Business Analytics begins with basic descriptive statistics and progresses to • Develop a data mindset
regression analysis. You’ll learn course concepts in the context of A/B testing for
• Gain the analytical skills to
a website, checking the accuracy of inventory, forecasting sales, and planning
interpret and communicate
staffing levels. Throughout the course, you will receive clear guidance on how to
implement analytical techniques in Excel. No matter your job function or career
aspirations, this course will demystify data analysis and equip you with concrete • 5 modules of study over
skills to apply to your work or further studies. This course will allow you to: 8 weeks
• Approximately 40 hours of
• Recognize trends, detect outliers, • Craft sound survey questions and total learning time
and summarize data sets concisely draw conclusions from samples of a
• Certificate of Completion
larger population
• Analyze relationships between from Harvard Business
variables • Estimate the accuracy of statistics School Online
by calculating confidence intervals
• Develop and test hypotheses to
inform managerial decisions • Perform single and multiple variable
regression analysis using Excel and
interpret the output
Who is this course for? About the Harvard Business School Faculty
Business Analytics is designed for Janice H. Hammond
individuals who are looking to master Jesse Philips Professor of Manufacturing
quantitative methods used to analyze
data and make better management Professor Hammond is a Professor in the Technol-
decisions. ogy and Operations Management (TOM) Unit and
Senior Associate Dean for Culture and Community
at HBS. Her research focuses on speed and
flexibility in manufacturing and logistics systems
to respond to changing customer demand.
Describing and • Relationships Between Two Variables • Define and calculate descriptive statistics to summa-
Summarizing rize data sets concisely
Data • Analyze relationships between two variables by
creating scatter plots and calculating the correlation
• Creating Representative and Unbiased • Determine an adequate sample size, explain the
Samples importance of random sampling, and craft sound
survey questions to create representative samples
Module 2
• Confidence Intervals
and Estimation • Amazon’s Inventory Sampling
culating sample statistics and applying the properties
of the normal distribution
• Estimate the accuracy of statistics by calculating
confidence intervals
• Designing and Performing Hypothesis • Develop and test hypotheses to assess the impact of
Tests changes on an entire population or estimate
Module 3
• Quantify the evidence in favor of or against your
Testing hypothesis in order to make managerial decisions
• The Regression Line • Identify the best fit line for a data set and interpret
• Forecasting its equation
Module 4
Single • Interpreting the Regression Output • Analyze the relationship between two variables and
Variable Linear develop forecasts for values outside the data set
• Performing Regression Analysis
Regression • Forecasting Home Video Units
• Perform a regression analysis using Excel and inter-
pret the output
• The Multiple Regression Equation • Estimate the relative predictive power of different
• Adapting Concepts from Single Regression combinations of variables by performing and interpret-
Module 5