5. Router, Middleware, MVC
5. Router, Middleware, MVC
5. Router, Middleware, MVC
Table of Content –
1. Router.
2. MVC Architecture.
3. Middleware.
1. Router –
Using expressJS we can create routes. Routes helps us to segregate our each routes. For
example there can be one route called as authentication inside which we will specify our
auth routes for login, logout, signin and signout. We are segregating all of the routes so
that we will not flood the index.js file. So in order to segregate routes, we can first
create a folder called routes and then for example create a post route –
const router = require('express').Router();
module.exports = router;
After exporting the router, we will go back to index.js file and then do `app.use()` after
the `app.get()` route. `app.use()` is a middleware. Inside `app.use()` function we will
define our route and then the path of our route:
const postRouter = require('./routes/post.routes');
//..and all the default codes..
app.use('/post', postRouter);
//.. any other routes more than one..
For now there can be only one or two routers, but in future we will have a lot of routers,
and then our index.js file will start flooding, so, we can go even higher while segregating
our routes.
So inside routes folder we will create a folder called as `v1` and then create an `index.js`
file inside it, and inside the routes folder create another file `index.js`. now let us start
connecting these files with each other –
router.use('/post', postRouter);
module.exports = router;
We have connected our post.route.js file with our index.js file which is inside v1 folder.
router.use('/v1', v1);
module.exports = router;
We have connected v1’s folder index.js file into our routes folder index.js file.
//Our root index.js file
const express = require('express');
app.use('/', mainRoute)
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('server started');
And finally we have connected routes index.js file with our root index.js file
2. MVC Architecture –
MVC (Model, View, Controller) is simply a design or architectural pattern used in
software engineering. While this is not a hard rule, but this pattern helps developers
focus on a particular aspects of their application, one step at a time. The main goal of
MVC is to split large applications into specific sections that have their own individual
Model – As the name implies, a model is a design or structure. In the case of
MVC, the model determines how a database is structured, defining a section of
the application that interacts with the database.
View – View or Routes, is the page or output that we see after hitting the API.
Controller – The controller interacts with the model and serves the response and
functionality to the view. When an end user makes a request, it’s sent to the
controller which interacts with the database.
How these three talk to each other
First we will create 2 folders on the parent directory, one will be controllers, second will be
models. Inside models folder we will, as an example, create User.js file. Inside the User.js file we
will create a dummy data for demonstration. In future we will get these data from our
MongoDB database –
const users = [
name: "abc",
email: "abc@gmail.com",
password: 1234
name: "def",
email: "def@gmail.com",
password: 4321
module.exports = users;
Now inside the controllers folder we will create an auth.controller.js file and create a login
controller inside it –
console.log(email, password);
if (!email) {
return res.send('email is required.')
if (!password) {
return res.send('password is required.')
if (!user) {
return res.send('User not found');
module.exports = {
Logic of creating login controller (as a demo only).
module.exports = router;
This is how the models, routes and controllers talk with each other and perform such elegance
3. Middleware –
ExpressJS is a routing and middleware web framework that has minimal functionality of
its own. Middleware functions are functions that have access to the request object
(req), the response object (res), and the next middleware function (next) in the apps
request-response cycle. The next middleware function is commonly denoted by a
variable named next.
module.exports = m1;
Now we will use this middleware like this –
//Inside our root index.js file
const m1 = require('./src/middlewares/m1');
//..the rest of the code of root index.js file..