(Grades 7 & 8)
Part A
Beaver Robot
Beaver Robot can say sentences containing exactly 3 words.
Which sentence below cannot be said by Beaver Robot?
Digital Image
Ana created the following digital image.
She did her work in stages. For the last three stages, she added the following parts of the image as
shown in order from left to right.
Now Ana has decided to undo some of her work, removing the parts added in the last three stages.
Which of the following options shows the resulting picture?
Ice Cream Shop
A cool new ice cream shop with a self-service machine has opened! To place an order, you push the
arrow buttons to move the robot to the square with the flavour you want and then press to add a
scoop to the cone. After you have chosen three scoops, your order is prepared.
The robot always starts an order from the START square. For example, from left to right the sequence
What flavours will be on the ice cream cone, from bottom to top, if the order uses the following sequence,
from left to right?
(A) (C)
(B) (D)
Line Drawing
When Pixel tries to draw lines on graph paper, she does this by colouring
in blocks of tiny squares. Each of these squares intersects the line she is
trying to draw. This means she cannot always draw perfectly straight
lines. An example is shown where the blocks of squares Pixel coloured
do not look exactly the same as the straight diagonal line that she is
trying to draw.
Pixel has started to draw the diagonal line shown and coloured in the first 8 squares as shown. If she
continues drawing the line, then how will she colour the 2 × 3 block of squares shown in grey?
Magic Garden
In a magic garden, flowers can change during the night. If there is a group of at least two flowers of
the same type directly beside each other, then that group of flowers transforms into a group of different
flowers as follows:
• Groups of transform to .
• Groups of transform to .
• Groups of transform to .
What will the magic garden look like after four nights have passed?
Part B
In the computer game Superbebras, the background and the illusion of motion is created using a
sequence of tiles.
Tiles added to the right end of the sequence are chosen according to the rules in the diagram below.
Arrows point directly from each tile to the only tile(s) that can be added immediately to the right of it.
For example, a tile immediately to the right of the tile can only be tile or .
Which of the following images is not a possible Superbebras background?
(A) (C)
(B) (D)
Logs and Branches
Sequences of logs and branches are represented by codes, using the following two steps.
1. Moving from left to right in a sequence, each log or branch is represented by the number of branches
to the right of it in the sequence. This gives a sequence of numbers.
2. Then each even number in this sequence is replaced with a 0 and each odd number with a 1, to
obtain its code.
• The leftmost log has 3 branches to the right of it, so will be represented with a 3.
• The next branch has 2 branches to the right of it, so will be represented with a 2.
• The next branch has 1 branch to the right of it, so will be represented with a 1.
Which of the following sequences of logs and branches is represented by the code 11101000?
Genaro uses his balance scale to weigh the spices he sells. He uses only the following 5 weights on his
scale: 1 gram, 3 grams, 9 grams, 27 grams, and 81 grams.
Genaro always puts the spices on the right side of the scale. To measure 11 grams of spices, he places
his weights as shown.
To help train new employees, Genaro creates codes for different amounts of spices. In his code, L means
the weight is placed on the left side, R means the weight is placed on the right side, and O means the
weight is placed off the scale. Genaro writes each code in order from the smallest weight to the largest
weight. For example, the code for 11 grams of spices is RLLOO, as shown.
Weight (grams) 1 3 9 27 81
Position R L L O O
Among the following four codes, which measures the heaviest amount of spices?
Online Class
Nine students are sitting side by side in one row in the library while their teacher conducts an online
lesson from her home. The teacher sees the class from her laptop screen as shown.
Each student is using a different computer, but the teacher’s screen shows who each student is sitting
next to.
Which student is sitting in the middle (5th position) of the row in the library?
(A) Raul
(B) Lee
(C) Busara
(D) Hannah
Collecting Dolls
Beaver Deana enters the maze below carrying a doll of size 1. She then goes through the maze and
collects dolls of different sizes, placing smaller dolls inside larger dolls.
Deana follows the arrows and obeys the following rule whenever she encounters a doll.
• If the doll she encounters is bigger than the biggest doll she already has, she can choose to either
take the doll and put her dolls inside of it, or leave it behind.
• Otherwise, if the doll she encounters is the same size or smaller than the biggest doll she already
has, she must leave the doll behind.
What is the maximum number of dolls that Deana can collect, including the size 1 doll, by the time she
reaches the exit of the maze?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
Part C
Card Art
Manas creates drawings by combining some of the following images:
Manas draws on cards following one, single, secret rule. He has created four cards that obey this rule:
Anil observes the cards and creates a new card, but it does not obey the rule.
Which of the following could be the secret rule?
(A) If there is a cloud on the card, then there are no flowers on the card.
(B) There must either be a star on the card, or there is a person holding pizza on the card.
(C) If there is a person holding pizza on the card, then there is no crown on the card.
(D) There must either be a smiley sun on the card, or a cloud on the card.
Bernard has wrapped gifts for the 14 students in his class, and numbered the gifts from 1 to 14.
Bernard knows the weight of each gift. After wrapping each gift, Bernard realized that he accidentally
dropped his phone in one of the boxes. In order to avoid unwrapping many gifts, he plans to do the
1. Divide the 14 gifts into 2 piles, with the smallest 7 gift numbers in the first pile and the largest 7
gift numbers in the second pile.
2. Weigh the first pile. If it is heavier than expected, retain the first pile. Otherwise retain the second
3. Divide the retained pile into 2 piles containing as close to the same number of gifts as possible. If
there is an odd number of gifts, the first pile will have one fewer gift than the second pile. The
smallest gift numbers are in the first pile.
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the retained pile has a single gift that contains the phone. Open that
gift to retrieve the phone.
In which of the following situations would Bernard weigh the fewest number of piles?
Beaver Travels
Some of them went to the museum , and the rest of them went to the forest .
Beavers documented their various travels in the map below. Each circle is a place where beavers
could pass through, and the lines between them are the paths they could take. Each path is labelled
with an arrow indicating the direction the beavers took on that path, and also a number indicat-
ing the number of beavers that took that path. For example, three beavers took the path to the museum.
Unfortunately, some documentation is missing, so some paths are missing their label.
How many beavers went to the forest?
(A) 16
(B) 11
(C) 18
(D) 14
Seashell Game
Quinn and Evan are playing a game on the beach involving shells, holes, and lines in the sand.
To play the game, they take turns placing new shells in empty holes, some of which are connected by
lines. The first person to have two of their shells placed in holes directly connected by a line loses the
Quinn plays with one type of shell: , and Evan plays with another type of shell: .
The game has started and each player has completed two turns. The placement of these four shells are
as shown, and the remaining empty holes are numbered 1 through 7.
It’s now Quinn’s turn. In which empty hole should Quinn place her shell if she wants to guarantee a
win in the game?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 7
Disappearing Arrows
Fleas A, B, C, and D start a race, in that
order, from position 1 in the picture shown.
They continue to take turns in this order
(A, B, C, D, A, B, . . .) and follow two rules:
Which flea will finish first?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D