Received: 4 Jan 2022, In this paper, Bayesian Network methodology based on interview questionnaire with
Revised: 7 Jan 2022, two experts was applied on an ammonia storage unit in a fertilizers production plant.
Accepted: 25 Jan 2022, Ammonia is stored in cold storage tank as liquefied gas at atmospheric pressure. This
Online: 21 Feb 2022 tank is susceptible to failures due to various abnormal conditions arising due process
failures. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) was used to identify all the failure modes, which
could result in the occurrence of the undesirable incident. Subsequently, the storage
Keywords: unit was found to belong to the “highly hazardous category” based on consequences
Ammonia tank failure, Bayesian analysis technique. Evaluation of probability of occurrence was applied based on
Network, Root Cause Analysis, conditional probability table (CPT) to obtain the occurrence probabilities of the
Consequence Analysis, Failure potential failures and the respective consequences. Subsequently, BN prediction
Prediction and Diagnosis analysis was used is useful tool to predict the future events and it useful tool in the
decision making, in addition BN diagnosis analysis was performed to determine the
posterior probabilities of basic events which can be used to find the system
vulnerabilities. The results showed that corrosion, overfilling, and faulty pressure
indicator are the most likely to cause the top event. Nevertheless, these situations
could be averted if the operators are trained and are sensitized to practice relatively
simple safety measures.
1. Introduction
Chemical process industries (CPIs) are very prone properly managed could escalate small mishaps
to catastrophic accidents as they contain large into catastrophic events [2]. It is very important to
quantities of highly flammable and explosive understand the hazards and risks associated with
chemicals. The operating conditions of intense, the the process; to carry out a risk assessment to
complex interactions between the system identify them and to take appropriate action to
components [1] and human and organizational eliminate or minimize hazards and risks;
failures issues which make CPI vulnerable to otherwise, a catastrophic accident may result. For
process deviations and failures, that if not example, process installations involve a large
*Corresponding author:
E-mail addresses: Mohammed Faraj Saeid faraj.saeid@yahoo.com
2523-9376/© 2022 Global Scientific Journals - MZM Resources. All rights reserved.
Saeid, M. F. et al. Journal of Global Scientific Research (ISSN: 2523-9376) 7 (2) 2022 2095
number of pumps, compressors, separators, (FTA) , failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA),
complex pipe systems, storage tanks, etc. in the have been criticized for presenting accurate
congested area. A small mistake by the operator or results due to disadvantages such as being static
a problem in the process system could escalate (unable to update the probability of events), using
into such a disastrous event, as the process area is generic data failure (unable to handle data
congested with process equipment and pipe uncertainties) and being unable to consider
systems and has limited ventilation and escape complex dependences between system
routes. Case histories have shown that components [9]. Bayesian network is a scheme
catastrophic accidents have had a significant that shapes the relationship of probability
impact on people, the environment and society as between events. In this scheme, the nodes
they have resulted in fatalities and large financial represent the events, and the lines that link them
losses. For example, a vapor cloud explosion in the represent the causal relationship. Each node has
BP Texas City refinery in 2005 resulted in 15 its own probability table, which lists the frequency
fatalities, 180 injuries and $1.5 billion in losses of the occurrence of an event (it can be discrete or
[3]. The investigation fund that lack of risk continuous). Therefore, the BN consists of a graph
reduction measures and insufficient process associated with the probability tables. The
safety contributed to this catastrophic accident. evolution of a factor, such as the fact that one of
The U.S. CSB investigation on explosion of natural the nodes passes from an indecisive state to a
gas at the ConAgra foods processing facility in certain state, causes the evolution of all the factors
North Carolina in 2009 and the Kleen Energy linked to it. Consequently, the network
Power Plant Connecticut in 2020, reported failure recalculates the probabilities as the amount of
to follow inherently safer approach from fire and knowledge available increases [10]. Recently, in a
explosion hazard contributed to explosions [4]. In comparative study on FTA and BN in process
2010, 11 deaths and 17 injuries resulted from a safety analysis, explained the various modeling
fire and explosion caused due to blowout at the features of BN that help to incorporate multi-state
Macondo well [5]. Also, the environment and variables, dependent failures, functional
wildfire surrounding the Gulf of Mexico had uncertainties and expert opinions that are
catastrophic effects resulting from the continuous frequently encountered in safety analysis but
spill from the wellhead for 87 days. cannot be considered FTA [4]. A risk-based
accident model based on BN has been developed
These incidents have profoundly changed the for analysis of leakage failure of submarine oil and
perception of people and have contributed greatly gas pipelines [11]; the findings of their
to rising concern about emphasizing the safety of investigation have shown that BN can provide a
processes. more case-specific and realistic analysis of the
consequences compared to the bow-tie (BT)
Risk assessment is a methodology used to identify method, since it could consider common cause
possible events or future accidents that may failures and conditional dependence in the
occur, determine how likely they may occur, and accident evolution process. QRA conventional
evaluate the potential consequences. As a result, methods such as BT, FTA, and event tree analysis
the hazard can be assessed qualitatively and (ETA) are strictly one way, a reverse inference or
quantitatively for a specific failure scenario [6]. a two-way analysis may also be provided by BN,
The reliable risk analysis methodology plays a key not only to find the results of the causes, but also
role in the development of prevention plans and in to find the causes of the results [12].
the control of failures during CPI process
operations. The qualitative and quantitative A quantitative risk assessment has been
methods are two key aspects of risk [7], widely performed for an ammonia storage facility. The
applied in chemical industries. In spite of their storage facility was found to belong to the “highly
popularity as more adaptable and cost-effective hazardous category” based on qualitative Hazard
decision-making tools than qualitative methods Analysis (HAZAN) technique, which involved a
[8], Quantitative risk assessment (QRA) detailed Fire, Explosion and Toxicity Index studies
conventional methods (e.g. fault tree analysis (FETI) and Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
Saeid, M. F. et al. Journal of Global Scientific Research (ISSN: 2523-9376) 7 (2) 2022 2096
analysis. Subsequently, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) their consequences using expert
was used to identify all the failure modes [13] interview questionnaire.
2. Evaluation of Probability of Occurrence:
A methodology of Bayesian Networks (BNs) based For the estimation of occurrence
dynamic failure assessment (DFA) was applied on probability of an event, it is proposed to
an ammonia storage unit in a specialized chemical use the Bayesian Networks technique.
industry. The study shows the use of DFA tools in This technique was chosen because of
conducting an effective failure assessment study its advantages against traditional ones,
and the method showed that it can be detected the like fault tree and event tree analysis.
vulnerable areas which help to prevent escalation Developing Bayesian Network model
of an abnormal event to a major accident [8]. will be into two parts, the first one is to
develop direct acyclic graph (qualitative
In process industries, a lack of formal data in part) by using Genie (Graphical network
conducting risk analysis is quite a hindrance and interface) software package. It is useful
has proved to be the biggest blight in conducting a for decision analysis and for graphically
proper safety assessment. Safety analysts need to representing the union of probability
use a large amount of subjective information in and networked occurrences.
their studies. The preferred tool must therefore be Particularly, Genie can be used for the
able to use this subjective information formally in analysis of Bayesian networks, or
order to achieve objective results [8]. directed acyclic graphs; the second part
is to create the probability of the
The aim of the present study is to analysis the variables or factors by using conditional
causes and consequences of ammonia tank probability table (quantitative part).
leakage in a fertilizers production plant based on 3. Bayesian networks analysis (prediction
Bayesian networks (BNs) methodology for the and diagnosis): In this step, the risk was
risk assessment. A BNs is a simple method that estimated and assessed by the network
gives the qualitative and quantitative analysis of with considering the failure
the factors as well as by using BNs method it can probabilities and the relevant
be simply to present the relationship between the consequences. Only two different states
factors and effects. of true and false were considered for the
risk node.
2. Research Methodology
Case Study: Ammonia Storage Tank
Ammonia is widely used as a precursor to other
agricultural and industrial processes products Ammonia surplus is stored in a large capacity
throughout the world. Approximately 80% of the tank in Fertilizers Industries. Special processes
ammonia produced by the industry is used in must be developed for the efficient discharge
agriculture as fertilizer and therefore, due to its and storage of hazardous chemicals, such as
high risk, the safety of ammonia storage must be ammonia, and several related parameters must
ensured, and preventive measures must be taken be checked and evaluated. In ammonia plants,
to prevent any explosion or fire. However, ammonia is produced from hydrogen and
ammonia production plants are still suffering in nitrogen-containing synthesis gas at a ratio of
this area due to a lack of uncertain and limited approximately 3:1. In addition to these
data [14]. The proposed approach is based on components, the synthetic gas also contains
quantitative and qualitative risk assessment limited inert gases, such as argon and methane.
practice. This approach goes through the The H2 source is demineralized water (steam)
following seven main steps: and hydrocarbons in natural gas. Atmospheric
air is the source of N2. The source of CO2 is the
1. Analysing the root causes that lead to hydrocarbons in the feed of natural gas [13].
occurrence the accidents scenarios and
Saeid, M. F. et al. Journal of Global Scientific Research (ISSN: 2523-9376) 7 (2) 2022 2097
Figure 1. Schematic sketch of ammonia storage facility. V: vent line; PI: pressure indicator; LI: level
indicator; TIC: temperature indicator (adapted from 13)
A schematic of a representative storage tank is happened, why it happened, and what can be done
shown in Fig. 1. The tank is 12 m long and 2.9 m in to prevent it from happening again. The analysis
diameter. The chemical is stored at ambient was implemented based on an interview by using
temperature and at a pressure of 13 kg/cm2 , questionnaire with two experts from BASF
under these conditions, it exists as a pressurized PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd and Central
liquid. The tank is made of carbon steel and is Emergency & Fire Services Pengerang Integrated
supported by a saddle (3 no) at a height of 1 m. Complex (CEFS PIC) in Malaysia. Expert opinion is
The ground underneath is composed of small one of the most prevalent approaches to address
stones and soil, all around the storage section is possibilities of safety risks. Table 1 presents the
provided with a concrete path. The tank is root causes of ammonia leakage, all possible
equipped with a bayonet heater in which hot routes for the occurrence of the probable scenario,
water at 70-110 °C is used as a heating medium. commonly referred to as the top event. The factors
There is also a cooling system to prevent of ammonia storage tank leakage assessed under
overheating, which may lead to a build-up of material and operational failures, both of these
pressure. Ammonia is transferred through factors have a root cause. Material failure of the
insulated pipelines to the nearby sections [13]. tank is due to corrosion, wrong design and fatigue.
Overpressure and implosion can cause
3. Results and Discussion operational failure due to some factors such as
overfilling, cooling system failure and faulty
3.1 Root Cause Analysis (RCA) pressure indicator that lead to overpressure in the
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a key part of risk
assessment and it is useful tool to identify what
Saeid, M. F. et al. Journal of Global Scientific Research (ISSN: 2523-9376) 7 (2) 2022 2098
3.4 Conditional probability table (CPT) probability of occurrence of each failure scenario
with the respective consequence, and adding all of
Conditional probability table is the quantitative the risks. The average values of CPT were applied
part of the Bayesian network. The CPT values are to the GeNIe software package to release the final
extracted from the expert’s experience in the results as shown in the Fig. 3.
current study field by using detailed
questionnaire. Table 2 (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) present the
3.5 Bayesian Network analysis (prediction and It is assumed that the conditional probability of
diagnosis) corrosion, implosion and overfilling are 100%
(failure has occurred) which is led to increase in
BN prediction analysis the probability distribution of some factors such
as material failure probability raised up to 71%,
BN predictive analysis is using forward prediction operational failure probability increased to 84%
of the Bayesian network. The analysis was and overpressure probability raised up to 71%. as
performed by changing some of conditional a result of this assumption, increasing in the
probability values with 100% to predict the probability of toxic gas release, fire and explosion
probability distribution of failure factors before an consequences up to 64%, 46% and 45%
accident occur. BN prediction analysis is useful respectively, as indicated in the Fig. 4.
tool to predict the future events in the decision
The results show that corrosion, overfilling, and faulty pressure indicator are the most likely to cause the
ammonia leakage accident scenario.
Table 3. shows a comparison of the probability of the factors, consequence and ammonia leakage scenario
occurrence during the normal conditions of the ammonia storage tank with that ones in prediction and
diagnosis analysis.