LD Lab Manual 2
LD Lab Manual 2
LD Lab Manual 2
Experiment No
Page. No
2-input OR gate
Experiment 2
Aim: - To realize half/full adder and half/full subtractor. i. ii. Using X-OR and basic gates Using only NAND gates.
Procedure: 1. Verify the gates. 2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. 3. Switch on V CC and apply various combinations of input according to the truth table 4. Note down the output readings for half/full adder and half/full subtractor sum/difference and the carry/borrow bit for different combination of input.
(a)Half subtractor
Full subtractor
Experiment :-3
Aim: - To verify the truth table of multiplexer using 74153 & to verify a demultiplexer using 74139. To study the arithmetic circuits half-adder half Subtractor, full adder and full Subtractor using multiplexer. Apparatus Required: IC 74153, IC 74139, IC 7404, etc. Procedure: - (IC 74153) 1. The Pin [16] is connected to + Vcc. 2. Pin [8] is connected to ground. 3. The inputs are applied either to A input or B input 4. If MUX A has to be initialized, Ea is made low and if MUX B has to be initialized, E is made low. 5. Based on the selection lines one of the inputs will be selected at the output and thus the truth table is verified. 6. In case of half adder using MUX, sum and carry is obtained by applying a constant inputs at I0a, I1a,I2a,I3a and I0b,I1b,I2b and I3b and the corresponding values of select lines are changed as per table and the output is taken at Z0a as sum and Z0b as carry. 7. In this case, the channels A and B are kept at constant inputs according to the table and the inputs A and B are varied. Making Ea and Eb zero and the output is taken at Za, and Zb. 8. In full adder using MUX, the input is applied at Cn-1, An and Bn According to the table corresponding outputs are taken at Cn and Dn.
Half Substractor :-
Full Substractor:-
Pin Details:
Procedure: - (IC 74139) 1. The inputs are applied to either a input or b input 2. The demux is activated by making Ea low and Eb low. 3. The truth table is verified
Experiment no:-4
Aim: - To verify the truth table of one bit and two bit comparators using logic gates. Apparatus Required: IC 7486, IC 7404, IC 7408, etc Procedure: 1. Verify the gates. 2. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram. 3. Switch on Vcc. 4. Applying I/p and Check for the outputs. 5. The voltmeter readings of outputs are taken and tabulated in tabular column. 6. The o/p is verified.
4-bit comparator
8-bit comparator
Experiment no:-5
Aim: - Truth table verification of Flip-Flops: 1) JK Master Slave 2) D- Type 3) T- Type Apparatus Required: IC 7410, IC 7400, etc. Procedure: 1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. The truth table is verified for various combinations of inputs Circuit Diagram: -
D Flip-Flop
T Flip-Flop
Truth Table:-
D Flip-Flop
T Flip-Flop
Experiment no: - 6
Aim:- Realization of 3-bit counters as a sequential circuit and Mod-N counter design (7476, 7490, 74192, 74193). Apparatus Required:IC 7408, IC 7476, IC 7490, IC 74192, IC 74193, IC 7400, IC 7416, IC 7432 etc. Procedure: 1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. Clock pulses are applied one by one at the clock I/P and the O/P is observed at QA, QB & QC for IC 7476. 3. Truth table is verified. Procedure (IC 74192, IC 74193):1. Connections are made as per the circuit diagram except the connection from output of NAND gate to the load input 2. The data (0011) = 3 is made available at the data i/ps A, B, C & D respectively. 3. The load pin made low so that the data 0011 appears at QD, QC, QB & QA respectively. 4. Now connect the output of the NAND gate to the load input 5. Clock pulses are applied to count up pin and the truth table is verified 6. Now apply (1100) = 12 for 12 to 5 counter and remaining is same as for 3 to 8 counter. 7. The pin diagram of IC 74192 is same as that of 74193. 74192 can be configured to count between 0 and 9 in either direction. The starting value can be any number between 0 and 9
Serial In Serial Out:1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. Load the shift register with 4 bits of data one by one serially. 3. At the end of 4th clock pulse the first data d0 appears at QD. 4. Apply another clock pulse; the second data d1 appears at QD. 5. Apply another clock pulse; the third data appears at QD. 6. Application of next clock pulse will enable the 4th data d3 to appear at QD. Thus the data applied serially at the input comes out serially at QD
Pin Diagram:
Truth Table:-
Parallel In Parallel Out:1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. Apply the 4 bit data at A, B, C and D. 3. Apply one clock pulse at Clock 2 (Note: Mode control M=1). 4. The 4 bit data at A, B, C and D appears at QA, QB, QC and QD respectively.
Truth Table:-
Parallel In Serial Out:1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram. 2. Apply the desired 4 bit data at A, B, C and D. 3. Keeping the mode control M=1 apply one clock pulse. The data applied at A, B, C and D will appear at QA, QB, QC and QD respectively. 4. Now mode control M=0. Apply clock pulses one by one and observe the data coming out serially at QD.
Truth Table:-
Left Shift:1. Connections are made as per circuit diagram 2. Apply the first data at D and apply one clock pulse. This data appears at QD. 3. Now the second data is made available at D and one clock pulse applied. The data appears at QD to QC and the new data appears at QD. 4. Step 3 is repeated until all the 4 bits are entered one by one At the end 4th clock pulse the 4 bits are available at QA, QB, QC and QD.
Pin diagram: -
Truth Table:-
Conclusion :