Checal2 Week4 Combustion+of+Gaseous+Fuels
Checal2 Week4 Combustion+of+Gaseous+Fuels
Checal2 Week4 Combustion+of+Gaseous+Fuels
Week 4
• Is a process of rapid exothermic oxidation in which a fuel burns in the
presence of oxygen with the evolution of heat and light
• Aim of combustion is to get the maximum amount of heat from a
combustible substance in the shortest time.
• Combustible substance containing carbon as main constituent (hydrogen,
oxygen sulphur, nitrogen, non combustible materials), which by oxidations
is made a source of heat that can be used for desired purpose (domestic /
industrial) – economically
• There are numerous factors which need to be taken into account when
selecting a fuel for any given application – PRICE, SPACE EFFECT ON THE
Fuel Types
• Carbon-based fuels: solid, liquid and gas
• Each type of fuels has different combustion characteristics that may
affect calculations.
• Gaseous and liquid fuels often require the least amount of %excess
air as they are easy to combust (5-20% excess air)
• Solid fuels are almost accompanied with large % excess air (up to
100% or more)
Characteristic of Good Fuel
1. A good fuel must have HIGH CALORIFIC VALUE
2. Moderate velocity of combustion – because the highest T achieved
by combustion of a fuel depends upon the CV and the velocity of
3. Moderate Ignition Temperature (Kindling Temperature) – the lowest
temp to which fuel must be pre heated so that it starts burning
smoothly. Take Note:
Low Ignition Temp – dangerous for storage and transportation
High Ignition Temp – causes difficulty in ignition of fuel
Characteristic of Good Fuel
5. Low moisture of content – moisture content reduces the heating
value of fuel
6. Low non combustible matter content – After combustion, the non
combustible matter remains in form of ASH or CLINKER. The non
combustible matter occupy volume in fuel and also reduces the heating
value, besides additional cost is included for storage, handling and
disposal of waste products produced. THERE IS HEAT LOSS OF 1.5% FOR
7. Availability and cost – a good fuel must be readily available at low
Characteristic of Good Fuel
8. Transportation for a good fuel transportation should be easy
9. Storage – it should be easily stored at low cost
10. No spontaneous combustion – a good fuel should not undergo
spontaneous combustion as it can cause fire hazards
11. Controllable combustion – combustion of good fuel should be
12. Less smoke – A good fuel should burn in air with efficiency without much
13. Harmless product of combustion – A fuel on burning should not give
harmful pollution causing products like SO2, CO, PH3, H2S etc.
14. Uniform size – for solid fuels size should be uniform so that combustion
is regular
Gaseous Fuels
• Commonly encountered gaseous fuels.
• Gas fuels are the most convenient require least amount of handling
and simplest and most maintenance free burner systems
• Gaseous fuels requires far less excess air for complete combustion
• Greater economy by use of efficient heat exchange methods possible
(i.e. the temperature is easily and accurately controlled)
• They are directly used in internal combustion engine
• They are fee from solid and liquid impurities
• They do not produce ash or smoke
Drawbacks in using gaseous fuels
• They are readily inflammable
• Its high specific volume results in displacement of air in a premixed
combustion systems
• Power produced with gaseous fuels is less when compared to solid
and liquid fuels
• Due to its high specific volume, gaseous fuel containers are much
larger than those for liquid fuels
Classification of Fuel
• Based on Occurrence
• Natural/Primary
• Artificial/Secondary
• Based on Physical State
• Solid
• Liquid
• Gas
Classification of Gaseous Fuels
A. Fuels naturally found pin nature
• Natural gas
• Methane from coal mines
B. Fuels gases made from solid fuel
• Gases derived from coal
• Gases derived from waste and biomass
• Other industrial processes/by-product of the reduction of ores (blast furnace
C. Gases made from petroleum
• Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
• Refinery gases
• Gases from oil gasification
Classification of Gaseous Fuels
D. Gases from Fermentation Process
When deciding whether an alternative gas can be used in an application:
• For the same pressure drop, the heat release is roughly the same
• For the same air and fuel flows, the flame shape is same (Flame shape and
size are crucial parameters, which have to be carefully considered when
designing and operating a combustion device since they determine many
combustion features, e.g., the temperature field, pollutant emission,
combustion efficiency, and material safety.)
• For the same heat release conditions, are the pollutants within a specified
Classification of Gaseous Fuels
E. Other manufacture gases
• From carbides with water (acetylene)
• By electrolysis with electricity (H2)
• From peat – by distillation or carbonization (peat gas)
By gasification
In air (producer gas)
In and steam (water gas)
Calorific Value (CV) of Gaseous Fuels
- Also known as Heating Value of gaseous fuels
- It is the heat given off by the complete combustion of a unit quantity
(mass or volume) of fuel at some reference temperature (25°C or for
convenience ambient air temperature may be used)
- Capacity to supply heat is the most important property
- Units
- For solid and liquid fuels ( KJ/kg, kcal/kg, cal/g, BTU/lb)
- For gaseous fuels (KJ/m3, Kcal /m3, BTU/ft3, cal/cm3)
Volume Measurement
Common conditions for Gas Volume Measurements are:
• Standard Temperature and Pressure – 60°F and 30” Hg or 15.56°C and 760
mm Hg
• Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) – 32°F and 30” Hg or 0°C and 760