Most Likely Questions
Most Likely Questions
Most Likely Questions
Chapter - 1
1. Draw the block diagram of Embedded system and explain every block.
2. Explain Following characteristics of Embedded System 1) Processor Power 2)
Memory 3) reliability 4) Unit cost
3. Compare Von Neumann and Harvard architecture.
4. Compare RISC and CISC architecture.
5. List PIC Microcontroller Features.
6. List AVR Microcontroller Features.
7. List Applications of large scale embedded system.
8. List Applications of Small scale Embedded System.
Chapter - 2
9. Compare assembly language and embedded 'C' with respect to following
points(a)Time for coding (b)execution time(c) hex file.
10. Explain C data types with their range used in the Embedded System.
11. List Arithmetic & logical operators used in C language programming.
12. Explain timer modes of 8051.
13. Draw and explain TCON SFR format.
14. List various SFRs needed for serial communication using microcontroller
89C51.Also list various baud rate for serial communication.
15. List all the interrupts of 89C51 with their priorities and vector addresses.
Chapter - 3
16. Explain Asynchronous serial communication
17. Compare synchronous and asynchronous serial communication
18. Describe the parallel protocols PCI and PCI-X.
19. Draw the pin out of RS-232 and describe function of it’s 9 pins.
20. State any four features of Bluetooth technology.
21. State any four features of ZigBee.
22. Draw & explain frame format of CAN bus protocol.
23. Draw and explain frame format of I2 C bus protocol.
Chapter - 4
24. Draw interfacing diagram of LCD with 89C51 and state functions of the following
pins of LCD display (i) RS (ii) E
25. Draw & explain the labelled interfacing diagram to interface relay with 89C51
26. Draw labelled circuit diagram to interface 4x4 matrix keyboard with 89C51
27. Draw labelled interfacing diagram of ADC 0808 with 89C51 microcontroller &
Explain Handshake signals.
28. Draw labelled interfacing diagram showing DAC 0808 with 89C51 Microcontroller
and write C Program to display i) Sawtooth Waveform ii) Triangular Waveform.
29. Draw & explain labelled interfacing diagram of temperature sensor LM35 with
30. Draw diagram showing interfacing between DC motor and Microcontroller 8051.
Write C Program to rotate DC motor clockwise / anticlockwise based on switch
Chapter - 5
31. Differentiate RTOS with desktop operating system(GPOS). (any four points).
32. State various task scheduling algorithms in RTOS. Describe round robin
scheduling algorithm with suitable diagram.
33. State following characteristics of RTOS
i) Reliability ii) Scalability iii) Performance iv) predictability
1. Write C Program to multiply two 16 bit numbers.
2. Write C Program to perform 8 bit Addition & Subtraction.
3. Write C Program to perform following 8 bit logical operations.
i) ANDing ii) Oring iii) Ex-Oring iv) 1st Compliment
4. Write 'C' program to read data from port 1 and output it to port 2.
5. Write 'C' program to add two 8 bit numbers and output result on port 2.
6. Write 'C' program to toggle all bits of P2 continuously every 50ms.Use timer 0 in
mode 1 to create delay
7. Write 'C' Program to create square wave of frequency 1KHz on P2.7, use timer 1
mode 1 to create delay.
8. Write 'C' Program to receiver bytes of data serially and put them in P1, set baud
rate of 4800, 8-bit data and 1 stop bit.
9. Write ‘C’ program for 89C51 to read data from port p1 and p2 . compare the data
and send bigger data on port p3.
10. Write ‘C’ program for 89C51 to read data from port P1 and P2.Compare the data
and send smaller data on port P3.
11. Write 89C51 ‘C’ program to receive data serially from RX pin and send the data
on port 1 continuously .Assume baud rate to be 9600 and crystal frequency as
11.0592 MHz.
12. Write 89C51 ‘C’ language program to generate square wave program of 1 KHz
on pin P2.0 using timer 0. Assume crystal frequency as 12MHz.
13. Write 89C51 ‘C’ language program to generate square wave program of 10 KHz
on pin P2.0 using timer 0. Assume crystal frequency as 11.0592MHz.
14. Write 89C51 ‘C’ program to rotate stepper motor 900 in clockwise direction.
Motor has step angle of 1.80. Use the stepper motor in full step sequence.
15. Write a programing ‘C’ language for generating triangular waveform using DAC
16. Write a programing ‘C’ language for generating sawtooth(ramp) waveform
using DAC 0808.
17. Write C Program to convert Analog voltage into digital data using ADC 0808.
18. Write 'C' Program to transfer message "ESY" serially at 9600 baud rate, 8 bit data
and 1 stop bit, do this continuously.
19. Write ‘C’ language program for 89C51 to read number from port 1 , mask the
upper four bits of number and output on port 2.
20. Write C Program to display “Embedded” on 16 *2 LCD.