so, the school also emphasizes the same. The process of integrating
standards into the curriculum should emphasize learning and growth for all
as the natural and desired outcome of reform in the schools. From that
perspective, a standards-based curriculum includes not only goals,
objectives, and standards, but everything that is done to enable attainment
of those outcomes and, at the same time, foster reflection and revision of the
curriculum to ensure students’ continued growth (Pattinson & Berkas, 2000).
According to Tembrevilla (2020) in her study "Examining ICT and FoK
Integration in rural public junior high schools with the Philippines’ new K-12
curriculum” This study contributes in understanding of teaching technology
in ICT and FoK in rural public high schools. Moreover, it underscores areas for
consideration in developing countries with similar circumstances such as the
Philippines regarding: centering ICT investments on teachers and teaching;
clarifying ICT policies’ terms of implementation, noting that different
definitions lead to different policy investments and recommendations;
introducing video-creation as a professional development program for
teachers in rural public schools; and recognizing rural public schools and
their teachers as places and people of innovation and alternatives of
pedagogical effectiveness.