWN FEAT 2 Proliferation Expansion 1
SYMBIOTE Rapid Exposure 16
Prerequisite a familiar Reflexive Infection 4
Your parasite inhabits a the small creature that accompanies you. You can select Sharing Is Caring 10
four familiar or master abilities each day, instead of two. Skin Grafting 4
Suppressed Mutation 2
Your body has become fortified against toxins. You gain poison resistance equal to Synced Focus 10
half your level, and you gain a +1 status bonus to saving throws against poisons. Uncleansable Symptoms 10
Under My Wing 12
Variable Physiology 12
Prerequisite parasite origins
Vector Expansion 4
At times your parasite's physical manifestation makes your life inconvenient, and
thus you have learned to suppress the outward facing physical features. You can Virulence 18
perform a 1 minute activity with the manipulate and concentrate traits to hide any
distinct physical features of your parasite. You can release this suppression as a 2
action activity with the manipulate and concentrate traits.
Prerequisite proliferation spells
You use the dregs of your parasite inside other creatures to heal yourself. You gain
Choosing to destroy your foes the lifesap proliferation spell, and the number of Focus Points in your focus pool
before you ever engage in combat is increases by 1.
the proper way to dispatch with
enemies in your mind. REFLEXIVE INFECTION � FEAT 4
ABILITY SCORES You find ways to spread your parasite, even when you are on the defensive.
Increase your Constitution as high Whenever a creature successfully hits you with a melee Strike, you can use your
as you can, followed by Dexterity reaction to take an additional damage equal to half your level (this damage cannot
and Charisma to take advantage of be resisted or negated by any means) to spray your blood on the creature in order
Thievery and Deception. to afflict the creature with your parasite's persistent damage.
Thievery, Deception, Occultism, MANIPULATE SYMBIOTE
Your parasite makes your epidermic physiology easy to shift around and cover
PARASITE ORIGINS festering wounds. By using Skin Grafting, you can assist yourself with any
persistent damage you have ongoing on yourself, reducing the flat DC to end the
Outsider Influence persistent damage to 10.
Mental Infection SYMBIOTE
HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS The basic effects of your parasite become easy to change. During your daily
preparations, you can change the damage type of your parasite's persistent
Delayed Disease (2nd), Vector damage to slashing or piercing, and remains that damage type until you change it
Expansion (4th), Chronic Contagion through the same method. In addition, if your parasite origin is Divine Partner, you
(6th), Everlasting Plague (16th) can add the negative damage type to the types to which you can change your
persistent damage type.


Prerequisites Delayed Disease
Your methods of afflicting creatures with your contagion become more astute. You
can perform the Distracting Expose action.

Using subtle movements as a distraction, you manage to quickly expose your
Art by target to your contagion through subtle means. Make a Deception check against
the Perception DC of a creature within your reach.
“RookZer0” Critical Success You manage to intermingle with the target very closely. You
expose the creature to your contagion twice, and they are unaware of you
exposing them to it.
Success You successfully expose the target to your contagion, and the
target does not know you exposed them.
Failure You fail to expose the target to your contagion, and the target is
aware you attempted a hostile action.
Critical Failure You make your purpose well known as well as failing at the
intended purpose. As failure, except the target knows you tried to harm them
with an affliction, and is immediately hostile to you.

Prerequisite Delayed Disease
Your contagion dies off much more slowly. Your contagion has interval and onset
times of 1 hour, and its maximum duration is 1 day.

Prerequisite parasite origins Prerequisite Reflexive Infection
Your experience and myriad of infection vectors have cause a Trigger A creature critically succeeds at a Strike against you.
spontaneous growth and change in your parasite. You choose Even when your life is on the brink, your goal of proliferation
another parasite origin; you may take feats or symptoms for your persists. After a creature critically succeeds a strike against you,
contagion that require that parasite origin as a prerequisite. You you can release a torrent of blood causing all creatures within a
can also choose to set your persistent damage type to that of 30-foot cone to become afflicted with your parasite's persistent
the other parasite origin or your original during your daily damage.
SYMBIOTE Corpses and their memories have become just another place for
Prerequisite parasite origins your parasite to reside. You can perform a 1 minute activity with
The bond with your parasite grows closer, and further physical the manipulate and concentrate traits that targets a corpse of a
manifestations begin to take shape depending on your parasite. creature that died within the past week that allows you to see the
last 1 minute of the creature's life. After performing this activity,
Divine Partner Your eyes glow a bright color, enveloping the you become drained 2, with its value increasing by 1 with
entirety of your eye. You gain darkvision if you did not already additional performance of the activity.
have it, and the range increments of your ranged attacks
increase by 10 feet. MEMETIC VECTOR FEAT 8
Helminth Parasite You grow tumorous lumps of muscle down SYMBIOTE
your back and through your legs. You can flare these
tumorous growths as an action with the concentrate trait, and Prerequisite Mental Infection
if you do so, you take 1 persistent bleed damage that cannot If your contagion has the mental trait, the saving throw against
by stopped by any means until you end the flaring, and your your contagion becomes Will.
Speed increases by 10 feet. You can stop the flaring as an
action or when you fall unconscious. SKITTERING FOG FEAT 8
Outsider Influence You grow a sharp beak and your vocal
chords grow thick and strong. You gain a beak attack that
deals 1d4 piercing damage, is in the brawling group, and has Prerequisite proliferation spells
the agile and finesse traits. You also gain the ability to perform You learn to control tiny creatures around you to deliver your
the Shriek action, which allows you to Demoralize a creature parasite's malevolence. You gain the skittering fog proliferation
without a penalty if you do not speak the same language. spell, and the number of Focus Points in your focus pool
increases by 1.
Prerequisite Bonded Weapon, bonded with a ranged weapon ELEMENTAL HARM FEAT 10
Your flesh attached to shots from your ranged bonded weapon SYMBIOTE
can now be flared to explode on impact. Make a ranged Strike.
The Strike gains the splash trait, with the splash damage being Prerequisite Variable Harm
2 of the same damage type as your parasite's persistent You add the following damage types to the list of damage types
damage. Any creatures that take the splash damage are afflicted that you can change your persistent damage type to: cold, acid,
with your parasite's persistent damage. fire, and lightning. You also gain the ability to switch your
persistent damage type through a activity with the concentrate
and manipulate traits that takes 1 hour.
Prerequisite Suppressed Mutation SYMBIOTE
Either through necessity or disgust, you have commanded You are able to bestow a weaker strain of your parasite to an ally.
greater control over your parasite and have benefited from it by During your daily preparations, you select an ally to gain some
gaining more physical durability. You can now suppress your benefits from your parasite, and this effect lasts until your next
parasite's distinct physical features as a 3-action activity and daily preparations. The ally inflicts 2 persistent damage of your
release it as a single action. Whenever you suppress your parasite's damage type on a successful unarmed melee Strike,
parasite, you gain 10 temporary hit points that last until you and can be a target of your proliferation spells, but does not
release the suppression. suffer any of their negative effects. While an ally is under the
effect of this ability, you are drained 1.
Your parasite has gifted you an interesting boon: your skin has Prerequisite proliferation spells
become water-permeable, and you have grown a new physical Your parasite links with your brain, allowing you to achieve
manifestation that propels you through water, such as tiny hairs higher levels of concentration. If you have spent at least 2 Focus
or webbed feet. You are able to breath underwater, and gain a Points since the last time you Refocused, you recover 2 Focus
swim speed of 20 feet. Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
UNCLEANSABLE SYMPTOMS FEAT 10 prerequisite, and if you select them, your contagion gains the
curse trait and the trait matching your origin's spell tradition.
Prerequisite contagion MARKED FOR DEFILEMENT � FEAT 14
Your contagion ensures that symptoms linger. Any condition
with a value that your contagion inflicts on a creature increments
down by 1 at the end of the creature's turns (like frightened) Prerequisite contagion
unless specified otherwise (such as longer interval times), even You leave a bit of flesh to bond with your target in order to
after the creature has moved out of the stage that gave the overcome a resistance to disease. You make an Athletics or
condition. Acrobatics check versus the target's Reflex DC. If you succeed,
the creature can no longer be immune to your contagion, but if
12TH LEVEL they were, they gain a +4 circumstance bonus to any saving
throw versus your contagion. This effect lasts until the creature
MULTI-STRAINING FEAT 12 spends an action to make a successful Fortitude saving throw
against your class DC. You can only have 1 creature affected by
SYMBIOTE Marked for Defilement at a time.
Prerequisite contagion
Your contagion becomes easier to catalyze in much less time. 16TH LEVEL
You can change the first stage symptom of your contagion
during your daily preparations. EVERLASTING PLAGUE FEAT 16
NEXT STEP TOWARDS PERFECTION FEAT 12 Prerequisite Chronic Contagion
SYMBIOTE Your contagion is relentless, and possibly everlasting. The
Prerequisite Deepened Evolution symptoms of your contagion have an interval time of 1 week,
Your parasite's physical features start to show their final forms. and your contagion has no maximum duration.
The physical feature depends on your parasite origin.
Divine Partner Your wing grows in size, allowing for limited
flight. You gain a Fly speed of 20 feet, but can only remain
airborne for a total of 10 minutes per day before the wing Your parasite becomes increasingly territorial over your and your
wears out. allies' bodies. You and allies within 15 feet of you gain a +2
Helminth Parasite You gain the Shield Block general feat, and status bonus to saves versus disease and poison.
you can use your enlarged limb to Shield block. Your limb has
a Hardness of 5. Only you take the excess damage. RAPID EXPOSURE � FEAT 16
Outsider Influence You afflict creatures with your parasite's SYMBIOTE
persistent damage when you successfully Grapple or Trip a
creature. Prerequisite contagion
You've honed your physical abilities to attempt multiple precise
strikes in rapid succession. You perform the Expose activity
UNDER MY WING � FEAT 12 twice, and all Strikes made as a part of these activities take a -2
SYMBIOTE circumstance penalty. This counts as 3 attacks towards your
multiple attack penalty, but the penalty does not apply until all
Prerequisite Divine Partner, master in Acrobatics Strikes are completed.
Trigger You take damage from an effect that requires a Reflex
You are able to use your wing granted by your parasite to protect
yourself from wide-reaching effects. You Leap as you take the CESSPOOL OF PROLIFERATION FEAT 18
damage, and you gain resistance to the damage equal to your
Prerequisite proliferation spells
VARIABLE PHYSIOLOGY FEAT 12 Your ability to enact proliferation is boundless. If you have spent
at least 3 Focus Points since the last time you Refocused, you
recover 3 Focus Points when you Refocus instead of 1.
Effects that change your body will find it particularly difficult to
do so. Any hostile polymorph effect that you are subject to must
make a counteract check against your class DC in order to affect INEFFABLE EVOLUTION FEAT 18
Prerequisite Next Step Towards Perfection
14TH LEVEL Your body becomes the perfect manifestation of your parasite.
CONTAGIOUS WEAPONS FEAT 14 Your body gains the following physical features dependent on
your parasite.
Prerequisite proliferation spells Divine Partner You complete your wing, as it grows larger and
gains a secondary smaller wing to aid your flight. Your Fly
You gain the ability to enhance your allies' weapons with speed increases to 40 feet, and you no longer have any flight
disease. You gain the contagious weapons proliferation spell and time limit.
the number of Focus Points in your focus pool increases by 1.
Helminth Parasite The Hardness of your limb increases to 8,
and you can perform an action with manipulate trait to smash
CURSED DISEASE FEAT 14 the ground around you, causing anyone within 10 feet of you
SYMBIOTE to roll a Reflex saving throw against your class DC. On failure,
they fall prone. You can perform this action once per hour.
Prerequisite contagion
You gain access to symptoms that have this feat as a
Outsider Influence You tentacle grows thick and strong, and gains the ability to
stretch and extend further. You have no size limit for your Trip or Grapple
maneuvers. Also, while you have a creature Grappled, whenever you succeed the
Athletics check to continue to Grapple the creature, you squeeze and crunch the
creature, dealing damage equal to your tentacle's unarmed attack's damage. SAMPLE SYMBIOTE
You are always able to adapt to any
SYMBIOTE situation on the fly
Prerequisite contagion
Your contagion becomes even more difficult to resist. Your contagion gains the ABILITY SCORES
virulent trait.
Increase your Dexterity as high as
20TH LEVEL you can, Followed by Constitution
and Wisdom to cover your
Prerequisite Multi-Straining Acrobatics, Religion, Survival,
Your contagion becomes impossible to predict. You can change as many symptom Medicine
stages as you want during your daily preparations.
Prerequisite Divine Partner
Your parasite has learned how to close even the most fatal of wounds. Your fast Familiar
healing from Divine Stimulation changes to regeneration of the same value. This
regeneration is deactivated for 1 round upon taking negative damage. HIGHER-LEVEL FEATS
Parasitic Spawn (2nd), Variable
PATHOGENIC TRANSFER FEAT 20 Harm (4th), Elemental Harm (10th),
Multi-Straining (12th)
Your bond with your parasite has become tight enough where you have become
indistinguishable. If your body dies, your parasite spends 1d4 months finding a new
host with a new body, with its ancestry determined by the GM, where your Art by
consciousness takes over and you become alive again in your new body, retaining Alexandra
all of your class features and levels. You replace your ancestry Hit Points, size,
Speeds, ability boosts, ability flaws, traits, and special abilities with those of the Farkas
new ancestry. You lose your heritage and ancestry feats, selecting replacements
from the new ancestry.


Prerequisite contagion
You have created a symptom for your contagion that transcends the normal
limits of disease. You gain access to the symptom that require this feat as a
prerequisite. And creature that you permanently control with this symptom must
be 4 levels or lower than you, and you can only have up to 4 creatures controlled
in this way at any given time.

Art by Vagelio Kaliva

(colors altered)
Proliferation Spells power spreads to all allies within the spell's burst area, granting
them the same fast healing.
A symbiote’s proliferation spells pull upon the shared Heightened (+2) The emanation increases by 5 feet.
infection between the symbiote and those it afflicts,
allowing them to summon magical might from the LIFESAP FOCUS 2
Cast � somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Area 15 foot burst
Cast � somatic, verbal You search out for the bits of your parasite in other creatures,
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 willing creature or a creature affected and you rip out the life force of those remnants. Each creature in
by your parasite's persistent damage; Area 10 foot emanation the area currently suffering from your parasite origin’s persistent
from target. damage or your contagion must save against this effect.
Saving Throw Will
You pierce the mind of the target, breaching their psyche and Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is no longer
overwhelming their senses. Enemies within a 10 foot burst of affected by your parasite's persistent damage.
the target must make a Will saving throw. Success As failure, except the creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes 2d6 damage matching the type of
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. your parasite's persistent damage. You regain HP equal to half
Success Shadows and disturbing visions cloud the creatures the largest amount dealt to a single creature (minimum 0).
senses. The creature is afflicted with your parasite's The creature is no longer affected by your parasite's
persistent damage. You become concealed to the creature persistent damage if it was before.
while it is afflicted with your parasite's persistent damage. Critical Failure As failure, except the creature takes double
Failure The creature is afflicted by your parasite's persistent damage and the creature is still affected by your parasite's
damage and is exposed to your contagion, and the visions persistent damage.
grow too intense to ignore. You become hidden to the creature Heightened (+1) Damage dealt increases by 2d6.
while it is afflicted with your parasite's persistent damage.
Critical Failure The influence completely takes over the SKITTERING FOG FOCUS 4
creatures mind. As failure, except they take double the
persistent damage and take a -1 status penalty to perception UNCOMMON CONJURATION SYMBIOTE
to sense you. Cast � somatic, verbal
Heightened (+2) The emanation increases by 5 feet. Range 60 feet; Area 20 foot burst
Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 minute
POTENT SPIKE FOCUS 1 You conjure a cloud of locusts, mosquitoes, and other insects to
harass and infect your enemies. You can spend and a
concentrate action to move the cloud 5 feet and any creature
Cast � somatic, verbal that enters the area or ends its turn in the area must save
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature or a creature affected by against its effects. Otherwise this spell functions as obscuring
your parasite's persistent damage; Area 10 foot emanation mist.
from target.
Saving Throw Fortitude Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is immune to
You implant a potent splinter of your parasite in the target the harmful effects of the cloud for 1 minute.
creature, causing the creature to exhale a bloody mist filled with Success The creature is afflicted with your parasite's persistent
your cells. Enemies within a 10-foot burst of the target creature damage.
must make a Fortitude saving throw. Failure The creature takes 2d4 piercing damage and is exposed
to your contagion.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Critical Failure As failure, except the piercing damage is
Success The creature takes piercing damage equal to your doubled.
parasite's persistent bleed damage amount. Heightened (+1) The piercing damage increases by 2d4.
Failure The creature is afflicted by your parasite's persistent
bleed damage. Enemies already afflicted with your parasite's CONTAGIOUS WEAPONRY FOCUS 6
persistent damage automatically progress to stage 1 of your
Critical Failure As failure, except creatures that are not afflicted Cast � somatic, verbal
with your parasite automatically progress to stage 1 of your Range self; Area 5 foot emanation
contagion. If they are already afflicted with your parasite's Duration sustained up to 1 minute
persistent damage, they progress to stage 2 of your
contagion. You release your parasite to imbue your allies' weapons with
disease. All of your allies' weapons, while they are within the
Heightened (+2) The emanation increases by 5 feet. spell's emanation, can now expose creature's that are afflicted
with your parasite's persistent damage to your contagion.
Cast � somatic, verbal
Range touch; Targets 1 willing creature or a creature affected by
your parasite's persistent damage; Area 10 foot emanation
from target.
Duration sustained for up to 1 minute Art by A. E. Coggon
You grace the target with the gentleness of your partner, imbuing
them with life energy. You perform the Divine Stimulation action,
even if you have used it within the past hour. In addition, the
Familiar Abilities
Symbiotes have access to some familiar abilities that others may find
near impossible to attain.
Linked Stimulation: So long as you are currently able to use Divine
Stimulation, your familiar can instead spend the actions and deliver the
ability to an ally within its reach. Doing so expends your use of Divine
Stimulation for the duration of its frequency. You must have the Divine
Partner parasite origin to select this ability.
Secondary Carrier � (disease) Frequency once per round; Effects
Your familiar is a carrier of your parasite. Your familiar can make a
melee attack with an attack roll modifier equal to your spell attack roll
modifier. On a success, it inflicts your parasite’s persistent damage on
a creature in its reach. You must have a spell attack roll modifier and
be capable of dealing persistent damage due to a symbiote feat or class
feature to select this ability.

Symbiote Multiclass
Archetypes with the multiclass trait represent diversifying your training
into another class’s specialties. You can’t select a multiclass archetype’s
dedication feat if you are a member of the class of the same name (for
instance, a symbiote can’t select the symbiote Dedication feat).

The symbiote archetype is great for characters that enjoy getting under
people’s skin, literally. Their infectious bent and specialty with disease
gives them a unique opportunity for role-play and as a force of horrifying
affliction on the battlefield. Whether it is a distinct entity that sought out
your character, a circumstantial infestation, or the serendipitous survival
of another symbiote’s contagion that brought on this change, you
are a changed person.
Prerequisites Constitution 14
You become trained in unarmed attacks if you are not already. Choose
one parasite from the symbiote’s parasitic origins, you gain a physical
manifestation listed below based on your selection below, but do not
gain any other benefits of the origin other than fulfilling prerequisites
of having that origin. Additionally, your unarmed attacks deal 1 point of
persistent damage of the same type listed in that parasite origin’s entry.
You become trained in Survival; if you are already trained in this skill, you
become trained in a skill of your choice. You become trained in
symbiote class DC.

Divine Partner a singular, tiny, vestigial wing sprouts from your

Helminth Parasite One of your arms or appropriate limbs swells
and becomes calloused, though you can still move it.
Outsider Influence One of your arms or appropriate limbs softens
its bones, making your arm more flexible and it bends in strange
ways when in use.
Special You can’t select another dedication feat until you have
gained two other feats from the symbiote archetype.


Prerequisites Symbiote Dedication
Gain a 1st or 2nd level symbiote feat.
Prerequisites Symbiote Dedication
You gain the Contagion symbiote class feature and can perform the Expose activity.
However, you treat your symbiote level as half of your level when determining if you
can select a symptom and your contagion only has 2 stages and does not
automatically gain stages as you increase in level.
When you select this feat, select a symptom that you meet the prerequisites
for for each stage of your contagion, you can change these later as normal for a
You determine a correct method of assault to ensure a definite exposure to your
contagion. Make a Strike with a unarmed attack or weapon that can deliver your
parasite's persistent damage. On a success, you expose the target creature to
your contagion and inflict a -1 circumstance penalty to that saving throw against
your contagion, and on a critical success, the creature additionally treats that
saving throw against your contagion as 1 degree worse


Prerequisites Symbiote Dedication
Gain one symbiote feat. For the purposes of meeting its
prerequisites, your symbiote level is equal to half your character
Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time you
select it, you gain another symbiote feat.


Prerequisites Symbiote Dedication
Your infection causes your body to undergo rapid changes. You evolve
the following physical manifestation depending on the parasitic origin
you chose for the symbiote dedication:

Divine Partner Your vestigial wing grows larger and gains strength,
granting you some maneuverability in the air, but not flight. When you
Leap you may move an additional 5 feet horizontally. Undead are no
longer immune to your contagion.
Helminth Parasite Your swollen arm becomes as hard as stone. Though
mostly immobile and losing the ability to hold items with that hand, you
otherwise still consider the hand free. You can use an action to lift your
arm to defend yourself, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC.
You gain a petrified arm unarmed Strike that deals 1d8 bludgeoning
damage and have the shove and forceful traits. This unarmed Strike is in the
brawling group and treats the hardness of objects as 1 lower for every 2 levels
you have (minimum 1).
Outsider Influence Your flexible arms grows to be a tentacle, giving you a
tentacle unarmed Strike with the grapple and trip traits that does 1d6 damage,
and is in the brawling group.


Prerequisite Symbiote Dedication, expert in at least one saving throw
Choose one saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will) in which you are an expert. Your
proficiency rank in the chosen saving throw increases to master.


Prerequisite Symbiote Dedication, Contagion Carrier
Your contagion morphs into a more lethal form. Your contagion now has 3
stages, and your symbiote class DC increases to expert.
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